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PO-PiS again neck and neck

Ironside  50 | 12940  
16 Jun 2013 /  #181
You're the last person who should ask that from others.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jun 2013 /  #182
Does it really matter who Olejnik's or Klamczynski's fathers were?

As long as Ironside brings it up, I'll keep bringing Kaczynski's father up. It'll soon be time to question the mother, too.
Ironside  50 | 12940  
16 Jun 2013 /  #183
There is no connection.
Your allegation are only allegations nothing more. Wheres her father was who he was that the fact. Also at the time one phone form daddy and she got a job in the TV. Building party and shaking Poland was due to daddy phone - he done it himself well with a brother.

I see you are trying to fine equality where there is none. Such strategy renders debate impossible - and I guess it is what you are after.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jun 2013 /  #184
I'll keep bringing Kaczynski's father up. It'll soon be time to question the mother, too.

It is a known fact that Olejnik collabroated with Jaruzelski's martial-law regime. (Check wikipedia.) Many people that were in the PZPR for personal advantage had the decency to hand in their party cards when martial law was declared. At that time, most of the cultural community were boycotting the official media and entertainment circuit, and a vibrant udnerground culture began developing in Catholic churches. Churches provided a safe haven for uncensored lectures, concerts, exhibitions, poetry readings and other cultural events.

But bringing up Kaczyński senior without providing even a shred of evidence is just so much empty fluff and blather. Sure, it's a free country, so we can even say Abraham Lincoln was actually a space alien. There's no law against it if someone doesn't mind making a fool of himself once again.
16 Jun 2013 /  #185
It's a known fact, is it? Well, if it is, he's hardly the only one who tried to further his own career by collaborating for years with the commies, is he?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 Jun 2013 /  #186
A journalist named Paliwoda (didn't catch his first name) said today on TV Trwam: 'There is one difference between Radio Maryja and all the rest. RM has the courage to tell the truth about politicians, journalists and the media -- something the mainstream media do not.'
18 Jun 2013 /  #187
Radio Maryja has the courage to tell the truth about the media? Great, so perhaps it can tell us why TV Trwam's application for a space on the digital multiplex was rejected (official reason) and where the funding for TV Trwam comes from.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
18 Jun 2013 /  #188
Of the mainstream media it is well known how their finances/ownership look like.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jun 2013 /  #189
Great, so perhaps it can tell us why TV Trwam's application for a space on the digital multiplex was rejected (official reason) and where the funding for TV Trwam comes from.

They tell the truth, don't they?

They could publish the letter from the KRRiT tomorrow.
Barney  19 | 1729  
18 Jun 2013 /  #190
Of the mainstream media it is well known how their finances/ownership look like.

Though generally true as that statement is some state broadcasters are subject to military censorship allowing Government ministers to go unquestioned.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2013 /  #191
Most funding comes from free-will donations by devout Catholics in Poland and across Polonia. They broadcast world-wide, you know.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jun 2013 /  #192
So they say.

Are the books publicly available so that their claim can be verified?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
18 Jun 2013 /  #193
ome state broadcasters are subject to military censorship

As far as I know Poland is a democracy.
18 Jun 2013 /  #194
Are the books publicly available so that their claim can be verified?

I wonder how long we'll wait for an answer to that question. I guess we'll be waiting as long as we have been for an answer from Polonius about where Father Maybach put the cash he was supposedly collecting for the shipyards.

On the plus side, at least Father Maybach's empire is firmly behind PiS: that support gets the other parties far more votes than it gets PiS and pretty much ensures that PiS will never again be part of any Polish government.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jun 2013 /  #195
I wonder how long we'll wait for an answer to that question. I guess we'll be waiting as long as we have been for an answer from Polonius about where Father Maybach put the cash he was supposedly collecting for the shipyards.

I wonder why Radio Maryja doesn't tell the truth about that cash. I mean, if they really tell the truth as claimed, they would tell the truth about everything, right?

On the plus side, at least Father Maybach's empire is firmly behind PiS: that support gets the other parties far more votes than it gets PiS and pretty much ensures that PiS will never again be part of any Polish government.

Indeed. All one has to do is remind others what happened last time.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2013 /  #196
supposedly collecting for the shipyards

Madam Piasecka Johnson may have taken that secret with her to the grave.
18 Jun 2013 /  #197
Blaming a dead woman for a convicted criminal not being able to explain what he's done with money that was collected for shipyards, good to see you're staying classy.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2013 /  #198
convicted criminal

Who's the convicted criminal? Been jaywalking again?
18 Jun 2013 /  #199
Who's the convicted criminal?

Father Maybach.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2013 /  #200
Father Maybach

Facts, dates, details?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jun 2013 /  #201
Blaming a dead woman for a convicted criminal not being able to explain what he's done with money that was collected for shipyards, good to see you're staying classy.

Perhaps Polonius would like to explain the story here to those of us unfamiliar with why he's blaming a dead woman.
18 Jun 2013 /  #202
Facts, dates, details?

Illegal fund-raising. 2011. Sentence of the court in Torun. Fine paid by Anna Sobecka, illegally.

Perhaps Polonius would like to explain the story here to those of us unfamiliar with why he's blaming a dead woman.

Now there's a question I'd like to see answered; perhaps we should go halves on the $15 needed?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jun 2013 /  #203
Now there's a question I'd like to see answered; perhaps we should go halves on the $15 needed?

Surely he's willing to explain the story to us without payment!

Fine paid by Anna Sobecka, illegally.

Amazing what people will do when blinded by propaganda.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2013 /  #204
should go halves on the $15 needed

What's that supposed to mena? Another example of web-stalking and harrassment of a fellow-poster? Really, you of all people shouldn't be ********, when you're the prime offender.
19 Jun 2013 /  #205
Pis is 6% higher than po right now.. Soon :-)
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Jun 2013 /  #206
Not a chance. No other party is likely to go into coalition with them, and worth remembering that sat time they were ousted as soon as there was a chance in an ouster with an unprecedented turnout.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Jun 2013 /  #207
Pis is 6% higher than po right now.. Soon :-)

Are they anywhere near a majority? No? There's your answer.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2013 /  #208
No other party is likely to go into coalition

PSL is a prime contender. They have even snuggled up to ex-commies and Platformers. They'll do anything for a few cabinet posts.
I don't think they were invited to a coalition with PiS in 2005. If they were, they would have lunged at the opprotuntiy. Who knwos if that wouldn't have been a better move than Lepper. I forgot how many seat swere won by PSL and Samoobrona in 2005.

At least PSL are ideologically traditionalist, pro-Catholic, pro-family and pro-Poland and enjoy the support of PF's much-reviled Poland B. More power to them!
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 Jun 2013 /  #209
They'll certainly get in bed with anyone, but will in the end take the better deal. I doubt they'll touch the electorally toxic PiS.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2013 /  #210
Only an uncoalitionable PiS woudl be poltically toxic. But with 37% (PiS) and 10% (PSL), they could form a govt. Theoretically PO (27) and SLD (14) could also come close to that, but that would spell the death knell for PO. As soon as Tusk floated the hint of a PO-SLD link-up, support for his party began falling. PO is not just liberal and conservative but also include a Solidarity-rooted, anti-communist contingent who would never stomach a red bedfellow.

The above figures are based in some of rthe recent opinion polls, and over the next 2 years, anything can happen. That is politics!

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