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US air base to be in Poland

guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #31
US which is so far away and does not care.

you're wrong here but believe what you want.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #32
Tell me how they care. When they shamefully backed out of their missile defense agreement. Gave us FAKE equipment? A lot of care.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #33
It is not appeasement if one does not want to even go down that path.

You still think it is your decision if they will attack you and declare you their enemy?


The more weaker/appeasing you act, the more infighting there is between us Westerners (Europe+US) the more appealing we become for them as easy target.

Make no error, we are the enemy for them because we exist, because of our way of living and our values.
Short of changing all that WE ARE THE ENEMY! So or so..
To leave an natural ally alone in the vain, treacherous hope to not get attacked but rather avert possible attacks to an ally is so futile, cowardly and foremost useless, it boggles the mind!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
4 Mar 2011 /  #34
Hahahahaha. We all know how THAT ended up.

If you read anything about it you'd know that it's on a rotation from it's base in Germany and everyone knows the missiles are unarmed. The deal that Sikorski and Clinton signed will place PAC 3 Patriots which will be armed and had a 100% success rate in Operation Iraqi Freedom. And you'll still be a retard :)))))))
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #35
We have not had a single attack or even threat. I see your point though, and I said before we should be concentrating on ties, but with those closer to us. Poland does not need this base, and we have seen how the US treats our agreements. Even closer ties with Germany would be preferable.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
4 Mar 2011 /  #37
BB please. What could Germany or the UK do to help Poland? nada
guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #38
Tell me how they care. When they shamefully backed out of their missile defense agreement. Gave us FAKE equipment? A lot of care.

If this information below is true, it looks like you'll still receive your "care" after all

"they're unarmed right now they'll be armed again in a year or so once rotation is over and they are permanently placed there. But those will be the PAC-3 Patriots much much modern and effective"

and we have seen how the US treats our agreements

tell me, how?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
4 Mar 2011 /  #39
If you can't be civil

Cry baby. Cat got your tounge read a lil' about the subject before opening your mouth.

why don't you go back to fuccking your mother?

Cause i prefer fuccking your mother, LOL
Like I said the PAC-3 Patriots will be permanently placed in Poland, armed.
"Missile defense shield in Europe. Diet: there's a consensus on the agreement with the U.S.

The U.S. missile defense shield in Europe is becoming a reality. On Monday, from the Navy base in Norfolk, the guided missile cruiser USS Monterey sails . On board there is a system of Aegis, a rocket SM-3 missile and radar integrated with them.

Thus begins the first stage of a missile shield in the version of Barack Obama. "This means that the construction of the system running according to schedule, " - says Minister Radoslaw Sikorski. "For the Polish, this schedule means the activation of the U.S. base in 2018" - he adds.

Three years earlier, the year 2015, the land version of the Aegis system is deployed in Romania. Polish is expected to next-generation SM-3 missile (Version II), a larger diameter and longer range than the present.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #40
BB please. What could Germany or the UK do to help Poland? nada

Well...we have a standing army...most modern...not very battle proved right now but that can be changed quickly! ;)
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #41
tell me, how?

It took them long enough to even do this small thing which according to your article is going to be in 2018. Who know what other "problems" they will run into before then. Even that is besides the point. Poland does not need this. Missile defense from what? Who is going to bomb Poland? Im sure US has these systems to protect itself, as well as other European countries.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
4 Mar 2011 /  #42
this move building a air base is in bigger plan to encircle Russia to cut Russian influence in region and to expand U.S. empire.

how Poland would benefit from it? I do not see how all it will do is to obligate Poland to defend U.S. empire. I think Poland would be better served by developing relations with countries that do not fight never endless wars.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
4 Mar 2011 /  #43
Well...we have a standing army...most modern...not very battle proved right now but that can be changed quickly! ;)

George Bush did many things wrong, but he took chances those are the kind of people that are successful in life (although his succes was for his family's oil empire). He wasn't lickin' Russia's a** and downgrading his plans he sticked with THAAD for Poland. Obama wouldn't even approve the Aegis system which will be placed in Romania to Russia's liking. Poland get's the latest PAC-3. THAAD was the one that was giving Russia a migraine, maybe the next president will approve of it, I know McCain would have ;). P.S. Hairy I've read more military books than you can counts, son

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #44
George Bush did many things wrong, but he took chances those are the kind of people that are successful in life (although his succes was for his family's oil empire). He wasn't lickin' Russia's a** and downgrading his plans he sticked with THAAD for Poland.

There is a line between a*ss licking and not antagonizing.
Bush was still a cold warrior in his mind I think...our future problems won't be with Russia.

China/Islamists is more my bet!
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
4 Mar 2011 /  #46
I wouldn’t worry about it too much, empty talk. Obama politically speaking is a washout and too weak to expand or even reorganize US presence in Europe and Europe itself to ambitious to let them, on the US domestic front you’ll see it as soon as the campaign goes full swing. US military budget will be spent on immediate issues they face just to manage the developing situations all over the Arab world, after all they will have to promote friendly faces to fill in the political gaps created by the uprisings if they want to have any influence in the region and not ruling out the involvement itself if it spreads to more important regions, priorities you know. Poland itself has been burned couple times already striking those so called deals with the US so the opposition might wake up and a louder voice might finally be heard. It’s not wise to bet on an Empire in decline just to do the dirty deeds on their behalf and let’s face it to their benefit on an empty promise of some imaginary benefit down the road that will never materialize anyway, so far that seems to be the trend anyway and that proverbial final straw that eventually breaks the camel’s back just might be the developing situation in the Arab world before such a project has a chance to get off the ground. Challenge for the US in the coming year or two is much greater than their ambition to expand, a pipe dream of second rate politicians if you ask me.

You still think it is your decision if they will attack you and declare you their enemy?

I agree, once a big wave of refugees hits the shores of Southern Europe Germans won’t be so keen on the idea of moving the basis. Besides that attack will materialize in the form of home grown threat and as the recent incident proved Germany has more than its fair share of that.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #47
Why China?

China is becoming an economy powerhouse, is modernizing, has over 1 Billion people, it's army has more soldiers than most countries have citizens, it's still a political midget and constraint to Asia mostly (that will change as they assert themselves more and more), the future conflicts will be about resources...and frankly there is not much we can do about once the Chinese set their mind on something.

For them the sky is the limit, they have everything going for them.
Not even hampered by a democratic, consent finding process or politicians who have to take care of a public opinion, human rights, free press etc.etc.etc.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #48
But why would China be a threat at all, especially to Poland. China as a power is more favorable to the world then the US. China even when strong has never involved itself in the type of physical and political empire building in all its history. I dont see how this country could be a threat. Tiny US bases in Poland would not help even if there was a threat. Maybe Germany has to worry, but about what? Economic competition? The US yes, a threat to its empire.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #49
But why would China be a threat at all, especially to Poland. China as a power is more favorable to the world then the US

Well, start learning mandarin then...

China even when strong has never involved itself in the type of physical and political empire building in all its history.


Look at the map, ask the neighbours and take a look at the many ethnical populatins and how they are oppressed.

You think the US is bad? Just inform yourself about the Chinese.
And China was never in that favourable position as it is now.

Maos communists killed more people than Hitler and Stalin or anybody else and his party is still in power!

But hey...the US is far worse...of course!
Just a hint: You can talk such crap totally free, you can protest openly, you can demonstrate to your hearts content and no fear to get jailed, beaten up or without trial imprisoned in some brutal re-education camp!

Try that in China!
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #50
Well, start learning mandarin then...

Since you know Mandarin would you like to explain.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #51
Just think...how much weight will Polands voice/wish/opinion carry against anybody all alone, without a strong alliance!
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #52
That does not explain why china is a problem, and Poland should come closer with the US.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #53
Ummm...did you read my posts at all?
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #54
China is moving away from that style of government. Slowly but surely. What makes you think that they would build an empire here and impose that rule over the world? A little far fetched. And I thought we agreed that the move with the US is not a good idea.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
4 Mar 2011 /  #55
The only reason why U.S. is promising air base in Poland is to preposition their army and obligate other nation to fight the upcoming war.

Poland needs to withdraw from NATO and establish center Europe alliance and buy some nukes. Is that what Poles want to be pawns of U.S. in global domination game?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #56
China is moving away from that style of government. Slowly but surely.

No it isn't, as the recent crack downs on northern Africa style demonstrations in Peking proved.
There too people started to gather and to fight for more freedom...but you surely know how tightly controlled the internet there is, don't you! That most sites are unavailable for Chinese....

They CAN'T move away from a strict control of all their subjects or the big, multi-ethnic conglomerat will be falling apart. But still there are uprisings and ethnical hate...just because it's tightly controlled, news don't come out so easily as in open, democratic societies like the United States doesn't mean all is peacy.

The "re-education" camps are full with political prisoners!

And I thought we agreed that the move with the US is not a good idea.

And I thought we agreed on thightening bonds within Europe but that too means a strong atlantic alliance...
pgtx  29 | 3094  
4 Mar 2011 /  #57
Poland needs to withdraw from NATO and establish center Europe alliance and buy some nukes.

hehe... piece of cake...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
4 Mar 2011 /  #58
" Countries like Poland and the Czech Republic, whose geographic location and land mass cannot be properly defended by naval SM-3 Block 1s, and would require many THAAD batteries for proper coverage, are currently slated to begin receiving meaningful missile defense via land-based SM-3s around 2015. Even SM-3 Block 1s can be useful from land bases, but the Block II weapon will add the ability to handle longer-range, higher-flying IRBM (Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles, usually 3,000-5,000 km range), and even offer some hope against global-strike threats like ICBM (Inter Continental Ballistic Missile) warheads.

Aegis Ashore will be deployed in Romania in 2015, while Poland will get the latest version of the SM-3II in 2018. SM-3 Block II will widen the missile body to 21” and decrease the size of the maneuvering fins. It will still fit in Mk41 vertical launch systems, and the missile will be faster and have longer range. The SM-3 Block IIA will add a larger diameter kill vehicle that is more maneuverable, and carries another sensor/ discrimination upgrade. It’s currently scheduled to debut around 2015, whereupon the Navy will have a weapon that can engage some Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles."
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #59
I wouldn't worry about it too much, empty talk

Thats most probably correct.

The only reason why U.S. is promising air base in Poland is to preposition their army and obligate other nation to fight the upcoming war.

This is a big part of why the US base is not a good idea

And I thought we agreed on thightening bonds within Europe but that too means a strong atlantic alliance...

Without sucking up to the US on every chance.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
4 Mar 2011 /  #60
Without sucking up to the US on every chance.

Equal partners is more like it, agreed :)

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