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An EU army. Impact on Poland

Crow  154 | 9566  
21 Nov 2018 /  #91
Why would he wish to stop the French-German axis?

To prevent world war that will automatically involve US. You know, France and Germany are part of NATO and what they already achieved in Europe is thanks to NATO. It means that US of idiot Bill Clinton, sided with Islamic league and western Europe already involved US in some `wild projects`. What we see is that Trump obviously informed Merkel and Macron that he (and magnates behind him) aren`t ready to sacrifice US and whole world for the greed of France and Germany and their desire to rule over other Europeans who do have right not to be ruled by France and Germany.

See, official Poland and many other countries peacefully gave up their sovereignty and attached itself as regions in that new French-German Empire. But my country, for example, giving serious resistance and pays great price to preserve its freedom. In that struggle, my country called for support entire world willing to support our right not to be ruled by French-German axis. Many world powers, one after another responding positively. So, quite possible that US under President Trump also concluded that by helping to European countries like my country, US actually returning to its main mission in the world- and that will be to support freedom.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140  
21 Nov 2018 /  #92
You seem to be glorifying the fact that Germany was so able to destroy Europe.
Or is your English not as good as I thought it was?
Crow  154 | 9566  
22 Nov 2018 /  #93
If France and Germany create EU army that will be immediately seen as occupational army anywhere outside of these two countries.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
22 Nov 2018 /  #94
This new "EU army" is only a Franco-German project so far. Two countries have started it and they've already called it an "EU Army". Such an arrogance. Visegrad battlegroup is more of an EU army since it has got 4 members not 2 :-)

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Nov 2018 /  #95
This new "EU army" is only a Franco-German project so far

Supported by others. Zeman supported it, Orban and others in the EPP all support it as well.

Most Europeans aren't interested in licking the boots of Trump and America, fortunately.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
22 Nov 2018 /  #96
Get out of a tunnel vision trap and see a big picture for once in your life.

This whole German-Franco military project is yet another attempt for Germans to free themselves from an international alliance [NATO] in which they don't play a dominant role and to create one in which they could dominate thanks to their economic power.

You wouldn't give an ape a razor, would you? So why would you trust Germany with a military project?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Nov 2018 /  #97
Get out of a tunnel vision trap and see a big picture for once in your life.

The big picture is clear: America hates the idea of the EU becoming independent and able to do their own thing. They hate the Euro because it threatens the dollar, they hate the idea of an EU Army because it threatens American dominance in Europe and threatens their ability to sell military products to Europe. Everything America does (even down to supporting certain political parties in Europe and opposing Nord Stream 2) is about American interests first. Why should we, as Europeans, bow down to them?

As I said, it's all about America hating the fact that Europeans no longer want to lick their boots, especially after the remarks that Trump made about NATO.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
22 Nov 2018 /  #98
America hates the idea of the EU becoming independent

EU is not 'becoming independent'. It can't become independent since its just an alliance of countries and not a country on its own. EU is a formation of countries in which most of the members have different national interests. Some EU countries, like Poland for example, don't have problem with America.

They hate the Euro because it threatens the dollar

Well, euro currency threatens south European economies like Greece and Italy first and foremost, more than it threatens American dollar. Poland doesn't have euro and it's the fastest developing economy in the whole EU.

As I said, it's all about America hating the fact that Europeans no longer want to lick their boots

I understand that you would rather lick German boots for some reason? And what's that all about with licking boots anyway? There's a huge space of reasonable approaches between 'licking boots' and hating.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Nov 2018 /  #99
And yet Poles still regard America as their most important military ally, not any EU country. Poles had enough experiences with western Europe 'helping' them and breaking mutual defense treaties. The only country that could stand up to Russia is the US. An EU army wouldn't even stand a chance. France, Germany etc cant even control their own borders and repel invading unarmed migrants and they think theyll stop Russia? rofl!!!
Tacitus  2 | 1275  
22 Nov 2018 /  #100
Lovely Dirk is back, and guess which topic he brings up again... .
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Nov 2018 /  #101
the fact that western europe is so cucked they cant even prevent the raping and pillaging of their own population? you guessed it! yet theyre talking about joining up to make a stand against russia lololololol

i guess you dont like hearing the facts that your liberal western european leaders have failed.. especially macron the granny lover and merkel the cultural enricher
Tacitus  2 | 1275  
22 Nov 2018 /  #102
Well, you can't really expect the Americans do that either, since they can't prevent their children to be gunned down in schools and churches.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
22 Nov 2018 /  #103
@Dirk diggler

At that pace you will get a break from the forum soon again...tell me, aren't you sick of it?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Nov 2018 /  #104
neither can the w europeans prevent weekly stabbings, gang rapes and spontaneous cultural enrichment. yet unlike the western europeans, we have a leader who isnt scared to protect sovereign borders. the w europeans instead believe africa shares a destiny with their country. our leader calls them sh1tholes, puts travel bans and throws them in jail. you coddle them ans give them aparrments to which they can bring european women to rape. thats difference

you should let the russians invade. atleast putin would get rid of all the lgbt crap and promote the traditional family and christian values. thats what is lacking in w europe and why germany sweden uk france etc are startinf to look like the 3rd world countries whos inhabitants they wer invaded by.

just look at the video i posted in random comparing a polish subway cs a german, french and british one
mafketis  38 | 11213  
22 Nov 2018 /  #105
the fact that western europe is so cucked

You don't even understand the word (much less the concepts behind them).

Leave again, why doncha?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Nov 2018 /  #106
You don't even understand the word (much less the concepts behind them).

Oh I do. And it describes W Europe's submissiveness to PC and cultural Marxism quite well...

Poland and Hungary, which aren't cucked, do not share this submissiveness with their W European neighbors. That's why you don't have things like sharia courts, 75% unemployment rates amongst migrants, tens of billions going to feed, house, and medically treat them, etc.

Recently, the famous migrant trafficking Aquarius ship had to be put in quarantine due to an HIV outbreak thanks to all the migrants it's been trafficking - which Merkel and Macron are literally accepting by the boatload. Not Poland or Hungary though. That's why less women get raped in an entire year than just one NYE in one city in Germany.

Once EU gets a grip on protecting its own borders, than MAYBE just MAYBE the citizens of countries like Poland will accept their plan for an EU army. Till then, they need to fix their own border problems and invasions first.
mafketis  38 | 11213  
22 Nov 2018 /  #107
cultural Marxism

Another term you repeat like a parrot without understanding...

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Nov 2018 /  #108
No I understand it well. The issue is instead that you and people like tac refuse to recognize that is the reality of W. Europe despite the mountains of evidence that show the leftist globalist policies are decaying the culture and demographics of places like UK, France, Germany, etc. Poles and Hungarians don't want that crap. That's why we left the UN migration pact. We like our culture the way it is and don't want any sharia courts, mega mosques or rape squads prowling our streets. We also like our subways without the feces and urine on them like in France or Germany, and without bombs on them like in UK.

Again, once EU gets a grip on those things destroying their countries, then they'll have credibility on speaking about an EU army. Till then, they are conquered/cucked country grasping for air and begging for allies.

Poles will stay with the USA, thank you very much. We've had enough of Europeans 'help' in our history.
mafketis  38 | 11213  
22 Nov 2018 /  #109
No I understand it well.

then explain it, oh wise one!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Nov 2018 /  #110
Poles will stay with the USA, thank you very much.

Even though the USA was the country which carved up Europe between themselves and the USSR, thus condemning Poland to 44 years of Communist rule?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Nov 2018 /  #111

This is a good definition:

An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and "anti-racism." Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable.

In short, cultural Marxism is a revolutionary leftist idea that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world.

Basically, the society in many W. European countries especially UK, Germany, etc. and also places like San Francisco where any fact that does not toe the PC leftist line is automatically derided as racist, islamaphobic, homophobic, etc. Any movement or school of thought that seeks to undermine and destroy the traditional family unit, cultural identities and traditions, Christianity, etc. - i.e. feminism, homosexuality, multiculturalism, etc.

Even though the USA was the country which carved up Europe between themselves and the USSR, thus condemning Poland to 44 years of Communist rule?

Yup. Along with UK at Yalta/Postdam - who unlike the USA totally disregarded a mutual defense treaty. USA, UK, France were all allies of the USSR - not just the USA.

It's a matter of practicality. Poles simply trust the USA much more for protection and it's been like that whether its PO or PiS in charge. Every government has put the USA as a military ally ahead of any EU nation. For one, the USA is far more powerful than the EU in sheer military strength.
mafketis  38 | 11213  
22 Nov 2018 /  #112
USA was the country which carved up Europe between themselves and the USSR

Yoohooooooo I do think the UK had something to do with that tooooooo
Miloslaw  20 | 5140  
22 Nov 2018 /  #113
. For one, the USA is far more powerful than the EU in sheer military strength

Although I believe that,a recent article I read in The London Times stated that The USA would struggle in a war against Russia or China and have no chance at all against both....sometimes it's good to have friends....
cms neuf  1 | 1914  
22 Nov 2018 /  #114
Yes that is true - the US was unable to defeat a bunch of Afghan tribesmen or sone Iraqi militia armed with a few AKs. So a war against a bug army would not be straightforward
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Nov 2018 /  #115
guerilla armies are basically impossible to defeat. no country has really put down a guerilla army short of massacaring everyone and leveling every city and town.

regardless, poles still look to the usa as their #1 military ally. not the eu or eu countries.

but yes us would struggle against russia and/or china. still, their odds are far better than an eu army. russia would roll over the entire eu if they wanted to. for one france and uk are the only ones with nukes and they have a fraction of what russia has. they have less nukes even than pakistan. if they cant stop an invasion of third worlders with rocks theyre not going to stop russians with tanks, jets and nukes.

farage on eu army and merkel

An EU army to face Russia? Who are you kidding!! lolol

and this is coming from a dude who's countrys military launches ads showing a squad protecting a guy so he can take his shoes off and pray - because diversity is more important than skill and ability of course.
Crow  154 | 9566  
23 Nov 2018 /  #116
An EU army is perfect thing for awakening of Poles. That`ll be like electric shock to them
Miloslaw  20 | 5140  
23 Nov 2018 /  #117
For once I agree with you Crow,but it should be an electric shock for the whole of Europe.
Do we really want an EU army dominated by Germany and France?
Joker  2 | 2457  
24 Nov 2018 /  #118
They hate the Euro

they hate the idea of an EU

Na, the only people we hate are expat trolls that constantly talk utter Shite:)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
24 Nov 2018 /  #119
Poland doesnt want the euro. Everytime a politician talked about switching from zloty to euro it ended up dead in the water. Poles rather keep their zloty and be in charge of its own currency rather than give Brussels total control over our economy. Also the US doesnt care about the euro. Trade with the US is conducted in dollars, not Euro. Hell even Iran and Russia use the dollar for international trade. Same thing when I worked in the IoT industry all of my international clients paid in dollars, not their currency.

The idea of an EU army is nothing new. Macron simply brought up an old idea that wasnt too popular outside of France Germany Belgium etc.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Nov 2018 /  #120
"The German Bundestag has elected the Deputy Chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Stephan Harbarth, as Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court on Thursday."


They just did what they criticized Poland for in the last two years. Speaking about German hypocrisy

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / An EU army. Impact on PolandArchived