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An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jun 2018 /  #211

Imo the UN is pretty fine as it is. The bigger issue is their lack of enforcement.

When the UN wouldnt allow the US to bomb Serbia they did it anyway, when the UN orders israel to stop building settlements they don't listen. North Korea can be sanctioned for not following the UN, but not other countries...

But then the question is how.much enforcement and with what means...
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
6 Jun 2018 /  #212
There should be strict principles, rules and law how UN army can be used. No precedents. Strict rules, to say, by the book. In case of some local war or natural catastrophe, in case of chaos, when local government isn`t capable, UN should provide security and safety, jobs and existence, that way also preventing refugee crisis.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jun 2018 /  #213
Yeah but that army would have to have nukes and an army even more powerful than us russia China etc. I don't think thatd be realistic, as much as many globalists want a global security force, global economy, etc.

The US/NATO can disregard the UN and its security council at will, and indeed has many times. The main reason why is because no one can really force them to abide by UN. So rhey use the UN to enforce its will, and if they refuse they use force and UN cant do anything about it really. What are they gonna do? Sanction the US? No.way....
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
31 Jul 2018 /  #214
NATO is conglomerate of sin

back in April 8 and 9, 1999 >

NATO used "unknown substance" in bombing of Serbia - daily

NATO planes dispersed yellow powder ............... crystals that caused allergic reactions in people ................ extremely unusual diseases in plants. Immediately after the bombing, suddenly and without any clear reason, a number of forests on Zlatibor and Tara mountains withered

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Aug 2018 /  #215
The claim that NATO is necessary to distribute gas and oil is the stupidest attempt to justify that fossil. What would the gas and oil producing countries do with their gas and oil without NATO? Inhale it and drink it?

Another equally stupid claim: NATO is an occupational force. So Germany occupies itself since it is part of NATO? If the EU feels occupied, the EU can tell the US tomorrow to hit the road. Just as it happened in the Philippines in 1992 when the the Subic Bay Naval base was simply closed. No shots fired.
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
1 Aug 2018 /  #216
Leading NATO and EU countries do have quite similar interests. Those their interests quite overlap in certain regions of the world. So NATO is to all of them as kind of coordinating body for their common interests. And a useful tool. And also sounds good. But Poland, for example, is different case. Within NATO and even within EU, Poland`s elite isn`t partner but obeying servitors. Some of them are even happy servitors. But servitors in any case. Servitors subjugated by traditional mortal enemies of Polish people. That is Poland in NATO. In pact with mortal enemies.
TheWizard  - | 217  
1 Aug 2018 /  #217
Wasting your time Crow, the Nato thing won't change until Russia changes....even then that would take at least a decade.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Aug 2018 /  #218

Poland joined NATO in 1999. Baltics in 2004. Crimea referendum in 2014. It's not Russia who is the aggressor. It's NATO.
Russia could dissolve itself into a thousand tiny counties, give its nukes to NATO and NATO would still expand claiming global warming as its primary mission. Or feeding the hungry. Or fighting AIDS. Western bureaucracies never die from lack of mission.

Specifically, what would Russia have to do for NATO to be gone just like the Warsaw Pact?
TheWizard  - | 217  
1 Aug 2018 /  #219
Become a democracy, stop murdering and jailing political opposition......10 other things? They cant though, they are incapable of anything even close to that.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Aug 2018 /  #220
Specifically, what would Russia have to do for NATO to be gone just like the Warsaw Pact?

Russia wanted to join NATO back in the 90s don't forget... America didn't want em

Become a democracy, stop murdering and jailing political opposition......10 other things?

None of those are requirements for joining nato. Many eu/nato countries do the same ****. Besides o one cares about opposition being jailed and pussy riot being thrown in jail for being disrespectful and yelling and screaming inside a freaking church. The fact is over 80% of Russians support putin and that's a western stat. The funny thing is that tons of people outside of Russia like putin too and wish they had a strong leader like him. America, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Philippines, etc all voted in their own Putin's because the citizenry is sick of global elites pushing a leftist multi kulti agenda and degrading national sovereignty, culture, identity, etc
TheWizard  - | 217  
1 Aug 2018 /  #221
None of those countries voted those people in for the same reason at all. Bullocks!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Aug 2018 /  #222
Oh yes they did. They all wanted the same kind of person - someone who is going ti stand up to the global elites and stop pushing the Marxist leftist agenda. In many european esp Italy Austria czechy and Hungary and to an extent Poland it was because they didn't want leftists who would bring in third world migrants. Even afd won a ton a seats in germany because people were fed up with feedimg and housing merkels burdens. In the us it was because people were sick of the democrats failed policies, the establishment which includes republicans like mccaim who Trump supporters hate, the terrible economy under Obama and their distrust of the globalists especially crooked Hillary. And also getting control of the migrant situation just like eastern Europe - Build the wall!!

Slightly different reasons, but all wanted someome who is conservative, nationalist, populist and isn't going to keep pushing the multi kulti Marxist agenda, revive the economy, embrace tradition, European Christian heritage and culture and stop the flow of migrants into their country
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Aug 2018 /  #223
Become a democracy, stop murdering and jailing political opposition......10 other things?

Funny that you didn't mention Russia's nukes, navy and the air force. So, Russia's 'non-democracy' is the reason why we have NATO. As I said in my totally awesome post above, global warming, hunger and AIDS are next on the excuse list in the event Russia would stupidly copy our 'democracy' which, as we all know so very well, operates like a Swiss watch and is a cause of international envy.

BTW, was your comment in reference to Russia or 157 other countries, including China?
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
1 Aug 2018 /  #224
Wasting your time Crow, the Nato thing won't change until Russia changes....even then that would take at least a decade.

Its in best Serbian interest that Poles and Russians have at least honest relationship. I think in interest of all of us. I mean, when Russians doing wrong, they should be exposed. Same goes for Poles, too. Also, when Russians doing good, we should admit it. Don`t you think so? Its in the sense of universal human positive values.

See, right now Russia doing great job. I praise them for stooping expansion of western Europe and for general resistance to Anglo, Franko and Germanic domination in the world. Credit for concept of Multi-Polar world goes to Russians, on the first place.

Do you know where would Poland be today and in 50 or less then 100 years if not for the western European stumble on Yugoslavia and Serbians, if not for their greed and mistake that provoked Russia`s to respond? Let me tell you. In 50 to 100 years Poland wouldn`t exist. First not as Slavic and then not at all. Poles would be assimilated in masses. Same goes for entire Eastern Europe, after all. That was our prospect, if Scythians didn`t came in aid to Sarmats. That, my dear.

Look in archive of this forum. Few years (much before Multi-Polar world became reality and migrant crisis happened) ago I said that Poland and Eastern Europe (except Russia) wouldn`t exist in 50 years is something dramatically change in Europe. That strongly Magna Germania (ie EU) advanced. Then, everything stooped in a blink of an eye.

So, we listen this. We Serbs and Poles say THANKS RUSSIANS. No, that THANK don`t abolish Russians for their historical mistakes but now we THANK them for NOW. We doing so because we are honest >>>


They crushed and pushed back Germanics and western Europeans, AGAIN. And what NATO did about it? I will let question hang in the air
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
5 Jul 2019 /  #225
NATO base in Poland is magnificent idea
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jul 2019 /  #226
Its in best Serbian interest that Poles and Russians have at least honest relationship

That's not going to happen for several generations, if ever. Only way I can see poles and Russians getting along is once all the poles who have memory of prl have passed. Polish and Russian youth tend to get along so it's possible that in the distant future the relations will be better.

As much as I would like Poles, Ukranians, Russians basically all Slavs to get along and be United it won't happen for a long time. We really shouldn't be fighting each other but unfortunately powers far stronger than Poland and Ukraine, namely the USA keeps fanning the flames and putting us against each other. The NATO EU and especially US powers don't want Poles and Russians to get along. Then there'd be no need to spend tens of billions "protecting" NATO Europe
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Jul 2019 /  #227
You nailed it with that sentence. They desperately need an enemy. Since China is profitable for the American ruling class and Russia is not, so it's Russia. And the stupid Poles go along with it and for Katyn, but not Auschwitz.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jul 2019 /  #228
Well as the great pilsudzki said, Poland being between Germany and Russia is like a dude standing on two stools. Historically Poland sided with the West which includes Germany.

China, Russia, Iran and their client states like Lebanon, Syria, etc pose a threat to the American system - financially, culturally, in every way.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Jul 2019 /  #229
....but you would never know it from the way we behave "financially, culturally, in every way."
I have no doubt that if the Chinese businessmen shipped the Chinese manufacturing jobs to the US on the scale ours did to China, they would be executed after a 30-minute trial. In Moscow, that trial would happen in a tenth-floor apartment with a balcony.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jul 2019 /  #230
Of course. Thing is the Chinese care about real progress - new technology, more money, developing land, etc. That's why they're taking over. Their brightest minds are cloning animals and building the most advanced robots on earth. Meanwhile our brightest minds are growing penises out of forearms so transformers can transform into a different gender. While they're putting Muslims in camps, UK let's them have Sharia courts and Sweden gives probation for rape charges.

China will end up ruling the world. And honestly I'd rather them rule than the western liberals. Chinese don't care about some bs like accusations of racism, human rights violations, etc etc. No they just care about business. Western corporate leaders are now little more than liberal propogandists.

The funny thing is that the Chinese have a saying for the whiny white liberals - baizou which means white left. They understand the clown world that the West has become.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
7 Jul 2019 /  #231
Our brilliant MBA's thought way back that we can just ship the ugly and polluting manufacturing plants out and live in a clean-air heaven while racking in big bucks.

What these geniuses overlooked is that the R&D and the engineering would follow the factories and create a strategic US dependency on an enemy. For that alone, somebody should have been tried and executed like the Rosenbergs. Those two did less damage since the Soviets would get the bomb sooner or later anyway.
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
7 Jul 2019 /  #232
That's not going to happen for several generations, if ever.

It will. It will. Poles are practical and sensible people. When they see that London don`t exist on the world map anymore, Poland will declare neutrality. And that is all we Serbians want. Not Polish-Russian alliance. Not that, of course. We want Poland free from EU and western European grip so we and Hungarians can deepen our relationship with Poland. Russia as Russia won`t make obstacle to us. Why would they? They would love to have united Central Europeans in some conglomerate that will exist as tampon zone between western Europe and Russia.

And the stupid Poles go along with it and for Katyn, but not Auschwitz.

Its not stupidity. Its corrupt leadership. Russians already apologized for Katyn and after all, Katyn happened as order from Stalin, who wasn`t ethnic Russian but maniac who hated Slavs, killed Russians in millions. Stalin the maniac.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263  
7 Jul 2019 /  #233
When they see that London don`t exist on the world map anymore

In your dreams moron, London will certainly outlive Serbia.

Russians already apologized for Katyn

Yeah, after decades of denial.
I do not trust our "Slav Brothers" in Russia or in Serbia.
Other Slav countries yes, Czechs, Slowaks, Croats, Slovenians and Ukrainians are all fine by me.
I even prefer non slav Lithuanians and Hungarians to Russians and Serbs.

please stick to the topic

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz PiskorskiArchived