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Poland's atheist loonies have had their 5 minutes

Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2011 /  #91
If atheists rely on facts and proven things then how do they lie to themselves?

Because theyre trying to prove the unprovable to rationalise their own existence. Practical minds can only operate this way.

I am a week atheist in that im not a religious person, more a believer that this is not everything it can ever be. I am a spiritualist.
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Jan 2011 /  #92
They are not capable of admitting that life simply doesnt make sense, doesnt make sense at all.

I am. Here: It doesn't make any sense at all. (Yet.) But there's no lie which is suppressing our conscience or whatever. That's just you trying to convince yourself that your existence has to have a special, deeper and profound meaning. So maybe you're not capable of admitting that we could very well be one of the many coincedences in the bigger picture of all things? Look, whatever the entire truth is, I don't claim to know it. I stick to what I *do* know, and that's all I'm saying.
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2011 /  #93
I stick to what I *do* know, and that's all I'm saying.

Exactly the point, your grasp on what is real and right in front of you prevents a higher power or spiritual existence from being realistic.

That's just you trying to convincing yourself that your existence has to have a special, deeper and profound meaning.

On some levels yes, i have personal proof also.

So maybe you're not capable of admitting that we could very well be one of the many coincedences in the bigger picture of all things?

Maybe is correct, im capable of admitting either way my life is far from over, opinions change.
Olaf  6 | 955  
7 Jan 2011 /  #94
Because theyre are trying to prove the unprovable.

Trying to prove what? I don't think so. It is actually even more reasuring and convenient to know facts instead of things that are really hard to believe and even more to rely on. So who is trying to prove what? Maybe you mean some 'crusading' ones, but this type we can find on each side of the barricade.
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Jan 2011 /  #95
Exactly the point, your grasp on what is real and right in front of you prevents a higher power or spiritual existence from being realistic.

Nothing prevents me, because I'm actually very open-minded to the idea of a God, just not in a religious manner. Because one of the things I *do* know, is that God never told me to throw stones at people, or to behead them, or to condemn their behavior.

On some levels yes, i have personal proof also.

I'd be interested in hearing it. (Without ridiculing you.) But if that's a no-no for you I'd understand.

Maybe is correct, im capable of admitting either way my life is far from over, opinions change.

Fair enough.
Barney  19 | 1729  
7 Jan 2011 /  #96
Facts change and understanding changes. I can't see the difference between believing in God and believing in love and almost everyone knows that experiencing love is a great thing. You cannot define it measure it or prove it but we all know for certain that it exists and is very powerful.
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2011 /  #97
Trying to prove what?

the reason for our existence, the meaning of life, is there life after death?

It is actually even more reasuring and convenient to know facts instead of things that are really hard to believe and even more to rely on.

In a perfect world that would be great.

So who is trying to prove what?


Because one of the things I *do* know, is that God never told me to throw stones at people, or to behead them, or to condemn their behavior.

Thats back to the perfect world scenario, it has to happen to mortalise our existence.

In my opinion there are certain things our minds cannot and will not comprehend, for example the idea there is an end to the universe (it has to eternal) or inventing a new colour for example. This philosophy applies to life, there are things we cannot and should not know about, that would be cheating.

I'd be interested in hearing it. (Without ridiculing you.) But if that's a no-no for you I'd understand.

I gave up telling the story to any Tom, Dick or Harry a long time ago. Suffice to say i witnessed first hand a supernatural occurrence, later is was verified by four other family members.

Then we have Ouija boards, they really work, i wouldnt use one personally but in my opinion and after careful research they do work.
Olaf  6 | 955  
7 Jan 2011 /  #98
Then we have Ouija boards, they really work, i wouldnt use one personally but in my opinion and after careful research they do work.

:D better not feck with deamons from other dimensions! :D
Those two guys did it and look what happened ...
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Jan 2011 /  #99
Those two guys did it and look what happened:

Thats not a demon thats the devil and great scene, good tunes from both parties.
Olaf  6 | 955  
7 Jan 2011 /  #100
... and the dialogues! :D I knew the voice was familiar and then I checked it and I learned that the devil is Dave Grohl - no wonder he sings, plays the gitar and drums...
wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2011 /  #101
The Devil actually has a voice very similar to Winston Churchill when he speaks to me...but i guess he might change it when he talks to others of a different nationality...
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Jan 2011 /  #102
I gave up telling the story to any Tom, Dick or Harry a long time ago.

Probably for the best.

Thats back to the perfect world scenario, it has to happen to mortalise our existence.

Well, let's just say that to me it's pretty obvious that it doesn't have to happen. (I mean, look around you?)
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
7 Jan 2011 /  #103

how the 'proud' ???????!!! polisg present themselves in Ireland
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 Jan 2011 /  #104
When you consider it, atheists are narrow minded and closed off to the possibilities existing in outer space.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2011 /  #105
polisg present themselves in Ireland

This dickwad says on his profile he is a teacher....not a teacher of English i hope...?
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Jan 2011 /  #106
When you consider it, atheists are narrow minded and closed off to the possibilities existing in outer space.

I tend to disagree. Atheists don't believe that there's nothing out there, they would just ask "hmm, wonder where that came from?" upon encountering something.
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Jan 2011 /  #107
When you consider it, atheists are narrow minded and closed off to the possibilities existing in outer space.

When you consider it, the Church never wanted any kind of progression, and this is why quite a few scientists and books were put to the torch, so yes you have the atheists to thank for all their curiousity and questioning, and also for the fact that you people now know something about outer space in the first place. Thank you.
George8600  10 | 630  
7 Jan 2011 /  #108
Orthodox Catholics

Greek Orthodox Christian, you'd be surprised how many Russians and Ukrainians come on religious pilgrimages here in Greece.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 Jan 2011 /  #109
Atheists don't believe that there's nothing out there, they would just ask "hmm, wonder where that came from?" upon encountering something.

They believe there isn't a godlike entity that can create sections of the universe, perhaps even controlling these places...if you ever watched that Stephen Hawking show on the Science Channel, you realize it is possible for a species to manipulate the laws of science to the point they become godlike creating something out of nothing. As noted on that show, humans have already advanced to the point of controlling their own evolution...

Would the Pope of three hundred years ago considered that possibility?
The atheists who negate all godlike entities possibly controlling civilizations are kind of like the Popes of days gone by who refused to consider science and technology, prefering divine providence instead ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Jan 2011 /  #110
They believe there isn't a godlike entity that can create sections of the universe, perhaps even controlling these places.

Why not? Seems plausible enough. Atheists might not believe that those entities have always existed and will always exist, but I'm all for matter mastering godlike creatures. Hell, if you can show me one, I might even worship it by sacrificing my best goat.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 Jan 2011 /  #111
Hell, if you can show me one, I might even worship it by sacrificing my best goat.

On one future date our species could be such beings...
We are headed there now. Heck, all this talk of God could be a self fulfilling prophecy...
sascha  1 | 824  
7 Jan 2011 /  #112
They believe there isn't a godlike entity that can create sections of the universe, perhaps even controlling these places

What's correct. Do you believe that?

manipulate the laws of science to the point they become godlike creating something out of nothing.

Any example?

The atheists who negate all godlike entities possibly controlling civilizations are kind of like the Popes of days gone by who refused to consider science and technology, prefering divine providence instead ;)

They do not deny, they simply use logic instead of 'believe' what even is not proven. Theories about that are out there. Ask 'believers' and they will tell you what the popes and priests told them. No critical thinking.

At the end everone decdes for himself what kind of picture of the world he wants o keep. ;-)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 Jan 2011 /  #113
Do you believe that?

I think it's more than possible. In fact, probable :)

Any example?

When CERN has it figured out, you'll know ;)

They do not deny, they simply use logic instead of 'believe' what even is not proven.

I agree there. Use logic, not myth. I don't deny there could be godlike entities waiting to be discovered...question becomes...do we want to discover them?

I can see it turning into an episode of Star Trek with a terrible conclusion..
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Jan 2011 /  #114
Hell, if you can show me one, I might even worship it by sacrificing my best goat.

You mean there could be Goddesses too? Wow. Can I have their numbers?

wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2011 /  #115
Can I have their numbers?

Magda.. 608 543 2345
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Jan 2011 /  #116
On one future date our species could be such beings...
We are headed there now. Heck, all this talk of God could be a self fulfilling prophecy...

The Bill Hicks philosophy, we're already there.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 Jan 2011 /  #117
It's good to keep a sense of humor no matter how powerful one becomes...
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Jan 2011 /  #118
Magda.. 608 543 2345

I know you, she's probably the one I shouldn't want to know! I know a Magda from Kraków though, and she only lives three blocks away! So you're saying she has super-powers? Should we call our national security?

wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jan 2011 /  #119
Should we call our national security?

No national security , or special forces would be a match for Magda....

she bites the heads off Bison...
A J  4 | 1075  
7 Jan 2011 /  #120
she bites the heads off Bison...

So what do we do? Worship her?


Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland's atheist loonies have had their 5 minutesArchived