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Adam Michnik awarded for integrity, professionalism and high standards. Poland's No. 1 fascist?

29 Nov 2015 /  #1
Adam Michnik, a journalist bashed by True Poles for his supposed communist propaganda, has been given an award for his last year's work.

Journalism students from 21 un-Polish academies participated in a "Mediatorzy" plebiscite.
Adam Michnik was given the "AutoTORytet" statuette, in recognition of his "integrity, professionalism and high standards" on the field of journalism.

Obviously this means PiS isn't doing its job right. The grip over media isn't tight enough. Purges in government and the services (police, spies...) aren't complete. And they may have overlooked universities altogether! THIS is the real problem, not gymnasiums. Wake up, Prawo i Sprawiedliwość !

Levi  11 | 433  
29 Nov 2015 /  #2
A Communist journalist was awarded a prize given by a communist academy.

What is the news? Duh.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
29 Nov 2015 /  #3
Adam Michnik, a journalist

Bhaha since when he is a journalist? He is one of oligarchs in Poland, for what we know he paid for that foundation that that student organization is supported by.

That guy is generally hated in Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Nov 2015 /  #4
Not really. Remember, Michnik was locked up repeatedly for his "crimes", whereas people like Jarosław Kaczyński never saw a day of prison.
29 Nov 2015 /  #5
people like Jarosław Kaczyński never saw a day of prison.

Funny how that happened, isn't it.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
29 Nov 2015 /  #6
Not really


Michnik was locked up repeatedly for his "crimes", whereas people like Jarosław Kaczyński never saw a day of prison.

So what? I mean what it has to do with anything? Is a prison sentence somehow certificate to be an unquestioned authority on everything? Maciarewicz should be your hero then, after all he has no brother involved in criminal genocidal anti-polish activity. Nor his parents were soviet willing collaborator.
OP Borsukrates  
1 Dec 2015 /  #7
Jerzy Urban, another Jew and the PRL government spokesman, got along fine with Michnik. In eyes of many Poles, this makes him guilty by association. Right-winged media sometimes mention "Jews in Gazeta Wyborcza". When PiS members discuss it among themselves, they sometimes call it "Gazeta Koszerna" (Kosher Newspaper).

RED Alert! RED Alert!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Dec 2015 /  #8
Gazeta Koszerna

Kurier Koszerny has better alliteration in Polish, but Kosher Gazette is by far more catchy in English!!!

Michnik was locked up

Hitler and Dzierżyński also did time -- that is hardly a claim to fame!
1 Dec 2015 /  #9
Kosher Gazette is by far more catchy in English!!!

I think I prefer the nickname 'Paper where 4A collaborators aren't welcome'; it's arguably less catchy but is far more accurate at describing the problem you have with Gazeta Wyborcza. We all see that you keep on mentioning the faith of Michnik's ancestors (as far as I'm aware he's not a practising Jew) but one struggles to see why you wouldn't want to work for a Jewish-edited newspaper, given that you claim to have worked for decades at a Jewish-owned company.

Hitler and Dzierżyński also did time

Comparing Michnik to Hitler and Dzierzynski? That's a new low even for 4A Poisonious3. And you can't even use the excuse that you're tired and emotional.
jon357  72 | 23482  
1 Dec 2015 /  #10
Adam Michnik was given the "AutoTORytet" statuette, in recognition of his "integrity, professionalism and high standards" on the field of journalism.

Very good news. As journalists in Poland go, he's certainly by far the most respected.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
1 Dec 2015 /  #11
As journalists in Poland go, he's certainly by far the most respected.

He is certainly respected by a very small minority. Majority in Poland clearly despise him as a hypocrite and lair if not his anti-polish stance.

Anyway country-wide he is being ignored.
1 Dec 2015 /  #12
Majority in Poland clearly despise him as a hypocrite and lair if not his anti-polish stance.

You clearly haven't visited Poland for decades.

Anyway country-wide he is being ignored.

Again, you might want to visit Poland before saying things like that. Michnik's newspaper is the best selling newspaper in Poland (unless one wants to consider Fakt to be a newspaper as opposed to being light entertainment and titillation for morons).
Ironside  50 | 12941  
1 Dec 2015 /  #13
Michnik's newspaper is the best selling newspaper

Bah, sure about that? See what will happen when he will loose all a state connected subscriptions

You clearly haven't visited Poland for decades.

I'm fluent in Polish, something your are struggling with, no wonder you have such a limited view of all things Polish.
jon357  72 | 23482  
1 Dec 2015 /  #14
See what will happen when he will loose all a state connected subscriptions

Why would he? It would be odd to say the least if libraries, hospitals etc stopped taking the country's principal newspaper. Though he'd survive - integrity and truth speak for themselves.

You clearly haven't visited Poland for decades.

Ironside  50 | 12941  
1 Dec 2015 /  #15
Why would he? It

Because it is grating privileges and money by the state to only one newspapers, it is hardly fair.

Though he'd survive - integrity and truth speak for themselves.

Ha ha, what integrity? The only true there is that that paper have been acting against interest of the nation.
jon357  72 | 23482  
1 Dec 2015 /  #16
Because it is grating privileges and money by the state to only one newspapers

Nope. State institutions can subscribe to whatever they like.

The only true there is that that paper have been acting against interest of the nation.

Again, nonsense. People have different opinions about the 'interest of the nation'. Would you ban any publication that contradicts yours?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
1 Dec 2015 /  #17
Michnik's newspaper is the best selling newspaper in Poland

yeah they sell like 90 thousand copies daily - often thanks to gadgets attached - big deal
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #18
Good to read that Gazeta Wyborcza is still (and by very far) No. 1 in Poland! Of course I exclude daily sh@@@ts such as Fakt and Super Express.

@gumi: the other newspapers sell much less inspite of all their gadgets ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Dec 2015 /  #19
No. 1

It's all because of the craftiness of a certian ethnicity. Wałęsa foolishly entrusted the Solidarity paper to the son of communist traitors. The son promptly hijacked it and behind Solidarity's back turned it into the mouthpiece of his leftist ethnicity and a private business and bit the hand (of Wałęsa) that had fed him. The ex-KOR-ites felt Wałęsa had done his thing (Murzyn zrobił swoje, Murzyn może odejść) and should return ot Gdańsk and let the "secular left" (laica lewicka) run the country. By the time all this became generally known people had become accustomed to GW since habit is second nature. The Michnikites used their arsenal of crafty tricks and ruses plus all kinds of come-ones and gimmicks to attract and keep gullible readers. Nobody is questioning their unmatched devious craftiness and shrewdness. As it is said -- Geschäft ist Geschäft! And in a nutshell that's the story of the Kosher Gazette.
jon357  72 | 23482  
2 Dec 2015 /  #20
It's all because of the craftiness of a certian ethnicity

teraz Polska!  
2 Dec 2015 /  #21
No. "Polish" of commerce faith.
milky  13 | 1656  
3 Dec 2015 /  #22
leftist ethnicity

This says so much about xenophobia.
Hey! maybe when PIS bring in their totalitarian police state, they can do dna tests on all people who don't go to church, to see if they're ethnic leftists.
3 Dec 2015 /  #23
hen PIS bring in their totalitarian police state, they can do dna tests on all people who don't go to church, to see if they're ethnic leftists.

Interestingly the percentage of Poles who don't go to church is the same as the percentage of people who didn't vote PIS.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
3 Dec 2015 /  #24
Would you ban any publication that contradicts yours?

I have opinion about his opinions as well as about the line taken by his paper and lies printed there. You are the one talking about ban.

I wouldn't ban him but neither I would award him with a prize for integrity and high standards as he clearly embodies anti-thesis of those values.

Hey! maybe when PIS bring in their totalitarian police state,

What? You are a one deluded puppy. Likely of commie extraction. :D

if they're ethnic leftists.

No need for tests - it can be seen in their actions and words.
jon357  72 | 23482  
3 Dec 2015 /  #25
I wouldn't ban him but neither I would award him with a prize for integrity and high standards as he clearly embodies anti-thesis of those values.

If anything, he's the figure in public life in Poland who exemplifies those values most.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
3 Dec 2015 /  #26
Bah, that is what you say but it is not a fact.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Dec 2015 /  #27
integrity and truth

Too bad they overlooked two most worthy posthumous co-recipients of the award, people Michnik regards as "men of honour": Jaruzelski and Kiszczak.

They weren't journalists, someone may say, but apart from that they had so much in common: leftist ideology, "progeressivism", anti-clericalism...
jon357  72 | 23482  
3 Dec 2015 /  #28
Better that than ultra-nationalism and paranoid conservatism.

Whatever you say, Po3, he is still highly respected.
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Dec 2015 /  #29
Quote from the OP:"The grip over media isn't tight enough".
Oh, the irony.
Old habits die hard.
milky  13 | 1656  
3 Dec 2015 /  #30
You are a one deluded puppy. Likely of commie extraction

I'm not sure, I'll have to do a dna test.

leftist ideology

I thought you said it was an ethnicity.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Adam Michnik awarded for integrity, professionalism and high standards. Poland's No. 1 fascist?Archived