If Anglos, USA and entire western Europe consider themselves as friends of Poles, they should just forget to use Poland as buffer zone against Russia. It won`t work. Its even stupid to try that.
US air base to be in Poland
It won`t work. Its even stupid to try that.
Well, Germany was in the same position in the 1980's. The country was considered a potential nuclear battlefield that would've been sacrificed to protect France and Britain from a Soviet invasion.
With any military planning issue, it all depends on what they can and can't achieve under appalling circumstances.
The USSR had ballistic missiles aimed at most of the population centre's of Europe and Russia may well have that even now.
In those cold war days, one of the biggest US bases was about 3 or 4 miles from my home - great for a kid to watch all the planes but very much a prime target for nuking by the Russians.
The USSR had ballistic missiles aimed at most of the population centre's of Europe and Russia may well have that even now.
In those cold war days, one of the biggest US bases was about 3 or 4 miles from my home - great for a kid to watch all the planes but very much a prime target for nuking by the Russians.
17 Dec 2015 / #184
Jon: " a prime target for nuking by the Russians" That's exactly what will happen to Poland if it gas US and NATO bases on its soil.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 Dec 2015 / #185
but very much a prime target for nuking by the Russians.
Crow has got you all worked up.
Russia (or any other country with nuke's) aren't going to nuke anyone.
The consequences would be to great for Russia to even consider it.
And for some reason if they did nuke you, not to worry, you wouldn't even hear the boom.
The biggest thing to fear is fear itself.
at's exactly what will happen to Poland if it gas US and NATO bases on its soil.
It is anyway.
The consequences would be to great for Russia to even consider it.
That, JohnnyReb, is the reason both sides have them. Mutually assured destruction, the ultimate deterrent.
17 Dec 2015 / #187
What choice does Poland have,its on the front line to the fascist Russian Empire?
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 Dec 2015 / #188
Exactly jon and all we can hope for is that everyone has self control not to push the red button.
Times changed and with it Russia`s priorities and interests. Russia now even have interest that Poland strengthen. Not to say that is this with Turkey very good opportunity that people see how Russia don`t need to make land invasion in order to pacify some hostile region. So, it would be wise that western Europe forget manipulations with Poland to achieve anything against Russia. i telling it again, it would prove to be very stupid. It can even turn Poles against western Europeans. For, what is enough is enough. It is much better to leave Poland alone so that She can focus on Her historical mission- to become center of one new emerging global civilization- Intermarium. Obviously, China understand this. Russia, too. Seams that would west of Europe be the last to understand this. Not that i`m surprised.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 Dec 2015 / #190
It is no secret that the Poles have no use for the West yet they are smart enough to know what side their bread is buttered on Crow.
Polish public is quick learner. To escape from western Europe and USA would become priority for Poles soon enough.
But then again, price would be paid.
But then again, price would be paid.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 Dec 2015 / #192
They don't want to escape to something worse then they already have so if they escape it will be to open their doors wide for the West to invest and make Poland a world competitor.
Sorry to say that Russia can not offer them that.
Just saying............
Sorry to say that Russia can not offer them that.
Just saying............
Eventually, Poland can escape from its own independence. Its just short from what it have now.