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Anti Iranian conference in Poland

gregy741  5 | 1226  
24 Jan 2019 /  #1
we got ourselves in some really weird situation with this conference.Is US preparing for war and looking to gather some support in EU with Polands help ?

so far results of this warmongering are pathetic.EU dont want to have anything to do with this dodgy business ,and we getting into diplomatic war with Iran.

what Poland has from this other than condemnation and blame if things go wrong?
PIS international diplomacy and policies are really getting on my nerves..
in the light of recent ,massive escalation between US,Israel and Iran,this looks like war drums and we should stay away from that stinky thing.

you have any opinion on this?
johnny reb  49 | 8092  
24 Jan 2019 /  #2
You don't want to hear it.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
24 Jan 2019 /  #3
A recent post of mine touches upon this topic. Poland is a part of NATO. NATO is cover for the entrenched interests of Washington, which includes the "Israel" lobby. The "Israel" lobby owns the U.S. Congress in it's entirety and thus it's M.E. foreign policy. "Israel" wants war with Iran at all costs to satisfy their maniacal "Oded Yinon Plan" for a "greater Israel: from the Nile to Euphrates". Poland does as it is told by NATO. If Poles are sent to die in the Middle East for "Israel" ... no problem! That's all there is to it.
OP gregy741  5 | 1226  
24 Jan 2019 /  #4
@johnny reb
why not ?
so far i haven't really hear any voice of support for this summit from poles.on discussion forums in polish, ppl are firmly against this.

why PIS want to get involved in something that doesn't benefit neither Poland nor the party.
PIS should really get back down on this somehow. or change the format.. invite Iran and Russia
strange thing this summit
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Jan 2019 /  #5
This conference is a stupid idea. We are forcing an Israel's [which is not even a member of NATO] policy, at a cost of Polish political and economical interests.

I can see nothing which Poland can gain from this conference and an open conflict with Iran. Iran was always neutral to us, and there's plenty we can lose, including the future oil contracts.

Both Polish National Movement and Conservative Liberals are against it. The sooner we vote them into the Parliament the better, cause PiS it's losing its grip.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Jan 2019 /  #6
Shame that the zionist owned poles are treating a country who let in over 100k ww2 refugees this way....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Jan 2019 /  #7
It is a shame. Iran has done nothing to us, and I've got several friends (both male and female) who have been there and had only positive things to say about the place. Several of them commented that there was a lot more respect towards women than they expected, and that the people were incredibly welcoming and open towards foreigners, even in rural areas.
mafketis  38 | 11214  
25 Jan 2019 /  #8
The thing is most of the news out of Iran now really reminds me of the Eastern bloc in the 1980s.... everybody knows the system (socialism in the once case, theocratic government in the other) doesn't work but the government is still holding on as long as they can.

I've known a couple of Iranians in recent years and they effing hate, hate HATE the government. If a peaceful transfer (as happened in the East bloc in 1989) could be negotiated a secular Iran could blossom and and really go places.

Of course the US neocon ghouls don't want any kind of peaceful transfer, they want endless war and endless funds and American lives to be wasted. I hate the neocons worse than hitler and stalin put together and long for the day they have no more political power.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
25 Jan 2019 /  #9
But if its remembering the Eastern bloc it will need some pressure from the free world too...

On it's own it will hardly tumble...I can imagine that the freedom loving - gov hating Iranians (?) are grateful for any pressure on the system from the outside. Because back then I was!
mafketis  38 | 11214  
25 Jan 2019 /  #10
it will need some pressure from the free world too...

pressure... not a preemptive war which is what the bloodthirsty neocons want
johnny reb  49 | 8092  
25 Jan 2019 /  #11
Better to have it over there then over here.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Jan 2019 /  #12
What really amazes me about the US is how the same story repeats itself regardless of who is in power. It's like America is locked in this endless "get involved with fights, stay for the long haul, leave, get involved with another fights, etc etc" cycle.
jon357  72 | 23562  
25 Jan 2019 /  #13
"get involved with fights, stay for the long haul, leave, get involved with another fights

Their defence contractors are very big business. Wars hurt the majority and enrich the minority.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Jan 2019 /  #14
Their defence contractors are very big business.

Frighteningly so. I know one guy who had been a mechanic in the US Air Force, and he had negotiated a package here that was downright ridiculous. His employer was obviously charging a healthy markup to the Polish government, so everyone was losing except the minority as you say.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Jan 2019 /  #15
there was a lot more respect towards women than they expected, and that the people were incredibly welcoming and open towards foreigners, even in rural areas.

Absolutely. Not only is Iran beautiful and has a rich culture - one that goes back waaaay further than Poland's but the people are actually quite welcoming. The Orthodox Jewish community regularly goes on tv, radio, etc. to rebuff a lot of the things said in the media about Iran.

Thing is, almost all media channels are owned by Zionists - even non-Jews like Murdoch are Zionists... and the biggest enemy of Zionists is Iran. The MSM has successfully brainwashed so many Americans, and Europeans too, into thinking that Iran is this evil entity that kills innocent people and carries out terror attacks that must be done away with. Iran hasn't killed any Americans combatants and non, Israel however has - the USS liberty incident, the false flag they were caught in Egypt, etc. Trump criticized Obama non-stop for the cash he 'gave' to Iran - which wasn't any sort of gift it was their money to begin with and was seized decades ago during the revolution. The media always attacks Iran and brainwashes people but the truth is they pose no threat to the U.S. They do pose a threat to Israel though and that's the only reason why both parties and every msm outlet pushes an anti-Iran line.

And it no different with wars in the M.E. The US will NEVER leave the middle east and not be engaged in wars there. As soon as a strongman emerges and poses a threat to Israel they're immediately sanctioned, portrayed as evil in the media, and people become brainwashed thinking that the U.S. should attack them. Israel and their numerous lobbies like AIPAC, which is by far the most powerful lobby in the US, will make damn sure of it. Look at what happened when Trump said he wanted to pull out of Syria. NEVER during Trumps presidency have the democrats and republicans had the exact same opinion on something. All of them wanted Trump to stay in Syria and so did all the media outlets. The Zionists know that Israel would be threatened if US left Syria and that's why they were pushing this message through their media outlets and the political posts they either have or Shabbat goys shilling for them.... Same thing with NATO - Trump talked about EU countries spending more money but when he said Israel needs to start paying up that conversation was immediately silenced and he never repeated that again.

That's where Poland comes in. This is nothing more than kissing USA and thus by default Israel's ass... Its pathetic...
Ironside  50 | 13064  
26 Jan 2019 /  #16
This is nothing more than kissing USA and thus by default Israel's ass... Its pathetic...

Jerks, PiS from this angle is no better than PO. One could argue it is better to kiss up to the USA than to Germany but I say such attitude is bad regardless. Jerks, clueless jerks.

Poland had historically good relations with Persia. A big mistake to F with Persians as if they were Arabs. They are not.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Jan 2019 /  #17
People are so brainwashed by the msm and never question why they are told to hate iran, the shias, nasrallah, assad, etc. Fact is, assad actually wants a multi religious syria and protects the christian and druze groups who are attacked by sunnis with saudi and Israeli backing. Even the dems push hatred of iran and the shia when theyre the ones helping Christians in areas overrun by radical sunni groups. Iran isnt the one thats supporting proxy groups that kill us, polish, etc soldiers and threaten interests. Saudi arabia and its allies which now includes israel support these extremist groups because it causes problems, destabilizes the region, destabilize europe and vreate problems there too by funding radical mosques, helps weaken strongmen while strengthening their position, and make nations look to them to help solve the problem drawing the us and nato in to clean the place up even though their proxies created it. Its basically an extortion scheme on an international level.

But yes, if a war with russia were to break out id much sooner count on usa than germany...

As pilsudzki explained it - its like standing on two stools
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
26 Jan 2019 /  #18
People are so brainwashed by the msm and never question why they are told to hate iran, the shias, nasrallah, assad, etc.

You don't need to be brainwashed to hate a gov which decides what you have to wear and throws you into jail if you say something they don't like.

Or do you mean the people toppling the communist regimes have been brainwashed too?
mafketis  38 | 11214  
26 Jan 2019 /  #19
You don't need to be brainwashed to hate a gov which decides what you have to wear and throws you into jail

Apparently there's a lot of resentment at street level in Iran related to the vast amounts of money they pour into foreign adventures while drug abuse, unemployment and homelessness skyrocket...

Again, I'm really hoping a peaceful transition can be worked out, the current model is hopelessly broken, but there aren't enough in the government who are ready to throw in their lot with the people (as opposed to the imams...)

It's a fascinating country and culture and if they could jettison the mullahs they could make very rapid progress.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
26 Jan 2019 /  #20
Similiar to Afghanistan before the whole islamist **** hit the fan....


When women lived FREE in Afghanistan: Pictures show how they were once able to study, wear skirts and mix freely with men - before civil war, invasion and the Taliban enslaved them

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
26 Jan 2019 /  #21
It's a fascinating country and culture and if they could jettison the mullahs they could make very rapid progress.

And we should give a crap about them why?
For the record, I wouldn't spend a dime or one American life to change anything in that s***hole. Toilet paper included.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019  
26 Jan 2019 /  #22
Could that happen here?

A...say...christian fundamentalist sect taking over and throwing everybody back into the dark middle age?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Jan 2019 /  #23
Could that happen here?

Don't watch The Handmaid's Tale if you value your sanity.

It's a perfectly example of what would happen if that happened. It's horrible, and I had to give up watching halfway through the first series because it was so terrible and bleak.
jon357  72 | 23562  
26 Jan 2019 /  #24
It's a perfectly example of what would happen if that happened

There are some who pretend they'd love that. Can't be much fun at their house...

the dark middle age?

Ciemnogrod is a lovely word for an appalling concept.

In Iran, the educated urban population spend their time resisting this whereas the rurals outnumber them. The moral of this story is that the countryside is pretty on the outside and rotten within.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Anti Iranian conference in PolandArchived