Pushing a red button doesn't require any fighting skills.
...but it does require balls.
There is a for sale ad on craiglist: French gun for sale. Never used. Dropped once.
Old but still good. I mean the joke. Gun too.
there is no need for europe for any US deterrent when you have friendly relation with your neighbors.
I wholeheartedly agree. You can start the petition.
Not its a cess pool and even smells like one especially Paris.
They can stink like skunks all they want. My big problem is the dead GI's and the money we spent liberating that dump which is now happily surrendering now to an enemy even worse than Hitler and NAZI's ever were.
In case some heads are ready to explode because I compared NAZI's to Muslims: German troops had the decency to wear uniforms so that we were able to see them and kill them. Others were extracted and by removed.
Muslims in France, like AIDS and stage 4 cancer, are forever or until they kill the host. Try to deport just one because he is a Muslim and you will have UN, EU, ACLU, and that moron pope on you a** by noon tomorrow.
That US politicians still have the nerve to complain after so many Europeans died or have been wounded for them in Afghanistan is very telling.
So the Euros are in Afghanistan to defend the US? I would have never guessed in a million years that Euros love Americans so much.
I thought that the Euros are there for the high principle of protecting the Afghani women and their rights and fight the bad guys who like violating said rights.
Boy, was I wrong.