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Poland blocks any action on climate change

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
3 Oct 2019 /  #541
I am now going to wait for "prove that global warming is a swindle".
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 Oct 2019 /  #542
Yeah and irrelevant and unconnected ones at that.

How so? There are conspiracy theories out there which claim that the moon landing never happened and there are other conspiracy theories saying that climate change is a hoax based on falsified data. Both can be easily debunked. Too hard to understand?

I can deal with the global warming swindle without analogies.

Of course. By sticking your head in the sand and pretending it doesn't happen. I really hope that the sorry asses of climate change deniers will be drowned by ocean waters before I kick the bucket. You will hear me laughing and cheering in Chicago, I'll promise you that much.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Oct 2019 /  #543
Nobody denies climate changes. You are talking to yourself.
johnny reb  49 | 8082  
4 Oct 2019 /  #544
really hope that the sorry asses of climate change deniers will be drowned by ocean waters

Oh the HATE again......really now.
obama and Gore (two big global warmers) will be the first ones to drowned in that case.
They both bought million dollar homes on the shore lines of the oceans while preaching like you of the rise of the oceans.
Like Rich would say, "help me connect the dots there". lol
Joker  2 | 2457  
4 Oct 2019 /  #545
really hope that the sorry asses of climate change deniers will be drowned by ocean waters

We " 90% of America" Have been hoping! " The Big One " would hit right along the San Andreas fault line for many years now, so you west coast freaks, that try and hold the rest of our country hostage, with your socialist values, slip into said ocean forever:)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Oct 2019 /  #546
the rise of the oceans


Nobody denies climate changes. You are talking to yourself.

All of a sudden? Then why are you babbling about "climate change fascists"? You are talking out of your ass, man.

We " 90% of America"

90% ? You Neanderthals hicks represent about 30% of the total population. Evolution will take care of you.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Oct 2019 /  #547
All of a sudden? Then why are you babbling about "climate change fascists"?

I will use simple words and go slow.

"Climate change fascists" are the power grabbers who started as "global warming" swindlers - like Gore. When they got caught falsifying data and making idiotic predictions about 40 years ago to scare the fu*ck out of the gullible morons, they switched tactics and the terms - from "global warming" to "climate change" - knowing very well that "climate change" is self-evident and always true and, as such, immediately eliminates any opposition. Hence, no pesky "deniers" to contend with.

BTW, since I am not one of the gullible morons, I will always and forever use "global warming", not "climate change".

Are you still with me? Good. So, let's move on.

Now, why "fascists"? It's because the global warming crooks, just like the last century communists, never for a second believed their own lies. Hence, ocean-front mega-mansions. Their sole objective was and still is to seize power and control over the stupid and the naive voters who would then vote themselves into perpetual slavery to "save the earth" - a task that has no end and, thus, would assure their iron grip on your stupid throat forever.

I don't think that what I just wrote will win me a Pulitzer, but I hope it's at least clear.
4 Oct 2019 /  #548
while Poland is trying to cut back on coal burning.

As usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

' POLAND is on collision course with the EU over climate change after it vowed to plough ahead with its continued heavy use of coal. Piotr Naimski, Poland's chief strategic energy adviser, said energy security is higher priority than sticking to EU emission goals. In an act of defiance, he said it was "not possible and not feasible" for Warsaw to meet the EU target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.'


However there is a ban on burning coal and wood in homes in Kraków due to it's very high air pollution levels.
33 out of 50 most polluted EU cities are in Poland. I remember reading a couple years back that at times the air pollution in Warsaw exceeded that of Beijing.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Oct 2019 /  #549
...which has nothing to do with "climate change". If it does, then everything does. When I fart - climate change. When I don't - climate change.

Whoever came up with "climate change" as a handy replacement for that loser, "global warming", should for this alone get a Nobel Prize - just like Gore.
johnny reb  49 | 8082  
4 Oct 2019 /  #550
while Poland is trying to cut back on coal burning.

However there is a ban on burning coal and wood in homes in Kraków

That's what I was referring to when I said Poland, Pam.
You shouldn't take everything so personal. :-)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Oct 2019 /  #551
"global warming" swindlers

Sea levels are rising, ice caps and glaciers are melting all across the globe, and you are still talking about "global warming swindlers". The signs of global warming and climate change in general are everywhere. I don't even need scientists for that. Record heat waves and droughts in the US and Australia, wildfires everywhere, vanishing islands in the Pacific, flooded coastlines in Florida and Louisiana ... the list goes on and on and on. But hey ... nothing to see here ...

When they got caught falsifying data

They didn't. It's an idiotic conspiracy theory. There are tons of different sources out there to inform yourself.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Oct 2019 /  #552
Sea levels are rising,

OK. How much did the sea rise at the Miami Port? That data is available. Your claim, your burden.
For your convenience, the person to ask is Becky Hope. She is the chief of Planning and Development. Her phone number is 305-347-4972.
Call her and ask how much did the sea level go up in the last 40 years, report here, or STFU.

Record heat waves and droughts in the US and Australia, ...flooded coastlines in Florida and Louisiana ... the list goes on and on and on

Only in your head.

BTW, which is it? Droughts or flooding? How about rain relocating...it's either here or there, but not at two places at the same time.

And then there is this inconvenient little factoid. From insideclimatenews.com:

Why Is Antarctica's Sea Ice Growing While the Arctic Melts?

The group found that the icy winds blowing off Antarctica, as well as a powerful ocean current that circles the frozen continent, are much larger factors in the formation and persistence of Antarctic sea ice than changes in temperature.

WTF? So "powerful ocean currents" have much greater effect on the ice formation there than changes in temperature? Holy sh*it and that's coming from the global warming "scientists" themselves. How about the same "powerful ocean currents" being responsible for the melting at the North Pole? Duh!

Well, that explanation is so totally unacceptable. I mean, how do you tax "powerful ocean currents"? So, it's our fault. I mean mainly the Americans because that is where the money is.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140  
4 Oct 2019 /  #553
@Rich Mazur
But you are not wrong mate.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
5 Oct 2019 /  #554
Celebrities who own islands:

Marlon Brando - Tetiaroa, French Polynesia, Tahiti Island. ...
Nicholas Cage- Leaf Cay, Bahamas. ...
Johnny Depp - Little Halls Pond Cay, Bahamas. ...
Leonardo DiCaprio - Blackadore Cay, Belize. ...
Celine Dion - Ile Gagnon,Quebec. ...
Mel Gibson - Mago Island, Fiji. ...
Ricky Martin- Island in Angra dos Reis, Brazil.

If they are not scared to death of the big flood, Poland is wise not to pay any attention to the global warming mafia.

Dirty air is another matter and maybe hazardous to their health just as not washing hands after a visit to the restroom. Nothing to do with global warming.
cms neuf  1 | 1914  
5 Oct 2019 /  #555
You forgot Vladimir Putin (Lodochny) - at least all those rock stars paid for theirs with their own cash
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
5 Oct 2019 /  #556
And this connects with global warming how?
Crow  154 | 9566  
5 Oct 2019 /  #557
Poland was blockaded many times in Her noble, great and sometimes tragic history but, Earth never ceased to rotate. Let now Earth wait for Poland.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Oct 2019 /  #558
That global warming again...

Spokane, Washington, picked up 3.3 inches of snow late Tuesday. That ties as the city's second-snowiest October day in records dating to 1893.

This is how it works. Global warming causes water to evaporate. Which creates clouds. Clouds travel to where it is cold and fall down as snow.

When this happens, every government grant recipient is right - and happy, of course - by claiming global warming and cooling at the same time. They call it now "climate change".

It's like betting on every horse or red, black, and green at once. Can't lose.

What does it have to do with Poland? Poland saw through the scam and is not buying it?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Oct 2019 /  #559
which is it? Droughts or flooding?

Playing stupid again? Australia is a continent with different climate zones. The USA is as big as Australia and also has different climate zones. The temperature in one region goes down, while it rises in others. On the average, the world is getting hotter.

How much did the sea rise

I already provided a link to the Smithonian Institute somewhere. Google for rising sea levels and the Maldives, Kiribati and Tuvalu, and get educated.

I'm done here. Toodles.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
9 Oct 2019 /  #560
Google for rising sea levels and the Maldives, Kiribati and Tuvalu,

But not in Miami. How nice of Al Gore to spare the USA.
Did you call that number I gave you? They are waiting...
TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Oct 2019 /  #561
But not in Miami.


All fake news, right?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
10 Oct 2019 /  #562
In the last 40 years, how much did the sea level go up in Miami? No essays, no predictions, no "could", no "would". Just inches.
I guess you never called the number I gave you.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Oct 2019 /  #563
Just inches.

The number is mentioned in one of the links I gave you.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
10 Oct 2019 /  #564
Did I say no essays? Inches. That means a number like 1, 2, 3... You get the drift....
johnny reb  49 | 8082  
10 Oct 2019 /  #565
'Historic all out blizzard' to bury huge swath of central US, unleash punishing cold blast
'Historic' is the key word here.
Must have something to do with global warming.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
10 Oct 2019 /  #566
'Historic all out blizzard' to bury huge swath of central US, unleash punishing cold blast

That one goes into the "Climate Change" folder.
johnny reb  49 | 8082  
29 Oct 2019 /  #567
We are only in October of 2019 and look here:
Temperatures dipped to nearly minus -35F (-37C) in Utah, with a number of other locales set to plunge below zero toward the mid and late week.

This has to be related to global warming.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Oct 2019 /  #568
JR, get with the program...The eco fascists dropped global warming the day they got caught cooking up fake numbers to scare their favorite audiences - ugly Swedish girls with leftist parents.

That minus 37 is now known as climate change. It will stay that way until the eco fascists can produce more credible lies about man-made global warming.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Oct 2019 /  #569
Poland, I love you for your farsightedness. From foxnews.com:

Upside-down "rivers" of warm ocean water may be one of the causes of Antarctica's ice shelves breaking up, leading to a rise in sea levels. But a new study suggests an increase in sea ice may lead to a much more devastating change in the Earth's climate - another ice age.

So, how do we get back that trillion the mean Trump didn't hand over to the international thieves in Paris?

BTW, that was "another ice age", not another sauna. Also, that was smart to drop "global warming".

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