That 95% 'white' means nothing just in the US as there's plenty of people with non-European ethnicity that are still considered white, especially since it's a self identification. Indians are even considered/consider themselves 'Caucasian' in some places as they're considered Indo-European.
Foreign means that an increasing amount of people - a quarter with that number to grow more and more - are not ethnically Irish. Again, if Ireland wants that - fine. Poland has chosen a different path and wishes to remain a homogenous Christian nation where Polish people, not 'foreign' regardless of self identification, are the ones in power. Foreign/those of another ethnicity will undoubtedly bring foreign influence - which increasingly isn't welcome by many citizens esp in Poland. It's not that we don't want foreign people to work, live, study and contribute to the society - but this is Poland, and Poland is for Poles and to be ruled by Poles.
European Court decide.
We already know what the EC will decide.
If Poland doesn't want to be mixed up in the political agendas of the EU we must ally with all the other populists from Hungary, Czechy, Austria, Italy, etc and reject the political interference. EU was set up to be a social and economic union - not a political one where decisions from Brussels that go against the constitution and culture of individual states are to be blindly implemented and resistance quashed. Just like the USSR did during Khrushchev and Brezhnev's reign. Afterall they learned from the best - the EU constitution is modeled after the USSR.
Speaking of cucked United Kaliphate:
This is exactly what I mean - Christians, conservatives, etc are persecuted. The left doesn't want more people to wake up and take a rid pill. They don't want common citizens to realize that indeed others share their same concerns with Islamization of Europe, terrorism, the economic burden, etc. It's disgusting! Well clearly there's no such thing as free speech in UK and now they're even enforcing thought crime. This girl didn't even get to interview hero Tommy Robinson and yet she gets called racist, xenophobe, and a danger to UK society because she isn't happy about the Islamization of Europe. They kick her out for thought crime, not actions as she was refused entry based on what she MIGHT do and MIGHT report on.
I don't believe that British nationals, by ethnicity, are fond of this type of nonsense. Perhaps one day Poland and the expanding V4 will help give countries like UK, Germany, Sweden, etc. back to its people. And yet the liberals wonder why AfD had a meteoric rise in such a short time. Europeans are getting sick and freaking tired of this political correctness and being forced to accept the terrorism, rapes, and all the other problems caused by Merkel's burden on top of having this gender garbage and promotion of depraved sexuality even to children. In one EU country, forgot which one but one of the Scandinavian ones, child's genders are left blank so the kid can decide later in life what gender they are... its insanity and the non brainwashed people are getting sick of this nonsense!