That's far too simplistic. It starts with your personal behavior.
That was way back. Today, personal behavior is out. Government's iron fist is what the Dems want.
Reduce consumption, switch off lights after leaving a room, don't waste water.
I am already doing your list, but not because of the global warming zealots.
Have you told your grandkids already?
I don't give a sh*it if the earth temp is up a degree C in 100 years.
No, because they don't give a crap about one degree up in 100 years, either. In fact, they like going to Florida for 50 degrees F up in three hours.
Like I said, liberals' favorite scientist, Darwin, will take care of it the surplus people just as Roe v Wade took care of the unwanted ones.
While we are on the subject of global warming, they should have a special consolation prize for the kid who is the world's dumbest and the ugliest at the same time.
and the headline:
How 16-year-old Greta Thunberg's rise could backfire on environmentalistsIt's painful to see that picture.