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Polish people humiliated in the latest episode of Family Guy

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
1 May 2011 /  #31
Quatro cinco. It obviously doesn't say anything bad about Mexicans but I was informed by the person whose job it was to look after minority concerns in that college that I offended 400 people

yep,because to make that "joke" work he has to slaughter the spanish language ....
Good job he didnt ask what you call a spaniard/mexican with no legs? Grassy arse .Gracias......
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
1 May 2011 /  #32
only in Europe where everthting is delayed a bit and people have longer time cathcing on to trends

Why are you claiming to be European if you are insulting us? Stench of the hypocrite.
George8600  10 | 630  
1 May 2011 /  #33
accuses him of being half-polish

Hey! I'm half Polish!

But the producer of that show is a douchebag,he pretty much made an episode where he made fun of Schindler's list, especially the part where he had Peter as the Nazi with the sniper rifle trying to shoot Jews out of his bedroom window.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 May 2011 /  #34
Kozioł isn't the full shilling. The Japanese are super trendy yet are behind Europe when it comes to film releases. He should try linking his neuron paths first before commenting.

A poster said it above. Some get offended and some don't. The truth will set you free.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 May 2011 /  #35
George8600 wrote:

But the producer of that show is a douchebag....

he's an equal opportunity offender. the whole premise of the show is a no holds barred, completely self centered insensitive man that says and does whatever he wants. if that doesn't interest you, watch something else. if you sat through episode after episode of him making fun of everyone else and then decided to start this thread because he made fun of some Poles, you're as self centered and stupid as The Family Guy.
Raficoo  3 | 34  
1 May 2011 /  #36
I'm half-polish and I wasn't offended. This is pretty much family Guy, they make fun of anything, everyone, anytime! I watched all seasons and I had my laughs(hell even at stereotypical polish jokes!), but what surprised me more is the reaction you guys took to a non-registered user with a name "polock". get back to anti-troll 101 guys! The more you react, the more they are gonna want, hence the more it's gonna go against yourself. :)
Ogorki  - | 114  
2 May 2011 /  #37
It's like a boxing ring. A ring of insults.

It depends how how many rounds you have been in that ring.
How many times you have been knocked to the ground.
How many stiches you have to your eyes.
How much blood has been soaked up from your face.
How many taunts you have had from the crowd

In the first few rounds - you can take the punches - yeh no problem. And again. And again.

Poland is in the 12th round. The slightest jab now begins to hurt.

The manager is brainwashed. The ref has been paid off.

PS - these programme makers are cowards. They make fun of people and hide behind the pretense
that "oh - it's only comedy" and rely on the fact that others will laugh at you for taking it seriously.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 May 2011 /  #38
I haven't seen this episode of Family Guy but given the description of the "humiliation" I think the writer's intent was not Polonophobic, but rather he was mocking both Peter Griffith, who stupidly thinks being half Polish is objectionable, as well as Quagmire, who stupidly thinks so too. It ridicules New Englander yokles and their prejudices not Polish people.
Crusty2005  - | 8  
2 May 2011 /  #39
Bravo des essientes, at least u understood, but dont count on anybody else doing it, this post proves how stupidly stubborn polish ppl are, plus they dont even read our posts..

Disapointed Pole.
Ogien  5 | 237  
3 May 2011 /  #40
First of all, please learn how to spell. Not everyone here speaks English fluently so show some respect. It's not that hard to use a spell checker.

Second, you're saying this thread proves all Polish people are stupidly stubborn? Do you belong to your local special ed program? You're trying to describe the Polish population based off a thread on a web site that consists of many people who are not Polish (and some who pretend to be Polish) lol? Please tell me you're a troll. I refuse to believe anyone can be this dumb.

For the record, you should take the time to read all the posts because not everyone found the episode offensive but then again, I don't think you're capable of reading too well.
Crusty2005  - | 8  
4 May 2011 /  #41
Heh brilliant ogien, you are one of those that make me want to leave the forum, which shouldn't be the case since we are here to discuss things not bump heads.

1. I am Polish, 100%.
2. I do read every post, which you obviously don't. If you however did, you would know that by Polish, we don't mean every single person in the country, generalisations are normal figures of speech. Also if you did read as you claim you do, you would know that I even mentioned myself being stubborn at the beginning, however my foreign friends taught me better than that and therefore I'm trying to spread the knowledge;)

3. Why do you worry so much about spelling? Relax a bit.
4. You seem to be a bit aloof, again relax a little and try not to offend anybody with your rude remarks.
5. The reason why you get so upset is simply you being a typical Pole which is very obstinate and also very touchy and sensitive.
For the last time, the reason why family guy or even me say comments about Poland is either because we wish to ridicule the people who actually don't like Poland, not Poland itself or because we want to stir a bit and make people like you enthusiastic and have a lively discussion. However, there is no need for anger or whatever you feel there.


Ah yeah btw this time I used apostrophes and contractions just to please you;) although nobody else but you gives a damn about some stupid spelling.
Ogien  5 | 237  
4 May 2011 /  #42
Crusty, you yet again prove you're really dumb or that you're a terrible troll.

I am Polish, 100%.

I don't care what you are (or what you claim to be on the internet).

2. I do read every post, which you obviously don't. If you however did, you would know that by Polish, we don't mean every single person in the country, generalisations are normal figures of speech. Also if you did read as you claim you do, you would know that I even mentioned myself being stubborn at the beginning,

What you're doing here is you're stereotyping Poles as being stubborn based off this forum. No need to twist it. That's what you did and you proved you're an idiot for doing so. :-)

Why do you worry so much about spelling? Relax a bit.

Do you really have severe problems with reading? I just explained to you that not everyone here speaks English as a native language.

try not to offend anybody with your rude remarks.

All I'm doing is stating the truth about you. :-)

The reason why you get so upset is simply you being a typical Pole which is very obstinate and also very touchy and sensitive.

Upset? I'm just calling you out on being an idiot. I'm glad I put you in your place since now you're just talking out of your ass.

Also, I'm an American, not a Pole. Continue being a presumptuous fool though.

For the last time, the reason why family guy or even me say comments about Poland is either because we wish to ridicule the people who actually don't like Poland, not Poland itself or because we want to stir a bit and make people like you enthusiastic and have a lively discussion. However, there is no need for anger or whatever you feel there.

I never said anything about Family Guy.

Explain to me how you saying that Poles are stupidly stubborn is ridiculing the people who don't like Poland...
Crusty2005  - | 8  
4 May 2011 /  #43
It seems we can't have a discussion because the only thing you can do is offend, will try to remove you from the forum if possible. Anyway don't know why you are speaking about the matter then if you are not Polish. Well at least I am happy that you are not a Pole.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
5 May 2011 /  #44
Its main charector is a psycopatheic baby with an English accent isnt it??

Americans always give the "evil" character an English accent :) love it!!! Its nearly as funny as Dick VanDike in Mary Popins!

And since you live in Malta and not in the US you better just shut up.

Jealous because he's got a better tan and eats better food than you? I am :)
Ogien  5 | 237  
5 May 2011 /  #45
It seems we can't have a discussion because the only thing you can do is offend

In other words, you have nothing to say because you know you're a moron.

will try to remove you from the forum if possible.

Good luck with that.

Anyway don't know why you are speaking about the matter then if you are not Polish.

I have to be Polish in order to call you out for stereotyping like a child?

Well at least I am happy that you are not a Pole.

That makes two of us. :-)
23 May 2015 /  #46
Ok I think we've got off topic too far let's go back to the original question in a different way: why did quagmire get so offended about being called Polish as if it was very unattractive I would like to simply get feedback about this as a fellow polish person I don't mind being poked fun at. But as every joke stems from some truth I never realized that being polish can also be considered unattractive in the dating scene is this true?
DW questionable  
11 Feb 2017 /  #47
This is an excellent question it's not really about making fun of us I don't care about that is a Polish person but why would it be such a trigger for Quagmire why would it be so offensive or not favorable to be considered half polish? That's what I'm curious about. Does that mean if I'm looking to go on dates I shouldn't tell the person I'm going out with that I'm somewhat polish?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
11 Feb 2017 /  #48
@DW questionable
Americans are idiots. If you aren't pure American and are half anything then you're more than fine. You're not 100% idiot! Grats!
nothanks  - | 626  
11 Feb 2017 /  #49
This is an excellent question it's not really about making fun of us I don't care about that is a Polish person but why would it be such a trigger for Quagmire why would it be so offensive or not favorable to be considered half polish?

- I just watched the clip: part of the joke (why Quagmire gets angry) is because he changed his name and the Puppy character just exposed it to his GF. Many Poles did change their names so this joke is a half truth. Family guy blasts every culture, religion and race so it's pointless to complain. To even be mentioned in a show like Family Guy is kinda cool to be honest.

- Dating: Honestly it depends. I'll share my experiences. Taking into consideration 9/10 of White Americans are either mixed [multiple European nations] and/or have no current day connection to their ancestry; I found girls with heritage from Germany, France, England and especially Scandinavia were so/so when they found out I was Polish. For example I'm trying to attract dates in California and I list that I'm European. Then they ask where in Europe. Most of these types prefer a European guy "I've lived in multiple nations" over anything anyway.

Ethnic girls don't care. Whether it be ignorance, there is little difference to them in terms of European when it comes to Polish or German (for example). They see my light features and instantly melt. But girls that are also White, although the "Eastern Euro/Slavic" stigma is increasingly fading away - it still exists. I remember a family friend of my girlfriend at the time [Italian-American] saying "Oh Poland? Ya, I guess that's Europe". About 15 years ago you'd still encounter "isn't Poland the Mexico of Europe"? But much has changed since then. Today Poland is viewed by mainstream Western society as very white and Catholic. 2 opposites of the current trend in the West - and we all know "different" is cool and hip in the West, so Poland is looking increasingly more attractive.
Crow  154 | 9525  
12 Feb 2017 /  #50
I see that Poles aren`t naive anymore.

In almost every popular Anglo book you have something anti-Slavic or particularly anti-Polish. That`s how Anglo children grow up. Face it Poles, they don`t like you, they want you to drop dead. Only when you extinct they would show respect to you, same way as they show respect to native Americans. But, death first.
nothanks  - | 626  
12 Feb 2017 /  #51
I don't take it personally because Anglo's are quite abusive and destructive to their own. Unless we have a United States of Europe - how/why would it be in England's best interest for Poland to be equal in economy, education, living standards etc. So ultimately I know where I stand - I knew the first time I was called a dumb polak or from the mexico of europe.

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