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1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Sep 2012 /  #151
Same with religious beliefs. You may have to live in a Protestant country (Sweden for instance) for whatever reason, but you remain a Catholic. Or you are a hopeleessly dyed-in-the-wool atheist who gets stationed in Malta but doesn't abandon his godless ways.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
5 Sep 2012 /  #152
Have you any info to back that up?

Haven't the birth rates been published on PF many times? My impression is a lot of Poles are having babies in the UK.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
6 Sep 2012 /  #153
Hollywood is the world's most effectvie propaganda machine, whose ability to influence would put Hitler and Stalin to shame.

surely there must be some Poles on this forum that would cite many things in their lives, their families' lives or their friends' lives that have prevented them/others from procreating without mentioning "Hollywood".

money, opportunity, quality of living, housing situations, so on and so forth I'd think would rank much higher.

It absolutely blows my mind how far people will go to blame America for absolutely anything. This one in particular is truly bizarre.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Sep 2012 /  #154

well, there is some truth to it, it is indeed a very well oiled machine and its reach is worldwide, so I would not underestimate its influence on the world values. It is not about blaming but stating the fact. Pol3 always has bad connotation regardless whether it is American or not:)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Sep 2012 /  #155
Haven't the birth rates been published on PF many times? My impression is a lot of Poles are having babies in the UK.

Honestly I don't know, I have never seen them that's why I asked.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #156
Polonius3: Hollywood is the world's most effectvie propaganda machine, whose ability to influence would put Hitler and Stalin to shame

Teenagers today look up to celebrities for their everyday fashion tips, movies or albums and even their bodies. But what happens when you take looking up to someone to a whole different level. And sometimes very tragic things can happen. Drug use is another common problem those goes along with the image of celebrities. Paris Hilton smoking pot, Nicole Richie arrested for drugs and Supermodel Kate Moss for her cocaine addiction . This is all a sign to teens that it's cool to do drugs. People who look up to their idles think they can do no wrong so when they hear about their favorite celeb getting high and in drug rehab, they want to do it also. Julia Roberts in the fabulously popular film ‘Pretty Woman’ created an image to emulate and girls from Minnesota, the Dakotas, Wisconsin, etc. began flocking to become rich and admired, sugar-coated sluts. Few of them lived happily ever after the way ‘Pretty Woman’ did.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Sep 2012 /  #157
We've been through this already, what does this have to do with Poland's birth rate???

You might be surprised that I agree with some of your sentiments but that's neither here nor there.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Sep 2012 /  #158
So what kind of movies according to you the youth should be allowed to watch?
Religious documentaries?
I actually thought "Pretty Woman" to be a funny, warmhearted and positive-minded movie :)

You talk about Polonia like it is some kind of religion. Would it occur to you that 70% of the Poles (the ones not voting PIS) could find this a laughable idea?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #159
I actually thought "Pretty Woman" to be a funny, warmhearted and positive-minded movie :)

for the cinema-goer maybe so, but to the gullible teens whose lives it detsroyed, who ended up battered by johns, beaten by pimps, drug addicted, HIV positive and dead... it did not have a 'Pretty Woman' wending.

You msut be high on pot right now, because no-one was asking for a film review showing whether it was interesting, cute, entertaining and well made -- the topic was how Hollywood influences yougn people. In fact its 'warmhearted and positive-minded' climate is what seduced the gullible girls formt eh sticks. If it had been boring and poorly made, it would have caused a lot less harm.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Sep 2012 /  #160
the topic was how Hollywood influences yougn people.

Not it's not the topic is 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death but it's nice to see you point out when others are off topic, while talking crap.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #161
These are not ttwo separate issues: fertility and Hollywood. Just ask yourself the quesiton: is Hollywood in its films and celeberities through their example promoting as their main role model getting married for life and setting up a wholesome, tight-knit, loving family? If they did, we'd be living in a compeltely differen world with fewer broken homes (or dyfucntional households as they are now called), less infidelity, fewer divorces and custody battle, illegitimate kids, out-of-wedlock mothers and a plethora of other social ills that plague society today.

How would you describe the prevailing role model being peddled and glamoruised by the entertainment industry and its celebs? Is that your ideal?
6 Sep 2012 /  #162
a plethora of other social ills that plague society today.

Why don't you mention racism and bigotry on your list of social ills which plague society today?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #163
For the simple reason that there are many more mixed-up kids made unhappy by irresponsible divorcing adults than there are racists. How many racists are there in your circle of family and friends? How many kids living in incomplete or dysfucntional homes?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
6 Sep 2012 /  #164
bonkers, completely bonkers. Or possibly drunk.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Sep 2012 /  #165
Hey Polonius, are you hoping to be raptured?
6 Sep 2012 /  #166
How many racists are there in your circle of family and friends?

At least three (all family, not friends).

How many kids living in incomplete or dysfucntional homes?

MarcinD  4 | 135  
6 Sep 2012 /  #167
Freudian slip? You wrote: '...people that grew up in large values themselves', when you obviously meant 'large families'. According to the Freudians, that slip-up suggests that deep down you believe large families are a positive value, but wanting to seem 'modern' and going with today's mainstream popcultrure flow, you are suppressing that thought..

Oops, my apologies Polonius3 for the misunderstanding

I certainty see the positives of a large household & it is difficult to find any negatives in having a large extended family around (Grandparents, Uncles, Cousins etc). But the problem is financial

Unless you are wealthy or live in the city outskirts, it is difficult to afford a large household. I grew up with my own room, I would feel weird forcing two of my children to share a room for example. Such freedoms are eliminated once more children come into the equation. I personally rather give my children every privilege & advantage possible versus splitting my time & money between multiple children
NewbyNew  2 | 7  
6 Sep 2012 /  #168
Broadly speaking, in developed nations people are not having children for two main reasons:

1) it is too expensive and too difficult.
2) many, particularly but not exclusively women, do not find a suitable partner in their prime reproductive years. Undoubtedly there would be women and men who would make great parents but they just don't meet someone in due time.

Also, our parents and grandparents lived in an era where people got married young and had children. No one really questioned why, they just did it because it was the 'done' thing. This generation, again just an observation, seem to be more inclined to stop and question these major decisions and, if suitable, genuine and strong reasons don't exist then couples are not having families.

As I said, I'm commenting very broadly and from general knowledge and observations. Feel free to disagree! I'd love to hear some honest and intelligent opinions!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
6 Sep 2012 /  #169
So...should Poland only allow religious/Polonia/smolenkist movies to be shown? And do you think they will start spontaneously to produce kids because of this?

Perhaps the clergy...
In which century are you living?
pawian  226 | 27364  
6 Sep 2012 /  #170
TVN24 has reported that Poland's birth rate of 1.3% is at the bottom of the European barrel together with Bulgaria and Lithuania. That menas that in a few decades there will be oen able-bodied working Pole for each old-age pensioner. At present the ratrio is 4:1.

Only immigration can save us.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
6 Sep 2012 /  #172
[quote=NewbyN1) it is too expensive and too difficult.[/qu

The economy in Poland doesn't allow young couples to have large numbers of children and working mothers find it difficult to cope with huge families! There aren't the family subsidies in Poland that there are in the UK for example.

quote=NewbyNew: many, particularly but not exclusively women, do not find a suitable partner in their prime reproductive years.

Some women ( certainly in the UK and USA but i don't actually know about Poland) would like both a career and a family and this is easier with a smaller number of children.

Again I really don't know about the situation in Poland but in the UK both British and larger numbers of Polish women are having children without partners, so I'm not sure if this statement is true.

Whatever the reasons it's not a bad thing that the birth rate is falling, obviously there will be problems initially with a top heavy layer of older people but this will even out.

The earth's resources (not just energy resources) are running out and from an environmental point of view we need less humans!!
pawian  226 | 27364  
6 Sep 2012 /  #173
uah, but not the PolAms;)

Come on, we will take everybody. Of course, they will have to adopt the Polish way of life and thinking.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Sep 2012 /  #174
There's not a single divorced person amongst your friends, relatives workmates or neighbours? That's rather hard ot believe. I'm sure there's more than one on PF.
pawian  226 | 27364  
6 Sep 2012 /  #175
There's not a single divorced person amongst your friends, relatives workmates or neighbours?

All my 5 aunts divorced their husbands (reason: alcoholism) but, you won`t believe it, they all got together again because it was love at first sight.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Sep 2012 /  #176
These are not ttwo separate issues: fertility and Hollywood.

Eh, yeah they are.

Hollywood can not be blamed on people in Poland not having babies, that's ridiculous.
If you persist I will ask you how Hollywood (not people's personal lives) portrays families in their movies (exclude horrors because lets face it, if you are going to copulate to a horror, you're probably not interested in having kids).
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
6 Sep 2012 /  #177
Please re-read the post more carefully. Polonia is not a place, it's a frame of mind. You take it with you wherever you go. When in Poland I never stopoed being a Polonian despite the years I have spent in my grandparents' homeland. Looks like you just like to bicker and squabble and, as they say, 'szuzkasz dziury w całym!'

Polonia is just a matter of being closely related to Poles no matter where you go! If you have close Polish relatives, you are Polonia!
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
7 Sep 2012 /  #178
Haven't the birth rates been published on PF many times? My impression is a lot of Poles are having babies in the UK.

Honestly I don't know, I have never seen them that's why I asked.

Not my quote.

Polonius3: Hollywood is the world's most effectvie propaganda machine, whose ability to influence would put Hitler and Stalin to shame

Again, not my quote! Get it together, people.
Meathead  5 | 467  
7 Sep 2012 /  #179
bonkers, completely bonkers. Or possibly drunk.

Nay, Roman Catholic. Why do you think you had the Reformation?

Okay everybody lets do a poll: how many kids do you think Polonius3 has? My guess...none.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 Sep 2012 /  #180
I guess this means Polonius3 will do his best to take care of all these kids he wants everyone to have.

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