however your Zionist anti-Polonia hero Michnik was
He wasn't. In fact, he spent a considerable amount of time being arrested, beaten up and imprisoned for his opposition to the state. Meanwhile, as I said, your family was
feastingwith SB men.
again as proven during the Rywin affair.
Proven? What are you going on about? He might have been on good terms with people, but that means nothing by itself - in fact, I'd be quite worried if the editor of the largest daily newspaper in Poland wasn't on good terms with people.
Yet you criticize my grandpa for having a drink with our neighbor...
Your grandpa was willingly drinking with SB men. Michnik was in prison while they were feasting. Says it all.
Adrian, if you want to attack others, you need to make sure your own house is in order. But don't worry, there's plenty of other hypocritical Poles that attack Michnik today while sucking on the breast of the PZPR at the time.
OK - enough about Michnik, it's time to discuss the latest piece of pure nastiness from PiS.
This time, it concerns the cutting of funding to an NGO that supports children that have been the victim of violence.,75398,20097956,fundacja-pomagajaca-dzieciom-bez-dotacji-od-ziobry-jedno-zdanie.html
From the beginning, the goal set itself both to protect children from harm, and to help those who have suffered violence.
They carried out many campaigns and projects and operates a telephone hotline. Adults are able to learn what to do when they see children get hurt, and children learn how they can avoid violence and abuse.
The fact is that our foundation operated the Support Center for Children, which largely was financed from this grant, provides specialist help to children who are the victims of crime, especially sexual abuse or violence
Meanwhile, we remember how PiS have given 20 million złoty to Rydzyk.
What kind of disgusting government is this? Not only are they cutting money from NGO's that support victims of domestic violence, but now also cutting money from NGO's that support abused children?