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US air base to be in Poland

Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #1
Why is Poland getting a US air base where permanent troops and equipment will be stationed. Does this reflect the wishes of the people as Sikorski says? What will the consequences of this be? Do we really need such a target placed on us, or could it have some benefits? Where will this relationship go? I personally dont think the people want it and that the consequences would be negative. We do not need to host a base for the most hated and war mongering military/country world. Look what happened in Germany recently.

After Thursday's meeting in Washington with Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has confirmed that the Americans are planning to place in Poland, a small branch of American troops .

At a meeting with Polish journalists after a conversation with Clinton , Minister Sikorski said that it is a " fixed unit of the Air Force ." During the December visit of President Bronislaw Komorowski in Washington announced that the United States is planning to place in Poland Rotary military aircraft F -16.

guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #2
What will the consequences of this be?

More jobs in the entire area wherever the post will be. Do you already know where in Poland?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
4 Mar 2011 /  #3
Does this reflect the wishes of the people as Sikorski says?

Sikorski is the people, chosen by the people to speak for the people ;)
"The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has confirmed US intentions to deploy its ABMs in Poland together with an Air Force unit." Just because Obama said there wont be any (THAAD) system in Poland don't mean the next president wont wont change that plan. Everyone must be aware that Poland is in a very important geopolitical location.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #4
Everyone must be aware that Poland is in a very important geopolitical location.

Do you already know where in Poland PB? I don't get any answers from this guy (he probably hates Americans).
pgtx  29 | 3094  
4 Mar 2011 /  #5
Everyone must be aware that Poland is in a very important geopolitical location.

yes... it's so important that we're always screwed.... maybe Poland should move...
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #6
Relax, its been a few minutes. No I do not know where yet. A few jobs is nice but think of the big picture.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
4 Mar 2011 /  #7
Do you already know where in Poland PB?

Didn't say exactly where in Poland, if I remember correctly the American air base is to be by Lodz and the missile base somewhere else. "Wikileaks published U.S. cables in late 2010 showing that NATO was drawing up a plan on the protection of Estonia, Lithuania and Poland from external threats on a request from the United States and Germany.

The Guardian reported that under the plan, reportedly approved by Clinton, the United States, Britain, Germany and Poland would deploy troops in the region in case of a military aggression against the Baltic States or Poland itself.

According to the British newspaper, NATO members approved the draft plan during the alliance's summit in Lisbon in November 2010.

In 2009, the United States decided to deploy several F-16 fighter jets and Hercules transport aircraft in Poland. Polish Defense Minister Bogdan Klich has said the United States was also planning to deploy Patriot missile defense systems in Poland at a base just 100 kilometers from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

"We have a full agenda that will concentrate on three essential areas: building our mutual security, expanding prosperity and promoting democracy," Clinton said on Thursday, adding "as we grow our military partnership, we continue to expand economic ties between the Polish and American people."

guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #8
A few jobs is nice

in Germany whole towns live of the American posts.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #9
As I said think of the bigger picture. International relations and foreign policy. Some jobs being created is not all important. Interesting story :

guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #10
As I said think of the bigger picture. International relations and foreign policy

You guys worry too much about the Russians. Who cares what they say? It's not like they're gonna start a WW3 over it? Look, you had to do what they told you to do long enough, don't you think? Why worry about them? The only realistic threat nowadays are the terrorists. Since you guys joined the NATO, you're already on their "black list" anyway, the US base won't change a thing about it.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
4 Mar 2011 /  #11
You guys worry too much about the Russians. Who cares what they say? It's not like they're gonna start a WW3 over it?

Russia will never again be a super power those days are gone. If American forces are gonna be stationed in Poland, if American companies will invest tens of billions of dollars like for the planned nuclear power plants and shale gas extractions, they'll wanna protect their investments, that means protecting Poland.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
4 Mar 2011 /  #12
shale gas extractions,

Someone needs to protect Poland from that.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #13
they'll wanna protect their investments, that means protecting Poland.

smart comment PB.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Mar 2011 /  #14
Why is Poland getting a US air base where permanent troops and equipment will be stationed.

Interesting one of your sources is a Russian website, Piast-, or is it Romanov Poland? I am part of that "most hated" military but my observation is totally opposite to yours and I'm very open to dissenting views, as long as you stay honest and don't BS about your true colors and intentions.

What people say in the open when cameras are rolling, to gain some nationalistic brownie points from the locals, and how they act in private are often totally opposite behaviors. Either way, you don't like it? Vote for a party that doesn't want us to stay in Poland.
convex  20 | 3928  
4 Mar 2011 /  #15
We've got money for this? Wouldn't it make more sense to build up in Romania or Bulgaria? Or better yet, get something out of that whole Georgia relationship...
Ironside  50 | 12959  
4 Mar 2011 /  #16
Really? I highly doubt that such a base will be build!
What Russia will say for a such breach of an agreement?
convex  20 | 3928  
4 Mar 2011 /  #17
There isn't any agreement with Russia not to station troops in Georgia.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Mar 2011 /  #18
The Guardian reported that under the plan, reportedly approved by Clinton, the United States, Britain, Germany and Poland would deploy troops in the region in case of a military aggression against the Baltic States or Poland itself.

LOLS LMAO,yeah,and we all know THATS gonna happen......after deploying the catering corps and the civil war re enactors to libya next week the only armed men left in Britain;

  • Britains Baltic Task Force
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Mar 2011 /  #19
PennBoy: The Guardian reported that under the plan, reportedly approved by Clinton, the United States, Britain, Germany and Poland would deploy troops in the region in case of a military aggression against the Baltic States or Poland itself.
LOLS LMAO,yeah,and we all know THATS gonna happen......

It would happen. Several training events with Baltic counterparts already. Hate the alliance or love it but if one member state gets attacked there won't be any f@&ing around.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Mar 2011 /  #20
No,I know,we'd do our bit,its just how much that bit would be is what gets me. Do you know the RAF just sacked 100 trainee Pilots halfway through training? We are short of CH 47 s yet we sell them to libya......the RN Frigate that helped exacuate non libyans from bhenghazi sailed home with refugees straight to decommisioning...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
4 Mar 2011 /  #21
he most hated and war mongering military/country world.

I'm sure that even the russian people don't hate the US the most...

No,I know,we'd do our bit,its just how much that bit would be is what gets me. Do you know the RAF just sacked 100 trainee Pilots halfway through training? We are short of CH 47 s yet we sell them to libya......the RN Frigate that helped exacuate non libyans from bhenghazi sailed home with refugees straight to decommisioning...

Great Britain wouldn't be the first in line to help should Poland/Baltics be attacked. Logistical problems mostly.
That duty would fall to the nearest NATO neighbours first...and of course would NATO bases inside help!
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Mar 2011 /  #22
No,I know,we'd do our bit,its just how much that bit would be is what gets me. Do you know the RAF just sacked 100 trainee Pilots halfway through training? We are short of CH 47 s yet we sell them to libya......the RN Frigate that helped exacuate non libyans from bhenghazi sailed home with refugees straight to decommisioning...

I know but this all goes in waves. Once economy improves the appropriations will be allocated to those units again.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #23
I'm sure that even the russian people don't hate the US the most...

yeah, they probably hate their own military even more (lol)
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #24
Who has said anything about worrying about the Russians!? What about terrorists/islamists/jihadists or whatever you want to call them. The US has many enemies, is on the decline, far away from Poland psychically, culturally and in just about every other way. Why make such a close relationship with them, not others? Interesting to see Americans supporting this, but as I said, what about the people. Sikorski is not the people. You ought to know that politicians never wholly represent the people, do not be naive.

Skysoulmate: what are you accusing me of? Nice of you to reconfirm that you fight wars and kill people for the oil corporations though. If you think that I only say this on the internet you are wrong. Truth is truth.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Mar 2011 /  #25
Polish Defense Minister Bogdan Klich has said the United States was also planning to deploy Patriot missile defense systems in Poland at a base just 100 kilometers from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

Hahahahaha. We all know how THAT ended up.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #26
What about terrorists/islamists/jihadists

I said earlier, since you guys are a part of NATO, you're already on their "black list". It's too late to worry about that 1.
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #27
Delph has a good point, when it gets right down to it, the US just doesnt care when it is even in the slightest inconvenience for them, what a healthy relationship. Poland may be on some black list as you say, but much less so than almost any other NATO country. This can only make it much worse.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Mar 2011 /  #28
Poland may be on some black list as you say, but much less so than almost any other NATO country. This can only make it much worse.

I don't know about that man. What's good for your safety, is that you don't have many Muslim looking people in Poland and it will be much harder for them to snick in and do something over there than for example in the US or UK.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
4 Mar 2011 /  #29
Who has said anything about worrying about the Russians!? What about terrorists/islamists/jihadists or whatever you want to call them. The US has many enemies

Yeah...and these are of course not Polands enemies but chums, right?

It might be news for you but for them we all in Europe and the US are the same "satan" for them. And after a decline of the US they will come for you so better close ranks now if you don't be stupid!

Poland may be on some black list as you say, but much less so than almost any other NATO country. This can only make it much worse.

That is called appeasement, and never worked. They will come for you only a bit later...
OP Piast Poland  3 | 165  
4 Mar 2011 /  #30
Yeah...and these are of course not Polands enemies but chums, right?

We should be pursuing closer ties with the rest of Europe, not the US which is so far away and does not care.

That is called appeasement, and never worked. They will come for you only a bit later...

It is not appeasement if one does not want to even go down that path.

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