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An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski

29 Jan 2016 /  #31
"It's really sad PiS is promoting the idea of Intermarium, because it has no future" very interesting insightful post, but harder times could make for some very interesting bed fellows.
jon357  72 | 23712  
29 Jan 2016 /  #32
Poland would anyway leave EU and NATO

There is no great chance of either happening. Both the EU and NATO have considerable support in Poland. This Piskorski is a creepy non-entity.
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
29 Jan 2016 /  #33
It would be interesting to see what would happen if official Poland fails to form Intermarium and then realization of idea transfer on Serbia. Well, Serbians were military elite and even gave initial impetus to cultural revolution in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Serbians do have historical legitimacy to initiate formation of new Commonwealth (ie Intermarium). i think that Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia may be willing to accept Serbian invitation. Then, after those three, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia, as well as, i am sure, other members of Kraiova Group- Romania and Bulgaria would also follow Serbia. Then sure Greece also.

Imagine then development in Poland. Poland would have to choose between Intermarium on one side and EU/NATO on the other side. Maybe at the same time Poland gets invitation from Eurasian Union. Imagine scandal
jon357  72 | 23712  
29 Jan 2016 /  #34

No such thing Crowie. Here in Poland, support for the EU and for NATO is particularly strong. Most people never ever mention Serbia and plenty couldn't find it on a map, much less care about the place.

That Piskorski person you mention is a fringe figure at best, by the way.
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
29 Jan 2016 /  #35
This way or another, if it prove to be part of its historical role, Serbia may be interested to initiate formation of Intermarium. Serbs can do it.
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
29 Jan 2016 /  #36
Intermarium may be a pipe dream, but keeping good relations with neighbors is a good idea in general. When Russia decides to invade, Lithuania and/or Czech Republic might want to use the opportunity to even their scores with Poland! Animosities like these bear bad fruit in times of strife. Think in the long term.

And treat neighbors with respect. Stop calling Czechs "pepiczki" (a derogatory term). As for Lithuanians, this is a photo from 2015:

It translates to: "Lithuanian oaf, kneel before Polish sir!"

That's right, the commonly used word "pan" has strictly feudal etymology. Poland has tried pretty hard to polonize Lithuanians during the times of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Apparently Poles still feel superior to Lithuanians.
Crnogorac3  3 | 673  
29 Jan 2016 /  #37
NATO was formed to keep USSR in check, and Russian Federation is much the same thing - a country with strong imperial ambitions.


Russia is an aggressor again?!
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
29 Jan 2016 /  #38
No such thing Crowie. Here in Poland, support for the EU and for NATO is particularly strong.

Yet it has to be said Jacek Bartosiak is skeptical of NATO and EU, he called them "Sick mom and father who's lost a leg". He's a really smart guy from NCSS (Narodowe Centrum Studiów Strategicznych) and I highly recommend his lectures on youtube and articles at Nowa Konfederacja website. Long story short Bartosiak says Poland can't rely much on NATO and EU and should find it's way - but it can be done, and Poland has potential to be stronger in Europe than Germany.

Russia is an aggressor again?!

Russia never stopped being an aggressor. They have very strong imperial mentality, and toothless babushkas might not have money for medicine and food but they cheer like crazy that Crimea has been captured. Recommended reading: "Imperium" by Ryszard Kapuściński.
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
29 Jan 2016 /  #39
Time for Racowie then. Again.
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
29 Jan 2016 /  #40
Serbians were military elite

I never, ever heard about that. That's probably something Serbians are told in school.
Are you going to respond to my post #33 ?
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
29 Jan 2016 /  #41
I never, ever heard about that.

It don`t negate truth in it

Are you going to respond to my post #33 ?

why not

Do explain how is Poland supposed to improve its relations with Lithuania, Czech Republic and Ukraine ?

with Lithuania- simple by turning Poland in economic power
with Czechs- via Serbians
with Ukraine- after civil war/war there is over and when is real Ukraine of Ukrainians formed with new borders- same as with Lithuania and via Pope

Those are Poland's neighbors who dislike Poland quite a lot.

Its weight of history. Offer them something new. Show that is Poland capable to hit hard to protect those who are loyal to Her. For example- annul Poland`s Kosovo recognition and support Serbians more openly.

How is Poland supposed to find common interests with countries like these, especially Serbia and Hungary ?

most easily.

Intermarium won't stick if it has no reason to stick.

Intermarium should be confederation

And what's the reason to keep it ?

Its only possible way to avoid assimilation by other players in global arena. That as first reason but not only one

Sweden is a better case, because we do share geopolitical interests with Sweden, but the two countries are VERY different.

i don`t see Sweden in Intermarium. It would be prevented by Germany.

It's really sad PiS is promoting the idea of Intermarium, because it has no future.

no. PiS just securing its future. They know Intermarium is reality.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
6 Feb 2016 /  #42
Merged: NATO Summit in Poland 8th and 9th of July 2016 - Warsaw will become the capital of the world. Literally.

Warsaw NATO Summit 2016
On the 8th and 9th of July 2016, Warsaw will become the capital of the world. Literally. The NATO Summit will welcome the heads of state from about 65 countries, leaders of the most crucial partner organisations of the Alliance such as the UN and the EU

Just in case there was any doubt about who the new Polish government considers the leader of the world..

(why doesn't that image work?)
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
6 May 2016 /  #43
an article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski

Here in Poland, support for the EU and for NATO is particularly strong.

The European Union was born in the bosom of the Central Intelligence Agency.
That's what declassified documents tell us about the origins of the European project and its progress since the Truman administration.
Poland should get out and tell Merkel to go fly a kite.

NATO has just started one of the largest war games ever in Poland with 31,000 troops.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jun 2016 /  #44
[Moved from]: PolAms for a robust NATO presence along the alliance's eastern flankstriong

PolAms are not pounding the pavemetn in their own self-interest the way the KODists are, but are concenred about Poland's and Europe's overall security.

All-American Rally in Support of Security of Poland and Eastern Europe - in front of the White House
From: Americans for Security in Central and Eastern Europe:
Polish American Congress - State Divisions: New Jersey, Michigan, Massachusetts, Florida, California.
Federation of Polish Americans, Inc,

June 6, 2016

Dear Friends,

Americans for Security in Central and Eastern Europe cordially invite you and other members of your organization to join us at the rally in front of the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, on Saturday, June 11th, 2016, at 2:30 PM - 4:00PM.

The rally's purpose is to support United States security interests in Europe by urging President Obama, and his negotiating team at this July's NATO Warsaw Summit, to persuade our NATO allies to deploy substantial NATO armed forces-assets in Poland and the Baltic States to deter Russian aggression.

World peace is in danger because Putin's Kremlin has chosen imperialism and militarism rather than economic growth and democracy for the Russian people. Following Putin's invasion of Georgia, annexation of Crimea, and war in the Donbas Region of Ukraine; the Kremlin now threatens the free and democratic NATO countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Russian Armed Forces, during their recent war games - code-named "ZAPAD" (meaning "West") - rehearsed all aspects of a surprise attack against Poland and the Baltic States.

It is very important that you spread the word to other members of your organization to join us at front of the White House, this Saturday June June 11th, 2016, at 2:30 PM - 4:00PM.

Hope to see you,
Roman Korzan - Coordinator
Attachments: Poster, Press Release.
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Jun 2016 /  #45
All-American Rally in Support of Security of Poland and Eastern Europe

I agree with their sentiments, however the security of Europe is no more a matter for people in the USA than their arguments with various Central American states have to do with us Europeans.

Unfortunately the appalling government we currently have here in Poland is determined to pour oil on troubled waters.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Jun 2016 /  #46
appalling government

The appalling governments were those run by the hand-in-the-till PO, UW and SLD regimes. Now Poland finally has a truly patriotic pro-Polish government not on the leash of Soros and various foreign-interest groups, a government committed to changing the oligarchic status quo the ex-SB types are advocating.
jon357  72 | 23712  
8 Jun 2016 /  #47
We know you hold extreme views about politics, however that takes the biscuit - especially since the situation in Poland has deteriorated dramatically since those parties you mention went temporarily out of office.

Remember Po, moderation triumphs over authoritarianism and fascism. Always and without exception.
Jardinero  1 | 383  
8 Jun 2016 /  #48
...Poland finally has a truly patriotic pro-Polish government...

That's what they would like us to believe. Just wait and see how the average Pole will benefit from having elected those lunatics who will run the country into the ground, turning it into the largest open air museum in EU.

Poland should get out and tell Merkel to go fly a kite.

And then what, genius? Become dependant on Mother Russia? No, thank you.
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
20 Jul 2016 /  #49
and how could Poles trust to NATO? Its impossible. Something like trust and real confidence in NATO don`t exist in Poland. Why? Simple, because Poles see what`s going on around them.

Poles see that is NATO ruled by interests of mightiest financial circles from outside of Poland, in Anglo, Germanic and Franco world. Magnates, as well as people there despise Poles. Poles knows that and feeling is mutual.

But, my people have natural necessity to combine with Poles. We are incomplete without them. We have loyalty to Poland and true love that is behind simple political interest. In the eyes of my people, NATO hold Poland, giving its best to assimilate Poland, to destroy Poles, to overtake Poland. By that, NATO destroying dreams of my people. Dreams, on many fields. For we believe in unity of Sarmatia around Poland. We believe in Poles. That`s our people.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
8 Aug 2016 /  #50
Part of the Polish Army is in America, as I post this, participating in war games and preparedness.
A lot of NATO countries from Europe are here right now practicing with live munitions, fighter jets, transport planes, tanks, ect.
They sure do make a lot of noise.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
8 Aug 2016 /  #51
Ruski no like that?
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
9 Aug 2016 /  #52
what does it matter if Ruski like it or not. Its quite stupid question. Stupid behind comprehension and description.

Poland and Russia maybe have some antagonistic relations but, great truth is that Poland exist as long Russia exist. Its order of things. Point of balance. If Anglos, Germanics and Franks ever manage to brake Russia they would next day finish with Poland, too. Everything Slavic is targeted. Its just the matter of order of destruction.

In the meanwhile, we all live in world of everyday politics.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
9 Aug 2016 /  #53
Your lack of basic knowledge of Polands history is f***ing insulting.
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
9 Aug 2016 /  #54
Pardon? you heard for Drang Nach Osten? It was, it is. History of western Europe is nothing but f***ing Poland. F***in Russia and all Slavs as well but, yes, Russia have Poland between itself and western Europe and Russia exploit that fact. Not quite brotherly from Russian side on Poland but that`s how it is. Plus, Russia from time to time demonstrate capacity to f*** western Europe (there are historical examples when Poland also gave some good sex to western Europe). Thankfully, with new technology, as war in Syria shows, Russia can easily bypass Poland and from the air or/and sea target Britain, Germany or France. It is era where they can f** each others without f***ing Poland in between. Limitless opportunities for sex.

Point is, Poland should go out of NATO and avoid wild sex when possible. Now is possible.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Aug 2016 /  #55

The proof that Russia is up to no good is their violent opposition to the anti-missile shield. How can unarmed interceptor missiles which simply destroy incoming ballistic missiles on impact pose a threat to anyone? They are nto an offensive weapon (no warheads) and could only pose a threat to incoming Russian ballistic missiles.

Jak świat światem, Rusek Polakowi nie będzie bratem!
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Aug 2016 /  #56
As an ex soldier in nato I am very happy that Poland is in. I would be happier if nato nuked russia and serbia immiedately.
Sparks11  - | 333  
9 Aug 2016 /  #57
I'm totally against Russia but the I believe the way that putting a missile shield in Poland upsets power is that in a first and counter strike situation, the Russians would land less nukes in the West than the West would in Russia, assuming that Russia doesn't have as good a shield. Putting up shields everywhere kind of undermines the whole MAD concept.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
9 Aug 2016 /  #58
As an ex soldier in nato I am very happy that Poland is in. I would be happier if nato nuked russia and serbia immiedately

Well said :)

In our defense, the Russians want to do the same to us,
OP Crow  155 | 9736  
10 Aug 2016 /  #59
all that don`t change fact that western Europeans despise Poles and see them as sub-humans.
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
10 Aug 2016 /  #60
Guess all know whom you're voting for, Crow:-) Unless you accept your own checkered Serbian history, fly away until you're willing to discuss matters seriously for a change and stop pointing your finger at the Poles!

Subhumanity covers a broad swath, so let's not give first prize to Poles, shall we? The Germans, Russians, Spaniards, the Viking ancestors of the modern "sanguine" Danes and Norwegians, even we Americans might feel left out.


Archives - 2010-2019 / News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz PiskorskiArchived