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Poland blocks any action on climate change

TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Sep 2019 /  #451
I think it's a put up job by her show biz parents.

Even if. Doesn't change the fact that the young ones are always idealistic, and that the old farts are always the ones causing the trouble. Maybe "Soylent Green" wasn't such a bad idea after all... ;)

those who can read the 2nd Amendment and the Supreme Court rulings on the subject

And? Does that mean the archaic Second Amendment is written in stone and can't be changed? I'm sure you would also defend the right to kill random people on 5th Avenue if it was in the Constitution. No matter if it makes sense or not.

In the meantime, the rich and the beautiful are buying ocean-front properties

Yeah, mostly in New Zealand and on higher ground because the rich kids know what's coming. Only the simpletons are still banging on about the Chinese climate change hoax.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
26 Sep 2019 /  #452
Doesn't change the fact that the young ones are always idealistic,

Being idealistic is a form of mental disorder of which the main side effect is being a moron looking up to the sky while stepping into sh*it on the sidewalk. This is where the adults have a critical role to play when it's time to clean up - both the sidewalk and the shoes.

Yeah, mostly in New Zealand and on higher ground because the rich kids know what's coming.

I agree. It must be those poor low-IQ Americans who can't afford New Zealand who are buying the multi-zero properties in Florida and on Long Island.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Sep 2019 /  #453
Being idealistic is a form of mental disorder

No, it means that you are still able to have dreams. Many adults have lost that ability. That's why they are unable to come up with solutions for the most pressing problems. Greed always wins.

It must be those poor low-IQ Americans who can't afford New Zealand

You know that there was a massive influx of rich Americans buying up NZ real estate, right? It became so bad that the New Zealand government banned foreigners from buying properties before they could ruin prices any further.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Sep 2019 /  #454
You know that there was a massive influx of rich Americans buying up NZ real estate, right?

They are running away from the multicultural crap, not from high water.

What dreams do you have? Keep in mind that this is a family website and there may be some minors here reading.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Sep 2019 /  #455
They are running away from the multicultural crap

Nope. They consider NZ a safe place in case of a global crisis. Far away from everything, you know.

What dreams do you have?

I've been around long enough to have fulfilled most of my dreams. An intact environment is still on my wish list, though...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Sep 2019 /  #456
If i ever buy any property in NZ i promise to transform it into a shrine dedicated to st tarrant, remover of kebab.

Did you ever consider climate change is good for business hence the lack of action?

Idgaf about climate change, coal use or any of that ****. Im probably the only guy in my suburb that burns trash in my yard regardless of how many times the fire department has been called by nosy neighbors. But what bothers me is how companies can be allowed to mine and release chemicals and waste so close to water sources. The epa and dep dgaf and never have. Its worse under trump but its always been bad.
cms neuf  1 | 1917  
27 Sep 2019 /  #457
Of course - living far away from Poland you would have no reason to be concerned about the smog problem in our cities
mafketis  38 | 11214  
27 Sep 2019 /  #458
the old farts are always the ones causing the trouble

Western countries have been steadily reducing carbon emissions, why isn't Climate Girl yelling at the Indians and Chinese who are ramping things up?

Similarly, western countries manage plastics a lot better than the third world (where general social dysfunction means you have rivers covered in plastic). Why isn't she in Indonesia yelling at them to stop living like pigs?

She's an abused child being forced into some kind of sick morality play and I'm calling bvllsh!t.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Sep 2019 /  #459
There is no smog problem in poland. Its boring eu propoganda. Go to LA, theres a smog problem. I literally just got back ftom poland a few days ago.
cms neuf  1 | 1917  
27 Sep 2019 /  #460
A page of smog stories from the TVP webpage - hardly a mouthpiece of EU propaganda


Most of us can look out of our windows on a winters day and see that.
mafketis  38 | 11214  
27 Sep 2019 /  #461
There is no smog problem in poland

Yes there is, especially from late mid-fall to mid-spring.... it's getting better, but pretending there's no problem is PRL thinking (if we don't acknowledge it we don't have to deal with it!)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Sep 2019 /  #462
why isn't Climate Girl yelling at the Indians and Chinese who are ramping things up?

Because she knows that all she would get is middle finger from both. Only whites can be guilted into action. The problem is what action to keep the ugly GW girl and the tools like her happy - over and beyond what the whites are already doing. Which is a lot.

An intact environment is still on my wish list, though...

Not nice wishing 6 billion people dead. Not nice at all.
Do you have kids? If so, did you tell them not to have kids of their own?
You don't have to answer. That was rhetorical.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Sep 2019 /  #463
Western countries have been steadily reducing carbon emissions ... manage plastics a lot better

Sure, by exporting the dirtiest industries to China and other third world countries.

did you tell them not to have kids of their own?

We need to get the world's overpopulation under control, or we are all screwed. At the moment it looks as if Mother Nature will solve that problem for us ... by snuffing us out with super bugs and starvation. We'll take care of the rest through environmental destruction and wars.

Did you ever consider climate change is good for business hence the lack of action?

I only have to look at the actions taken by Trump's EPA to know that you are right.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
27 Sep 2019 /  #464
If that sad Greta child gets a Noble Prize the award will lose all its prestige
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Sep 2019 /  #465
We need to get the world's overpopulation under control,

Before we apply the Auschwitz method of population control, may I suggest that we stop feeding Africa and admitting the low-carbon, third-world useless people into the high-carbon, high-consumption societies where the low-consumption migrants become the high-consumption welfare deadbeats. And their many, many kids who will have truckloads of their own consuming like locust.

Am I brilliant or what?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
27 Sep 2019 /  #466
Before we apply the Auschwitz method of population control

Well... The Brits, Germans and the French were actually quite OK with eugenics in 20th century.
Brit TV broadcasted adverts promoting sterilisation for ppl who had a case of mental illnes within family.
Germans murdered their own "underperforming" citizens.
France had labour camps in Africa (although those were invented by the British and established first in Northern Africa).

That is why euthanasia is widely accepted within western societies.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Sep 2019 /  #467
That is why euthanasia is widely accepted within western societies.

Between euthanasia, abortion, and the many wars, where is that high moral ground we claim to be occupying? Still looking...
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Sep 2019 /  #468
Before we apply the Auschwitz method of population control

No need to sink below the level of an animal. Stopping religious leaders from telling people to multiply like rabbits, birth control and political measures like China's "One Child Policy" will do. Add some famines, epidemics and wars to the mix, and you're almost there. The West takes care of the population problem differently: they simply go the way of the dodo.

For a very long time I had hope that getting the Third World out of poverty would do the trick, but watching the populations of Indonesia or Nigeria for example explode, or the idiot Brazilian president actively destroying the Amazon with his political actions make me wonder if mankind even has a chance.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
27 Sep 2019 /  #469
@Rich Mazur
Leftardism or morality = pick one
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Sep 2019 /  #470
I missed this. Pelplin coal power station outside Tczew in Pomerania will never be built (June ruling by the High Court)

Barking mad proposition anyway. Only 40 kilometres form the largest medieval fortified complex in the world, and on fertile farming land. This government has a lot to answer for in it's dismissive attitude to the environment and the corrupted population will live to regret voting them in again.

Let PIS build these massive power stations out east, if they have to. Their voter base live there. Let them breath the coal dust if they really want such outmoded power generation.

In another court action, PGE, the owners of Belchatow, Europes' largest coal fired power station, burning rubbish brown coal, is also being taken to court to force it to cease operations in its' present form by 2030
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Sep 2019 /  #471
For a very long time I had hope that getting the Third World out of poverty would do the trick,

That was honest and brilliant.

Stopping religious leaders from telling people to multiply like rabbits,

Ditto. I can't stand when the guys, like popes, with zero responsibility and accountability shoot their mouths off on the subject.

Leftardism or morality = pick one

I don't expect morality in a leftist any more than I would compassion from a child rapist. It's the passive masses, looking, seeing, and not reacting that I find disgusting.

The "whatever" people.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Sep 2019 /  #472
Maybe in katowice but ive never seen smog in wroclaw or poznan like in the usa thats for sure
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Sep 2019 /  #473
I haven't seen "smog" in the Chicago area for decades. Are we here an exception?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Sep 2019 /  #474
I can't stand when the guys, like popes, with zero responsibility and accountability shoot their mouths off on the subject.

So you ARE Pro-choice after all then Rich?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Sep 2019 /  #475
Abortion is not the same as having fewer kids. No, I am not pro-choice.
Well, actually, I am if "pro-choice" means choosing when to fu*ck and when not to. Like when a woman is unmarried, drunk, or both.
Lenka  5 | 3553  
27 Sep 2019 /  #476
What marriage has to do with it? There is plenty of unmarried couples having kids...
And what if a married women gets drunk and have sex with her husband and geys pregnant?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Sep 2019 /  #477
What marriage has to do with it?

Marriage means a guy who is legally responsible for the child. Random one-night stands or "boyfriends" who can walk put an impossible burden on the rest of us to find "daddy".

Lacking that guy, a woman is more likely to abort if she makes minimum wage and is already a single mother.

And what if a married women gets drunk and have sex with her husband and gets pregnant?

Then, she will find out how babies are made. If she drives drunk and kills somebody, she will learn what happens when you drive drunk. And what the seatbelts are for - a condom for driving. Abortion rights were not meant for drunks.
Lenka  5 | 3553  
27 Sep 2019 /  #478
Marriage means a guy who is legally responsible for the child.

Yyy, where? In Poland a guy is responsible in exactly the same way for kids whether he is married to the mother or not. From what I know it's the same in USA (I might have missed something as I wasn't that interested how they solved the matter)

Then, she will find out how babies are made.

And the husband too?

I love it how you exclude the man from the procreaction process yet even though you are a man want to decide what happens with the result.
cms neuf  1 | 1917  
27 Sep 2019 /  #479

Poznan and Wroclaw both have serious smog problems in winter. I don't visit Wroclaw often but last time I went to Poznan in winter there was visible smog on a clear day as you drive in from the highway.
Lenka  5 | 3553  
27 Sep 2019 /  #480
And in some media you can even find the air quality for ghe day. I don't see 'dobra' too often...

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland blocks any action on climate changeArchived