johnny reb 49 | 7971
20 Sep 2019 / #361
We need to get The Chinese and Indians to act, otherwise we are just wasting our time.
Repeat that as many times like I have Milo and they will still refuse to address it.
When Trump walked out of the Paris Accord they all jumped on him for not wanting anything to do with it until China was held accountable.
The U.S.A. or any other country can't begin to compete with polluters like China and India as it costs big money to dispose of pollutants and put air filters on smoke stacks.
A year after the Paris Accord the U.S.A. has cut our carbon emissions by more than all the countries in the world put together.
What good did it do us besides cut into the citizens pocket AGAIN for the benefit of the rest of the world climate change while China INCREASED their carbon out put in the same period.
Poland hides their head to the real problem because they drag their feet to reality too. (No filters on coal smoke stacks)
I was saying make it the supermarkets responsibility - or put cameras there
Better yet, put some garbage barrels out so people wouldn't have to throw their waste on the ground.
And empty them every day but no that would cost the stores money to be responsible to have it hauled away.
It is against the law in the U.S. to burn any kind of plastic from bottles to wrappers. (Recycle it)
So they should be held accountable
So should China and India Doug as they are biggest polluters in the world but guess what.......nobody wants to PAY FOR IT !