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How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2017 /  #481
they wont touch people who are employed i think

I really have no idea, I thought they would quickly agree to the "four pillars" and join EFTA/EEA without fuss, but this whole hard Brexit nonsense is suddenly changing everything.

Either way, there's quite a few twats in Poland who go on about how they don't pay tax here and how they aren't registered here, can't say I'll feel sorry for them if they get booted out.
1 Apr 2017 /  #482
Afraid Poland is going to be Germany's ***** now because no other country has the clout that is needed like the UK.

You're all dependant on Germany, and it knows it.

Syrian refugees are harder workers than Poles and are more hungry.

The free ride is over princess.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2017 /  #483
Syrian refugees are harder workers than Poles and are more hungry.

Interesting observation. Care to back it up with proof?
Lyzko  43 | 9680  
1 Apr 2017 /  #484
As our US news headlines appear to suggest, Brexit is turning out sadly to be more of a messy divorce from Bruxelles, rather than merely an amicable parting of the ways with Europe:-)

PM May's made her own cot and now she's going to have to sleep in it....with NO HELP from Merkel, Hollande or the rest of the Continent either!
gregy741  5 | 1226  
1 Apr 2017 /  #485
Syrian refugees are harder workers than Poles and are more hungry.

yea...and somehow in average ,70% of them are unemployed across EU.but mehhh..whats facts and statistic-its all overated
Lyzko  43 | 9680  
1 Apr 2017 /  #486
See you're an alternative facts man, eh?
mafketis  38 | 11071  
1 Apr 2017 /  #487
NO HELP from Merkel, Hollande

To be honest, at this stage help form Merkel is worse than outright hostility (since she wants to do to other countries what she's done to her own).

And Hollande has what? single digit approval?

I wish it weren't necessary but Brexit could be the wake up call the EU needs to get its house in order to avoid complete collapse. Instead the EU elite are posturing and alienating everyone in sight.

I give the EU two years (unless drastic changes happen). I wish that weren't the case, but....
TheOther  6 | 3596  
1 Apr 2017 /  #488
NO HELP from Merkel, Hollande or the rest of the Continent either!

What do you expect? The Brits are on their way out now and still believe that they can keep all the benefits of the EU (i.e., free trade and others) without the obligations that come with a membership. You cannot set a precedent here, or the EU will disintegrate. In the end, it was a decision of the British voters. They'll have to live with the consequences.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
1 Apr 2017 /  #489
They'll have to live with the consequences.

Which may be different from what anyone expects...
TheOther  6 | 3596  
1 Apr 2017 /  #490
Depends how the bankers in London will react. If they shift their operations to Paris or Frankfurt, the U.K. is toast. Not to mention a Scottish independence or the (theoretically) possible break-away of Northern Ireland. I wish the Brits all the best, but I believe the BREXIT will turn out to be a big mistake.
idem  - | 131  
1 Apr 2017 /  #491
but I believe the BREXIT will turn out to be a big mistake.

I think lots British people slowly realise it but it is too late now. They have to follow result of referendum.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2017 /  #492
Depends how the bankers in London will react. If they shift their operations to Paris or Frankfurt, the U.K. is toast.

It's no secret that Poland is gunning to take over all the back office jobs, and if there's no freedom of financial services on offer, banks will almost certainly move the EU-based operations to Frankfurt and Paris.

There are so many frightening implications to the whole thing for the UK. Look at Easyjet and other LCC's - they will all have to establish subsidiaries in the EU that are majority-owned by EU shareholders if they want to fly on intra-EU flights.

One interesting point so far is that the EU has made it clear that a 'hard' Irish border is not acceptable.
Ironside  50 | 12761  
1 Apr 2017 /  #493
Not point in guessing and dwelling on the future. To be honest none can predict what will happen. Its possible that between 200 000 to 500 000 Poles can be forced in one way or other to leave. Even on in the span of a few years. Working visas could be introduced or whatnot.

That debate is just dabbling in an unknown.
@gergy - people should be sorting themselves out realistically not waiting for some pacts, acts and bills.
If you absolutely must live in the uk apply for their passport if you qualify, if not - tough luck. Look for an alterative or just wait for what will happen - no need to worry about things beyond your control.

Afraid Poland is going to be Germany's ***** now

Whose ***** are you sunshine? Such rudeness and ignorance phew? Poland survived without British help and doesn't need it. Worry about yourself and don't do Poland any favors. Politics is about business. Europe is dominated by the German economy for some time already, all Britain had been doing about it was participating in it by eating her slice of a cake in a form of banking and financial services.

The free ride is over princess.

What are you even talking about is hard to fathom. You must be living in some weed fuelled dream.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
2 Apr 2017 /  #494
Europe is dominated by the German economy for some time already

Europe will always be dominated by the German economy, the size, work ethic and educational and social capital ensure that. Merkel did her bit to sabotage Germany primacy by inviting (meatphorically) hundreds of thousands of scroungers with no social or educational capital but that won't be enough.

Getting rid of the Euro would be a start, but the hubris of its creators prevents that (minus a jubilee type solution).
2 Apr 2017 /  #495
Ain't it bizarre.

Germany creates a world war through its greed and ends up being the dominant member of a union in peace time.

You couldn't make it up.

Mind, think it will have some troubles now with the UK gone. Wonder what will happen with the 1 million plus Africans on there way to Europe, will Poland have to house them in exchange for money ??.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Apr 2017 /  #496
Wonder what will happen with the 1 million plus Africans on there way to Europe

Mostly Commonwealth citizens. The U.K. will gladly accept them. The rest is from former French colonies, so France will be happy to help, too... :)
Bieganski  17 | 888  
2 Apr 2017 /  #497
Wonder what will happen with the 1 million plus Africans on there way to Europe, will Poland have to house them in exchange for money ??.

It's not 1 million. It's 6 million.

From an article dated 13 March 2017:

EU to Open Migration Centres in Africa Because Europe 'Needs 6 Million Migrants'

Declaring "the 27 [member states] will need 6 million immigrants in the future",...the Commission is going to open reception centres to recruit migrants, because an open borders approach would fuel populism.

Source: breitbart.com/london/2017/03/13/eu-migration-centre-africa-6-million

Unsurprisingly not a story that has been reported widely in the leftist mainstream propaganda media.

And what a "sheer coincidence" too that this Soros-backed leftist push for migration is set at 6 million. Are they to replace the purported 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust? Why 6 million? The article doesn't say but the number itself seems to be steeped in Talmudic occultism.

Will Poland have to house them? Well, we all know how unpopular the quota scheme was. But there are other ways around it. Since membership in the EU hasn't stirred much internal migration to Poland from other EU countries that doesn't mean the Germans can't instigate the issue in other ways.

One complaint is that these migrants don't find work once they show up despite perpetual media lies that they are highly skilled and educated.

So, like in America, it wouldn't take much for the German government to give these migrants a fast track to citizenship and then force German companies to have "affirmative action" quotas to hire them. Then it is entirely feasible for the German government to provide affordable if not free housing along the border with Poland while simultaneously funding new factories and offices for German companies just inside Poland. Voila! Germany stimulates its economy, provides for its migrants, while dumping the problem over on Poland.

Does the problem stop there? No. Millions of people generate million tons of waste; at least four fold. All that waste has to go somewhere. You can be sure that one way or another it will find its way into Poland's air and water. Will Germany and other EU countries keep filling their landfills with the rubbish created by millions of new migrants or will they be looking to the beautiful but sparsely populated Polish countryside to dump its waste?

Mostly Commonwealth citizens...The rest is from former French colonies

Wrong. They are coming from all over Africa and via Africa from the Middle East and Asia. In any event a Commonwealth country or former colony declared their independence from "whitey" decades if not several generations ago. Therefore there should be no need for them to find refuge of any sort in Europe. Otherwise you'll have to admit these countries these migrants are coming from (and all the ones they cross through along the way to Europe) are still irredeemably corrupt failed states long after the Europeans and British were sent packing.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Apr 2017 /  #498
Bieggers, you'd do well to actually read Polish news once in a while. 6 million immigrants sounds about right - we have a pensions timebomb in many countries, including Poland, so we need more workers because the locals simply don't want to do the work. As the article below explains, nearly half of the jobs available went to Ukrainians because they simply couldn't find the workers from the EU.


Poland needs an additional 5 million workers within the next 20 years to keep up economic growth, according to the Polish Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers.

That's 5 million out of your 6 million from Ukraine going to Poland alone. Potentially, within a few years, we could have a Ukrainian minority of 20% in Poland, which would be fantastic for ensuring that right wing Polish politics stay forever in opposition.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Apr 2017 /  #499
Wrong. They are coming from all over Africa and via Africa from the Middle East and Asia.

TicTacToe was talking about Africans only, Bieganski, and as far as I know most of these migrants are citizens of former British and French colonies. Nigeria is one of them, and they are part of the Commonwealth, and Moroccans and Algerians were under French control for a long time. Many of them moved to France after independence.

...are still irredeemably corrupt failed states long after the Europeans and British were sent packing.

No doubt, and the former colonial powers are to a large extent responsible for that situation. The real question though is, can you stop a flood of dirt poor and desperate people without future? It doesn't work in Europe and it won't work in the US either. Treating the symptoms (= build a wall) is a waste of time and money. You'll have to cure the disease - i.e, help these people to get back on their feet in their home countries. How, that is another question.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
2 Apr 2017 /  #500
6 million immigrants sounds about right

Why? Automation is going to be decimating jobs sooner rather than later and Europe is already over-crowded. The new economic challenge of the 21st century will be figuring out how to keep an economy going with a smaller population.

the locals simply don't want to do the work

...for the wages offered. Immigration in most places and most times are a weapon by employers to keep wages as artificially low as possible.

And the source of most of the immigration that Soros and co wanted already have a labor track record in Europe - and it's effin' awful!

stay forever in opposition

Why is keeping any particular non-superradical political side "forever in opposition" supposed to be a good outcome?
2 Apr 2017 /  #501
I was taking about this

mafketis  38 | 11071  
2 Apr 2017 /  #502

Like I said, Africans have a terrible work record in Europe (and in Africa, to be frank). Who thinks their arrival would be anything but a disaster?
Lyzko  43 | 9680  
2 Apr 2017 /  #504
Soros is particularly toxic, I concur:-) He's purely a money-games guy who's got more money than the Vatican, Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg put together, yet remains curiously and noticably dissatisfied!
Bieganski  17 | 888  
2 Apr 2017 /  #505
6 million immigrants sounds about right - we have a pensions timebomb in many countries, including Poland

Clearly you don't understand anything about economics regardless of the language it is published in. And if you actually worked yourself you might also understand first hand about how the labor market works.

Here's a little insight for you: people will do any job they are qualified or capable of doing if the pay and other compensation makes it worth their time and effort. Importing labor is an admission that employers do not want to pay the going rate (i.e., at the very least a livable wage) and the locals know it and that is why they turn it down. And like with immigrants in other Western countries the Ukrainians and other migrants "doing the work in Poland that Poles don't want to do" today won't want to be doing it in the future either. Their offspring certainly won't. Migrants don't want to spend their entire working years doing menial work for wages that won't get them and their families ahead in life. But that's commonsense and explains why this reality sails high over your head.

Your "pensions time bomb" excuse is laughable as well.

First off, why should anyone have any concern about the standard of living for self-important, self-regarding Baby Boomers as they enter retirement? They don't have a reputation for ever ensuring their parents lived comfortably and with dignity in their retirement years. And it was the Baby Boomer generation which didn't have enough offspring to ensure replacement level of the population. They were too busy with one-upmanship with their neighbors. Most frittered away their money and in practically every Western country voted in successive governments which racked up debt through borrowing. Sorry, but ef' them dear.

Secondly, governments across the EU are spending BILLIONS upon BILLIONS upon BILLIONS on migrants:

Germany Puts Migration-Related Costs at Over $86 Billion Over Next Four Years

Source: wsj.com/articles/germany-puts-migration-related-costs-at-over-86-billion-over-next-four-years-1467392402

REVEALED: Calais Jungle has cost France nearly £200m - and is about to cost £100m more

Source: express.co.uk/news/world/724552/Calais-Jungle-migrant-refugee-crisis-cost-France

Refugees Will Cost Sweden $18.6 Billion This Year-9.3x Over-Budget

Source: nationaleconomicseditorial.com/2017/02/10/sweden-migrant-crime-cost

Now imagine using these BILLIONS towards not only pensions but job creation programs FOR THE NATIVE POPULATION!

Economics is about choice. I'm not surprised I have to explain this to you.

Thirdly, although companies are in a race to the bottom with wages (and moving to automation to eliminate wage costs completely) it is the banks that need migrants as well. Why? Because Western economies run on debt. Even though pensioners are living longer they don't spend money even if they have it. Look at what old people mostly spend their money on; they buy bread and get their hair cut. You can't run an economy on that.

It's younger people who will have a need to buy or rent properties, buy cars and keep fueling them, buy clothes and replace them, etc. It's not all cash based anymore either. The banks don't give a toss about someone's pension. They do however need revenue and that comes from issuing credit to debt slaves and they don't care who they are or where they come from. Not enough locals? Lobby the government to bring in migrants. That's how the system works boyo.

within a few years, we could have a Ukrainian minority of 20% in Poland, which would be fantastic for ensuring that right wing Polish politics stay forever in opposition.

You sound like Erdoğan's soulmate when it comes to migrant influence in a host country. So it's not surprising at all that you admit you believe immigrants in Poland should be given rights like voting but should never truly integrate so as to ensure a left wing voting block that will effectively result in a leftist one party system that rules forever. Dream on! You conveniently forget that Polish dissidents came about during the communist era and they rose above their oppressors. Today they are regarded as the heroes and your ideology is held in contempt.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
2 Apr 2017 /  #506
TicTacToe was talking about Africans only

TicTacToe may have been but that doesn't mean all migrants leaving from Africa are African.

That's like saying all migrants cross the border into the US from Mexico are Mexican. Most come from Central America and even illegals from Asia and the Middle East find their way to America through Mexico.

So no one should believe that Africans migrating to Europe do so only through Africa and those from the Middle East and Asia go through Turkey. It's not true. Just look at this map from one of your lefty American propaganda channels:

the former colonial powers are to a large extent responsible for that situation.

No they aren't. Many of these third world cesspits still get foreign aid from their so-called former colonial masters. There are few if any still alive today in these countries who have a need to hold a grudge. It's like Americans still being mad at the British and expecting compensation. In any case, Poland never was a colonial power so shouldn't face the burden of having its society and culture transformed. Like I said in another post these people flooding into Europe don't leave their problems and prejudices behind. They're not keen on integrating and that's OK according to the infantile virtue signaling leftists who try to shut down any discussion on it by screaming it's racist to do so.

You'll have to cure the disease - i.e, help these people to get back on their feet in their home countries.

The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese (yes both their government and especially their native population) have no problem and make no apologies for slamming the door shut in the faces of would-be migrants. Each of these countries suffered mass casualties following the Second World War and now are also facing their own population numbers leveling off and declining. Each of these have also faced economic highs and lows too. Despite all this (and unlike the West) there has never been a call from any of them to have millions of migrants come and settle.

Each of these countries has histories of not only occupation but isolation and they emerged through it all not only with their own unique cultures and identities but are still among the leading economies in the world. Perhaps their success has come from caring about their own kind rather than the dirt poor and desperate people without a future living in other parts of the world.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
2 Apr 2017 /  #507
new video from "my guru" :-) about brexit

TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Apr 2017 /  #508

Just quickly: what are your suggestions then? Just compare the population size of the developed nations to the third world. You cannot ignore the huge problems that are crippling Africa, the Middle East, parts of Asia and Central/ South America. At some point in time people will start marching north like zombies, and the only thing that will stop them is a nuke.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Apr 2017 /  #509
Your "pensions time bomb" excuse is laughable as well.

Only someone that doesn't live in Poland could fail to grasp the implication of Poland paying out roughly 80 billion PLN a year to subsidise pensions due to shortfalls in contributions. In comparison, Poland's income in 2016 was around 315 billion PLN.

I leave it to you to explain how this is "laughable", and I eagerly await your analysis of how this deficit can be reduced.
mafketis  38 | 11071  
2 Apr 2017 /  #510
the huge problems that are crippling Africa, the Middle East, parts of Asia and Central/ South America

90% of which are self-inflicted

the only thing that will stop them is a nuke

well hopefully it won't get to that point, but I've long said the only thing that will stop a flood of people is force (which Europe on the whole is incapable of).

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