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Will Polish-Americans need visas to visit Poland and other EU countries?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Mar 2017 /  #1
The European Parliament (EP) has passed a non-binding resolution calling for the reintroduction of visa requirements for American citizens visitng Poland and any of the other 26 EU countries. That move has raised the stakes in a long-running battle over the United States' refusal to grant visa-free access to citizens of Poland and four other EU nations. At present, US citizens may travel visa-free and spend up to 90 days in the EU. If they leave the EU briefly (from Polnd they could cross over into Russia, Belarus or Ukraine), they can presumably re-enter Poland without a visa and stay another three months. In the EP, European lawmakers played tit-for-tat in their dispute with the United States, demanding restrictions on American travelers unless the Trump administration lifts travel requirements for citizens of Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland and Romania.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Mar 2017 /  #2
As you will remember Polly, Trump promised to grant visa free access to Poles within 14 days.

The ongoing refusal of the USA to grant visa-free access to Polish people is a scandal.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
6 Mar 2017 /  #3
The ongoing refusal of the USA to grant visa-free access to Polish people is a scandal.

You're only saying it now after Trump has been elected. Predictable.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Mar 2017 /  #4
The ongoing refusal of the USA to grant visa-free access to Polish people is a scandal.

Very true is it something to do with Americas distain when it comes to Polish people, polack jokes etc, it was the same problem for the Irish in England they were treated as second class and jokes were made about them, but todays Britain is closer to the Irish Republic than ever before with freedom of movement being a corner stone of the relationship.

Whats Americas problem?
Ironside  50 | 13046  
6 Mar 2017 /  #5
Whats Americas problem?

Some ratio one or other. Thing is illegal Poles in USA rat on each other like no others. If one of them got a job there five of his 'friends' can't stop themselves from notifying authorities. There is no that many illegal Poles in the US.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Mar 2017 /  #6
There is no that many illegal Poles in the US.

And then they moan about Mexicans there must be millions of illegals, I don't see why Poland should let Americans in to roam at will while Poles struggle to visit family and freinds in America.
7 Mar 2017 /  #7
It'd be interesting to compare the number of US citizens visiting Poland last year vs Polish citizens visiting the US last year..
Joker  2 | 2449  
7 Mar 2017 /  #8
There is no that many illegal Poles in the US.

How do you know that where are your stats or you talking out your A$$ again?

Illinois is home to some 70,000 Polish illegal immigrants, second only to the city's undocumented Mexican population.
And this is only one state!

How many Americans overstay their visa in Poland perhaps 700? If even, that many.

You may be entitled to the facts but not your own facts!!!

Trump promised to grant visa free access to Poles within 14 days.

Im starting to see the real Trump now, as being a liar.

I dont like when people start making accusations without any proof , can't believe him, same as that idiot poster above you:)
Ironside  50 | 13046  
8 Mar 2017 /  #9
How do you know that where are your stats

There is about 493,000 people from Europe and Oceania overstaying their visas i.e. illegally in the USA as for the year 2012.
So have your guess how many of those are Polish, 100 000, 240 000 or 90 000. Take your pick. Nowhere near that million number you casually pulled out of your unwashed anus.

Illinois and 70 000 sounds about right mostly wave of 90' immigrants from Poland without much English and hoping to get by due to reliance on a large number of the Am Poles in vicinity.

Given the fact that about 11 million Mexicans and people from the central American is there at the some time makes number of Poles staying illegally in the USA considerably small.

How many Americans overstay their visa in Poland perhaps 700?

What it has to do with anything? USA for the last 30 or 40 years had this open door policy. Out of the sudden few more Poles seemed to upset the balance. Why? Because they are European and white?

Do you know that for the last 20 years a ratio of emigration from Europe to the USA has been 12%. Meaning 98% immigrants came not from Europe.
9 Mar 2017 /  #10
Good, who cares, give us visas to enter Poland. The problem is that the Polish people come to America and don't go back to their country. Chicago is so full of Polish illegals it ain't funny. If there was a problem with Americans staying in Poland, then yeah put out visas for us.
jon357  72 | 23529  
9 Mar 2017 /  #11
Chicago is so full of Polish illegals it ain't funny

Is that a problem for you?
Joker  2 | 2449  
9 Mar 2017 /  #12
Chicago is so full of Polish illegals it ain't funny

Not according to the whining euros of this forum, with fake stats, never set foot inside our country.
Somehow, they have become this imaginary authority on all things American.

Good, who cares, give us visas to enter Poland.

I couldn't care less either:)

Every few months this almost identical thread appears and then they all gang up and cry about, Kum By Ya style!
mafketis  38 | 11199  
9 Mar 2017 /  #13
Regarding visas for Poles, the real reason is money. I've read that visa processing fees are a major source of income for embassies in countries that have them and more or less pay for the diplomatic service.
9 Mar 2017 /  #14
Somehow, they have become this imaginary authority on all things American.

No Europeans on this thread or others have claimed knowledge on the stats about Polish illegals. Americans don't seem to know either, and they could give two *****.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
9 Mar 2017 /  #15
Americans don't seem to know either, and they could give two *****.

Yes, any time an embassy stops charging processing fees that's more money has to come from somewhere else....

But (as in the previous thread on this topic) visas for Americans won't come into effect until 12 months after the EC passes the vote (and AFAIK it's not on their agenda).

At present this is all just political showmanship...
Ironside  50 | 13046  
9 Mar 2017 /  #16
Good, who cares, give us visas to enter Poland.

Not only to Poland sunshine to all EU countries. I'm sure you care, otherwise you wouldn't bother to comment.

The problem is that the Polish people come to America and don't go back to their country.

Lots of people came to America and don't go back home on time or not at all. It has been result of the open door US policy that stared in the late 60'. Some people took and still take advantage of that polices. Why don't you take up that issue with US politicians? They haven't done anything to remedy such a situation? They are all talk (before Trump) and then they went about it by slamming visas on Poles.

Fix those polices that don't work, change laws that are not working for the people and no one will have an issue with it.

Nah, take this visa waver programme with the EU and exclude Poland. Diplomacy doesn't work in that way. Poland due to the EU laws had been unable to use customary in such a circumstance reciprocity towards US citizens.

High time that issue will be sorted for good.

Chicago is so full of Polish illegals it ain't funny

Overwhelming majority of them must be in their 40' and 50' right? Being in the country between 30 to 20 years. If American the first world power cannot/is unable/unwilling to deal with a few illegal immigrants for more that twenty damn years they could as well grant them citizenship rather than whine about it in a really dumb way. geez..

I couldn't care less either:)

Oh boo ho we are gonna cry. Why would you post your HS if you don't care? Trolling or you're just dumb by nature?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Mar 2017 /  #17
High time that issue will be sorted for good.

Agreed. It's an absolute disgrace.
Joker  2 | 2449  
10 Mar 2017 /  #18
Every few months this almost identical thread appears and then they all gang up and cry about, Kum By Ya style!

Proved once again. Same old posters, Same old song!

No Europeans on this thread or others have claimed knowledge on the stats about Polish illegals


So have your guess how many of those are Polish, 100 000, 240 000 or 90 000

Ironside  50 | 13046  
10 Mar 2017 /  #19
Proved once again. Same old posters, Same old song!

Same old unsolved issue. You should get out more if you have a problem with people who are talking about a real life issues.
Seems to me that you're the one that want to sing kum ba ya all day and hold hands. I think you have no friends in the real life so you're looking for kindred souls on line. Then crying when you cannot find them.
10 Mar 2017 /  #20
Yanks should need Visas to visit... end of story.
Joker  2 | 2449  
12 Mar 2017 /  #21
I think you have no friends in the real life

This is coming from a guy that trolls an internet forum on a daily basis year after year....LoL
I thought it was funny, but actually its very sad.

Do you ever go outside? Try it sometime, there is a whole world out there!

Yanks should need Visas to visit... end of story.

Bring it on we dont care!

Its mostly Poles that overstay their visas looking for cash jobs and chasing the almighty dollar.

We don't need to leave our country to find employment. However, its crystal clear your fellow countrymen certainly do need to break some laws to make a decent buck!

stick to the topic please

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