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Adam Michnik awarded for integrity, professionalism and high standards. Poland's No. 1 fascist?

jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Feb 2016 /  #121
When saying GW is the most sold daily newspaper in Poland, Harry probably means "real" newspapers

Yep, still sells plenty and is respected.

The criticisms of it on here by some of the usual suspects tend to come as part of a package.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Feb 2016 /  #122
still sells plenty

GW is preferred by anglers. So many pages of BS makes it great for wrapping fish guts, scales and heads in when dressing your day's catch.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
5 Feb 2016 /  #123
GW is preferred by anglers.

Indeed, I don't think many people would treat the contents of this paper seriously however there are individuals like that as it's seen on this forum.
Librarius  - | 90  
5 Feb 2016 /  #124
GW is preferred by anglers.

If you would read as many newspapers as I do you would have noticed that many authors write for whatever paper there is on the market; what only counts for them is the readership they can reach. By the way, the readership of Gazeta Wyborcza is not the least demanding, quite the opposite. And don't be too parochial - read whatever newspaper you happen to pick up without any prejudices.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Feb 2016 /  #125
Gazeta Wyborcza

As a newspaper GW is not bad. Neither is the New York Times. Its the poltical bias of both that is questionable. The general ambience of GW is that if anyone is for a sovereign, patriotic Poland he must be a fascist and book burnings, shop smashings and circumcision checks must be just round the corner. The NYT ponitficates in favour of homo marriage and denies people the right to hold a different view.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
7 Feb 2016 /  #126
I get an emailed story from the NYT every day, and they regularly invite conservatives to write columns for them.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Feb 2016 /  #127
conservatives to write columns

I don't recall NYT providing equal news space for backers and opponents of homo marriage. On other subjects they migth invite some innocuous moderate conservative just to show how "tolerant" they are. Anyway, maybe you can pass that bit of info on to KPP-steeped Michnik. Ziemkiewicz, Jackowski, Terlikowski, Pośpieszalski, maybe Fatehr Rydzyk himself would be an added attraction to GW. Knowing them, however, even if they did agree, they would surely preface the right-wing guest column with some toxic, unflatteringly biased background.
7 Feb 2016 /  #128
homo marriage.

Can anybody explain how that phrase is connected to the topic of this thread and not just yet more off-topic hate speech?

It's more than a little ironic that those who criticise Michnik and claim he is a fascist themselves display precisely the same homophobic bigotry and self-loathing that charactised the Nazis.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Feb 2016 /  #129
not the least demanding

The problem is that GW regulars apparently demand more lefist-libertine, anti-clerical and anti-Polish codswallop.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 Feb 2016 /  #130
Can anybody explain how that phrase is connected to the topic of this thread and not just yet more off-topic hate speech?

But can you explain that it is more off-topic hate speech?
9 Feb 2016 /  #131
Yep, still sells plenty and is respected.

The criticisms of it on here by some of the usual suspects tend to come as part of a package.

Your opinions here are completely bias, you hate church because you are gay and you support everything Jewish (apart form circumcision) because you are Jewish and Jews blindly support each other. You opinion, therefore, lacks credibility.

Harry: It's more than a little ironic that those who criticise Michnik and claim he is a fascist themselves display precisely the same homophobic bigotry and self-loathing that charactised the Nazis.

So why are you polonophobic? It is funny how A British polonophob compares some Polish here to Nazis when it was Churchill who drank with Hitler before WWII. If anyone is alike Michnk is you, and I were you I would join in the criticism of Michnik otherwise you appear as a Nazi fascist yourself.

Focus on the thread not the forum member
G (undercover)  
9 Feb 2016 /  #132
the same homophobic bigotry and self-loathing that charactised the Nazis.

So called "Nazis" had more to do with homo (as many were homos themselves) than with "homophobia".

hate speech

Ever heard about freedom of speech ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 May 2016 /  #133
[moved from]
Nice interview with Adam Michnik here, and it's worth a read. This quote in particular shows just how Michnik is one of the genuine heroes of Polish society.

If you had the opportunity to meet Jaroslaw Kaczynski, what would you ask him?

- Jarek, you will not live forever, why do you want to go down in history as the wrecker? You had a decent brother, decent mother - why are you doing this?


He also makes a lot of good points, including that Polish society is not divided into "left" or "right" anymore, but rather "open" and "closed".
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 May 2016 /  #134
Don't you believe in freedom of expression?

Yes, but there is a way to properly criticize your country, the president, etc. and still be an upstanding patriot. Michnik and Gross are neither. They are scum who are selling Poland ought to the West while Zionists rub their hands.

That's exactly what they wanted to do as well.

That's because they were defending Israel's murderous policies and proved to by Israeli patriots - not Polish ones. Mieczyslaw Moczar wanted to rid Poland of what he called 'Zionist infiltration.' The authorities did a wonderful thing by kicking the Zionists out - they didn't want a 5th column in the country who's loyalties lie in a supremacist, genocidal country. It's a shame we can't do the same today - Poland would be a much better place. At least PiS is reining in the 'foreign' influence in Poland's banking system - that's a great start.

Adam Michnik

He's the editor of Communist Wyborcza!! Of course they're only going to say good things about him...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 May 2016 /  #135
He also makes a lot of good points, including that Polish society is not divided into "left" or "right" anymore, but rather "open" and "closed".

Indeed, most of Polish society is "closed" to Stammering Jewish communists like himself.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 May 2016 /  #136
Stammering Jewish communists like himself.

Let's not forget Michnik's father who was First Secretary of Western Ukraine and his grandpa Stefan Michnik who was a Stalinist judge that sentenced Polish WW2 resistance and AK fighters to their deaths...

... and you guys call me a collaborator! Ha! Atleast my family can say we never killed any Polish patriots, or any Poles at all... Michnik cannot.

He even was friends with Jaruzelski and promoted his book!
jon357  72 | 23482  
18 May 2016 /  #137
This quote in particular shows just how Michnik is one of the genuine heroes of Polish society

He is one of the greatest Poles of the day- we should never forget that the communist regime jailed him as a dissident. In a period when Kaczynski seems to led a very sheltered life.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 May 2016 /  #138
He is one of the greatest Poles of the day- we should never forget that the communist regime jailed him as a dissident.

And became a Communist himself! He collaborated with Jaruzelski and offered to promote his book. Michnik said 'The sin of Polish society during the Holocaust was that it did not meet the minimal demands of human solidarity with the Jews, even before the war' even though Poland has received the most 'righteous among nations' awards by Yad Vashem.

His family sent WW2 Polish resistance fighters to their death and you call him a great Pole? Amazing...


However, when the interviewer compares the actions of Poles during WW2 to the actions of Jews against Palestinians in Gaza - this is what Zionist Michnik has to say:

There is a kind of tit-for-tat language that I find disgusting, when you hear Poles say: "Oh, Jakub Berman killed Poles, therefore the Jews are as bad as the Poles who killed Jews."

Michnik - It is nonsense.

Or to take a current version: The Gaza Strip is the same as the Warsaw ghetto or a concentration camp, and therefore Jews are the new Nazis.

Michnik - It is nonsense.

But the question is in what way it is nonsense.

Michnik - Of course, the actions of Berman in no way can justify anti-Semitism. They can explain certain kind of emotions, but they cannot justify racism.

Then the author grills Michnik on his and his family's Stalinist ties (keep in mind his family murdered Polish patriots - real Polish patriots who fought in WW2 - not Zionist shills that killed these brave Polish fighters)

But let us look at the larger group of five hundred to a thousand committed Jewish Communist apparatchiks who came back to Poland in 1945, '44, a group that in some sense included your parents. Did they act with a sense of social solidarity and connection with their neighbors who were Poles?

They were acting in the sense of solidarity with the Communist community.

Yeah Communist community - that murdered Polish AK fighters...

Michnik is a Communist scumbag who's family killed Polish patriots and he accuses Poles of killing Jews but yet calls Israeli murder of Palestinians in Gaza 'nonsense.' End of story - my turd is a bigger Polish patriot than him. What else can you expect from a Zionist newspaper editor and CFR member?

The World Jewish Congress voted in support for the Communist government in Poland. - Michnik
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 May 2016 /  #139
And became a Communist himself!

Except he didn't and isn't. While Michnik was busy getting arrested and imprisoned, your family was having nice meetings with SB agents. I think those of us in Poland with a brain can easily see who the hero and who the traitor is here.

But it says a lot that you obsess over his ethnicity (even though by all accounts, he considers himself Polish and nothing else) rather than his actions. Is that the old PZPR anti-semitism coming through again?

He is one of the greatest Poles of the day- we should never forget that the communist regime jailed him as a dissident. In a period when Kaczynski seems to led a very sheltered life.

Have you noticed the attempts at historical revisionism concerning Kaczyński? It seems that they're trying to build some sort of narrative about his actions before 1990 - even though as we all know, he simply wasn't there.

Michnik had a lot more guts than the average PZPR family that willingly invited Party men round for feasts in the PRL, don't you think?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 May 2016 /  #140
your family was having nice meetings with SB agents.

Shut up, you have no clue what his family was doing.

While Michnik was busy getting arrested and imprisoned

He was "imprisoned" to build up a history of his "struggle" and then put a mole into the opposition.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 May 2016 /  #141
Shut up, you have no clue what his family was doing.

I never thought you were a commie-apologist, until now.

He was "imprisoned" to build up a history of his "struggle" and then put a mole into the opposition.

Keep on rocking those conspiracy theories, Greggy. I'd respect you a lot more if you just admitted that you hate him because you think he's Jewish.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 May 2016 /  #142
Except he didn't and isn't.

Yes he is - during the Rywin scandal his relationship with communists were revealed.

Michnik grew up in a Communist family. His father was the First Secretary of Western Ukraine. Michnik was and continues to be a Commie. For one, he was buddy buddy with Walesa and Jaruzelski.

Michnik had a lot more guts than the average PZPR family that willingly invited Party men round for feasts in the PRL, don't you think?

Except Michnik's family killed Poles and WAS THE COMMUNIST PARTY. We weren't First Secrataries or judges - Michnik's and his family was. Michnik's ties to the Commies was proven during the Rywin affair.

Even in the link I posted earlier, Michnik said he considers himself to be part of the 'new nomenklatura'
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 May 2016 /  #143
Michnik was and continues to be a Commie.

If you're using that logic, then vast swathes of Polish society are also communists. Fortunately, we're more mature here, and don't feel the need to brand people according to the dirty deeds of their families.

For one, he was buddy buddy with Walesa

So were many other people. Are you suggesting that they're all communists as well?

We weren't First Secrataries or judges

What does it matter? The fact remains that Michnik was in prison while your family was feasting with SB men during times of food shortages. That's all we need to know.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
18 May 2016 /  #144
The fact remains that Michnik

was/is a Communist as exposed during the Rywin affair.

Fortunately, we're more mature here, and don't feel the need to brand people according to the dirty deeds of their families.

Exactly - then why do you keep going on about mine? Quite frankly, I personally don't care if they were or weren't Commie collaborators, however your Zionist anti-Polonia hero Michnik was... again as proven during the Rywin affair.

What does it matter?

It matters because Michnik's family was a bunch of Stalinists and Stefan Michnik sentenced Polish patriots who fought during WW2 to DEATH - that is FACT Yet you criticize my grandpa for having a drink with our neighbor...

These articles have some opinions about Michnik's past

Headline is Communist Adam Michnik


Michnik's Red Diary:

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2016 /  #145
however your Zionist anti-Polonia hero Michnik was

He wasn't. In fact, he spent a considerable amount of time being arrested, beaten up and imprisoned for his opposition to the state. Meanwhile, as I said, your family was feastingwith SB men.

again as proven during the Rywin affair.

Proven? What are you going on about? He might have been on good terms with people, but that means nothing by itself - in fact, I'd be quite worried if the editor of the largest daily newspaper in Poland wasn't on good terms with people.

Yet you criticize my grandpa for having a drink with our neighbor...

Your grandpa was willingly drinking with SB men. Michnik was in prison while they were feasting. Says it all.

Adrian, if you want to attack others, you need to make sure your own house is in order. But don't worry, there's plenty of other hypocritical Poles that attack Michnik today while sucking on the breast of the PZPR at the time.

OK - enough about Michnik, it's time to discuss the latest piece of pure nastiness from PiS.

This time, it concerns the cutting of funding to an NGO that supports children that have been the victim of violence.


From the beginning, the goal set itself both to protect children from harm, and to help those who have suffered violence.

They carried out many campaigns and projects and operates a telephone hotline. Adults are able to learn what to do when they see children get hurt, and children learn how they can avoid violence and abuse.

The fact is that our foundation operated the Support Center for Children, which largely was financed from this grant, provides specialist help to children who are the victims of crime, especially sexual abuse or violence

Meanwhile, we remember how PiS have given 20 million złoty to Rydzyk.

What kind of disgusting government is this? Not only are they cutting money from NGO's that support victims of domestic violence, but now also cutting money from NGO's that support abused children?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
19 May 2016 /  #146
I'd respect you a lot more if you just admitted that you hate him because you think he's Jewish.

I hate him because he played a key role in securing the safe landing for high level commies after the fall of PRL and that's not only a historical issue, it lead to terrible pathologies and the effects are still here in the friggin 2016. I hate him because he is a nasty propagandist. I hate him because he hates anything patriotic and push forward the nastiest version of liberalism.

There are decent Jews too (Wildsteins for instance) and I have always thought highly of Israel, I think in many areas that should be a role model for Poland. Diaspora Jews tend to be a different matter as they play a significant role in pushing liberal madness, multi cult etc. upon both Europe and America. Let's be honest, If I hated him because he's a Jew, I would say that.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
19 May 2016 /  #147
I'd respect you a lot more if you just admitted that you hate him because you think he's Jewish.

It only an excuse for you to bring up your tired old Anti Semitic stereotype as your bludgeoning tool with which you bash Poles left, right and center while wearing that your ridiculous tin foiled hat. At the same time claiming with typical self-denying righteousness that your slay and appalling racist Anti Polonism doesn't exist. Is that very convenient to you?>

Would be even able to explain why have you be implying that G. hate a Jew just because he is a Jew? Hatful racist Serotypes Delphian? tsk tsk

Do you have anything to say? I suggest you apologies!

Michink is hated across the country because he is an arrogant, hateful and laying bastard. That is obvious for anyone who can speak even basic Polish.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 May 2016 /  #148
freedom of expressio

The PC dictatorship you so equate wtih certainly does not. They are known for quashing any freedom of epxression that disagrees with theri cockeyed agenda and intimidating people with a wide array of their -isms and -phobias.
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 May 2016 /  #149
Not only are they cutting money from NGO's that support victims of domestic violence, but now also cutting money from NGO's that support abused children

I wonder what their justification is for this. Once again, PIS attack the most vulnerable in society.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
19 May 2016 /  #150
Once again, PIS attack the most vulnerable in society.

PiS supporters are like stereotypical Russian serfs, the more the master beats them more they love him.

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