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rychlik  41 | 372  
24 Sep 2010 /  #1
Read it baby:

Poland is one of the best places to live in Europe thanks to a low retirement age, long holidays and cheap living costs, according to the latest Quality of Life Index compiled by uSwitch..

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
24 Sep 2010 /  #2
Considering that a Polish smoker can expect to pay just £1.70 for a packet of cigarettes

Cigarette smoke smells so stale. Low cigarette pack prices are nothing to brag about since it means more people smoke and if more people smoke, there's more second hand smoke everywhere. It makes people's clothing smell weird.

The rest of it is cool but not smoking is a good thing and should be discouraged.
plk123  8 | 4119  
24 Sep 2010 /  #3
smoke'm if you got'm
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Sep 2010 /  #4
such as Germany and Britain which finished in fifth and ninth place

Funny how we finish in 9 but Poles cant wait to get here!

he average Pole retires at 59.3 years

What is his pension when he retires? Can he travel abroad when he feels like it and spend a few months of year out of the country relaxing in the sun in a foreign coutry?

Poland can also boast the cheapest petrol and diesel prices (at £0.98 and £0.90 per liter) and shares the lowest electricity prices with France (£0.08 per kWh).

It also boasts the lowest wages so these prices are pretty expensive if a guy is only earning 8 zlt an hour (circa. £2.00) in comparison to your average Brit who will pay circa. £1.15 and he earns circa. (medium average) £14.00 per hour - who's the one who's laughing?

Considering that a Polish smoker can expect to pay just £1.70 for a packet of cigarettes - in Britain a packet costs a whopping £6.30 -

So again, he has to work nearly a full hour to buy a pack of fags - by the way most of the money on fags in the UK is tax which goes in to the coffers which is good for none smokers...Spain used to boast cheap fags but their government has whacked them with lots of tax, Poland will follow (just back from Czech Rep and the fags have doubled in 4 years do you think their wages have doubled????)

Its all relative Rychlik and the figures you posted maybe cheap by Western European standards but they are not by Polish standards...

and Poles work the longest hours (40.7 hours a week).


The average is 42.2 in the Netherlands it is 46.0 so they are far behind working the longest hours, but the legal limit in Poland is actually lower than most European countries.

Teffle  22 | 1318  
24 Sep 2010 /  #5
This "article" has the strong whiff of BS about it to me.

uSwitch is hardly a reputable indicator is it?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Sep 2010 /  #6
Can someone on a small private pension plus full State pension do that in the UK?

At least the Polish system is based on how much you put in rather than a set number.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Sep 2010 /  #7
Poland came fourth in a list of 10 European nations, finishing ahead of economic heavyweights such as Germany and Britain which finished in fifth and ninth place, respectively.

...okay...where are my bags!

I might relocate to Breslau sooner than I thought!
24 Sep 2010 /  #8
This "article" has the strong whiff of BS about it to me. uSwitch is hardly a reputable indicator is it?

If you are talking about the WBJ I would agree that the reporting is some questionable or out of date, but they try hard. Here is the uswitch report

24 Sep 2010 /  #9
This "article" has the strong whiff of BS about it to me.

More than a strong whiff! The 2009 survey claimed that the average after tax household income in Poland was £21,331! And that was based on one person earning 100% of the average and the other partner earning 30%!
jwojcie  2 | 762  
24 Sep 2010 /  #10
this "Life Index compiled by uSwitch" was already ridiculed in Poland. It has important factual errors, so there is really nothing to talk about.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
24 Sep 2010 /  #11
Can someone on a small private pension plus full State pension do that in the UK?

Plenty do, because life isnt that expensive in the UK...most if not ALL pensioners own their own properties outright by the time they retire..so outgoings are significantly lower - Take for instance my parents a not rich my any means but they spend about 2 or 3 some times 4 months of the year in Cyprus, they also go to a couple of other countries for holidays, neither of them smoke and they have the odd glass of wine so - you see, in the UK its quite possible to have a good life in retirement if you dont puff and drink your money away.

This "article" has the strong whiff of BS about it to me.

A little?
McCoy  27 | 1268  
24 Sep 2010 /  #12
Funny how we finish in 9 but Poles cant wait to get here!

that only shows how we like underdogs
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Sep 2010 /  #13
The funny thing is, 30-40% percent of Poles would disagree. 4th best, hardly. The price of property here is prohibitively expensive for many.
McCoy  27 | 1268  
24 Sep 2010 /  #14
30-40% percent

how do you come up with this number?
David_18  65 | 966  
24 Sep 2010 /  #15
I guess the Uk is so bad that even the old people looks for places that are nicer ;)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
24 Sep 2010 /  #16
Its all relative Rychlik and the figures you posted maybe cheap by Western European standards but they are not by Polish standards...

Absolutely. It seems like Poland is doing everything the wrong way round - instead of gradually increasing wages as the economy develops, with prices rising accordingly, it seems like Poland just wants to mimic Western prices but with no change in wages. It's still affordable as a travel destination, but for what it is, it isn't good value at all. And it must clearly be even worse for ordinary (average wage-earning) Poles.

When I went to Hong Kong last year (one of the most expensive places in the world) I never spent more than £2.20 on a meal, and dim sum with tea for breakfast (effectively a couple of pierogi with tea) cost literally pennies - as did travel on the ridiculously efficient and integrated transport system (it goes without saying that it's better than anything Poland is ever likely to have in my lifetime). I think it would be pretty difficult to find an authentic meal in Poland for about 11 PLN these days. The last time I paid something like that in Poland was when I had some pierogi in Wroclaw about 3 years ago. My very comfortable 3.5 star hotel cost about the same as a 2-3 star hotel in Poland - and don't even get me started on the difference in quality of service! Obviously, female Polish hotel receptionists are better looking than male Chinese hotel receptionists, but I don't go on holiday to look at the hotel staff, do I? lol :D
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Sep 2010 /  #17
Many are highly critical of their country, McCoy.

Good first para above, NMP. Salaries are not rising in line with other changes like tax and inflation. You need to be creative here to be successful.
rock  - | 428  
24 Sep 2010 /  #18
Have you seen that before ?

Very funny.

vetala  - | 381  
24 Sep 2010 /  #19
Someone should inform them that what seems cheap to a British person is f*cking expensive to a Pole.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Sep 2010 /  #20
yes, very funny, Mr. Thanksgiving Meal! lol ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Sep 2010 /  #21
What a complete bunch of rankers.

What kind of moron needs someone speaking out of their arse to decide for them where's a good place to live?
rock  - | 428  
24 Sep 2010 /  #22
yes, very funny, Mr. Thanksgiving Meal! lol ;)

What do you expect me to say ? Eat me ? lol
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Sep 2010 /  #23
the best turkey is a smoked one, and it's not too far from the reality, Mr. Hookah...
(you've got many names, Mr. Definitely Not European) ;)
rock  - | 428  
24 Sep 2010 /  #24
Don't provocate me to call you Mrs/Miss Sexy Fembot :)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Sep 2010 /  #25
hehe... i like Italy in Europe according to Italy... ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Sep 2010 /  #26
My old 'some things and good and some things are bad' didn't go down very well half an hour ago. I think the Polish eminent lawyer I was talking to wanted me to cut the bad bit, LOL.
24 Sep 2010 /  #27
Read it baby:

They have also taken into consideration weather... no onder we are at 4th place and britain at 9th ;DDD
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Sep 2010 /  #28
Another bit of nonsense research, like most of it out there. People are just bored and feel the need to do such things.

I like living here in Poland for the most part but I see a change in the future.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Sep 2010 /  #29
I see a change in the future.

For you, Poland.... or both?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Sep 2010 /  #30
More for me I'd say :)

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / POLAND IS 4TH BEST PLACE TO LIVE IN EUROPEArchived