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Boom for food exports from Poland

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Jan 2012 /  #1
Polish food exports amounted to a worth of 13.8 billion euro (58.5 billion zloty) during the first eleven months of 2011, a 12 percent increase on the previous year.

The biggest importer of Polish food is Germany with a volume of EUR 1,491 million in the first half of 2011. The goods that are imported are fruit juice, poultry meat, processed and preserved fish, biscuits, wafers and other bakery products, as well as milk powder, frozen fruit (mainly strawberries and raspberries) and beef. The second biggest importer of Polish food in 2011 was the United Kingdom amounting to EUR 488 million. Here, chocolate products and poultry meat were the main products. Next on the list of top importers was the Czech Republic (EUR 469 million in the first half of 2011), where Poland exported mainly poultry meat, eggs, cheese, bakery products and pork.


  • harbour.jpg
Wroclaw Boy  
29 Jan 2012 /  #2
I'm sure the Polish shops in the UK account for a sizable amount of that figure, they basically feed 600,000 hungry Poles.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
29 Jan 2012 /  #3
and beef.

not many cows around wroclaw.

serious question: where are the beef production/farm areas in Poland ?
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Jan 2012 /  #4
serious question: where are the beef production/farm areas in Poland ?

Probably eastern Poland. The surrounding countryside of where I lived was littered with them. Number of cattle per 100 Hectares in Poland....


  • Polska_bydlo.jpg
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
29 Jan 2012 /  #5
Probably eastern Poland.


I just hope that none of those zubr wander into the wrong field :)
Alligator  - | 248  
29 Jan 2012 /  #6
No problem here. I can say with some confidence :) that it is difficult to mistake żubr with cow.
Problems may occur when:
-you have realy bad eyesight
-had too much Polish food e.g. some traditional Polish drinks
-both of the above
My ideas end here.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Jan 2012 /  #7
that it is difficult to mistake żubr with cow.

traditional Polish drinks

Too much vodka lol. But seriously anyone shooting a Żubr intentionally is a piece of ****.
Alligator  - | 248  
29 Jan 2012 /  #8
anyone shooting a Żubr intentionally is a piece of ****

and will end up in jail (up to 5 years imprisonment) and will have to pay at least half million złotych.
Don't fret, there is no happy żubr hunting in Poland
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jan 2012 /  #9
Don't fret, there is no happy żubr hunting in Poland

There is, actually. :(

I don't remember where I found it, but there is some (legal) small scale hunting of them - usually for rich foreign arseholes.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
29 Jan 2012 /  #10
usually for rich foreign arseholes.

What is it with these people?, they 'get off' on that. That's like some 'Hostel' ****. If they have too much money become a philanthropist.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
29 Jan 2012 /  #11
some culling of bisons is necessary - and there are individuals chosen for this - why not earn a couple of bucks by letting foreigners do what is necessary anyway

serious question: where are the beef production/farm areas in Poland ?

have seen one (siementaler cattle) near Krosno (SE Poland)
hythorn  3 | 580  
29 Jan 2012 /  #12
some culling of bisons is necessary

well said

rather than have a local hunter cull a couple of head, why not charge a German or American hunter several thousand dollars for the privilege?

the last time I was a Bialowieza I was speaking to a guide who was complaining that the Polish bison are getting very inbred indeed

and he felt that it was critical to introduce some fresh blood from the wild bison stock from Belarus

inbreding will endanger the entire herd, better to whack a few sickly bison now and use the money to sponsor the future health of the herd

by heading over to Belarus and returning to Poland with a bucket of bison mess and a pair of rubber gloves and a funnel

inbreeding in the Scottish aristocracy usually takes the form of receding chins and buck teeth whereas inbreeding in Bison manifests itself
by infertility, still birth and early death
Polsyr  6 | 758  
15 Jul 2015 /  #13
"Iran deal great news for Polish farmers"


Opinions invited.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
15 Jul 2015 /  #14
inbreeding in the Scottish aristocracy usually takes the form of receding chins and buck teeth whereas inbreeding in Bison manifests itself
by infertility, still birth and early death

clearly, the first sign of inbreeding is loss of hearing and lowering cognitive skill (amongst humans I mean), right?
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
15 Jul 2015 /  #15
"Iran deal great news for Polish farmers"

Yes but a horrible news for the world which is going to come back to cause a lot of death including in Poland.
Poland will profit in the short term but no thanks to Obama selling us down the river to his Muslim friends.
Monsanto has poisoned the food in most of the world which makes Polands crops much more valuable.
I hope that Poland bans "Round Up"weed killer with cancer causing agents in it and the GMO's that they have developed to alter crops.

People soon will catch on when they find out we are being used as "experiments" to the effects from this.
But to allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon was a very very bad move as you will see in the future.
We all know that Iran (Muslims) have one goal in mind and will do, say, lie, cheat, steal, kill, to obtain it.
Just hang on and you will see that Polish food exports to Iran will not out weigh the consequences in the
long run.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
15 Jul 2015 /  #16
Yes but a horrible news for the world which is going to come back to cause a lot of death including in Poland.


By supporting shia muslims sunnis are getting weaker. I'd rather prefer them to fight with each other :)

Monsanto has poisoned the food in most of the world which makes Polands crops much more valuable.

You have little knowledge about biology, don't you?

People soon will catch on when they find out we are being used as "experiments" to the effects from this.

People, as a specie, would get nowhere without modifying it's food. All what you eat now (even that idiotic "organic" food) is genetically modified one way or another. remember- selective breeding is also a kind of modification. Every plant we eat now, every animal we keep- all of them have been modified on a genetic level. Sure, during a rather costy, long and not-very effective process, but still.

btw, do you like seedless grapes, watermelons or red grapefruits?

We all know that Iran (Muslims) have one goal in mind and will do, say, lie, cheat, steal, kill, to obtain it.
Just hang on and you will see that Polish food exports to Iran will not out weigh the consequences in the
long run.

yeah yeah yeah. Sure *wink* *wink*
jon357  72 | 23706  
15 Jul 2015 /  #17
Opinions invited.

It's great news - a new market for Poland. Though agriculture is advanced there, and it will only be a small new market. I think we can forget about vodka exports ;-)

By supporting shia muslims sunnis are getting weaker. I'd rather prefer them to fight with each other :)

Remember there are many times more Sunnis than Shia. It would be a bit David and Goliath.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Boom for food exports from PolandArchived