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Nathan  18 | 1349  
29 Jun 2010 /  #91
But why only 10 years?


Under the contract worth an estimated 100 billion dollars – the biggest business deal in the history of Poland – Poland is to increase its imports of Russian gas.

The contract to buy gas from Gazprom until 2037 will make Poland 100% dependent on Russian gas for the next 28 years in spite of the announcement of the discovery of huge gas reserves in Poland in April just before the memorial service in Katyn, Smolensk.

So, it is not even 20 years, it is 28! Do you think Russia will disappear in 10 years? Or with the discovery of new deposits of gas in Poland the price of gas will go up somehow? I don't really know the specs of the deal regarding the price, but

representative of the Russian Economy Ministry warned Poland that if the country did not sign the agreement soon, it could end up with no gas in October.

this tone of business negotiations is not acceptable. It means that Poland won't do it in its own interests, but is basically forced into the unwanted deal. How do you expect the government in all its decency to develop its own reserves when there is 28 years deal where you want it or not, have to purchase the gas. And as you see, it is not only about purchasing what Poland needs, it is acctually more

Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk intends to change a gas agreement with Russia, if it turns out that the part of needs could be covered by the gas produced from shale.

This is what I think is quite reasonable. You don't buy a car with 28 years promise of purchasing gas for it.
Again, hope they will do the best for their country and people. That's all that matters. If there is no other option, but blindly follow what Russians demand, I don't argue then. You do what you have to do to survive.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
29 Jun 2010 /  #92
Soon this pseudo-federation of independent states called Russian Federation is gone.

Ufff... Natik, the level of your love towards us is well-known. Keep up a good job. And yes I know you "don't care but... let those **** russkies burn in hell..." *Nat's wiping out the foam at the mouth*

I wish Poland does better than sick corrupted fcuks in Ukrainian parliament and our retarded "president".

Who elected him? :) Let me guess... "Russians" right? How many Russians in Ukraine you said? 10%? less? How do you allow those halfbreeds to rule over you? How comes they occupied all the East of Ukraine? :) Poor, poor "Westerners"... you're literally surrounded by foes.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
29 Jun 2010 /  #93
Who elected him? :) Let me guess... "Russians" right? How many Russians in Ukraine you said? 10%? less?

Well, Russians make up around 18%, the rest who voted are either zombies created by the Soviet Union or normal people who are tired of BS on both sides of the political life and are fed up by Russian-media, which is stifling especially estern Ukrainian territories by it non-stop pro-russian ideology, which many used to drink while living in the Soviet Union every day and every night: from a book at school, radio at home and posters in every freaking corner of social life, even in "night-clubs", which played "Kalinka-malinka", the only song your culture managed to bring into this world. He was elected by slightly more than 50% of those who voted, being a candidate against not very popular during the crisis PM Tymoshenko.

And yes I know you "don't care but... let those **** russkies burn in hell..."

I am tired and sick of Russians and those Ukrainians-zombies whom I hate even more. Russians, and I am not afraid to generalize, because it is a plague which the West is not aware of yet, are not able to live like normal, peace-loving people in foreign country.

Russian leaders have also expressed concerns about the E.U.'s Eastern Partnership program, which was unveiled earlier this month and aims to deepen economic and political ties with six former Soviet states, including Ukraine. At the E.U.-Russia summit in Khabarovsk over the weekend, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev said E.U. officials had "failed to persuade" him that it was not harmful to Russian interests. "What confuses me is that some states ... see this partnership as a partnership against Russia," he said.


These movements openly state their mission as disintegration of Ukraine and restoration of Russia within the borders of the former Russian Empire[46] and, reportedly, have received regular encouragement and monetary support from Russia's politically connected businessmen.[52] These organizations have been known not only for their separatist and pro-Russian activities, but have been also accused of organising massive acts of protest, vandalism and violent attacks at public offices.[53]


This is just a tip of an iceberg. It is Polish forum and I don't want to be rude by talking too much about Ukraine, but all this is for Polish people to realize (I don't doubt that they already know) what this Russian plague is and why I support every move for Polish gas or other energy sources diversification. It is not a joke. Poland is dependant on that gas too, but press your government or EU in general to seek an alternative.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Jun 2010 /  #94
Proximity is the key but Poland is close enough to Scotland and Norway to make transit a viable option. Russia cannot keep playing games and flexing its muscles here. Everyone knows that the customer is right in business.
plk123  8 | 4120  
29 Jun 2010 /  #95
Everyone knows that the customer is right in business.

obviously the russians do not..
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Jun 2010 /  #96
Debt settlement needs to be examined here too. Who does this moron, £ukashenko, think he is? Oh, we have a dubious and contentious debt with Russia so we will cut off the whole supply to Europe. That's contrived logic! When the tables are turned, these sharks will be on the back foot.
Wiedzmin_fan  - | 79  
29 Jun 2010 /  #97
I absolutely agree that Poland (and all other countries, unless they have domestic energy reserves, of course) need to diversify their energy sources. And, of course, Poland is absolutely right to seek other (than Russia) gas suppliers. But how does that compute with the very vocal Polish opposition to the Nord Stream pipeline? I don't get it.
polishmeknob  5 | 154  
21 Aug 2010 /  #98
Because they have to. Here's my analysis (Part one of a two-part story.)
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
22 Aug 2010 /  #99

with the damned russians it's always going to be a crap shoot.. they'll pull some other shyt in a few years.. don't trust them..

yup but russia is not stable enough to trust them on a long term contract..

Exactly, Poland shouldn't be buying Russian gas. Poland should use its resources. Start building gasification plants for her coal reserves. This is old tech and something that could be completed rather quickly. Start manufacturing methane from animal waste from Poland's agricultural sector. Pump the methane into your gas pipelines. Of course start mining the shale for Natural Gas.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
7 Sep 2010 /  #100
which played "Kalinka-malinka",

Oh sure your "vishivanki" and "gopak" are much better!. How I hate all this "nezalezhniy sbrod"
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
7 Sep 2010 /  #101
Superpower Ambitions Weaken Russia (somewhat related)

Sasha  2 | 1083  
9 Sep 2010 /  #102
which played "Kalinka-malinka", the only song your culture managed to bring into this world.


Well, if your creation is also a Soviet fault I'm ready to agree that nation had no rights to exist...
Jadowniki  1 | 24  
31 Dec 2014 /  #103
We buy gas from russia because since we are part of the eu, we are dependent on their recources. Russia is taking advantage of europe because europe is trapped in environmental protection and regulation. They are not drilling and taking advantage their resources. Poland wants to use its resources but europen is regulating and controling. Thus is the same with other europeans. In poland it is worse because western europens are investing in poland but don't pay polish taxes, they pay to their native countried, stife Ling polish growth. The only option for poland is to get gas from russia, and with russia, this is dangerous. Gas is the russian tool of global control.
pigsy  7 | 304  
31 Dec 2014 /  #104
Gas is the russian tool of global control.

Not with the global gas prices going down,Russias profits are cut in half lately there economy is also going down esp with the sanctions.
Jadowniki  1 | 24  
31 Dec 2014 /  #105
Yes i agree, russia is suffering, but russia is vast with tons of resources. And if it absorbs and takes more influences over the countries of central asia, even more so. Russia may be isolated, but it has the ability of being self deficent. Also, russia could make its own alliances with China and iran. It can make an industry of of selling weapons to the middle east. Russia is not as helpless as we think, unfortunately.

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