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An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski

OP Crow  154 | 9525  
10 Aug 2016 /  #61
well, Anglo jokes on the account of Poles are famous.

Still, reality of Polish NATO membership represent best joke.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
15 Aug 2016 /  #62
Crow, "Anglo Jokes on the account of Poles" ie "Polish jokes" originated from Anti-Polish Nazi German propaganda and were then translated into "Anglo"/English language by Leftist Anti-Polish "American" Hollywood/TV networks who then imported them into the US in the 1960's to degrade Polish people. They became "popular" when the Anti-Polish TV networks force fed them into the American public via national TV... COAST-TO-COAST. Generally today they are only "popular" with people who are prejudiced against Poles. Google "Polish Jokes Origin is Nazi German Propaganda"

These same TV networks lately have been pushing similar jokes about Russian people and making them "popular" like on NBC-TV's "Saturday Night Live" show where they show a fictional Russian lady telling Russian jokes that make Russians look like Idiots. There has been a general Anti-Slavic Bias in the "American" TV media.

As for countries like Poland and other nations neighboring Russia that seek US/Military aid, they only do it because Russia has poor relations with them and they don't want to be invaded by Russia again. They don't want to end up like Ukraine....where Ukraine was nice to Russia in the 1990's and gave up its nuclear missiles to Russia if Russia agreed to respect all of Ukraine's territory...INCLUDING Crimea....only for Russia to later come up with an excuse to invade Ukraine and seize Crimea from Ukraine.

That's what happens when nations are nice to Russia. Russia only REPAYS them by stabbing them in the back. NO WONDER Russia's neighbors want NATO military aid. But none of this would happen if Russia did not treat its neighbors like garbage. Especially Russia's Slavic Brother nations Ukraine and Poland. Russia should try to get along with its Slavic Brothers....NOT alienate them!!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
15 Aug 2016 /  #64
Other, You say "Only Polish American Journal says" that origin of Polish jokes is Nazi German Propaganda. Yeah right.

PolishAmericanReview and the Polish American Congress, many Polish Americans I know, etc have said that the origin of Subhuman Intelligence jokes against Polish people originated from Nazi German propaganda.....that ironically... the Anti-Polish "American" TV media......that claims to be "Anti-Nazi".....after WWII imported into America to degrade Polish people so that the American public would have little sympathy for the suffering of Polish people under Nazi German and then Soviet Russian rule.

"Polish jokes" origin is Nazi German propaganda Part 2B
TheOther  6 | 3596  
15 Aug 2016 /  #65
MediaWatch, this topic has been discussed ad nauseam. There's not a single trustworthy scientific source that backs up the dubious claim of the Polish American Journal, and you know that.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
15 Aug 2016 /  #66
TheOther, Well I was not the one who brought up the issue of "Polish jokes" recently. It was Crow and I merely responded to him.

As for you saying "There's not a single trustworthy scientific source that backs up the claim of the Polish American Journal" about the origin of "Polish jokes" coming from Nazi German propaganda......I don't know how you define "trustworthy scientific source"......but the Polish American Journal is a well established Polish American Publication that has been around for a long time. And I have already told you that other sources like the Polish American Congress the Polish American Review and many Polish Americans know and have exposed that degrading Anti-Polish "Polish jokes" originated from Nazi German propaganda. Even Polish Christian Auschwitz Survivor Mr. Preisler confirmed he was ridiculed by the Nazi Germans with "Polish jokes" and said the Nazis started them. But even if I were to give you more sources, you have your agenda....so you will just dismiss any source I give you. And that's fine...you have a right to your opinion or what you want to believe.

And as I showed you in this video


....you can see Adolph Hitler saying a "Polish joke" and his huge Nazi German audience laughing theirAssess off taking delight in it. Yeah that's no credible source LOL

So here it is coming right from the horse's mouth....and you're still saying "Oh no no no the Nazi Germans didn't start "Polish jokes". LOL Come on now. Give me a break
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
15 Aug 2016 /  #67
Let me tell this way... NATO to go out of Poland. As soon as possible. Then, western Europe, all Anglos, Germanics and Franks to fu*** off from Poland and, if wants so, to deal with Russia on their own. They are all very strong, proud and with sharp penises and don`t need Poland to help them.

In the meanwhile, we Serbians would push for our own agenda and that is normal relations with Russia in exchange for Russian tolerance on other Slavs and their specific interests. That way Serbians would prove that we Slavs can coexist in peace.

So, once again, Western Europe to just fu** off from Poland and from Slavs.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
15 Aug 2016 /  #68
NATO to go out of Poland. As soon as possible.

...and hand over Poland to Putin. That's what you want?

you're still saying "Oh no no no the Nazi Germans didn't start "Polish jokes"

Prove to me that the Nazis were the first ones who ever cracked a joke about Polish people. I know that you can't, and neither can nationalistic rags like the Polish American Journal. Ethnic jokes are not limited to Poles; all ethnicities are/were a target at some point in time. So why all this whinging from the PolAms?
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
15 Aug 2016 /  #69
...and hand over Poland to Putin. That's what you want?

Putin can`t have Poland and so he won`t even try, in normal circumstances. Poland is Sarmatia (by meta-ethnicity Russians are also Sarmats but other branch- they are Scythians). Poland belong with Serbia, in new Commonwealth, in Intermarium. Its Serbian business. Russians respect that. Its out of their reach. Their price is our neutrality and it suits us, too.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
15 Aug 2016 /  #70
Putin can`t have Poland and so he won`t even try, in normal circumstances.

What makes you so sure? Putin is old school KGB and as such he's busy reestablishing the USSR (under a different name) and its sphere of influence. Give him the opportunity to get Poland back under his control, and he will seize it.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
15 Aug 2016 /  #71
What makes you so sure?

moves of world bank. For sure not daily politics. Daily politics should be understand only as the eventual signals of things behind the scene.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
6 Jan 2017 /  #72
Part of the Polish Army is in America, as I post this, participating in war games and preparedness.A lot of NATO countries from Europe are here right now practicing with live munitions, fighter jets, transport planes, tanks, ect.

I posted that last August.
Now NATO is being deployed for the second stage in Poland and Germany.
This was in the newspapers today in the U.S.A.

BERLIN - Ships began unloading U.S. tanks, self-propelled howitzers and hundreds of other fighting vehicles Friday in the northern German port of Bremerhaven, to be moved into Eastern Europe to bolster NATO's deterrence against possible Russian aggression.

Some 3,500 troops from the 4th Infantry Division in Fort Carson, Colorado, will join up with the equipment, which includes 87 tanks and 144 Bradley fighting vehicles, over the next two weeks.

I wonder how much this is costing the U.S.A. to keep Putin out of the EU. :-/
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Jan 2017 /  #73
keep Putin out of the EU

There would have been no Putin and probably no USSR if Truman had listened to Gen. Patton who wanted to keep moving east to roll the Rooskies back to where they came from. That could have restored Poland's pre-war border in the east with possible compensation at Germany's expense in the west as damages for Nazi crimes. In fact, a sane-thinking US leadership would have seen the potential threat posed by the Soviets and created a Polish-ruled buffer zone to the east of II RP, roughly corrrepsonding to Poland-Lithuania before the first partition. The Russia beyond that demarcation line should have been additionally disintegrated and weakened by heavily bankrolled covert CIA operations to stir up ethnic, national and religious minorities against Russian dominance.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
7 Jan 2017 /  #74
I wonder how much this is costing the U.S.A. to keep Putin out of the EU. :-/


Dear American, you will find out very soon that maintaining a global empire will take a heavy toll, first of all on the American people and costs alot. Let us hope for your sake and ours that Trump can initiate a second American revolution otherwise we are headed for WWIII.

Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
7 Jan 2017 /  #75
Russia is not a match and will not be a match for the USA.


I do not know who is whose b*&ch now?!

Take a look at this video, then see under whose control is now almost half of Turkey, Israel, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, part of Iraq and the Mediterranean... LOL

Only bumpkins do not understand that the Russians became here absolute winners, but everyone else can only cry me a river...
7 Jan 2017 /  #76
Russia won the US presidency. Looking forward to the Trumpanzes kneeling before Putin to swear allegiance.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
7 Jan 2017 /  #77
American occupation of Poland has begun. USA occupies most of Europe. Biggest ever terrorists occupy Europe without a single shot. Wake up!!!

American terrorists occupying Eastern Europe
Ironside  50 | 12928  
7 Jan 2017 /  #78
Don't forget to take your meds.

I wonder how much this is costing the U.S.A. to keep Putin out of the EU. :-/

Being the world first power has its price.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
7 Jan 2017 /  #79
There would have been no Putin and probably no USSR if Truman had listened to Gen. Patton who wanted to keep moving east to roll the Rooskies back to where they came from.

I have heard my father say that many years ago.
The U.S. G.I.'s were battle hardened and ready to go.

Let us hope for your sake and ours that Trump can initiate a second American revolution otherwise we are headed for WWIII.

When Trump starts shutting down the 300 Liberal Sanctuary cities in the U.S. or eliminates food stamps the Buttercups will be out on the streets with their guns.

Hopefully that will keep the Trumpster busy.
As far as WW3.........it is inevitable as a lot of people will make a lot of money.
Hopefully Poland will be spared.
8 Jan 2017 /  #80
Being the world first power has its price.

Actually, not really. With Dollar Hedgemony the US can print money and the rest of the world pays for it.

If Trump decides to give that up then Russia-China will be the World powers.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
8 Jan 2017 /  #81
then Russia-China will be the World powers.

Maybe China but certainly not Russia.
Trump wants to dissolve NATO because it is really of no benefit to the United States.
The other NATO countries are not paying their fair share except for Poland and a couple of others.
It is a terrible $financial burden$ on the United States to be the police force of Europe.
The Industrial War Complex (Obama's $Lobbyist Buddy's$) knows this and that is why Obama is moving so fast to get this deployment of these weapons and men to Europe before January 20th.

Obama/Clinton are war mongers and one of the BIGGEST arms dealers of all time by selling huge amounts of military weapons to endless other countries world wide.

(Google it before you call me a liar Har)
They know when Trump takes office on January 20th that he is gonna put a stop to $beefing up$ NATO in Europe.
That is why Putin was very happy to see Trump get elected and not Crooked Hillary.
Trumps motto is to put the $burden$ on European Countries and to start defending themselves.
Joker  2 | 2362  
10 Jan 2017 /  #82
Russia won the US presidency.

Thats funny Pee Wee, do you make this crap up as you go along?

There is not any proof it affected the vote totals. Sounds like a wee bit of a sore loser here.....
Perhaps, if the DNC invested $30 on some cheap anti-phishing software they wouldn't be in this predicament.

Trumpanzes kneeling before Putin to swear allegiance.

Like the British flocking to an outdated and irrelevant queen

When Trump starts shutting down the 300 Liberal Sanctuary cities in the U

Im sure the crime stats will go down then.

Kate`s bill is slated for another Congress vote and this time its going to pass and become law.

This along with the promised defunding will really put a dent in the Illegal`s party, some Mayors, Sheriffs could be possibly prosecuted as well.
10 Jan 2017 /  #83
Let's see if Trump stands up for the interests of the USA or Russia before we make judgement.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
10 Jan 2017 /  #84
You better ask yourself what if Trump isn`t capable to correct what Clinton clan and Obama (and, sure, most importantly, those magnates behind them) done.

See, Trump is attempt of sane USA magnates (no matter how ``insane`` Trump looks to some or sometimes) to avoid war, even nuclear war, with Russia and China, who maybe aren`t always right but this time they are- world should be multi-polar, not uni-polar. Meaning, powers and countries needs to agree on major things in the world and not that USA and western Europe policing the world- for the interests of few greedy individuals.

For there would be war, even nuclear if necessary, if there isn`t multi-polar world. Real war. Its real people and its here. Very close. Think about that and don`t fantasize about anything else when it comes to politics.

Line is obviously drawn. Its just on other side (on USA and western Europe) to answer positively or to engage in war.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
10 Jan 2017 /  #85
Trump stands up for the interests of the USA or Russia before we make judgement

Appointment of James Mattis practically answer that question.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
10 Jan 2017 /  #86
No, we don`t have any answer from that. Only answer we got is when Clinton woman lost elections. After that we knew that somebody in USA wants peace with China and Russia. Maybe not at all costs but, to try peace, at least. All the rest is just gaming how to present things to public. Especially to extremely stupid, backward, maniacal and full of complexes public in western Europe and USA.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
10 Jan 2017 /  #87
Only answer we got is when Clinton woman lost elections. After that we knew that somebody in USA wants peace with China and Russia.

If you think that Obama's administration have been bellicose towards those countries, you are deluding yourself.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
10 Jan 2017 /  #88
Obama is pawn. There are white pawns and also black pawns in chess.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
10 Jan 2017 /  #89
and, as always, before occupation came media propaganda chase. Poland is absolutely outplayed.
10 Jan 2017 /  #90
Appointment of James Mattis practically answer that question.

No it doesn't . Two other pro-Soviet nominations sugguest otherwise.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz PiskorskiArchived