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Poland blocks any action on climate change

TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Sep 2019 /  #511
China does not have a fast growing population

Not any more, but most of their people are still p*iss poor. They work for pennies a day, which is why the American and European corporate vultures are still circling over China.

Unless the worlds largest polluters (China/India) join in, nothing we do really matters.

So nobody in the USA deserves clean air, clean water and a clean environment as long as China and India are polluting the planet, right? You should try to use your head occasionally, Joker.

Totalitarian BS.

Read again what I said. Or is Genesis 1:28 totalitarian BS in the eyes of a devout catholic such as yourself?
Joker  2 | 2457  
29 Sep 2019 /  #512
You should try to use your head occasionally, Joker.

The uS leads the way in emission standards, you should know this living in CA with those cars that have 4 different mufflers and going to smog stations.lol

What about clean coal compared to Europe? The EPA would jump all over some place spewing that sludge into the atmosphere. In fact, we have some of the cleanest air in the world......


Hey, remember the smog cloud that used to hover over LA back in the 80`s, its gone now, right?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Sep 2019 /  #513
I don't think that there is any connection between pollution and smoking.

Milo, never take my posts seriously. In this one, I was just being a wiseguy, but not entirely. When one coughs his head off, lighting a cigarette make little sense.
mafketis  38 | 11211  
29 Sep 2019 /  #514
American and European corporate vultures are still circling over China.

No mention of the Chinese vultures driving the process? Regardless of who's to blame, the fact is that there's nothing the West can do to offset increased emissions from China and India (beyond shutting down industrialization in those countries and convincing everyone to live like a Medieval peasant, which.... good luck on that.
Ironside  50 | 13054  
29 Sep 2019 /  #515
Genesis 1:28 totalitarian BS i

your approach to the issue, you look at people as if they were a disease. Your solution to eliminate or reduce their numbers is totalitarian.

a devout catholic

Either that word has a different meaning or you are totally off your rocker, I'm not that at all. Don't take me wrong - its sad but true. I wish I was more as you described me but I'm not.

the USA deserves clean air, clean water and a clean environment

.I'm all for a new technology and environment friendly solutions applied in practise as widely as possible. How conning people out of their money gonna help to clean the air? That I don't know.

Climate change - few funny mills and tons of tax money given to people who make economically cross-effective technology is nothing but BS'ing people and making a buck for those who benefit from all those money. Are into it?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Sep 2019 /  #516
No mention of the Chinese vultures driving the process?

You beat me to it.
Those poor Chinese billionaires. Having all that manufacturing forced on them from the sea, form the air, through the tunnels...by the evil Americans who would rather flip burgers for ten an hour.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Sep 2019 /  #517
Back to the global warming...
That ugly girl got me so scared that the civilized life is about to end that I decided to live faster and changed my plans what car to buy next. Before her, I was thinking about being a good boy and getting a Prius to assure a spot in the global warming heaven. But when I heard that we have only 18 months left before flooding will end it all that's fun, the Prius idea made little sense. Like, who wants to die in a Prius? So, I am shopping for a car that's more like fun. Like this one...

Capable of zero to sixty in 5.4 seconds, it seems like a perfect car to run away from the waves.

  • LS460L.lpg.jpg
Crow  154 | 9566  
29 Sep 2019 /  #518
Just imagine panic of Anglos, Franks and Germanics. Just. They finally find opposition that is more crazy then they are. Poland block any action on climate change, while, to paraphrase Putin, Serbians practically taking part in control of Russia`s nuclear button.

Now, they shall listen, or ...

BDW, don`t say that Slavs don`t coordinate. They do coordinate. Non shall f*** us in the head.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 Sep 2019 /  #519
No mention of the Chinese vultures driving the process?

China is still ruled by the communist party. The country's billionaires, although greedy, are certainly not as free in their actions as their western counterparts. If you have approx.1.5 billion people, you'll have to do whatever it takes to create jobs. Otherwise, your country will never get out of poverty. I believe that the motivation of the Chinese is more about developing the country at the moment, while Europeans and Americans are much more interested in profit margins.

The uS leads the way in emission standards

The USA is the second largest polluter on the planet, Joker. You really believe it is unnecessary to do something about it?

Your solution to eliminate or reduce their numbers is totalitarian.

Huh? How can contraception be totalitarian? The opposition of the catholic church (and other religions) to artificial birth control is actively contributing to the massive problem of overpopulation in the Third World. Reduce the birth rate or we are all toast.

Speaking of the church, by the way: I honestly thought you are a devout Christian.
johnny reb  49 | 8082  
30 Sep 2019 /  #520
Must have something to do with global warming.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
30 Sep 2019 /  #521
Must have something to do with global warming.

Or the global cooling they predicted 50 years ago. Either way, snow or sunshine, the climate change fascists have it covered.
BTW, how come the climate change eco fascists never ask for environmental studies to assess what impact their lunatic ideas will have on humans?
I recall such demands when some loon discovered a cockroach at the site of a future shopping center or an interstate freeway.
Then the eco nazis were at the nearest federal court next morning.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Sep 2019 /  #522
Must have something to do with global warming.

The magic words are "Average global temperature", and that one is on the rise.

climate change fascists / eco nazis

Funny shi*t.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Oct 2019 /  #524
In the eyes of a science denier maybe...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
2 Oct 2019 /  #525
There are no science "deniers". Nobody ever denied that 2+2 is 4 or the chemical composition of water.
Politically motivated, manipulated data is not science. It's fraud.
johnny reb  49 | 8082  
2 Oct 2019 /  #526
You really think science is in control of the weather ?

To all the school kids going on "strike" for Climate Change.
How about this...
Tell your teachers to switch off the air conditioners.
Walk or ride your bicycle to school instead of arriving in caravans of private cars.
Switch off your devices and read a book.
Make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast food.
No, none of this will happen because you are selfish, badly educated, virtue signaling little brats, inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a "noble cause" while they indulge themselves in Western luxury and unprecedented quality of life."
Miloslaw  20 | 5140  
2 Oct 2019 /  #527
none of this will happen because you are selfish

Great post Johnny!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
2 Oct 2019 /  #528
Tell your teachers to switch off the air conditioners.

JR, that's for you and the rest of us to do. They are exempt as a reward for caring.
johnny reb  49 | 8082  
2 Oct 2019 /  #529
Yup, "Do as I say, not as I do."
And that is why Poland blocked any action on global warming.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
2 Oct 2019 /  #530
I was thinking about being a good boy and getting a Prius

Nawww you need an American v8 truck with lift kit or luxury German sedan/coupe. No self respecting man should drive anything else.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
3 Oct 2019 /  #531
Again, I will have to include a warning that "the following is meant as a sarcasm" and is the exact opposite of what the posters feels.

Putin's socks are smarter than all those kids, Greta included, combined. From dailymail.com:

Vladimir Putin dismisses Greta Thunberg as a 'poorly informed teenager' and says: 'Go tell developing countries why they should continue to live in poverty and not be like Sweden'

To his credit, he was nicer to that idiot than I would.

please stick to the topic
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 Oct 2019 /  #532
Politically motivated, manipulated data is not science

If the vast majority of scientists around the world tell you that the average temperature on Earth is rising at an alarming level and that the ice sheet and glaciers are melting, you call that "politically motivated, manipulated data"? Instead you believe it's a Chinese hoax and we only need to stick the head in the sand and burn more coal to make the problem go away? Hope Darwin takes good care of your ilk. Oh wait, you don't believe in evolution either ...

You really think science is in control of the weather ?

Who said that science is IN CONTROL of weather? Science is warning us and presents the data to back the claim up. Only Neanderthals cover their ears and sing "La la la, I can't hear you".
cms neuf  1 | 1914  
3 Oct 2019 /  #533
No surprise to see you on here praising Putin - of course he also doesn't need to worry about poverty, living as he does in a one billion dollar compound paid for from your taxes.

As for driving well the good news is that you have moved up a few places in the waiting list for that Lada after a few of the guys before you needed amputations from waiting in the frozen bread lines.
johnny reb  49 | 8082  
3 Oct 2019 /  #534
Science is warning us and presents the data to back the claim up.

They admitted to lying and falsify climate facts remember ?

Instead you believe it's a Chinese hoax and we only need to burn more coal to make the problem go away?

Lets not confuse the facts here.
No one said it was a Chinese hoax, we said it was China who has more coal burning plants then the rest of world combined and in the process of building even more of them at a staggering rate while Poland is trying to cut back on coal burning.

The United States already has decreased our CO2 output by more then the rest of the world combined since the Paris Accord.
Poland and the U.S.A. are sacrificing at a horrible expense while China, India and Russia continue to accelerate their CO2 output from coal burning so go talk to them about it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
3 Oct 2019 /  #535
If the vast majority of scientists around the world

If it's "vast majority", it's not science. It's a who*rehouse. They do what you pay for.
cms neuf  1 | 1914  
3 Oct 2019 /  #536
Yes and in your case what you get paid for is to spend all evening and night trolling. Spirit sapping way to earn a crust.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 Oct 2019 /  #537
If it's "vast majority", it's not science It's a who*rehouse

So if 1 billion people saw on TV that the US landed astronauts on the moon and 2 deranged clowns tell you that it was all a hoax done in a studio, you will tell the 1 billion that they shouldn't trust their lying eyes?

They admitted to lying and falsify climate facts remember ?

Miloslaw  20 | 5140  
3 Oct 2019 /  #538
The United States already has decreased our CO2 output by more then the rest of the world combined since the Paris Accord.

And the USA still manages to come second, only after China and ahead of India in the league of most polluting nations.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
3 Oct 2019 /  #539
So if 1 billion people saw on TV that the US landed astronauts on the moon

I can deal with the global warming swindle without analogies.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140  
3 Oct 2019 /  #540
Yeah and irrelevant and unconnected ones at that.

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