The Constitution which makes it clear that everyone is to be treated equally?
Yes, all Polish citizens are ideally to be treated equally. Naturally, it is up to the security apparatus, police, MFA, MIA, determine which groups or individuals are participating in actions or groups that pose a threat to the stability of Polish society and institutions.
Others include:
The Republic of Poland shall be the common good of all its citizens
The Nation shall exercise such power directly or through their representatives.
The financing of political parties shall be open to public inspection. - hence the raids on Soros' offices so MFA and the security apparatus can examine their documents to see if there is collusion against Polish institution.
Marriage, being a union of a man and a woman, as well as the family, motherhood and parenthood, shall be placed under the protection and care of the Republic of Poland - Thank goodness! No Adam and Steve in Poland... We're okay with civil unions, but the majority of Poles (source: CBOS) shows they're against gay marraige
Parents shall have the right to rear their children in accordance with their own convictions. Such upbringing shall respect the degree of maturity of a child as well as his freedom of conscience and belief and also his convictions. - also good, parents can raise their kids how they want - left, right, catholic, atheist, etc. Polish society embraces Catholic upbringing instead of constantly undermining our religion and traditions like the Zionist owned media and government along with their far left commie allies are attempting to do in the west
If, no later than on the day of vote, he has attained 18 years of age, Polish citizen shall have the right to participate in a referendum and the right to vote for the President of the Republic of Poland as well as representatives to the Sejm and Senate and organs of local government. -- means EU residents who aren't citizens cannot participate in such elections
Here's my favorite
Loyalty to the Republic of Poland, as well as concern for the common good, shall be the duty of every Polish citizen.