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American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come

NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
17 Feb 2017 /  #391
First he was implanted by...

Heard rumours he got implanted there by Martians to either destroy or take over the planet Earth.
18 Feb 2017 /  #392
Feeble attempts at changing the subject.

Russian Agent Trump is going to die in Jail.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
18 Feb 2017 /  #393
Cells will be occupied by the Clintons.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
18 Feb 2017 /  #394

Aleksandar Dugin (Top Putin Adviser): Globalists Are Like Communist Oppressors
interview with Alex Jones (INFOWARS)
18 Feb 2017 /  #395
Russian attack on Germany with fake news

18 Feb 2017 /  #396
Cells will be occupied by the Clintons.

Clintons are not under investigation for anything. Trump is accused of treason. And there is loads of solid evidence.

Aleksandar Dugin (Top Putin Adviser):

Russian Nazi

Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
18 Feb 2017 /  #397



Aleksandar Dugin says what Putin thinks. "In Trump we trust."
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
18 Feb 2017 /  #398
Russian Nazi


Serbian intellectual Dragoš Kalajić

"In this world of occupation, mondialistic occupation, when they label someone as fascist, 99% of the time that means that the labeled person has irrefutable arguments and that entity or person who labels him admits in that way that it is powerless to counter his arguments and the truth."
Crow  154 | 9463  
18 Feb 2017 /  #399
Serbian loyalty to Poland and, pure and deep Serbian love for brotherly Polish people, won`t let Poland to become bargaining chip between great powers. No matter that are we ourselves in very hard position we won`t forget.

Long live Poland!
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
18 Feb 2017 /  #400
Serbian loyalty to Poland and, pure and deep Serbian love for brotherly Polish people, won`t let Poland to become bargaining chip between great powers.

And just what the hell is Serbia going to do about it if they do Crow, attack NATO ?
Take a breath and give it a rest while you fix your broken record.

Trump is accused of treason.

LOL......and being a bully and being xenophobia and being a white supremacist, and on and on and on.

NSA intercepted the relevant communications entirely legally,

No, no it was not especially just because you cry baby Liberal Snowflakes opinions are meaningless.
A warrant is required to do what they did and one WAS NOT obtained to do it. PERIOD !
Trump is your President and the faster that sinks in the less hate you will have.

Putin installed Trump into the Oval Office to destroy America and the West

Proof ? Sources ? Why does all this hate and bullying lies come out of your Liberal Left Socialist mouth ?
You just can't seem to accept the fact that Crooked Hillary lost can you.
Remember the Orlando massacre when President Trump accused obama of treason ?
In other words, either President obama is incompetent or else he is in league with ISIS.
If it's the latter, Trump is accusing obama of treason, of supporting America's enemies.

what has any of that got do with Russian Agent Trump's contacts with Russia?

And then how about Clinton's illegal e-mail server that was hacked my multiple countries with Russia being one of them without a doubt........that is pure and simple treason.

In other words anybody can accuse anyone of anything.
I accuse you of being a Russian Troll.

Russian Agent Trump is going to die in Jail.

Maybe Trump and obama and Crooked Hillary could all share the same jail cell.
Now for the sake of Mary can we please get back on topic and keep your nasty hateful insults for the back page thread about President Trump.

President Trump is the best choice Poland could have hoped for (as well as America) as a new President of the United States to support Poland.

Trumps second term in office will prove that.
cms  9 | 1253  
18 Feb 2017 /  #401
The topic is can we rely on the USA to uphold its treaty commitments to NATO.

for you the topic seems to be raking over the coals of an election that Trump won, probably fair and square, plus some irrelevant stuff about Clinton's emails and god knows what else.

We did feel safe here under Obama, whatever his faults. Same with both of the Bush presidents. With Trump we don't know - different message every day - and that is not surprising as he is an ignorant and bigoted buffoon deserving only derision and contempt.

You are not a Reb any more - your team is in charge now and we want to see what they do, not talk about what the last guys did.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
18 Feb 2017 /  #402
I will always be a Reb no matter what your opinion is son.

We did feel safe here under Obama

As you watched hopelessly to what happened to Ukraine on his watch.

Same with both of the Bush presidents.

As Polish troops were ordered to kill Iraqi's that were no threat to Poland.

he is an ignorant and bigoted buffoon deserving only derision and contempt.

Oh the vile judgmental hate towards a man that hasn't even been in office but four weeks.
How about giving the man four years or better yet eight years to get the mess he inherited straightened out.
You are the one being the bigoted buffoon here.

we want to see what they do, not talk about what the last guys did.

Then give him a chance, my Polish friend, as the mess the last guy made is what Trump is trying to fix.
If President Trump bowed to all his critics nothing would get done and that is why he is ignoring people like you to make America Great Again.

You seem to think your foreign expert whining is going to change things here in America.
You should be thanking America for the protection that it gives your country.
If you are so ungrateful then vote to get out of NATO.
I can only imagine the abuse I would take if I started name calling Poland's president the names you call mine.
Now how about you and weg05 lose some weight.
Marsupial  - | 871  
18 Feb 2017 /  #403
Putin installed trump lol that is funny. However, it is true. He wants to destroy gayness.
Crow  154 | 9463  
18 Feb 2017 /  #404
And just what the hell is Serbia going to do about it if they do Crow, attack NATO ?

Poles? Well, Serbians would help, I am sure

Putin installed trump lol that is funny. However, it is true.

Vatican installed Trump. Russia merely helped.
Marsupial  - | 871  
18 Feb 2017 /  #405
Fake mews crow? You forgot to add the sarcastic gayness at the end? Oh that's right, you didn't forget. Quoting fragmebts is really going to work for you here mate.
Marsupial  - | 871  
19 Feb 2017 /  #407
The crow news of slavic unity. Like the a bombs on the border, russias love for all humans.
Crow  154 | 9463  
19 Feb 2017 /  #408
Marsupial, you again manipulate and confusing. What I suggest is Intermarium. So, yes unity of Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Ukraine, within Intermarium. At the same time, I suggest normal relations with Russia, not a state of eternal conflict.

See, what we Serbians suggest to Poles is much better then what Anglos wish to them. And Poles knows that. Most of them but, nobody ask them. But they would tell it themselves, one day
19 Feb 2017 /  #409
An election-day coup plot to attack Montenegro's parliament and kill the pro-Western leader was directed by Russian intelligence officers with the support and blessing of Moscow, to sabotage the country's plan to join Nato.


Least we forget what the thuggish scum are up to.

Mafia boss Sergey Lavrov

Marsupial  - | 871  
19 Feb 2017 /  #410
Every day it decays more.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
19 Feb 2017 /  #411
Russian Agent Trump is going to die in Jail.

Hysterical nonsense typical for liberal snowflakes. They just don't need to think anymore, reason and facts are an alien concept to this kind of histrionic minds often accompanied by the HDP.

Then give him a chance, my Polish friend

I think he is your English friend or whatnot.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
19 Feb 2017 /  #412

Who about what then the English about Russian conspiracies... and so it goes on an on for xxx years...

If the Daily Telegraph reports this then it is surely so...

It's always the same story, "information" is given by a source without a name and surname. Unfortunately there are always those who will believe these fabrications, especially in the West where the mere mention of Russia reminds us of the evil and danger which is the goal of this propaganda.

The vast majority of Orthodox Christian Slavic population of Montenegro - Crna Gora oppose NATO membership and are for close ties with Serbia and Russia.


In such a situation in which Djukanovic saw that he was losing the elections, he took a desperate move - plan B, which was previously planned in detail. For this kind of fraud, he needed help. With the assistance of the US Embassy, he got it.

Milo Djukanovic - Prime Minister of Montenegro - OCCRP 2015 Organized Crime and Corruption 'Person of the Year' Award
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
19 Feb 2017 /  #413
I think he is your English friend or whatnot.

Thanks Ironside.
His remarks made it sound like he was Polish.

- your team is in charge now and we want to see what they do

We did feel safe here under Obama,

I should have ask who "we" were.
Some people that post here are to embarrassed to put in their profile the country that they are from.
Like har who wants to sound like he is 100% Polish when in reality he was born in Australia and raised in a boarding school in the U.K.

the English about Russian conspiracies...

Exactly, just another way to brainwash with bias to control.
When the American G.I.'s come back home they will share experiences about the real Polish culture that the bias news media does not talk about.

They will be able to tell me if the Polish people really wanted them there or not, how they were treated by the Polish, would they want to live in Poland all in a un-bias truthful way.

Hopefully Poland will invite even more American G.I.'s to Poland is the way I look at it.
I know when the Polish military was training in the U.S.A. last summer that I enjoyed talking with them.
About half of them could speak broken English (MUCH better then I can speak broken Polish) and it was most enjoyable.
They were very well mannered men with great sense of humors.
Hopefully the American G.I.'s in Poland will leave Poland with such a great impression as the Polish Soldiers did when here in the U.S.
Crow  154 | 9463  
19 Feb 2017 /  #414
Poland is unbreakable. NATO won`t brake Poles

His remarks made it sound like he was Polish.

while in fact Anglo. Only small minded people have necessity to pretend that are something what they not.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
19 Feb 2017 /  #415
NATO is not trying to break Poland, YOU are with your daily Russian propaganda.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
19 Feb 2017 /  #416
YOU are with your daily American brainwash propaganda.

Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
19 Feb 2017 /  #417
YOU are with your daily Russian propaganda.

@Johnny "Rebel without a Cause" LOL

In this moment the Russians can match or even surpass America's nuclear weapons potential. The Chinese can at least match (or by now have even surpassed) American land forces. What nobody can compare to is America's "soft power" meaning the brainwashing of the masses with Hollywood, CNN, BBC, CBS, FOX News, NBC, CNBC.


So in this propaganda department nobody can compare with America. About this there is no question.


Newly-appointed chief of US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Andrew Lack, has named RT one of the agency's main challenges alongside extremist groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram.



Still 4 Hill

As for the "Russian conspiracy" to assasinate Milo Djukanovic (a ruthless dictator, puppet of the West and a traitor to his people) sometime such nonsense could have passed, but not after Assange and Snowden, this just shows how much time has caught up with the intelligence services of Great Britain and America, and confirm that they have neither the idea nor the power to prevent Russia and China to become superpowers.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659  
19 Feb 2017 /  #418

Trump: Djukanovic is a part of international mafia.


George Soros & David Rockefeller Foundations = Main sponsors of NATO propaganda in Crna Gora



the topic is about POLAND
Marsupial  - | 871  
19 Feb 2017 /  #419
14 goat herders protesting will for sure change world opinion.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
19 Feb 2017 /  #420
14 goat herders

You have spotted many members of your family on these pictures. Bravo!

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to comeArchived