coalition is on 26%
What coalition? One doesn't maek a colaiton with a party that hasn't cleared the 5% threshold. It's unlikely the PSL will make into the Sejm next time round. According to normal arithmetic it's 37% for PiS and 35% for the losers' camp. The latter are likely to lose support if they continue their anti-Polish rabble-rousing. Average Poles feel Poland is being bullied by the EU mainly because of Schetyna-Petru sustained snitchery (in the original -- donosy).
oined Wałęsa's chancellery
The Kaczyńskis played a key role in Wałęsa's presidential campaign. Later their relations soured but it was not until the 1992 parliamentary coup that a total rift occurred. Porozumienie Centrum was the only party with not a single ex-PZPR member of TW in their ranks. The Nocna Zmiana marked the start of the Polish-Polish war which continues to plague the country at present and most likely will drag on into the future, wasting much human energy and financial resources
that could be put to much better use.