Anybody who drives on the roads, uses public transport, farms food or is in any way affected by the huge infrastructure funding
Really? Isn't Poland suppose to put on the table half of the sum and EU puts other half? I would say cut investment by half and vole - no EU funding is needed.
Farms food?Actually farmers are being pay not to produce any food.
What infrastructure and public transport? Do you think Poland couldn't afford those o her own?Think again!
(of which Poland is the largest net recipient) benefits.
at the moment ? Maybe she is maybe she isn't, Poland pay in as well and I haven't sees any reliable financial diagram which would explain all those issues giving real figures.
Anyway pro-EU propaganda stressed above everything else that being member of the EU will make @Poland economically on par with France or Germany - what is stopping them?
Very much so.
I will repeat myself for your benefit - Polish gov is sponsored by the west! Anything Poland got she paid for it, no free lunches. You forget that the price for EU membership was destroying Polish industry and opening Polish marked for international companies, nobody is doing it for charity.
After all, there wasn't exactly a thriving homegrown economy before.
For 15 years Poland was adjusting her economy to EU directives/ Anyway w2hat thriving economy is there now?