Ironside you are top silly for science and way too backward and your posts like your pretend version of history belong in another thread.
Poland blocks any action on climate change
Ironside you are top silly
Do you think I care about your opinion? lol! It just that you make no sense but repeat some redundant slogans. You sound like a kid on ideological steroids, you should just grab this opportunity and remain silent on this issue for your own sake.
What, no crackpot links to fake scientists and con man you hold dear? Aren't you at least going to quote some eneducated trash as your basis for science? Or was that god for you, getting my con man mixed up now.
Poland may be proved right in not being bullied into sacrificing it's coal mining industry
Coal mining is an 18th century industry just like generic steel production. It has no future. Or do you really want Poland's future to look like this?
We have a old closed down coal power station in port Augusta it's in the news today. The coal dust and waste was sealed by a gel which has seeped away and wind has picked up the dust waste into a cloud around the plant. It's on telly right now abc news. People are crying as this rains on their town. The minister came for 5 minures to look and ran away basically, people are angry. They are saying that they may have to re apply gel but haven't said what it's made from or where it went? Obsolete trash, no future for it in Poland either.
We have a old closed down coal power station in port Augusta it's in the news today
Good for you! Why don't you enjoy your modernity and progress and FO from Poland?
Coal mining is an 18th century industry
WTH is wrong with you Aussies? are you possessed?
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
5 Jan 2017 / #97
Or do you really want Poland's future to look like this?
So you didn't bother reading my post #85
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
5 Jan 2017 / #98
Coal mining is an 18th century industry just like generic steel production. Or do you really want Poland's future to look like this?
Oh really?
So brainwashed...
So you didn't bother reading my post #85
Oh, I did bother, and I responded to it. Burning fossil fuels for energy production is ancient technology, there's no way around it. Even if the Indians have found a new way to make baking powder. Why should Poland rely on such outdated industries when there is a chance to start from scratch with competitive, modern ones?
are you possessed?
Only when it comes to surfing and Aussie Rules Football. Otherwise we have already arrived in the 21st century - unlike some dinosaurs here who are still stuck in the Middle Ages. Now go and dig up some peat to heat your house... :)))
So brainwashed...
Tell you what: let Poland have its ancient coal power plants and baking powder production. In 50 years you will still be burning coal while the developed world generates its energy with solar panels and nuclear fusion. Sounds good?
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
5 Jan 2017 / #100
Tell you what: let Poland have its ancient coal power plants
Tell you what Cesium-137 contamination has already codemed future generations, the scale of current contamination is not being widely publicised a couple more Fukushimas will condem the planet forever.
Your solar panels don't work at night and the storage technology is not going to be in place for a long time, only really works in sunny climates like aussie land.
Cold fusion , again you must have a crystal ball telling you that a breakthrough is imminent.
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
5 Jan 2017 / #101
Cold fusion
We already know that Cold Fusion is IMPOSSIBLE. Nobody works in that direction. Scientists try to understand and control normal fusion which includes temperatures of milions degrees Celsius. For now it's very difficult to confine plasma with such temperatures simply because it burns through everything. Only so called Magnetic Trap can work with that but it's still Sci fi. South Korea have used an experimental fusion reactor to sustain a high performance plasma for 70 seconds last month - a new world record. Yet it still produces dozens if not hundreds times less energy that is needed to create such plasma.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
5 Jan 2017 / #102
Cold fusion
I agree I think its the other you need to convince,,,,,,, there again no chance
Otherwise we have already arrived in the 21st century - unlike some dinosaurs here who are still stuck in the Middle Ages
Evidently you're already on the moon. Bon voyage!
Btw whoever said battery storage isnt up to it. You are a bit out of date. Our battery storage is great uses solar power at night. We also charge other things from it like car. Battery storage has gone hard core in the last 5 years. It's all available. There are 2 problems with it. One is the cost still the other is useless old fossils telling people rubbish they made up when they joined the commie party. There are 6 systems I cam get local guys to install just where I live. Battery storage improves yearly.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
6 Jan 2017 / #105
There are 6 systems I cam get local guys to install just where I live.
Get them to install one that will run a steel mill or your local vegimite plant, its all about the amps and thats where inverters fall down
Wrong. We already run south australia on no coal and soon more to follow. There is no base power future for coal. The base power argument is another lie from the coal industry who have only fiction to support all arguments. All statements they put out are made up babble.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
6 Jan 2017 / #107
There is no base power future for coal
This is correct but until a suitable alternative can be found that suits Polands needs we are stuck with it, Poland is not rich enough to subsidies many of the renewable alternatives (as other wealthy nations do) that are currently on offer.
Look at India it has a space program nuclear weapons and is stil in receipt of foreign aid, their emissions are huge in comparison to Poland.
If Austrailia can bring affordable clean technology to Poland then please do. I am sure the government will listen.
6 Jan 2017 / #108
Do you realise Solar and wind are already cheaper than coal and getting cheaper all the time?
To overcome the variability of generation there are a variety of solutions.
Geographical spread. As HVDC can transmit energy thousands of km with little loss, huge networks of solar and wind can average out supply and demand.
Local short term storage. Potential energy using air or water. Thermal such as liquid salt . Liquid or solid chemical batteries.
Interseasonal energy storage. Using geoological feature such as rock or soil to store energy from summer to winter or vice versa.
Using cheap/abundant materials to store energy which can be released without burning as and when required - artificial coal.
To overcome the variability of generation there are a variety of solutions.
Geographical spread. As HVDC can transmit energy thousands of km with little loss, huge networks of solar and wind can average out supply and demand.
Local short term storage. Potential energy using air or water. Thermal such as liquid salt . Liquid or solid chemical batteries.
Interseasonal energy storage. Using geoological feature such as rock or soil to store energy from summer to winter or vice versa.
Using cheap/abundant materials to store energy which can be released without burning as and when required - artificial coal.
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
6 Jan 2017 / #109
Do you realise Solar and wind are already cheaper than coal and getting cheaper all the time?
Then Poland should be a goldmine for companies willing to invest in the technology, the doors are wide open to alternative cheap energy supplers.
Then Poland should be a goldmine for companies willing to invest in the technology, the doors are wide open
One big problem; the current a$$hats in Warsaw
6 Jan 2017 / #111
Poland isn't a goldmine, it's comparitively poor remember.
The problem with renewable is ithat t takes a huge up front investment. Any there is limited amount of money in the world. Chint is investing 100 billion a year, for instance.
The problem with renewable is ithat t takes a huge up front investment. Any there is limited amount of money in the world. Chint is investing 100 billion a year, for instance.
6 Jan 2017 / #112
Tell you what Cesium-137 contamination has already codemed future generations
That's bollocks, you know.
a couple more Fukushimas will condem the planet forever.
Nuclear fusion has nothing to do with the nuclear fission that is used in todays' reactors, Dolnoslask. It's a clean alternative which emulates the same process that drives our sun. It produces only very short-lived radioactive waste.
Evidently you're already on the moon. Bon voyage!
Why are you opposed to a cleaner, more modern Poland?
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
7 Jan 2017 / #114
Nuclear fusion has nothing to do with the nuclear fission
Me ubderstands thiss fissin fusn thw differet things.
But sadly there is no viable cold fusion reactor to be had, so not a energy solution for Poland today.
NoToForeigners 6 | 948
7 Jan 2017 / #115
Get a therapy lol
Get a therapy lol
7 Jan 2017 / #116
Remember that most of the biggest coal mines in Poland have seams over 1000m deep, double the average elsewhere, which means more costs in extracting the stuff and ensuring the safety and working conditions of the miners. These days many are just not commercially viable any more. Coal prices will need to go up a lot more and stay high otherwise Poland will continue to lose billions each year in the industry. Getting state banks and power companies to subsidise coal miners isn't a long term solution. There needs to be a slow partial migration into other fuels and training for the younger part of the industry's some 100k workers. Wind power is something that would suit Poland well, given the environmental conditions, but it doesnt seem to be high on the to do list for the present government.
johnny reb 49 | 7971
14 Jan 2017 / #117
Bernie you must be CO2-is-creating-global-warming believer. We are not.
And even if it what, we need more CO2.
According to the Trump transition, the president - elect met with William Happer, a Princeton professor of physics who has been a prominent voice in questioning whether we should be concerned about human-caused climate change.
In 2015 Senate testimony, Happer argued that the "benefits that more [carbon dioxide] brings from increased agricultural yields and modest warming far outweigh any harm."
"All trees, and many other plants, wheat, rice, soybeans, cotton, etc, are handicapped because, by historical standards, there currently is too little, not too much, CO2 in the atmosphere," read a slide contained in Happer's testimony.
"A dispassionate analysis of the science indicates that more CO2 will bring benefits, not harm to the world," he also stated in that testimony.
To much rain is bad, to little rain is bad, to hot is bad, to colds bad, to much is bad not enough is bad and bottom line is......follow the money.
We should be more worried about clean water, enough bees to pollinate and deceases with no antibiotics.
And if those don't decimate the world nuclear war will.
The meek shall inherit, global warming is a hoax.
Look who owns most the oil and you want to give them more money? Climate deniers and unscientific babble is one thing but you idiots support terrorists, muslims and places like russia. Oil gas coal. Stop supporting this filth you idiots. The quicker Poland gets rid of all fossis fuel the quicker russia can shove their gas up their backward ass. Feel free to join our side anytime you want and stop sending those people more money.
Stop this madness. What Poland stooped? Nobody ask Poland for anything.
Wood burning stoves in the middle of the London are making the air quality worse than China's. I think some people are aware of impending issues of energy availability, one way or another, and they're willing to tolerate this because they know what the alternative could be. They're packing that rice too, you know.
Thats what you get when you don't build clean nuclear plant or less clean but reliable coal ones but rely on ecologic solar and wind power instead.... in country famous for its long sunny days since Roman times. People are choosing to be warm instead of carbo imprint concuss.
Thats what you get when you don't build clean nuclear plant or less clean but reliable coal ones but rely on ecologic solar and wind power instead.... in country famous for its long sunny days since Roman times. People are choosing to be warm instead of carbo imprint concuss.