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Article on the West's propaganda war on Poland - Commies, 'apolitical' KODists, and G. Soros - Oh My

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
20 May 2016 /  #1
Here is a wonderful detailed article by Breitbart describing the west's propoganda war with PiS and Poland. It describes how KOD formed, and how although this group said themselves to be 'apolitical' it clearly shows that it is PO leaders fighting to retain a piece of the pie. It describes relationships - such as Washington Posts' Anne Applebaum's, who has covered this situation painting Poland is a very negative manner, is married to former Finance Minister scandal ridden Radoslaw Sikorski of PO

This wonderful article points out a few facts that the western media as well as anti-polish media (like our Zionist friend Michnik) do not talk about. For example:

If the government is their boss and pays their checks - they can decide who gets hired and fired - that's only natural...
The first is a media law passed by the new government that gave control over the hiring and firing of employees of the public media to the government, which is the entity that pays their paychecks.

Breitbart argues that the tribunal hasn't been reformed his 1986 - the Commie days...
It is important to note that the tribunal was an unreformed vestige of communist times that was launched in 1986 under the rule of the Soviet designated dictator of Poland, General Wojciech Jaruzelski, to act as a symbol of Westernization during glasnost and perestroika.

PiS wanted to expose and remove if necessary the Commies who were still in power, now under the banner of PO and other parties...

But as clearly evidenced by the actions of Rzeplinski, and many of the court's decisions, including the blocking of the Lustration Law introduced by Law & Justice the last time they led in 2005-7 (which would have made transparent the names and records of all those who collaborated in the crimes of the pre-1989 Communist regime)...

The media fails to mention that PO stacked the benches before they left office as well... arguably illegally...

The media lied about how many people demonstrated - KOD says 240k, BBC says 240k, but the Polish police said about 40k... 200k short..
The police in the meantime say the protest had 45,000 people in attendance. But the BBC, in a recent interview with "free market" banking cabal shill Ryszard Petru, also plastered the 240,000 number on the screen despite having no proof of such scale.


I don't want to copy too much but please read this artcile - it has some wonderful videos in it as well. It later makes an accusation, which has yet to be factually determined, whether George Soros' Open Society is funding KOD and attempting to bring down a democratically elected government.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 May 2016 /  #2
The media fails to mention that PO stacked the benches before they left office as well

Adrian, if you're going to quote nonsense, at least get your facts right. PiS voted for many of those judges all the same, including the President of the Tribunal Rzepliński.

PiS wanted to expose and remove if necessary the Commies who were still in power, now under the banner of PO and other parties...

Adrian, again, you really need to understand Poland better. There are plenty of ex-PZPR members in PiS these days.

If the government is their boss and pays their checks - they can decide who gets hired and fired - that's only natural...

It's complete pathology to fire renowned experts from their posts simply because they aren't connected to your party.

There is no propaganda war against Poland. This is entirely the making of PiS and nothing else - and they shouldn't be surprised that they've been getting criticised for it from such a broad section of society.

In reality, PiS are communists masquerading as patriots. It's exactly what the Communists did in the 40's, and anyone that claims to be as well read as you are should see the parallels. You take over the State in the background while enacting populist reforms. The Communists redistributed land, PiS redistributed wealth (500+). While people are stuffing their face with their new found gains, you use your new powers to take control of the judiciary and the security forces. Next elections are a formality.
smurf  38 | 1940  
22 May 2016 /  #3

Always the victim, it's never your fault
Ktos  15 | 432  
22 May 2016 /  #4
It later makes an accusation, which has yet to be factually determined, whether George Soros' Open Society is funding KOD and attempting to bring down a democratically elected government.

You are debating it? Of course Soros is funding KOD, he is the main financier of it. A well put thread, by the way.
OP AdrianK9  6 | 364  
23 May 2016 /  #5
Always the victim, it's never your fault

Our fault? PiS is the one who wanted to remove the old commie guard - that didn't sit too well with PiS

You are debating it?

No this is just more evidence of media skewing the truth and foreign Zionist influence in Polish affairs in an attempt to undermine a democratically elected government in a sovereign country.
smurf  38 | 1940  
23 May 2016 /  #6
Our fault?

Yea, all you hear in Poland is people blaming each other, trying to score points against the 'enemy'.
Most countries politicians try to put differences aside for a common goal, even republicians and democrats work together y'know.
Poland? No way Jose.
It's not our fault the economy is a mess, those guys made a mess of it and we're not going to try to fix it coz they made such a mess.

Poland would be far better off if they'd done what Czech did.
Fire all the politicians that worked prior to 1989 and start again.

Poland should do the same, or else make a law saying that all politicians can only serve for 2 terms, that way we'd never have any megalomaniacs, with a Napoleon syndrome calling the shots like we do now
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 May 2016 /  #7
wonderful detailed article by Breitbart

That's all that people with a brain need to know Adrian:)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 May 2016 /  #8
I have a friend who works for Bretbart as a photographer, often when she out working. she gets 'people with a brain' wearing balaclavas or pig mask surrounding her and shouting abuse at her....

they look really smart.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 May 2016 /  #9
That's all that people with a brain need to know Adrian:)

It's such good fun reading it though. They're defending Poland, yet the PiS ideology of big state-owned business and interfering in all aspects of people's personal lives is exactly what they claim to be against. Hypocritical, much?

Our fault? PiS is the one who wanted to remove the old commie guard - that didn't sit too well with PiS

Adrian, Adrian... they didn't want to remove anything. There's plenty of the old commie guard active within PiS, and many of the leading people in PiS came from nomeklatura backgrounds.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 May 2016 /  #10
a friend who works for Bretbart

Good for them:) Some of us are more selective in who we work for, but it's a free world, until otherwise.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 May 2016 /  #11
Some of us are more selective in who we work for,

some of us have families to provide for, and take what we can get.
A bit smarter than some unemployed anarchist in a pig mask living off the state.
OP AdrianK9  6 | 364  
24 May 2016 /  #12
There's plenty of the old commie guard active within PiS, and many of the leading people in PiS came from nomeklatura backgrounds.

PiS wanted to pass the lustration laws back in 2007... PO fought against it... Unlike PO, PiS wants to get rid of their commie past once and for all - this is why Solidarnosc ended up splitting up and these two factions continue to fight to this day... left of center and old commies vs conservatives who sought to expose and limit the Commie's influence in poland

There is no propaganda war against Poland.

B.S. I see it almost everyday - all these Zionist owned outlets calling Poland a land of nationalism, xenophobia, and saying that we've decided to go the Putin route and not have a democracy just because Poland is standing up to the left and to the EU forcing them to take in darkies
24 May 2016 /  #13
I see it almost everyday - all these Zionist owned outlets calling Poland a land of nationalism, etc..

Yep the newspapers in the US and UK and Germany, etc, etc bash Poland alot.
That massmurderer pedophile Clinton was bashing Polands government too.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Aug 2016 /  #14
Merged: Hackers leak sinister Soros' list of Polish MEP stooges

The Niezależna (Independent) website reports that hackers have leaked the confidential list of Polish stooges in the service of sinister billionaire George Soros. The Hunagrian Jew, a crafty financial speculator, made a name for himself when he broke the Bank of England. He is using his billions to promote various leftist-libertine causes including Poland's Stefan Batory Foundation, bankroll pro-abortion activists in Ireland and advocate widespread acceptance of Third World refugees and migrants to ensure eventual racial mixing. His Polish MEP stooges are:

- Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg (SLD)
- Andrzej Grzyb (PSL - can be counted on to speak out on desired topics and act as transmission belt to his party)
- Danuta Jazłowiecka (PO)
- Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz (PO, former govt official in charge of equal treatment)
- Bogusław Liberadzki (SLD deputy chairman)
- Countess Róża von Thun und Hohenstein (PO)

Also on the Soros bandwagon are Poland-bashers Martin Schulz and Guy Verhofstadt.
Soros first came to Poland in 1988 and got Jaruzelski's blessing for his Batory Foundation. He also established close ties with his ethnic compatriots Geremek, Michnik and Kuroń and promtoed the economic "reforms" of Sachs and Balcerowicz. In effect, Soros was the "godfather" of roundtable Magdalenka clique that has monopolised the Polish political scene for most of the past quarter-century. Recently he invested $13 million to prop up the faltering Gazeta Wyborcza.
Crow  155 | 9736  
20 Aug 2016 /  #15
As i said long time ago, by the plan of Samuel Huntington, territory of Poland needs to become part of western Europe and in the process completely assimilated, free from its Slavic heritage. All nicely stays in Huntington`s book- Clash of civilizations. Now, Soros is hawk of those financial circles who seek to destroy Slavic Poland. Nothing new here, really and, here we again coming to one more thing that i already mentioned. That is, those who attacked and attacking Serbians, actually advance to attack Poland.

So, as Polish president Duda said (and i myself even before him and many others before me), Intermarium (or new Commonwealth) is only solution.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Dec 2016 /  #16
Merged: KOD lider calls on police, military and others to rise up against the government

After support for the repetitive KOD marches fizzled out, the leader of the self-styled protest movment Mateusz Kijowski tried to get other groups such as healthcare staff and teachers out into the streets but soon ran out of communities willing to march to his tune. His latest ploy to keep himself in the limelight is an open letter calling on police, armed forces and other occupational groups to cease obeying Poland's democratically elected government and stage demos in cities across the land to mark the 35th anniversary of Jaruzelski's declaration of martial law. "The day has arrived to refuse obeying the authorities. On 13th Decmeber we will take to the streets of cities and towns across and show we do not agree to the destruction of Poland," Kijowski urged. The letter's signatories include Schetyna, Petru, Wałęsa, Frasyniuk and Adam Mazguła, a former SB colonel miffed over his recent pension cut.

5 Dec 2016 /  #17
So it would seem Mathew Tyrmand is the author of said Brietbart article. He was vocally opposed to PO, As I understand he is a VC and was waiting for better value in Poland to invest his couple of mil USD. Anyway maybe Steve Banon will give DJT the nod and make Tyrmand the American Ambassador to Poland, it would be worth a bet I wonder what the odds are :-)
Crow  155 | 9736  
5 Dec 2016 /  #18
More I think about death of Lech Kaczinsky, more I am convinced that it was assassination. On top of all other reasons for it mentioned on this forum already, I now begins to sense that with Kaczinsky alive, position of today`s Poland would look similar to position of Hungary. Meaning, Poland would already develop, to say that way, institutional mechanisms for strong resistance to all kind of pressures from western Europe (and USA Clinton`s and Obama). Same as Orban, Kaczinsky would try to establish normal relations with Putin (what after all was his intention when he traveled to Russia, at a time when his plane crashed). Then, with Kaczinsky, Poland wouldn`t isolate itself from official policies of other Visegrad Group countries.

No, development of situation around Poland isn`t good. I sense dark mode.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Dec 2016 /  #19
Mathew Tyrmand

Why do you think so? Tyrmand's name is nowhere in sight. His dad was a firm believer in American conservative values,always wore a business suit and tie and, after emigrating to the USA, thought hippies and college students were crazy for protesting agaisnt the best country on God's good earth.
5 Dec 2016 /  #20
Tyramand is the other of the Brietbart article alleging there is association between Soros and KOD 'ers. MT was vehemently opposed to PO and big government. He has also suggested in articles he is waiting for better times to invest in Poland for value, he runs a small so called VC firm in Warsaw. He is another one who is riding on his fathers name, he does not speak Polish so he is limited to what he can do during his time here... Why not represent the Alt - Right on all things Polish, he like most know the USA are pushing for greater influence in PL. ' In order to work for peace, you prepare yourself for war' creating a dividing line between the baltic to the black sea is just that. Its no secret the US has activated a land-based missile defence station in Romania.The USA will continue to have more influence in Poland and Romania, which will in turn see greater FDI from USA.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Dec 2016 /  #21
association between Soros and KOD

Dunno if there's any hard evidence but KOD, GW, feminists, LGBT et al are the kinds of disruptive, anarcho-leftist causes Soros likes to bankroll. Anything to derail the family and rend the farbic of normal society, then sit back and watch the fun! The world is but a chessboard to the filthy-rich old Jew -- that's how he gets his jollies off.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Dec 2016 /  #22
propoganda war

Adrian is no longer with us, but just, but the title of this thread fully cofnoirms to what I saw yesterday on TV -- how one Western news outlet described the recent public assembly act. The headline was straight out of hte PO/KOD proapaganda lexicon: Government assaulting the constitutional freedom of assembly. The government position that its purpsoe was to avoid street clashes by keeping antagonistic demos away from each other was totally absent. Another example of "balanced" Western reporitng?!

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