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An EU army. Impact on Poland

Tacitus  2 | 1275  
24 Nov 2018 /  #121
Except he needs 2/3 of the votes in the parliament to get his job, and the Bundesrat in which the regional governments have their votes is also involved.

This has been brought up repeatedly on this site, which is astounding because it is very easy to look up.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #122
....but Poland and Germany do it better than the US in my opinion. The time of these judges is limited (in Germany 12 years and ending with the age of 68).

No drama like in the US where such a judge has to die on his seat before a change can take place.
Ironside  50 | 13054  
24 Nov 2018 /  #123
. Speaking about German hypocrisy

It not about hypocrisy. It just games, political games.( not to say those are trifle matters) Sadly PiS seems to be very bad at playing them.

Except he needs 2/3 of the votes in the parliament to get his job

Bo ho, so what? What doesn't it matter if he need 2/3 or just majority of votes? The fact remain he is pure political nominee a part of the ruling party and a politician to the core, not even a judge. Are you talking about authoritarian party rule in Germany eh?

Why on Earth are you even talk such a nonsense? are you paid by the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik or some such?
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Nov 2018 /  #124
@Tacitus so you're defending this failed decision based on vote ratio while ignoring the core principle that the court in general shouldn't be politized.

That's hypocrisy.

Yet so much for the better. Thanks to this kind of behaviour more countries will follow an example and start bending the rules which will lead to collapse of this neomarxist (based on ideas of Marxist Antonio Gramsci) project called "EU".

For every action there's a reaction.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Nov 2018 /  #125
They just did what they criticized Poland for in the last two years. Speaking about German hypocrisy

Except it simply isn't the same, no matter how much you repeat the propaganda from PiS. The super-majority required ensures that any candidate attracts support from across the political spectrum, and the role of the Bundesrat also means that the states are involved in the election of candidates. Any party putting foward a candidate that didn't enjoy broad political support simply wouldn't succeed.

But don't let facts bother you, especially when it's easier to repeat the propaganda spoon-fed to you from Nowogrodzka.

For every action there's a reaction.

For every reaction by Poland, the more she becomes isolated and weak diplomatically. No-one takes Poland seriously in Europe, not even Hungary. 27-1 should be a reminder exactly who is winning and who is losing.
Tacitus  2 | 1275  
24 Nov 2018 /  #126
and the role of the Bundesrat also means that the states are involved in the election of candidates.

Indeed. And even if we have a government that has 2/3 of the seats in the Bundestag, the fact that as you said that the states are also involved with the Bundesrat means that no government can simply stack the court with their candidates. Because the states are usually governed by different parties, and smaller states have disproportionally more votes than larger ones. Case in point, the current federal government has not even a simple majority in the Bundesrat, never mind a super-majority.

Personally I find it concerning that some people here are so willing to overlook basic detail to confirm their own biases. It does not make for a good discussion imho. I mean this is not rocket science, or something that can be interpreted either way. It is objectively wrong to equalize the Polish system after the reforms to the German system.
cms neuf  1 | 1914  
24 Nov 2018 /  #127
The selection of judges is only one part of the problem in Poland - it is compounded by the chief prosecutor also being the Justice Minister. Just how dangerous that can be is demonstrated by the current case in the banking sector.
Crow  154 | 9566  
24 Nov 2018 /  #128
Germany, France and their satellites losing nerves rapidly. Are you ready for party that will occur in Europe Poles?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Nov 2018 /  #129
Just how dangerous that can be is demonstrated by the current case in the banking sector.

However, the mentality of PiS supporters is that corruption is fine as long as it's PiS being corrupt. That mentality is sick.
mafketis  38 | 11211  
24 Nov 2018 /  #130
It's the neo-PRL party.... what more do you have to say?
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Nov 2018 /  #131
It is objectively wrong to equalize the Polish system after the reforms to the German system.

Since "it's wrong to equalize" that means that each judiciary system is different and valid in its own rights.

Germany, France and their satellites losing nerves rapidly. Are you ready for party that will occur in Europe Poles?

Every party in Europe, especially when Germany is involved, ends the same way. So since we already know the finale of the game the most important part is to be prepared to play :-)

And Poland is preparing to play; each years military spendings are getting higher and the number of military staff rises.
And one of the most important things to do is to not let them push out the US from European affairs.

Just how dangerous that can be is demonstrated by the current case in the banking sector.

And what do you know about "the current case in the banking sector"? I'm eager to learn it :-)
Crow  154 | 9566  
24 Nov 2018 /  #132
And one of the most important things to do is to not let them push out the US from European affairs.

Golden words.Golden words. Yes, Europe isn`t ready for US to retreat from here.

Blessed be venerable US President Trump

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #133
So since we already know the finale of the game the most important part is to be prepared to play :-)

Ever heard of a "self-fulfilling prophecy"? :)

You keep expecting the worst, you act as if you are surrounded by enemies, cooperation becomes sellout, trust becomes treason, bitching and interfering becomes pride and then no wonder, people leave you alone. With only an far away ally (who couldn't care less)...
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Nov 2018 /  #134
Ever heard of the "self-fulfilling prophecy"? :)

Nah, in the age of nuclear weaponry Germans are not stupid enough to show their true face :-)

Wasn't that Churchill who said that Germany should be bombed every 50 years as a matter of principle?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #135
Nah, in the age of nuclear weaponry Germans are not stupid enough to show their true face :-)

What is my true face?

Wasn't that Churchill who said that Germany should be bombed every 50 years as a matter of principle?

Would that make you feel better?

Apropos Churchill:

"I look forward to a United States of Europe, in which the barriers between the nations will be greatly minimised and unrestricted travel will be possible.'

We must build a kind of United States of Europe..The structure of the United States of Europe, if well and truly built, will be such as to make the material strength of a single state less important...

'We cannot aim at anything less than the Union of Europe as a whole, and we look forward with confidence to the day when that Union will be achieved.'"

Ironside  50 | 13054  
24 Nov 2018 /  #136
However, the mentality of PiS supporters is that corruption is fine as long as it's PiS being corrupt. That mentality is sick.@ delphiandomine

Oho, you're again acting like an expert. How would you know eh? Sick mentality are such a broad generalizations, opinions and gut feeling presented as facts. Too long in Poland Delph?

It's the neo-PRL party..

You keep saying that. OK! Name me a one party in Poland that is not neo-PRL in your opinion.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Nov 2018 /  #137
Would that make you feel better?

It wasn't me who said that. Blame Churchill if you must :-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #138
I'm not blaming anybody. I was asking you if a total destruction of Germany every few years would help you with your hate...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Nov 2018 /  #139
Wasn't that Churchill who said that Germany should be bombed every 50 years as a matter of principle?

that would've been a good idea in 2015 when merkel welcomed every low skilled third rapefugee with two left hands... sure would've saved europr a lot of problems...

even hillary clinton is now saying europe needs to get a hold of the migrant problem if they dont want the right to gain strength.

personally, id prefer a weaker right wing in europe if it meant that europe didnt face the dozens of terror attacks, thousands of rapes, tens of billions in providing for people who have no plans to become gainfully employed
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #140
that would've been a good idea in 2015 when merkel welcomed every low skilled third rapefugee with two left hands.

So...because Germany left it's borders open to a few thousand refugees it should be bombed?

Seriously? Are you for real???
Crow  154 | 9566  
24 Nov 2018 /  #141
Let EU army just come! That changes any calculations. If come to global sh** I am with my Slavic civilization!

THE SLAVIC BROTHERHOOD 2018: Russian, Belarusian And Serbian Military Exercise Was Full Success

"Slavic Brotherhood-2018" || Russian, Belarussian, Serbian Large Areas Exercises.

Slavia Mati! Sarmatia Besmrtna!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Nov 2018 /  #142
@Bratwurst Boy

well now theres no need. the 'refugees' they brought in already bombed germany.... numerous times... and raped a few thousand and collected tens of billions along the way....

yet merkel still refuses to accept an upper limit. thank god shell be gone soon. its unfortunate that germans fpr decadez will live with her bad decisions
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #143

Yeah...I wonder where that leaves Poland....

raped a few thousand and collected tens of billions along the way....

That is crap! Every time such an animal rapes a girl it is widely reported in the german media..and even as one is one to many I can't remember more than a handful and a loss of "ten's of billions" should be surely felt in the state budget by now!
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Nov 2018 /  #144
I'm not blaming anybody. I was asking you if a total destruction of Germany every few years would help you with your hate...

Hate is not a correct word here. Hate is...unproductive. In life I prefer to get even.

If you don't punish a wrong behaviour it encourages the offender to continue with his wrongdoings.

The same principle applies to countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #145
Hate is...unproductive.

Hate is at foremost self-destructive. Hitler was full of hate, he so wanted to get even with France! Look what it got him...

The same principle applies to countries.

So, you want to get even with Germany? For WWII? How so?
Crow  154 | 9566  
24 Nov 2018 /  #146
Yeah...I wonder where that leaves Poland....

here >


Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #147
No...I wonder where does that "slavic brotherhood" leaves Poland. It was notably absent in these military excercises...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Nov 2018 /  #148
loss of "ten's of billions" should be surely felt in the state budget by now!

you are either blind or prefer to ignore the facts...

it is FACT the german government spends tens of billions to coddle people who arent even german citizens much less eu residents

over 70 bil up to.2020 according to.reuter


Every time such an animal rapes a girl it is widely reported in the german media..and even as one is one to many

it is a FACT gernan media and police covered up such incidents when migrants were shoving their pillar of islam to culturally enrich european women




face it bb, your precious germany and merkel who wojt even hold thr german flag are destroying germany and the rest of europe with it. churchill was rigbt.

senior german citizens are kicked out of low rent apartments and 4 star hotels appropriated just to house third worlders. atleast its not as bad as sweden where taxpayerd foot the bill to host third world non eu residents on a luxury cruise ship.
Crow  154 | 9566  
24 Nov 2018 /  #149
No...I wonder where does that "slavic brotherhood" leaves Poland. It was notably absent in these military excercises...

Poland is in NATO right now. But look those images above. People there already thinks they are on wrong side and understand where is enemy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
24 Nov 2018 /  #150
Poland is in NATO.

Well...so that means there is no "slavic" brotherhood at all, isn't there? It's like a "germanic brotherhood" without Germany...or a "celtic Brotherhood" without Scotland...

People there already thinks they are on wrong side and understand where is enemy.

Every country has it's nutters! :)

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