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How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland.

mafketis  38 | 11089  
29 Jun 2016 /  #241
yes mass immigration was introduced by TB and GB

There is no such thing as "immigration" with the EU. There is the free movement of EU citizens who are not required to adapt linguistically or culturally (provided they can find a job while not adapting).

"Immigration" to the UK is only from non-EU countries (and doesn't include "asylum" seekers or refugees).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2016 /  #242
you should stop blaming the EU for your own faults.

I am not...
Clown of clowns...;D
Maff they are all immigrants mate.
mafketis  38 | 11089  
29 Jun 2016 /  #243
Maff they are all immigrants mate.

Are you an immigrant to Poland?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 Jun 2016 /  #244
There is no such thing as "immigration" with the EU.

Yet, the BREXIT campaign was constantly talking about getting the "immigration" under control.

Clown of clowns...;D

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2016 /  #245
Are you an immigrant to Poland?

mafketis  38 | 11089  
29 Jun 2016 /  #246
So you don't live in Poland then?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Jun 2016 /  #247
no I don't I live in Gods Own Country (Wales)
Szalawa  2 | 239  
30 Jun 2016 /  #248
God protect anyone from being save by Britain

Yes I agree wholeheartedly
gregy741  5 | 1226  
30 Jun 2016 /  #249
gezzz..am polish immigrant in the UK and have no idea whatever i support this brexit or am against. lol. am puzzled.my mind cant make up its err mind..or something along this line. i like Farage, and i felt happy for him when he made that last speech in EU parliament.

both camps have their points.and am glad to see eurocrat getting little slap
peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 Jun 2016 /  #250
You have as much understanding as a lot of people in the UK who did vote.

The reality is this, the UK is going have its economy wrecked and many people will lose their jobs. If you keep your job you will be poorer and will have less rights. If you are unemployed/sick you are stuffed. Your children will have no option to escape the generational punishment their parents have inflicted upon them.

'Eurocrap' will walk away un harmed, thanking the UK for the extra jobs and investment it has given up
gregy741  5 | 1226  
30 Jun 2016 /  #251
You have as much understanding as a lot of people in the UK who did vote.

The reality is this, the UK is going have its economy wrecked and many people will lose their jobs.

reality is,one need extremely deep knowledge of economics and international law,international trade ect.in order to asses it.i dont have it,nor you do.there is no way we little people know for sure economy will be wrecked.even experts dont know

all those people who were leading debates were using populism for masses
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Jun 2016 /  #252
there is no way we little people know for sure economy will be wrecked.even experts dont know

So why has Britain's credit rating been downgraded then and a 1% minus growth forecast been made for 2017, putting Britain into recession, down from + 1.8%?
I am not particulary bright myself, but even I can grasp the fact that this is an economic crisis of the first magnitude.

But you are saying that the UK industry will magically click it's fingers, and that growth on a par with other competing states will recover short term (ie. the next six/seven years) ?

gregy741  5 | 1226  
30 Jun 2016 /  #253
So why has Britain's credit rating been downgraded then

i tho Lehman brothers had pristine ratings.and Greece.

and a 1% minus growth forecast been made for 2017, putting Britain into recession, down from + 1.8%?

no doubt,short term negative effect will happen.but long term? look, from among western culture countries the one who are in EU doing worst by far. N zeland,switzerland,australia,canada,norway are doing much better than half of EU,where many countries are almost bankrupt,and others barely have any grow. now,explain that.

dont believe all them banksters predictions.they are most corrupted,nasty lairs on earth.look at goldman sachs and their credit ratings to Greece few years back
30 Jun 2016 /  #254
It has just been announced that the EU is in talks with Turkey about joining the EU !!........and Cameron said it wasn't.........
gregy741  5 | 1226  
30 Jun 2016 /  #255
they lost their mind. insane.
how about invite islamic state to EU accessing negotiations? why not going full retard?
30 Jun 2016 /  #256
And forced Euro currency on all member states so the Euro can challenge the Dollar.

Things do no look good for the EU.
spiritus  69 | 643  
30 Jun 2016 /  #257
So why has Britain's credit rating been downgraded then and a 1% minus growth forecast been made for 2017, putting Britain into recession, down from + 1.8%?

I don't usually agree with you but I have to agree that in the absence of any Brexit strategy then leaving the EU can only be bad news for the UK. Having said that we have to be careful about disagreeing with other people's opinions as we should all admit that none of us have a clue how this will unfold.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
30 Jun 2016 /  #258
as we should all admit that none of us have a clue how this will unfold.

alot will depends if EU eurokrats can behave like an adults and part ways while still stay friends.but when i hear juncker and tusk threatening to punish Britain i dont have much hope. those eurocrats are delusional maniacs.and any restrictions to full access to market for britain will have bad outcome for both parties.so lets hope this threatening is only for show,and they will negotiate reasonably behind closed doors.EU needs friendly britain as much as Britain needs EU
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Jun 2016 /  #259
when i hear juncker and tusk threatening to punish Britain

Let's all hope for Theresa May then and the voice of moderate reason.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Jun 2016 /  #260
"Theresa May then and the voice of moderate reason." Yes she may do well to defuse some of the testosterone fueled hysteria that is happening in Brussels, She for one will not put up with the drunkard junkers, his wandering hands, face slapping and unwanted kisses, yuk, he is a true old lech that is beyond his sell by date.
jon357  72 | 23402  
30 Jun 2016 /  #261
"Theresa May then and the voice of moderate reason."

I'm no fan of her at all, on so many levels, however at least she's less likely to invoke Article 50 than the others in that party.

I just wish Dan Jarvis would stand. He would make a great Prime Minister and at least the toxic gobsh1te Farage couldn't accuse him of not having had a real job.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Jun 2016 /  #262
" she's less likely to invoke Article 50 than the others in that party."

Exactly Jon, an election will be called, no one on a Brexit ticket will win a majority and hey presto no article 50 , the money men will have made their killings on the stock and currency markets, joe blogs will pick up the bill as usual.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
30 Jun 2016 /  #263
when i hear juncker and tusk threatening to punish Britain i dont have much hope. those eurocrats are delusional maniacs

Juncker was the prime minister of Luxembourg when that country was turning itself into a European tax heaven. He may be a maniac, but he is a maniac with his hands deep inside everyone else's pockets. Tusk is just a clown who thought he may safely go away to Brussels and leave the invincible PO behind him in Poland. But the great leader of the nation (Harry's expression), Jarosław Kaczyński, has overtaken Tusk's party with his "18% majority" democracy (Harry's expresion again). Now in Europe things take a completely different course, but the eurocrats will never understand the new reality which is arising, so they simply must be replaced. They seem to think "they are doing the work of God" just as some banksters used to think in the past.The entire structure of the EU should be profoundly reformed.
jon357  72 | 23402  
30 Jun 2016 /  #264
joe blogs will pick up the bill as usual.

Indeed. Though I think it will be a much cheaper bill than long-term recession and a bleak future for Europe.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Jun 2016 /  #265
"cheaper bill than long-term recession"

I agree.
spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Jul 2016 /  #266
This really is a f*** up of gigantic proportions !

Perhaps one option is to start secret negotiations with the EU again and see what concessions they would offer in the light of the referendum. If the UK can achieve SIGNIFICANT concessions then perhaps it might be worth calling a second referendum. I agree this will be very unlikely though :(

Regarding the topic it's sad that people who have lived in the UK for decades are now conscious of speaking Polish in public. My mother always says there has always been an underlying dislike of Poles from the time she came to the UK (1950's)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Jul 2016 /  #267
"underlying dislike of Poles from the time she came to the UK (1950's)" Also true of my family's experience.

Glad i'm in Poland
gregy741  5 | 1226  
1 Jul 2016 /  #268
Perhaps one option is to start secret negotiations with the EU again

they haven't evoked art 50 of EU treaty yet,and i think Cameron did delay triggering it ,hoping EU would propose some concession to Britain and to see what fallout will be.EU leaders refused to negotiate,demanding Britain to tiger 50 art. before any talks.

My mother always says there has always been an underlying dislike of Poles from the time she came to the UK (1950's)

yes.funny,i never understood ,what problem have Brits against Poles.Australians,N.Zelanders from among anglosaxon nations have so different attitude. british really dislike poles.

ppl say cus poles means benefit frauds or jobs or housing shortage problem or poles are different culturally..all rubbish.half of asians or africans live on social walfare ,and brits have no problem with it at all.anyone who been living in the UK knows that vast majority of asians has council accommodations or that africans dont work at all.Somali unemployment is like over 80%.and nobody has problem with it as long as is not polish everything is okey.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Jul 2016 /  #269
[Moved from]: When Britain decides it hates Europe.

Imagine if a country like Germany decided it hated most of Europe, can you imagine how the US and Britain would demonize that choice? What if Germany decided it only wanted free trade within its German speaking commonwealth where it is favored while freezing other trading partners out, and yet Britain is headed in that hateful, nationalistic direction while the international community, led by the US, pets and nurses it like it's nothing, ignoring the hateful attacks on the non English living there.

Why isn't the international community alarmed by this major transgressive step backwards as it would if it were Germany behaving like this? Modern Germany should be praised for being the antithesis of fascism while Britain should be condemned for allowing unmitigated hate to fester within its borders.
Atch  22 | 4300  
1 Jul 2016 /  #270
According to Michael Gove he doesn't expect Britain to trigger Article 50 this year. EU has also indicated that Britian will be given two options, either a Norway style package or something similar to Canada.

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