I would like to thank kondzior, Lodz, Szlachcic, and others who have the right mindset. Its like this that nations go forward.
Others just want to go forward by: gay marriage, abortions, feminism, affirmative action and obsession with $$$. These ideas all destroy society. Having a nice steady population and birth rate (I think 2.1 is average to sustain society) are good things.
This is not how it should be. This is not the way we Poles are naturally. This is what the Americanization brought us too ... we just need to get rid of hit hopefully.
Amen. Its in the genes, culture and the "Polishness" in people. This never left me even from the moment I left in the early 80s. EU is destroying this and PO isnt helping. One of the most popular first names in Britain or France cant remember which is Mohamed for Pete's sake. Thats not a good thing. If these multicultural lunatics and third world immigrants keep pouring in it spells disaster. (i.e. Detroit, Chicago).
If Poland can round out its population at somewhere around 40-45 million then that would be fine. For a country that size geographically, that leaves a lot of room for recreation and prosperity.
If Poland (somehow) has a baby boom and exceeds those numbers than it can ship the excess to Great Britain:)
In my opinion 50 million would be very nice. In the short run economy might take a dive but then it should increase as is natural. Many higher populated nations are having their economy go up as well (like China, Brazil, India, etc).
*cant wait for Delph or Harrys insults, not that im innocent myself"
How can you honestly believe this about oil? There is only so much oil in the mantle. After it is extracted, it is gone forever. It will not be there after it is used and it is being rapidly depleted now. Doesn't matter how much oil is under the oceans because it will be used just as quickly. Then after that -nothing- unless new technology is developed.
People are way to worried with overpopulation. The problem areas are in Africa and parts of Asia where they are having 5+6 kids (which is bad in impoverished nations). Surely Poland can go from 1.3/couple to 2.3 without causing "huge" problems.
Oil does have a limit but its still a LONG way before it is all used up. With time and technology there will be new methods. It shouldnt be a problem.
That's rubbish. Sweden and France have fertility rates mong the highest in Europe.
France has "highest" rates in Europe because of the big Muslim population. Even the birth rates in both nations are still below 2.1 per couple among couples (white people only, Muslims increase the rate in France to near 2.1).
You know, in Canada they are converting oil sands to oil which is very costly. If they are going to that much trouble, it should be a heads up on the situation and you should realize there isn't a lot of oil left. No one knows how much there is because to find out, one has to drill and hope they get an active well. M
The numbers are still massive enough to last before new technology replaces it.
this is so bizarre. Poland's got an abysmal birth rate and the first thing you bring up is Hollywood?
It plays a role. It may not play a big role but it still makes a difference.