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Americans try to defame Poland yet again.

Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
1 Feb 2017 /  #31
It is this sort of logic...




Ironside  50 | 12916  
1 Feb 2017 /  #32
Because I don't trust Americans I must be getting paid by Russia?

No, because you make no sense and seems to have a very limited knowledge of Poland. What are you 20 years anarchist or some other Marxist?

It is this sort of logic...

Come on man, if somebody is bind to the reality it is you. Russian tyrant played games with Poland for no reason. Trying to project his power onto Poland - here is a middle finger enjoy!
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
1 Feb 2017 /  #33
It's a reasonable question, Ironside! After all, the Poles are always whining, "The cursed foreign press are spreading lies about Poland!!!", yet while the national tear duct of Weeping Willow Wilanowa keeps churning out the sob stories, I notice Poland continuing to spread vicious lies about both Israel as well as the Jews themselves, e.g. Jedwabne was an exaggeration, the Poles were all coerced into playing footsies with Hitler, the Jewish Resistance consisted mainly of criminals etc.., all of which might contain a kernel of truth, though scarecely justification for what I've been reading today here on PF:-)

Again, it cuts both ways.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
1 Feb 2017 /  #34
After all, the Poles are always whining,

Really? Are not the Jews the winner in the whining competition? Oh ah - everyone hates us, they want to do us in like Hitler, those catholic priest hiding behind every bush and shrubbery, they're all to get us and especially those anti-Semitic Poles - they just prowl streets at night with their farming implements to nab any Jews they can catch, no matter that some Americans in today America are yelling anti-Semitic slurs at Jews attending their meeting house with traditional head gear, that the NY blacks hate Jews with passion, that in today Poland you wouldn't find one third of the stuff said about Jews in today USA.

Nah all that is a detail, lets go back 70 years to the war and let put the blame on everyone and especially Poles and if they try to reason and talk facts and reality not moralising as a good cultural neo-Marxist, yell anti-Semites and holocaust that much louder because that is a reasonable and mature thing to do.

Yeah Lzyko you must be really proud of yourself.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
1 Feb 2017 /  #35
As to the first part of your "rant" in which I see perhaps some slight justification would be that while it is true (my own granddad told me this as well) some of the young Yeshiva boys in small-town Europe who grew up in shtettls exlusively, WERE in fact told by their cheder etc. that it is allright to blaspheme, even to spit on, a statue of the Holy Virgin along with various symbols of the Catholic faith, said blasphemy, although surely repugnant and unjustifiable, somewhat understandable too, as revenge for gentiles in neigboring villages who'd often throw stones at Jewish houses and hurl epithets in front of Jewish homes, yeshivas or place where Jews typically congregate!!

It's not as if the Jews of Poland, for instance, woke up one fine morning in May and decided to wreak havoc on the Christians! The dye was already cast long before the Jews arrived in Europe, whereby the image of the Jew burnished into the Catholic liturgy was that of a demon from hell, above all, a Christ killer.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
1 Feb 2017 /  #36
Also Germans hadn't started with their final solution before 1941 or 42, not sure, I think it must have been 41.

The infamous Wannsee Conference was in late January 1942.

there is a general trend that Poles born in the USA see themselves as Americans more oft than not

Very true, and they usually don't post here unless they are interested in family history.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
1 Feb 2017 /  #37
Correct, TheOther! The Final Solution essentially "began" with the Wannsee Conference, at which time, the wheels were set into motion, thus facilitating the most massive displacement of an indigenous population since the time of the Voelkerwanderungen across Europe. Prior to the Conference, mobile gas vans and killings of Jews were done sporadically and, from the Nazis' point of view, far too inefficiently.

Then, in that fateful summer of '42, Heydrich handpicked Eichmann for the grisly task of eliminating the Jews of Europe, all 11,000,000 of them, in as brief a span as possible.
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
1 Feb 2017 /  #38
It's a reasonable question, Ironside! After all, the Poles are always whining

Ahahahah what a steaming pile of bull***t.

Jedwabne is well acknowledged as a FACT and any Pole asked about it will tell you that it was about Poles killing Jews.

The real whiners here are Americans. It's clearly visible everywhere and here on PF.

-Auschwitz wasn't a Polish concentration camp and that's a well known FACT too yet Americans lie about it.

-USA had handed freedom, land and money to the very same people who committed horrific crimes on Jews. FACT.

-There was no "Second Gulf of Tonkin Incident" which was an excuse to start Vietnam war and that's a FACT yet Americans lied about it for several decades.

-Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a genocide committed on Japanese civilians. Tens of thousands of innocents have been exterminated. That's a FACT. Americans said it actually saved more lives by ending war lol This isn't a fact but just one of very dengerous American assumptions given as an excuse to simply testing newly developed weapon of mass destruction on humans.

-There was no chemical weapon in Iraq and that's a FACT yet Americans lied about it existing and used it as an excuse to invade annoil rich country and rob it.

-Russian army was asked to help Syria by Syrian government. US Army wasn't and that's a FACT yet they invaded the country with an excuse of helping it but it's obvious they don't care about those people but are afraid to lose influence and all the oil in the region.

Now. Tell those FACTS out loud and watch the whole USA start whining. You'll see loads of it in the comments to what I wrote.

Whiners lol
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
1 Feb 2017 /  #39
"Jedwabne is [A] well-acknowledged fact.."

Glad to finally hear one of youse admit it!
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
2 Feb 2017 /  #40
Believe me. No Pole considers our nation crystal clear with no wrong doing in our past. We aren't Americans lol
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
2 Feb 2017 /  #41
Thank heaven, you got me worried for a bit:-)
nothanks  - | 626  
2 Feb 2017 /  #42
Believe me. No Pole considers our nation crystal clear with no wrong doing in our past.

Whether unable, incapable etc, we do no have Colonization on our rap sheet. And that gives us a clear bargaining advantage when discussing immigration/asylum seeking.
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
2 Feb 2017 /  #43
Just for you.

There is a book by Paweł Lisicki. It's called "Krew na naszych rękach"(Blood on our hands). Since your Polish is very good read it. You'll understand how wrong The West is about Poles helping Nazis and how painful their accusations really are for people that witnessed the Holocaust.

The book recently got the main award from Association of Polish Journalists. For a book to participate in the contest it has to include strong evidence behind every claim it makes.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
2 Feb 2017 /  #44
As a counterforce to Jan Gross' "Fear" (Strach)?? Sure, I'd be glad to read it. Just finished reading Roman Dmowski's 'Kwestia Żydowska'.

Should prove enlightening, thanks!
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
2 Feb 2017 /  #45
Sounds to me like Poland is defaming America yet again.

What a mendacious nation the USA is...

No Pole considers our nation crystal clear with no wrong doing in our past

Glad to finally hear one of youse admit it!

And no American denies our Nation of wrong doings.
Is there a Country on earth that is guilt free of wrong doings ?
This thread basically sucks to bait American's into defending themselves.
My defense is no defense.
I know for one that I WILL NOT air Poland's dirty laundry here either for the sake of a p - ing contest.
America's population DOES NOT DEFAME POLAND.
I think junior's inferiority complex may just be a bit over sensitive.
2 Feb 2017 /  #46
He's Russian, Johnny.
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
2 Feb 2017 /  #47
And no American denies our Nation of wrong doings.

Polonius proves the opposite :)

America's population DOES NOT DEFAME POLAND.

Sorry but Greenblatt isn't American govt. He's simply American.

He's Russian, Johnny

This is exactly American whiner I wrote about.
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
2 Feb 2017 /  #48
As a counterforce to Jan Gross' "Fear" (Strach)?? Sure, I'd be glad to read it.

You should be. Krew na naszych rękach doesn't clearly pick a side and ignores the other. It isn't biased and it's full of evidence for both. Book has to be unbiased, neutral along with evidence to be considered for the contest. Jan Gross book was never neutral. Read about that book and it's criticism on Wikipedia.

Ironside  50 | 12916  
2 Feb 2017 /  #49
Jedwabne is well acknowledged as a FACT and any Pole asked about it will tell you that it was about Poles killing Jews.

You mean every moron? without forensic evidence anyone can confabulate and speculate one way or the other. The fact that those soviet Kwasniewski apologised in the name of the Polish nation is nothing but a parody. He could only apologise in the name of commies, traitors and commies. He should address his apology to the Polish nation.

No Pole considers our nation crystal clear with no wrong doing in our past.

What you mean by a nation? What do you mean wrong doing?
Some schmucks confuse Poles with Catholics, DNA with ethnicity, and pick on those instances when then can set a Pole wronging on a Jew.
Somehow that is that great wrong doing and guilt of the Polish nation case some ?Poles? killed or otherwise wronged ?Jews?. By the same token of ahistorical and blackwood selection of the racist type we can say that some Jews killed or otherwise wronged Poles.

Should the Jewish nation or all the Jews on the planet hold responsible?
That is a total HS. You and Lzyko are full of it.
The Germans are historically guilty of the genocide because that was their state's doing, their institutions and whole country and people involved not few random Germans killing few random Jews.

Todays Germans as individuals are neither responsible not guilty of their acceptors deeds. As a nation that have that imperfection to bear.
Stop the difference unless you're retarded. Talking to all of you reading that post.

As a counterforce to Jan Gross' "Fear"

Do you claim to be professor? What that fairly story has to do with the science?
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
2 Feb 2017 /  #50
What I meant is that Poles too did some evil in those times but it wasn't (as the book I have mentioned states) on anti-Semitic background. It was people taking advantage of times and simply bandits.

As to Jan Gross book you're completely right. It was a fairytale with the author having his own conclusion before he even started to write it.

Todays Germans as individuals are neither responsible not guilty of their acceptors deeds. As a nation that have that imperfection to bear.

So should forget about what their parents did? So was the Germans responsible for WW2 or not?
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
2 Feb 2017 /  #51
Germany clearly and unequivocally instigated WWII. But without the collusion of Hitler's accomplices throughout Occupied Europe, his heinous deeds might never have come to full fruition in as hideous a manner as they did!

An aggressor also needs helpers to carry out his dirty work:-)
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
3 Feb 2017 /  #52
So was the Germans responsible for WW2 or not?

The Jewish Declaration of War
on Nazi Germany




TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 Feb 2017 /  #53
So should forget about what their parents did?

Those who were responsible for WW2 are long gone. Most of the children who were born during WW2 have also passed. The grandkids and great grandkids of the war generation (the one that was actively involved in the fighting) have nothing to do with the atrocities committed. Neither the young Germans, nor the Poles, Japanese, Americans, Brits or anyone else are guilty. Never forget, but move on FFS.

It's in their genes. We should always remember that.

What that's supposed to mean? Germans have a killer gene? Poles have a plumber gene? Americans have a slavery gene? Are you stupid, or what's wrong with you?
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
3 Feb 2017 /  #54
What that's supposed to mean? Germans have a killer gene? Poles have a plumber gene? Americans have a slavery gene? Are you stupid, or what's wrong with you?

Plumber doesn't genocide. Americans wiped out Indians. Wiped out Aztecs. The British murdered loads of people and you can't say they don't have Imperiaism in their blood. Germans wiped out millions in TWO WORLD WARS they started. You can't deny there's a possibility of Germans to have conflicts and "Ubermenschen"ism in their blood.

It's simply Darwin's theory of Evolution. Do you try to say that Evolution is not true?
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
3 Feb 2017 /  #55
Are you trying to say that Evolution is not true?

TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 Feb 2017 /  #56
TWO WORLD WARS they started

Wrong. Austria-Hungary started WW1 by declaring war on Serbia on August 2, 1914.
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
3 Feb 2017 /  #57
ROFL. The Germans may not be the first ones to mobilise but definitely one of the reasons behind 1st WW. Without Germany the I WW wouldn't be worldwide.

I admire your Wikipedia skills though.
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
3 Feb 2017 /  #58
In the case of WW1 the initial spark was the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand in Serbia. Austria demanded the culprit be handed over, very much as the USA demanded Afghanistan hand over Osama bin Laden. When that didn't happen, Austria invaded Serbia and Serbia's ally, Russia, mobilized in Serbia's defense. At the same time, Germany invaded Belgium and headed for France. Britain, France and Russia had a mutual defense pact, as did Germany and Austria, so the hostilities between Austria and Russia drew the other allies in. I still blame the war on Germany, because if it had not threatened France the Serbian war would probably have fizzled out as a local conflict, but that's not the way alliances work. Besides, Germany had unfinished business with France arising from the Franco-Prussian war of the 1870s and had been looking for an excuse for a rematch.

More facts less Wikipedia dude.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
3 Feb 2017 /  #59
Without Germany the I WW wouldn't be worldwide.

Don't be so naive -- without the French, Brits, Americans and Russians neither. All of them were more than happy to get at each others' throat. Only the Germans got blamed after the war; resulting in the Treaty of Versailles.

I admire your Wikipedia skills though.

No Wikipedia needed; that's basic knowledge.

Germany had unfinished business with France arising from the Franco-Prussian war of the 1870s

The other way round. Prussia had won the war, and the French were still pi*ssed off. Reading helps occasionally... :)
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
3 Feb 2017 /  #60
No Wikipedia needed; that's basic knowledge

Rofled again. If not Germany Serbian conflict would remain local. That's common knowledge. Ya know. In countries where common knowledge is nothing extraordinary.

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