Prof. Roman Kuźniar z Instytutu Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego powiedział: "nawet na dobrych uczelniach widzimy ludzi, którzy zdecydowanie nie powinni oglądać uniwersytetu, nawet na wyciecze szkolnej, bo nie spełniają kulturowych i intelektualnych warunków, żeby otrzymać tytuł magistra".
In sum, he said some people shouldn't even think about higher education because they are plebs.
Strangely, back in the mid to late 1980s as a truly hardline Commie lecturer at Warsaw University he happily lowered himself to student level - leaving his wife at home while having a pretty Romanistyka studentka on his arm at student parties. Did he get divorced in the end, does anyone know?
In sum, he said some people shouldn't even think about higher education because they are plebs.
Strangely, back in the mid to late 1980s as a truly hardline Commie lecturer at Warsaw University he happily lowered himself to student level - leaving his wife at home while having a pretty Romanistyka studentka on his arm at student parties. Did he get divorced in the end, does anyone know?