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US air base to be in Poland

johnny reb  49 | 8003  
20 Nov 2015 /  #151
No need for a foreign occupation on its soil.

Or several different NATO air bases be put in Poland, not just a US.
We are suppose to be allies aren't we ?
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Nov 2015 /  #152
Where are Polish bases in the US? ;) If we are allies, it should work both ways. Poland could help protect the US against Mexican and Canadian threats.

It seems America is still willing to 'contain' Russia which is not good for Poland. Poland's national interest is to have good diplomatic relations with its neighbors, including Russia. Today, the biggest threat for Poland is the economic crisis, its demography, and ISIS (we never know). I really don't think Russia has any interest in Poland.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
20 Nov 2015 /  #153
Polish bases in the US

I hear they're going to set one up on the outskirts of Greenpoint but they first have to find at least three biplanes to equip its air strip.
21 Nov 2015 /  #154
I really don't think Russia has any interest in Poland.

I agree here somewhat. There are foreign groups which want to change Poland to become more like Western Europe. They may be immigrants, or NGOs from larger powers. This is a threat.

And by demography you mean we should fix the extremely low birthrates hopefully. PIS should heavily concentrate on this because Polands population could reduce greatly in 50 years.
21 Nov 2015 /  #155
Polonios you disapoint me " first have to find at least three biplanes to equip its air strip"

In wwII that's all that Poland had, once our pilots got into Hurricanes and spitfires it was a different mater, be careful what you say .

Be careful what you wish for we, might jump into SU35's ,

The F35 is the equivilant to a biplane.today we will never forget rosevelt and the friendship he extended to Poland.
Polson  5 | 1767  
21 Nov 2015 /  #156
And by demography you mean we should fix the extremely low birthrates

That and emigration. Too many Poles still don't see their future in Poland, and that's a big problem. It means that even the Poles who make babies may leave the country (with their babies).
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
21 Nov 2015 /  #157
you disapoint me

Humour is the spice of life!
21 Nov 2015 /  #158
Polonius It's time for you to come home, plenty of gods work for you to do here, you know where your heart lies. you will find something that makes you laugh here everyday.
Ktos  15 | 432  
21 Nov 2015 /  #159
Sikorski is the people, chosen by the people to speak for the people ;)

Sikorski is not the people (I do not know what species he is but definitely not homo sapiens) and luckily no longer foreign minister. He has been chosen by some people, the rest was a corrupt vote (but we can debate that, only hard to in Poland where corruption is vast). Sikorski may have also been chosen to speak for the people but no to have a free hand in all decisions. The decision to have US air base in Poland is not what Polish society, at large, desires at all.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Nov 2015 /  #160
the rest was a corrupt vote

Hahahahaha. Who told you that, your grandfather?

The decision to have US air base in Poland is not what Polish society, at large, desires at all.

Utter crap. They've just elected a government that very clearly does want a US presence here.
Ktos  15 | 432  
21 Nov 2015 /  #161
They've just elected a government that very clearly does want a US presence here.

Don't turn cat on its tail, the newly elected government was not elected because of the US air base he he he, we are concerned more now about internal affairs and PiS offers better options in that regard, whereas foreign policy is at the moment a peripheral issue for most Polish people, "put a bread on the table" is what Polish people want.

And Poland turned itself into a unicorn sanctuary is a lot more likely to happen than Poland leaving NATO and the EU in order to form a close alliance with the backwards parts of Europe.

The backward parts of Europe consist of regions such as Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, France and all of the other Western European countries. Why is that, one may ask, it is so because the system these countries are run by is a system that can sustain itself socially and morally as well as economically. It is a backward system. The West will eat itself, let's not let it it us, Polish, Serbians, Russians - the last of the true Europeans.
Velund  1 | 493  
22 Nov 2015 /  #162
I really don't think Russia has any interest in Poland.

No specific interest in Poland, Baltic countries or so... Nothing special there...

But... Russia have interest in their own safety and stability on their borders. And will watch closely for any activity, that may be threatening.
Military bases of third country, not controlled by national government - sure way to get attention. Potential presence of nuclear weapons on that bases - sure way to get some missiles pre-targeted and ready to start at any moment.

Nothing personal, just f...ng business...
Tartar  1 | 22  
15 Dec 2015 /  #163
ok, so Poland is America's ally... ok, so how come Polish citizens still need Visa's for the US???
* Not exactly a close relationship after all, unless your talking about shale gas, US companies rapping Poland (watch your pensions disappear!) and of course using Poland as a buffer against Russia.

Isn't the US just "Allies" or "best friends" with however they want to use & abuse, same as Russia, but with a smile and a "have a nice day" after you have been left with nothing at the end of it.

Is NATO really ready for Turkey v Russia and if it happened worst case scenario, when everyone is looking at the oil in the middle east, who will watch Poland's borders... interesting.

The best defence is self-defence with allies on all sides, do NOT rely on people too much as they will use you for the own interests and sell you out. After all history repeats itself.

- August 1944 and when the British commonwealth & Polish free forces flew re-supply drops for the uprising, where exactly were the two great super powers Russia & the US.. both are to blame!

Polson - Poland needs to do business with Russia (even if she holds a gun behind her back), the relationship needs to be too valuable to compromise for all sides.

The US will implode when it stops looting the worlds assets via enron style shoddy accounting and vast amounts of national debt, the methods of it's international investment companies are unbelievable.

It is amazing that all the US investment companies always making a profit and never turn a loss.. incredible investing or amazing artistic accounting.
Crow  154 | 9563  
15 Dec 2015 /  #164
Normal Polish-Russian ties, on the principles of common interests are of vital importance to Serbians, too. Poles should have that in mind.
15 Dec 2015 /  #165
Tartar spot on "The best defence is self-defence with allies on all sides, do NOT rely on people too much as they will use you for the own interests and sell you out" erm Yalta springs to mind.

As my grandfather (ww1 veteran) said to my father(ww2 veteran) People forget the mistakes of the past, are we gearing up to ww3 with Poland as the shooting gallery , at least the germans will be happy to have Poland as the no mans land of europe.

"Polish free forces flew re-supply drops for the uprising" The free polish paratroop regiment requested to be dropped in to Warsaw during the uprising (to probable certain death).

But were denied by the British government, so their lives were wasted in operation market garden instead.

History tells us not to trust our "Allies"

"US will implode when it stops looting" yep the petro dollar does not have long to live, and they will have to stop printing money. It is a good job they have lots of guns for when the looting and civil unrest starts.
Crow  154 | 9563  
16 Dec 2015 /  #166
Time is that Polish Slavs arise and stand to defend Poland. USA compromised itself by policing entire world and helping to Muslim extremists against Slavs and some others. Poles should say clear NO to USA and to NATO.
16 Dec 2015 /  #167
Poles should say clear NO to USA and to NATO.

As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, Poles are about as likely to reject NATO as they are vote that the country should be turned into a vast unicorn reserve. Perhaps you should get to know a little about Poland and Poles before trying to tell Poles what they should do?

But were denied by the British government

Which planes was the British government supposed to use for that particular mission?

so their lives were wasted in operation market garden instead.

You mean the mission on which the planes were ordered to turn back but most didn't because they either hadn't taken the right codes with them or preferred to push on and get into the fight?
Crow  154 | 9563  
16 Dec 2015 /  #168
`Out of box` way of thinking is what my Polish sisters and brothers need. As a Serbian i do dare to tell it to Poles. People likes of you Harry, Brits, on the other side, should cover themselves with their own ears.
16 Dec 2015 /  #169
Don't worry Crow Nato and the US will runaway at the first sign of real trouble. History repeats itself and all that.
Crow  154 | 9563  
16 Dec 2015 /  #170
Times changed. Russia is no longer threat to Poland. Poles should learn to live with this situation
16 Dec 2015 /  #171
Crow "Times changed. Russia is no longer threat to Poland" correct and we should use this fact to our advantage, but don't forget if it all kicks off you are bringing the popcorn.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Dec 2015 /  #172
Russia is no longer threat to Poland

Crow or Wrona -- Russia will ALWAYS BE A THREAT TO POALND.
In Poland everybody feels that NATO is the good guy and Russia the villain.
Nobody shares your anti-NATO hangup. NATO bases in Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, the Czech Republic. Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Croatia would be a true blessing and a bulwark against the Muscovites and their Serbian toadies.
16 Dec 2015 /  #173
Wow: Polo just posted something which I agree with every single word of!
16 Dec 2015 /  #174
And has the current us president or any European leader have the spine to support Poland in it's time of need , I don't think so , they will just have a meeting in Yalta and sell us out again,
Crow  154 | 9563  
16 Dec 2015 /  #175
Poles, let`s not forget, Anglos are famous liars. Shall we trust them once more?
16 Dec 2015 /  #176
"Times changed. Russia is no longer threat to Poland."

I rarely agree with Polonius 3 but in this cash has given you the correct reply !
You are what used to be calf Fifth Column ... intended to subvert !
Crow  154 | 9563  
16 Dec 2015 /  #177
You are what used to be calf Fifth Column ... intended to subvert !

always loyal to Svetovid. But, tolerant on all what makes happy Poles and Russians

Shall we point out what Serbs are, unfortunately, best known for?

as being victims of Anglo-Muslim coordinated attack?

And so, what would happen with Poles if they choose to add more of their Slavic tradition in its life and reject US air base in Poland, at the same time declaring neutrality on global military alliances and sending call to all foreign investors who wants to invest in Poland, with equal treatment.

Think of this. You know what would Poland get? Destruction and ignorance by Anglos and Co.

Conclusion. Have US air base in Poland. Have several.

Hand on heart, i can hardly imagine that Poland refuse US air bases, if US decided to have them there. It would be practically impossible to refuse. Imagine all those political pressure within Poland itself, then also from outside- from Polish diaspora. Then, imagine economic pressure from Anglos. All can finish even in violance within Poland and after all, when we have in mind how USA deals with obstacles, even NATO can use force against Poland. Reason and explanation to public? Well, they always found one. Horrible prospects, truly. All that when official Poland relay exclusively on blessings from Anglos and eventually from Vatican (when Vatican itself in its state policy coordinates with Anglos) and is more or less isolated from rest of the world. i think that Poland won`t be ready to pay the price of its independent choice not to have US air bases. No, Poland would choose not to pay price, and therefore, not to behave as independent state.
jon357  72 | 23528  
17 Dec 2015 /  #178
i can hardly imagine that Poland refuse US air bases

With the threat that is Russia being so close, why would they possibly refuse?
Crow  154 | 9563  
17 Dec 2015 /  #179
Ah, Russia. How convenient. How nice upload of eternal majestic explanation and extraordinary reason for all sh** that falling on Poland.
jon357  72 | 23528  
17 Dec 2015 /  #180

Well Crowie, Europe including Poland doesn't have to defend itself from any threat from Guatemala or Laos, does it....

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