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Poland's ex-commies to be weeded out of sporting community and law enforcement

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Oct 2016 /  #1
TVP1 evening news has reported that efforts are being made to finally weed out MO, SB, ORMO and ZOMO types out of Poland's sporting community and law-enforcement servcices. For a quarter of a century the soft-on-commies ruling post-roundtable establishment as personified by the UD, UW, SLD and PO had only paid lip-service to lustration (vetting) but failed to screen out many of those who had persecuted Poles during PRL. Such a measure is long overdue but better late than never! The good-change PiS govenrment has scored yet another significant breakthrough!
11 Oct 2016 /  #2
efforts are being made to finally weed out MO, SB, ORMO and ZOMO types out

Are they also planning to weed out the loyal servants of the Party, the kind of creatures which volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era, such as Chairman Kaczynski, and those who actually did prosecute people for crimes such as distributing the Solidarnosc newspaper, such as Piotrowicz?
jon357  72 | 23361  
11 Oct 2016 /  #3
I think this is actually a very sad thread, trying to make a point that doesn't actually exist.

One might equally ask whether or not they are also planning to weed out ex-communist defectors with obese transvestite sons who vent their frustrations by attacking sportspeople, police and anyone who actually contributes to society.

What goes around comes around and if one wants to attack law enforcement officers, sportspeople etc it's hard to do if one is in a very fragile glass house.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Oct 2016 /  #4
Chairman Kaczynsk

Sure, go report him to IPN, the prosecutor or police or whomever. After all, Snitcher is your middle name!
11 Oct 2016 /  #5
go report him to IPN, the prosecutor or police or whomever.

No can do, he committed no crime when he volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Oct 2016 /  #6
ex-communist defectors with obese transvestite sons

Again like your That Cat Guru you're afraid to be specific. Sounds like you're just making this stuff up. You have badmouthed respected senior statesmen like Duda, Kaczyński, Szydło and Macierewicz, so why tremble at the thought of naming some also-ran poor man's Tom, Dick or Hairy? Fraid of a law suit or what?
jon357  72 | 23361  
11 Oct 2016 /  #7
Sounds like you're just making this stuff u

No, you and I and half the scandalised neighbours would say otherwise.

So why attack sportspeople and police?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Oct 2016 /  #8
he committed no crime

So why harp on it like a broken record. You have certainly committed the crime of boring people to death with your inane insinutaions and distortions of reality.

scandalised neighbours

You keep introducing topics which say absolutely nothing. They are not attacking sports people or police. They want to weed out former commies who wormed their way into positions of power in the sporting communtiy and police and other services that had persecuted decent Poles in PRL and then got rewarded by makign a smooth transition to similar jobs and fat pensions in posot-commie roundtable Poland. Oh yes, their undeserved fatcat pensions will be downsized. Justice must prevail.
jon357  72 | 23361  
11 Oct 2016 /  #9
What about 'weeding out' ex communist defectors? What about 'weeding out' north Warsaw half-American trannies who look like Oliver Hardy in a frock?

Poland is better than that. People face up to the past and look to making the future a better, less screwed up place.

Why attack sportspeople, Po, why attack police who generally contribute hugely to society?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Oct 2016 /  #10
Why attack sportspeople

Only those who should have been screened out but managed to infiltrate stand to lose their cushy posts. There are far more deserving people for those jobs. Only the commie hold-overs in the he police need fear. Besides, they have already undeservedly consumed the fruits of transformation.

half the scandalised neighbour

So what neighbours are you referring to? edited
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Oct 2016 /  #11
screened out

Why on earth would you want to politicise sport?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Oct 2016 /  #12
politicise sport

Not politicise but de-communise. It is an outrage that the commie-era survivors who should have been thoroughly vetted slipped through the system and straight into the cushy post-roundtable post-KOR/PZPR clique which had monopolised the fruits of transformation for 25 years. Those that persecuted decent Poles in PRL should have been punished, not rewarded!
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Oct 2016 /  #13

I doubt any of Poland's sports leaders hold Communist views and if any do, I doubt it would impact on their role.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Oct 2016 /  #14
less screwed up place

With pervs, weirdos, christophobes and KOD's haters running loose the place will be even more screwed up than it is now.
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Oct 2016 /  #15
With pervs, weirdos, christophobes and KOD's haters running loose

There you go again.

A very negative view and not one that anyone psychologically healthy would recognise.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Oct 2016 /  #16
negative view

Apologists of the weirdities naturally try to downpedal or slough them off so they become a fait accompli before people realise what's happening. And old, tried and true totalitarian technique.
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Oct 2016 /  #17
That makes no sense and has nothing to do with sport.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Oct 2016 /  #18
leaders hold Communist views

Of course they don't, they are the greediest, most opportunistic capitaists around. There were very few true marxists in Poland. Yes it was a 100% Marxist country: 10% Karl and 90% Groucho!

It is the people who served the alien Soviet-opposed regime agaisnt the Polish nation who should be remvoed from their psoitosn of infleunce and not be rewarded for their anti-Polish iniquities. Fortunately, in March IPN will finally spill the beans and we will all know who is who.
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Oct 2016 /  #19
Don't be daft. A sports administrator is exactly that: a sports administrator. Not a politician.
12 Oct 2016 /  #20
Those that persecuted decent Poles in PRL should have been punished, not rewarded!

Yes, take away the multi-million zloty villas in Zoliborz from the likes of that man who volunteered to prosecute dissidents during the commie era and that PZPR shill! Convert the properties into multi-family housing, each villa could be six flats for decent Poles.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Oct 2016 /  #21
sports administrator

The point is that someone who served anti-Polish Soviet masters does not deserve a cushy influential post regardless of how competent he is in his field. PRL-era perfidy shoudl be punished or at the very least openly stigmatised, but by no means rewarded. Justice must prevail!
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Oct 2016 /  #22
someone who served anti-Polish Soviet masters

Oh, the irony...

regardless of how competent he is in his field

Nonsense. Ability is everything and political affiliation is nothing.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Oct 2016 /  #23
Ability is everything

Eichmann and Dr Mengele were experts in their field. Both were executed.
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Oct 2016 /  #24
You're seriously pretending to compare sports administrators with those two? That's feeble even by your abysmally weak standards...

Btw, only one of them was executed.....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Oct 2016 /  #25
compare sports administrators

I was referring to idiots who claim ability is everything! Know any such nutters?Unimportant if they were sports administrators or any other professional -- any enemy of the Polish nation should be punished or at least stigmatised, but never rewarded for treasonable support of alien occupation forces. That will all be corrected when the iPN files are opened. Better late than never!
12 Oct 2016 /  #26
someone who served anti-Polish Soviet masters does not deserve a cushy influential post regardless of how competent he is in his field.

Even more so if they are so utterly incompetent in their chosen field that they can't even find people to work for free of charge.

That will all be corrected when the iPN files are opened.

Are those the same IPN files according to which not one single commie ever even speculated that it might be a good idea to have a quick look whether a man whose colleagues said things such as 'One brother came to a party with his wife and the other brother came with his husband' might possibly be gay? Given that that's what the IPN claim their files say about Chairman Kaczynski, we can all tell how accurate their files are.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
12 Oct 2016 /  #27
Ability is everything and political affiliation is nothing.

If you mean an ability of the henchmen of genocidal regime and yes-men without any real skils or abilities needed in a civilized society, you're right .

However those are precisely people whose abilities and lack of principles disqualifies them for prminent roles in a independent democratic country. They're precisely that sort of people that independent p[oland doesn't need - more, they are liability and they are harmful to the interest of the Polish society. On the other hand such a people are handy to those unsavoury characters who take care for the shady end of business . . To rip off profits out of the misery of the general populace in Poland in the process.
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Oct 2016 /  #28
henchmen of genocidal regime and yes-men without any real skils or abilitie

Any specific examples of those in sports administration?

No, just your fantasy.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Oct 2016 /  #29
might possibly be gay

According to the teaching of Holy Mother the Church, there's nothing wrong with being a homo. It's the practice of such perversion that is evil.

Why attack sportspeople, Po,

The IPN will reveal PRL-era thugs and stooges who tortured, persecuted or harassed decent anti-communist Poles and then jumped on the KOR/PZPR bandwagon and grabbed the goodies that their victims were deprived of. If that's the kind of people you defend and equate with, then you are the same kind of slimeball as they.
jon357  72 | 23361  
14 Oct 2016 /  #30
PRL-era thugs and stooges who tortured, persecuted or harasse

Are any of those Poles you mention sports administrators?

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