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Poland Should Beef Up Military

MrBubbles  10 | 613  
9 Feb 2009 /  #61
from the beginning Poland had to fight every fuckin century. why should we expect that we are living in different/better times? we should be ready and strong.

I hate to tell you this but getting your arse handed to you on a plate over and over again doesn't qualify you as being a warrior nation.
celinski  31 | 1258  
9 Feb 2009 /  #62
Well done Russia :)

NATO urges Russia to abandon 19th century mindset

I cannot see how we can have such a serious discussion of such a new architecture, in which President Medvedev himself says territorial integrity is a primary element when Russia is building bases inside Georgia, a country that doesn't want those bases.

washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/07/AR2009 020700958.html

Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Feb 2009 /  #63
Well, thanks to good old Britain, France and America ;) ;)

Building bases inside Georgia, what nonsense. In Abkhazia, yes. A province which values its own traditions and doesn't want to be part of Georgia. It is independent and has a better relationship with Russia.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
9 Feb 2009 /  #64
oh, cut your crap krautboy.

I'm shaking!

if our neighbours were far stronger we would be speaking russian or barking shwabian.

Well you did more often than the other way around!

Well, thanks to good old Britain, France and America ;)


So I really doubt "beefing up your military" is the right way....your military is NOT what will give you security!
But for example being nice to "jebane niemiaszki"..
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
9 Feb 2009 /  #65
I hate to tell you this but getting your arse handed to you on a plate over and over again doesn't qualify you as being a warrior nation.

Let me guess, you know it because you made a history project in your high school... Lol
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Feb 2009 /  #66
You gotta ask yourself this. Other than useful practice, what did the Polish troops get out of Iraq and Afghanistan? What telling contribution did they make? Beefing up the military will just present more targets for bigger powers.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
9 Feb 2009 /  #67
Let me guess, you know it because you made a history project in your high school... Lol

No, common knowledge actually. Even tribesmen in the Amazon rainforest know about Poland's track record. I suggest you do a project on it when you get to high school LOL
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
9 Feb 2009 /  #68
I suggest you do a project on it when you get to high school LOL

Ahh, I see that you are a master of well aimed riposte and fast argumentation. I salute you. :)
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
9 Feb 2009 /  #69
McCoy this is a great list of wars and thanks for taking time showing it too people what Poland has gone thro! Poland is innocent for the most part, from day one Russians and Germans wanted to destroy us just look at the facts the list! We have to have Armed Forces every country has to have them! Like it was mentioned above years, technology, decades, places, rivers, borders always change but people never do and there will always be wars in this world! There will always be this one person who will be hungry for power and will need to start wars!! Poland should and will have Military Force always and will never get rid of them, and Poland will always spend Zloty/Euro for their army and any country that thinks smart will! But talking about Russia I think with in the next 100-200 years it will brake up in to small countries because they are too big and to poor there will be a civil war in Russia one day and same goes for USA and the (UE will fall apart), and Poland will always be there same, smaller and bigger but it will never go away! Any ways every one is in title to think what they want to but history really likes to repeat her self over and over! I don't believe USA would do any thing if Poland got invaded; it’s all just signatures and paper work that means nothing at the end like history showed us!!
9 Feb 2009 /  #70
"Poland Should Beef Up Military"

I think we should build some more castles and improve our catapults.
Then we shall invade Gyrmans and rape their men and women.
Next step will be Gauls. We should kill their mighty warriors - Asterix and Obelix (they are a great treat to our National interest)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
9 Feb 2009 /  #71
Poland is innocent for the most part, from day one Russians and Germans wanted to destroy us just look at the facts the list!

Crowie? Is that you?

The viability of the emerging state was assured by the early Piast leaders' persistent territorial expansion, which beginning with a very small area around Gniezno

The Polanie tribe conquered and merged with other Slavic tribes

It fought wars with the Polabian Slavs, the margraves of the Saxon Eastern March (Gero in 963-964 and Hodo in 972), and the Czechs. By around 990, when Mieszko I officially submitted his country to the authority of the Holy See (Dagome iudex), he had transformed Poland into one of the strongest powers in central-eastern Europe.

Contrary to what Mieszko had intended, his oldest son Bolesław managed to become the sole ruler of Poland. A man of high ambition and strong personality, he embarked on further territorial expansion to the west, south, and east

in 1018 also Bolesław took over the western part of Red Ruthenia

After Bolesław's death his son, King Mieszko II Lambert, tried to continue his father's politics, having his kingdom act as an interventionist great power.

in 1047 Masovia was taken back from Miecław, and in 1050 Silesia form the Czechs

In 1226 Konrad I of Masovia invited the Teutonic Knights to help him fight the Prussian people

Casimir unsuccessfully tried to recover Silesia by conducting military activities against the Luxembourgs between 1343 and 1348

During the Hussite Wars (1420-1434) Jagiełło, Vytautas and Sigismund Korybut were invoved in political and military maneuvering concerning the Czech crown,

The idea, accepted in Poland over Oleśnicki's objections, resulted in two unsuccessful Polish military expeditions to Bohemia.

Casimir declared a war on the Order and a formal incorporation of Prussia into the Polish Crown; those events led to the Thirteen Years War

In 1569 Royal Prussia had its legal autonomy largely taken away, and in 1570 Poland's supremacy over Gdańsk and the Polish King's authority over the Baltic shipping trade were regulated and received statutory recognition.

The Polish-Muscovite War (1605-1618) took place in the early-1600's as a sequence of military conflicts and eastward invasions carried out by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,

....just some reminders as you don't seem to know your own history very well...
You Poles are as greedy as the best of us!:)
And as I said, you only play the victim because you happen to be now be the neighbours of stronger nations, but that wasn't always the case...You call them your "arch enemies" I call that "sour grapes"! :)
PolskaMan  2 | 147  
9 Feb 2009 /  #72
Look at the pictures Mcoy posted and your telling the Polish Military to beefen up??
lesser  4 | 1311  
9 Feb 2009 /  #73
Since almost every continent has nuclear weapons who could wipe out the planet of earth in less then 1 hour.

Continents have not any nuclear weapons but some states, Poland is not among them. However I agree, this is waste of cash if our politicians would spend too much on conventional army. Our potential enemies (in longer perspective) are as usual Germany and Russia, the latter already have nuclear weapons. Germany would join them quickly if they will need. Polish politicians should for once proof me wrong and finally show that they are not completely useless corrupt sellouts.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Feb 2009 /  #74
You are asking the impossible, lesser. They are in bed with America and can't see that they are being used.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
9 Feb 2009 /  #75
Our potential enemies (in longer perspective) are as usual Germany and Russia, the latter already have nuclear weapons. Germany would join them quickly if they will need.

What makes you say that?
You surely have reasons, don't you...

3 nuclear countries side by side (no make that four with France) is such a splendid idea! :)
PolskaMan  2 | 147  
9 Feb 2009 /  #76
if our neighbours were far stronger we would be speaking russian or barking shwabian

Very true

The kraut really needs to look at basic facts
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
9 Feb 2009 /  #77
The kraut really needs to look at basic facts

Which were?

As far as I history remember Poland got handed their independence on a platter after WWI and got even more land after WWII, both not on their own!

That makes you dependant on generous bigger powers but not really the stronger one...:)

What happens when you are on your own shows the time BEFORE allied intervention...surely you've heard of the partitions and 1939?

What is this with Poles and their history understanding?
lesser  4 | 1311  
9 Feb 2009 /  #78
What makes you say that?
You surely have reasons, don't you...

Just prevention, something that should not be spoken publicly by Polish officials. Poland have no interest to stir up any tensions and certainly should be keep out from involvement in military conflicts. Nuclear weapon or possibly other kind of weapon with similar power is the best guarantee of peace.

You are asking the impossible, lesser. They are in bed with America and can't see that they are being used.

Don't forget about their willingness to build EU army.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Feb 2009 /  #79
Well, steps have already been taken in that regard although the overall commitment to that process is somewhat dubious.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
9 Feb 2009 /  #80
Poland have no interest to stir up any tensions

Well...your former Kaczynski duo showed to the contrary that Poland likes very well to stir up tensions!

Imagine they would had had nukes....
lesser  4 | 1311  
9 Feb 2009 /  #81
Well, steps have already been taken in that regard although the overall commitment to that process is somewhat dubious.

Eurocrats build their empire using tactic of little steps, so this is just question of time.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Feb 2009 /  #82
True. Very incremental and sneaky. Subtle moves ruffle fewer feathers but the insightful can see what they are doing a mile off.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
9 Feb 2009 /  #83
but the insightful can see what they are doing a mile off.

And that would be???
lesser  4 | 1311  
9 Feb 2009 /  #84
Well...your former Kaczynski duo showed to the contrary that Poland likes very well to stir up tensions!

Imagine they would had had nukes....

His foreign policy was really foolish, he was provoking both Germany and Russia. Of course it have nothing to do with Poland possibly holding nukes. His statement were just part of election demagogy. I don't even know why you write this last comment, unless just to provoke some hot-headed posters.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Feb 2009 /  #85
Building up a European army with the eventual intention of merging it with a more cohesive sort of world police. This is the plan of the world government wack jobs like those in the CFR.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
9 Feb 2009 /  #86
unless just to provoke some hot-headed posters.

Well...they DID stir up tensions the whole time!
And undoubtly if they would still have power we would have seen a further
detoriating of the relationships between our countries....

So what if they had nukes during a tantrum?
Is that so far fetched?

Today, 23:48 Report #86

Building up a European army with the eventual intention of merging it with a more cohesive sort of world police.

I find nothing wrong with building a European Army....it's the next logical consequence!

But it will take another generation or two...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Feb 2009 /  #88
Exactly the point. Step by step.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Feb 2009 /  #90
Nothing really. As long as they have a referendum on such a thing. There aren't enough referendums on key issues these days.

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