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More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland")

4 Mar 2012 /  #61
zionist jew,

ZZZzzzzzz--- huh, wha? I fell asleep, what were you saying?
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2012 /  #62
Just because he did not explicitly say anything bad does not mean that he did not say anything bad. Dont write bullshit that words are exactly as they appear. This is no paranoia. All I have done is point out one small thing, which if not part of a long and widespread trend in western countries would not matter one single bit. America has for many decades portrayed Slavs in a racist and negative light, in movies, news, all sorts of media and that is a fact.
4 Mar 2012 /  #63
Just because he did not explicitly say anything bad does not mean that he did not say anything bad.

This is how you spend your time? Reading between the lines, looking for evidence of a campaign of hatred against Slavic countries? When I first saw this article, it was on a Polish news site. This is not a jab at slavs. This is a jab at your unsteady temperament and paranoia.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2012 /  #64
No you idiot. I dont know how long it takes you to read, but it shouldnt take long at all. Whether you believe it or not (if you dont then you do not pay attention) there is constant propaganda against Slavic countries, and "Eastern Europe" some more than others. Maybe this article was not intended as such, but its nevertheless a good example. I dont spend my time looking for whatever it is you think but apparently I am one of few here who has enough brains or not hard headed to know that words have many meanings.
4 Mar 2012 /  #65
No you idiot.

Aw, that's hurtful.

there is constant propaganda against Slavic countries, and "Eastern Europe"

Okay, I'll bite. By whom? A concerted effort by the media? Or just random digs that exist against every single nationality on this planet, but you only notice when it's Poland or her neighbors? Give me some examples of this massive conspiracy, o' enlightened one.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2012 /  #66
What conspiracy? Its just groups in america. For examples you just need to pay attention to the media. For years Slavs have been slighted in american media. Since you need an example so badly, as you are media retarded here is one; Polish jokes propagated by movies and tv shows in the states in the 70s and 80s.
4 Mar 2012 /  #67
I'd take you more seriously, if you weren't such an ornery buttface, every time you respond. Okay, so you're telling me that some 20 to 30-year-old tv shows "propagated"-- uh, what again? Jokes? You know what? Never mind, I CAN'T take you seriously, after all. Study hard.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2012 /  #68
Are you some kind of a troll? Do I really need to explain to you that jokes can make people think negatively of others? Go away, we dont need anymore dense morons on this forum.

No more name calling.
czar  1 | 143  
4 Mar 2012 /  #69
ZZZzzzzzz--- huh, wha? I fell asleep, what were you saying?

Stalin was a jew
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Mar 2012 /  #70
well, one can`t say with certainty what he was but one is for sure, he was not an ethnic Russian. He was actually machine for killings of Russians and Slavs in general
Natasa  1 | 572  
4 Mar 2012 /  #71
He was actually machine for killings of Russians and Slavs in general

I blame his orthodox school for that.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
4 Mar 2012 /  #72
Do not blame Apple for China's slave labor problem! It's up to the Chinese government to protect Chinese people, not some overseas corporation.

Personally, I think this Goldman guy should have used Saudi Arabia as an example. That would really put things in perspective because most people associate Saudis with vaults full of gold from all those oil revenues. To have more money than that is spectacular, indeed!
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Mar 2012 /  #73
I blame his orthodox school for that.

what? he finished Church school and then extracted only fanaticism from it and applied it on German version of theoretical communism that by the Lenin was imposed on Russia? You want to say that? if so, no wonder that Russian society fall in deep craziness for a decades
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2012 /  #74
Okay, I'll bite. By whom? A concerted effort by the media? Or just random digs that exist against every single nationality on this planet, but you only notice when it's Poland or her neighbors? Give me some examples of this massive conspiracy, o' enlightened one

Well jason NBC-TV for 5 decades has been pretty much making ethnic slur jokes about Polish people that were meant to condition the American public to view Polish people as having subhuman intelligence. The American people would then imitate these ethnic slurs about Polish people. It was like, monkey see.....monkey do.

The peak of these anti-Polish joke slurs was in the 1970's when American TV was broadcasting them the most into the living rooms of tens of millions of homes in America. These anti-Polish joke slurs in America in general declined significantly since the 1970's because the broadcast of these anti-Polish "joke" slurs declined significantly as more Polish Americans complained about them.

But there is still that residual anti-Polish prejudice that pops up its ugly head every now and then in the TV media. LIKE AT NBC-TV!!

Here is a good example of where a Polish guy did something intelligent and positive, but NBC-TV's anti-Polish BIgot Seth Meyers turned it into something negative against the Polish people.

Last November there was a positive story about the Polish pilot who miraculously landed his plane in Warsaw and saved hundreds of lives. NBC-TV.......surprise surprise......TWISTED it and had their resident anti-Polish Bigot Seth Meyers make it look like the Polish pilot had subhuman intelligence and that Polish people are backward and in general have subhuman intelligence.

4 Mar 2012 /  #75
A satirist on Saturday Night Live made a Polish joke. One that my Polish wife and I both laughed and groaned at. If I can refrain from thinking all Poles anti-Semitic, something this forum makes very difficult, you can forgive a comedian a couple jokes. Let's not be so thin-skinned.
barloo tilly  - | 5  
4 Mar 2012 /  #76
i work with polish here in england my question is i find a majority of young poles are very stubborn and rather reluctant to mix with the english people in my own native england the men i find more open than the woman ?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
4 Mar 2012 /  #77
in my own native england

That I doubt.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
4 Mar 2012 /  #78
i find a majority of young poles are very stubborn and rather reluctant to mix with the english people in my own native england the men i find more open than the woman ?

The crux of the matter; not popular with the ladies, are you?
barloo tilly  - | 5  
4 Mar 2012 /  #79
well we are now classed as multicultural now :)
markskibniewski  3 | 200  
4 Mar 2012 /  #80
Just because he did not explicitly say anything bad does not mean that he did not say anything bad

Well that makes a whole lot of sense.

Polish jokes propagated by movies and tv shows in the states in the 70s and 80s.

You make it sound as if the 70's and the 80's were devoted to Polish jokes are you an idiot? It wasn't only Polish jokes but Jews , Italians, Chinese, and African Americans. Please do not try and make the American media out to be anti Slavic because it isn't. America is the biggest melting pot there is...we have a lot to make fun of.

Well jason NBC-TV for 5 decades has been pretty much making ethnic slur jokes about Polish people

As well as others.

Maybe this article was not intended as such, but its nevertheless a good example.

So do you think its a slite or not or am I not reading this statement properly.

These anti-Polish joke slurs in America in general declined significantly since the 1970's because the broadcast of these anti-Polish "joke" slurs declined significantly as more Polish Americans complained about them.

The reduction of ethnic slurs have reduced in general across the United States it had nothing to do with Polonia complaining about them. We have become a bunch of pansies afraid to say anything derogatory about any race. IMO the awareness that racial slurs can hurt people is a good thing but the ability to say what you feel no matter how retarded should be always encouraged.

Do I really need to explain to you that jokes can make people think negatively of others?

Yes but there is a difference between a joke and blatant racism. The KKK obvious blatant racism. A joke on Saturday Night live is...a joke not some subliminal message designed to malign ethnic slavs.
barloo tilly  - | 5  
4 Mar 2012 /  #81
well the polish woman are a bit miserable no wonder they smoke heavy ;)
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2012 /  #82

We have another idiot.

So do you think its a slite or not or am I not reading this statement properly.

Yes and yes. Learn to read.

a joke not some subliminal message designed to malign ethnic slavs

Its the way and how often these messages are sent. Do I really need to explain it again, to you directly this time? It is the conditioning. People are conditioned to think and connect Poles with adjectives such as "idiot", and "failure". Read a little bit on psychology you uneducated moron.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
4 Mar 2012 /  #83
How do you know that Goldman dude a zionist Jew? Is Whoopi Goldberg one just because her last name Goldberg? That Goldman dude probably just some dumb journalist who don't know his belly button from an anthill so why is what he says so important?
barloo tilly  - | 5  
4 Mar 2012 /  #84
georgian from the town of gori was stalin:)
4 Mar 2012 /  #85
As one whom was born in America, and raised on 70's and 80's television; I can assure you that the only negative conditioning of Poles has come from the likes of you, Piast Poland. How well are you representing Poland, with your flagrant rudeness, and lack of self-control, even when reprimanded to do so? Your inability to engage in civil discourse could be attributed to your nationality, if I followed the same twisted logic you have thrust upon us, here. I choose to view it as a failure in your upbringing, and not a facet of your geography.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Mar 2012 /  #86
People are conditioned to think and connect Poles with adjectives such as "idiot", and "failure". Read a little bit on psychology you uneducated moron.

which people? here in the UK I never picked up on that at all. In fact, you are the first person to have mentioned 'idiot' and 'failure' in relation to Polish people.

Irish 'jokes' and stereotypes on the other hand.....well...yeh, definitely.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2012 /  #87
which people? here in the UK

This is mostly in American media. I cannot speak for UK media.

To Jason:

I have have explained to you what I mean, yet you dismiss it on no grounds. I do not give anyone a bad name, I just have no patience for trolls/morons. Either sensibly reply or bugger off.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
4 Mar 2012 /  #88
America has for many decades portrayed Slavs in a racist and negative light, in movies, news, all sorts of media and that is a fact.

Quit making up bullshit. There was a fear of the Soviet Union here at one point but It wasn't because they were Slavic. It was because they had thousands of nukes and they even provided some to Cuba.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2012 /  #89
Oh and were Poles also a threat? Thats not how it started, rather with immigration over 100 years ago. However the soviet union and the yugoslav wars helped with it. If I am making up bullshit why are there other who are aware and in tune with american media that agree with me.
4 Mar 2012 /  #90
By "reply sensibly",
you mean, "agree with you". I think if you could go back, you would not have started this thread. It, and your subsequent posts, have reflected poorly on you. Next time, if you wish to engage others in conversation, try to refrain from calling the other interlocutors "idiots", and "uneducated morons". Otherwise, you come off as a churlish brat that is incapable of adult debate.

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