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Poland blocks any action on climate change

johnny reb  49 | 7971  
20 Sep 2019 /  #361
We need to get The Chinese and Indians to act, otherwise we are just wasting our time.

Repeat that as many times like I have Milo and they will still refuse to address it.
When Trump walked out of the Paris Accord they all jumped on him for not wanting anything to do with it until China was held accountable.

The U.S.A. or any other country can't begin to compete with polluters like China and India as it costs big money to dispose of pollutants and put air filters on smoke stacks.

A year after the Paris Accord the U.S.A. has cut our carbon emissions by more than all the countries in the world put together.

What good did it do us besides cut into the citizens pocket AGAIN for the benefit of the rest of the world climate change while China INCREASED their carbon out put in the same period.

Poland hides their head to the real problem because they drag their feet to reality too. (No filters on coal smoke stacks)

I was saying make it the supermarkets responsibility - or put cameras there

Better yet, put some garbage barrels out so people wouldn't have to throw their waste on the ground.
And empty them every day but no that would cost the stores money to be responsible to have it hauled away.
It is against the law in the U.S. to burn any kind of plastic from bottles to wrappers. (Recycle it)

So they should be held accountable

So should China and India Doug as they are biggest polluters in the world but guess what.......nobody wants to PAY FOR IT !
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Sep 2019 /  #362
Poland hides their head to the real problem because they drag their feet to reality too. (No filters on coal smoke stacks)

The damage of climate change is done already done johnny. I refer you to yesterdays' Guardian newspaper with it's temperature graphs of the last 150 years.. There were demonstrations in 168 countries, with millions of schoolchildren involved. I didn't see any Polish schoolchildren demonstrating, but there must surely have been some - I was asking the Polish residents on this forum if they knew anything - but they seem apathetic, as if climate change doesn't affect them.
johnny reb  49 | 7971  
21 Sep 2019 /  #363
The damage of climate change is done already

No doubt we all could do better but the greed and the church of Meism is thriving.
Common sense and rules only applies to the other guy and not me attitude.
As far as climate change goes I personally think it is just a cycle that the earth and planets that effect the earth go through.

There is not a lot humans can do about it except have a good war that deletes about three quarters of the population off the face of the earth.

And as long as a big part of Poland's economy is about coal nothing is going to change anytime soon in Poland.
Aren't you glad we are old farts that only have another ten or twenty years to live Doug.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Sep 2019 /  #364
Those kids would never be allowed to play useful idiots if the teachers didn't get paid that day for the work they didn't have to do.

The damage of climate change is done already done

So, what is all that nonsense with "we have to do something"? It's too late. Is anybody debating on the Titanic which way to go?

And, btw, it's "global warming", not climate change. That's how Gore made his first billion.

Climate has been changing since the beginning if time. Just ask the dinos. Or AC - I mean the brick with lipstick. And will be changing until she makes her first billion. Then, it will stop changing and she will buy an ocean-front, 10,000 square-foot house with a four-car garage for $100,000,000.
johnny reb  49 | 7971  
21 Sep 2019 /  #365
So, what is all that nonsense with "we have to do something"?

Picture just how much pollution military and commercial jets have put into the atmosphere EVERY DAY and NIGHT in the last seventy five years. WoW !

Who is going to put a stop to that. (Nobody)
I ask myself just 'who' is going to stop China and India from polluting the environment at the accelerated rate that they are on.
Who is going to put a stop to that. (Nobody)
Over all, 1,600 coal plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries presently.
Wanna see where the real problem is that Milo mentioned, take a look at the above source.
Poland is just a drop in the bucket comparatively.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
21 Sep 2019 /  #366
That is a good thing. Rather than skim out of taxpayers more money for some BS they let them keep it.
Climate is changing and there is nothing anyone can do to about it. They might as well pissh on the wind. Same difference.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
21 Sep 2019 /  #367
Where and when did I suggest that? I basically said that during the Clean Up the World event kids in Poland often do that and it's of more use than just a protest, that's active participation.

And stop trying to argue with me. You're dissatisfied with pretty much everything around you and I really don't like toxic people especially if they try to suggest I said something I didn't say.

As for climate change, apart from protests we all need to be aware of how we behave. Now how many kids go to school in their parents' car instead of walking /cycling. How often kids, people in general, change their smartphones and other devices just to get the latest version. Do you drive to supermarkets or to a gym ;) ? Do you bring your own shopping bag? Etc etc
Ironside  50 | 12916  
21 Sep 2019 /  #368
like toxic people

his is not toxic. he is just a old grump. He was working all his life to support his family. Now nobody gives a two hoots what he has to say and they have him for a freak show. Wife treat him as an ATM machine and that it. No wonder his is grumpy. Have some pity.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
21 Sep 2019 /  #369
Perhaps but it's like he never has anything positive to say - perhaps I can't remember him saying anything positive and that kind of makes me feel he's toxic.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
21 Sep 2019 /  #370
Nature abhors vacuum, and those who have abandoned God always find their own "god". In this case it is "the Planet" and "his" "church" of Climate Change.

Globowarmthinkery is a doomsday cult and those who are not a part of it are "deniers", or in other words heretics and infidels.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Sep 2019 /  #371
You're dissatisfied with pretty much everything around you

Wot you on about? You state that Poland cares for it's citizens. in that it does enough to inform them. I say it doesn't. Now cut out the personal stuff.

Aren't you glad we are old farts that only have another ten or twenty years to live Doug.

Well johnny - there are our kids to consider, but I bloody well know what you mean. On another note, I had a session with a Polish financier today and he expects Poland to (eventually) go the way of Greece with PIS's spending plans for a 4000 zl minimum wage (due to loss of service industries to India and production to the East). It's true of course as you say that fighting climate change will cost, and obviously damage GDP in the short term, but PIS are going to bankrupt Poland anyway, so.....

He was working all his life to support his family

:) And the lazy fukks with a large family who can't get up in the morning to do a days work will get the same Polish pension as I will, even after 27 years of paying small business ZUS. Lucky for me that I've invested in a modest way for my retirement, because in Poland people get rewarded for doing nothing. Nothing to do with being grumpy - Kapyrs is like her old generational neighbours, who were resigned to communism and stated there was nothing they could do to change things.

Luckily for her, a Gdansk shipyard thought differently.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Sep 2019 /  #372
The global warming debate comes down to one question the global warmers who want my money should answer:
In the last 2000 years, was the earth hotter?
If yes, STFU.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Sep 2019 /  #373
I love global warming. California might go under water, winters are warmer, africa gsts depopulated. Whats not to love?
Lenka  5 | 3529  
21 Sep 2019 /  #374
Problems with drinking water in Poland for example?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Sep 2019 /  #375
In the last 2000 years, was the earth hotter?

Sorry Rich, you only have to look at glacial sediments - in fact, if you have the time, and the technique, you don't need a degree in glaciology at all. I studied geology, and wish now that I'd done my research paper on glacial sedimentology, because it's a roadmap of earth's history - as well you know.

There is really no doubt about the fact that the earth is growing hotter at a far faster rate than at any time in the geological record. We wont be here to see the results of that, but our children's children most certainly will.

And as the thread title says - Poland has acted disgustingly in the past towards it's environmental responsibilities as a developed third tier state. Now is the time for a wholesale ban on domestic fossil fuel burning.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Sep 2019 /  #376
Meh i have wells dug and a water filtration system. Even better. I can sell fresh water for the price of gasoline.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
21 Sep 2019 /  #377
1. Where did I say children should pick up litter in forests?
2. Where did I say Poland cares for its citizens?

Now as for cutting down personal stuff don't you tell me I think nothing could be done about it as I never said it.

I really don't know if you can't make out who said what or you're so blinded with your own personal żółć ;) that you're making things up.

Now all of us should do something for the climate, change our lifestyle and habits and another thing is what the government should do in terms of legislations etc.

As for the tiny things I can do, I'll just stop here as I'm not going to waste my time and my phone battery on someone who just likes arguing.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Sep 2019 /  #378
If you want to change your lifestyle im all for it. But dont expect me to ever give up my v8 12 mpg truck or anything else.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Sep 2019 /  #379
Global warming does not equal pollution.
Global warming crazies have one problem: the oceans are not rising. I know because I called the guys managing the ports in Miami and LA.

They would know this stuff better than all the climate scientists on Earth put together. They have that stick in the water that shows where the water surface is. In inches. Even Russia can't interfere with the process. It is actually so simple you don't need to be a Ph.D to do it.
Lenka  5 | 3529  
21 Sep 2019 /  #380
Meh i have wells dug and a water filtration system.

Wells dry up sometimes. Not to mention that it would have a hige impact on Poland as we lnow it...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Sep 2019 /  #381
Wells dry up sometimes.

So, which one is it? Are the icebergs melting and adding to the pool of available water or not?

Sorry Rich, you only have to look at glacial sediments

You artfully avoided my question which was: In the last 2000 years, was the earth hotter?
Once you answer it, we can have a more meaningful discussion.

If I unplug my fridge, the ice will melt, too. Locally. In my fridge. That does not mean that Earth will got hotter. It's the totality of heat, the core and the oceans included, that counts. Icebergs are local.

If any of what the global warmers claimed were true, how come (1) they had to lie, and (2) none of their predictions happened. It's always "we will all die x years from now". And Miami will be under water, notwithstanding the fact that the beautiful people are buying ocean-front properties.

With all that data, they can't even predict the past. Funny, isn't it?
Lenka  5 | 3529  
21 Sep 2019 /  #382
o, which one is it? Are the icebergs melting and adding to the pool of available water or not?

You do recognise different types of water on earth?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Sep 2019 /  #383
If I unplug my fridge, the ice will melt, too.

Your fridge is a closed system. Earth is not. Heat is able to escape easily into space - or rather,was....The earth's core is going to make no discernable difference to sea temperatures, which are rising, hence the widespread death of coral reefs. Better get that Eastern Australia seabord holiday booked quickly! It's the greenhouse effect trapping CO2 that's going to (literally) cook our goose.

Back to school for you Rich. Not that you want to listen. The American line was always that advanced technology will find a way with dealing with the problem - if so, let's hear some of these ideas. I was reading about them somewhere (most innovations require a whole lot of imagination), such as 80 trillion pieces of aluminium the size of a thumbnail orbiting around the earth to reflect some of the sun's heat back into space.

That's not going to go down well with people living in temperate zones, so that's a non starter. Good brainstorming idea though.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Sep 2019 /  #384
And you keep ignoring my question: In the last 2000 years, was the earth hotter?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Sep 2019 /  #385
You're missing the point - which is that the rate of change in temperature is unprecedented in the fossil record, never mind the last 2000 years, and by coincidence global temperatures shoot upwards in the 18th century and then carry on exponentially upwards.

Before that, there were hotter years mapped in the last 2000 years AD, but none that were hotter than from 1980 onwards, as you can see from any published statistics. The last 100 years have shown alarming increases in global temperatures and a mean of 0.8 degrees centigrade. Computer modelling suggests a 2 degree celsius rise by 2070, with the last 5 years the hottest on record since records began in 1880, but you are saying that the last few years is a temporary anomaly,right?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
21 Sep 2019 /  #386
You're missing the point - which is that the rate of change in temperature is unprecedented in the fossil record,

Am I going to get my question answered with a simple yes or no?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Sep 2019 /  #387
So what were supposed to change our lifestyles and pay huge taxes in us and europe while russia, china, india not only do nothing but create more factories, buy more cars, etc rendering any sacrifices we make null and void.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Sep 2019 /  #388
any sacrifices we make

Well, we will have to radically take steps, sooner rather than later. Otherwise those Hollywood disaster films wont be so Hollywood. As johnny stated, some of us wont be here, so it's going to be up to you lot in the end. The Chinese and the Indians wont rush to own cars on the scale that western civilisations do, and we can assume that after their initial rapid industrialistion, they too will go green with renewables, nuclear, finally fusion, and so on.

Ever been to China Dirk? It's leaving the rest o the world behind. The Eastern seabord and it's economic power for change and development is something that only America can match, and then again probably not.

The answers will come from that joint venture between the two new superpowers. You can forget the Russians and their take on technological problems.

my question

I thought I already answered your question. You tell me the answer you are looking or, and I'll give my opinion.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Sep 2019 /  #389
If theres sacrifices they should be universal and worldwide, we both know that wont happen. Not even domestically.

Ever been to China Dirk?

Unfortunately no but what ive seen from videos cities like beijing and shanghai look like theyre decades ahead of us and europe. China is gradually surpassing us as the world superpower. Instead of lauching soft power projects like one belt one road the us wastes trillions ousting dictators that arent useful to them anymore.

The Chinese and the Indians wont rush to own cars on the scale that western civilisations do

Chinas the biggest market for cars and growing rapidly. In the usa the chinese kids always have the nicest cars by a long shot. Some even own 100k plus cars like porsche 911 turbos, brand new range rovers etc.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
22 Sep 2019 /  #390
I thought I already answered your question.

No, you didn't. A question like mine - In the last 2000 years, was the earth hotter? - is answerable by yes or no. No essays.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland blocks any action on climate changeArchived