Hypocrites, indeed. Blatant hypocrisy should be punished by the banning from the any forum. I mean, one can have any kind of personal opinion but, when one start to promote that some have rights what others don`t have, one losing any moral credibility.
country has every right to defend itself even if it means deadly force.
Deadly force? I got it. Some countries have more rights then others. Isn`t it?
See, Serbia also used deadly force when Shqiptar terrorists, supported directly from Albania (Shqiptria) tried to separate Kosovo by force, by use of terrorist actions and open rebellion against state. But, what Serbia got from Clinton`s? Got attack in mass media, got economic sanctions, Shquiptar terrorists were openly supported by foreigners and finally Serbia was openly attacked by NATO.
What you think what would Mexicans get from USA if/when similar terrorist attacks/rebellion against state occurs?
so, by what law Iraq and Libya were destroyed and Serbia was attacked? Law of hypocrisy?