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Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa.

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
5 Aug 2009 /  #241

I'd rather see Poles here than all those others.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
5 Aug 2009 /  #242

I was only trying to tell you not to be upset by some remarks on the Internet and I said about naivety in political context.

As for you telling me something before I don't recall any kind of conversation with you before.
As for being smart** you don't know anything about me and let it stay that way as for other matters you have nothing original to say (except personal insults) and you are boring

Actually I was being nice to you - are you yanks always react in that way to somebody acting friendly - not wonder you have so many friends :0

Listen all this anti-US just because a few Polaks get refused a VISA!!!!! Really is that what this is all about, were not school children in here, we are adults i hope???

Well, don't get it out of proportion, ani-US sentiments are most likely greater in France or Germany or even UK.
Its not about visas its about respect, Polish soldiers are being killed in American wars, we pay the cost we cannot afford really and they cannot sort out fuckin visas !!!!

These few illegal foocers who gonna stay wont make any difference for USA......

The US or any other country for that fact has a right to decide who and who does not have permission to enter their country. Surely that is one of the fundamental rights of a nation, to be able to select who and who does not come into the country. Sometimes i think the world is becoming to obsessed with this 'freedom to move' than is healthy.

Torny its not about UK for goodness sake !
Sure any country have a right to decide its beside the point!

The US is such an easy target for criticism because its usually the first nation to stand up and say 'i'm not taking this, i'm going to do something about it' The uS is criticised for everything from its foreign policy to its domestic laws. The US is a leading world power if not the, leading world power, everybody loves to get in line to have a shot.

You got it all wrong ! I will start the thread about it but much later, good nite1
scrappleton  - | 829  
5 Aug 2009 /  #243
towns etc are named after English cities and towns :)

Really like: Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, San Antonio.. they don't sound particularly British to me, gov. New York and Boston.. that's about it. You give yourself a little too much for the US. You created 13 small states, the law code (in a way).

the UK complaining about the Americans?? really??

Now come on son. Yes really.. go play games with someone else. You people sling the hate around call us names, well now you get a little taste of your own. I sincerely hope you're hungry too. Typical two-faced limey.

especially as it seems based on unfounded information somebody

LOL.. I've been mislead have I? Tell you what you stay on your continent and I'll stay on mine.

P.S. - Hopefully you won't run to the mods and paint me as a pedophile or something.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
5 Aug 2009 /  #244
Its not about visas its about respect, Polish soldiers are being killed in American wars, we pay the cost we cannot afford really and they cannot sort out fuckin visas !!!!

hang on just one second, Poland is not fighting in Americas wars, it is fighting in the worlds wars. There are more nations involved than just the states, anyway UK soldiers are being killed int he same war but were not knocking on the door of the states asking for re-funds are we!!!

Torny its not about UK for goodness sake !
Sure any country have a right to decide its beside the point!

it should not make any difference whether its a Pole or and Englishman trying to enter the US, it is their decision and they should be able to decide whatever they like.

Really like: Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, San Antonio.. they don't sound particularly British to me, gov. New York and Boston.. that's about it. You give yourself a little too much for the US. You created 13 small states, the law code (in a way).

ow wow, you've named some cities in the US that are not of an English name, now lets just see how many cities there are in the states, lol :):):) a few more than you've listed.

Now come on son. Yes really.. go play games with someone else. You people sling the hate around call us names, well now you get a little taste of your own. I sincerely hope you're hungry too. Typical two-faced limey.

i really can't believe you, personally i have no problem with the US, States, the USA whatever you want to be known as. The worst thing i've said is to use the term 'Yank' and that was to an American friend of mine. I don't know where your getting all this 'anti-American' stuff from but its looking a little bit like your paranoid.

LOL.. I've been mislead have I? Tell you what you stay on your continent and I'll stay on mine.

why what have people told you?? i can't judge if you have been mis-informed or not until i hear what you've heard :)

P.S. - Hopefully you won't run to the mods and paint me as a pedophile or something.

hahahaha your joking right, we are just two people discussing a subject, we have two differeing opinions and that is that. Your the one who seems a little stressy and up for the name calling, not me.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Aug 2009 /  #245

Answer to your post You can find in the random thread #390

it should not make any difference whether its a Pole or and Englishman trying to enter the US, it is their decision and they should be able to decide whatever they like.

You are right it shouldn't but it does make a difference :)
That the reason of my questioning visa policy of USA toward Poland!
I have no hidden agenda and I'm able to distinguish between government& people, I'm old enough to know that every country have its idiots, bastards and thugs as well as wise, great and wonderful people.

Unfortunately some Americans (!) are not able to view with suspicion federal government and scrutinize all its action & be very distrustful as to hidden motives and agendas.

Its really sad as foundation of American Constitution and what more Founding Fathers assumed that such scrutiny and distrust toward federal government will be constants among American Citizens.

Its seem that it is not true anymore as example of scrappy( sorry old man) has showed blind and limitless faith in USA federal government.

hang on just one second, Poland is not fighting in Americas wars, it is fighting in the worlds wars. There are more nations involved than just the states, anyway UK soldiers are being killed int he same war but were not knocking on the door of the states asking for re-funds are we!!!

UK has its own reasons and not that ancient tradition in meddling in the Worlds affairs:)
Poland only reason for military involvement is to help OUR Friend - as laughable it may sounds......

By the way I find on this forum plenty posts or threads not only criticizing Poland and Poles but also insulting them and slandering.
So, I don't understand your complains (other thread), do you have a lot of British/English forum where you can go on criticizing UK ?
23 Dec 2009 /  #246
Forcing VISAs on US passport holders may sway the US public opinion to follow real visa reciprocity. The same would happen if the EU would stand as one and force visas on Americans. The Japanese and Brazilians already fingerprint Americans, the EU should do the same.

Why do I say this?

Well in the US, a democracy, it is public opinion which changes policy. Unhappy tourists and family members (including Poles) would complain to their congressmen/senators and this would change pretty quickly.

Saying all this, I think Poland needs the US far more than the US needs Poland. The US does not need Poland at all. Poland needs the US against Russia and Germany, both of which are re-emerging. Germany is becoming cocky again and Russia has it's tinpot dictator Putin. The Polish aid in Afghanistan is more beneficial to Poland (training) than US,

after all the Americans and the Brits do all the real fighting over there.

Maybe Poland should just ... grin and bear it.
dwwd  1 | 13  
23 Dec 2009 /  #247
The Japanese and Brazilians already fingerprint Americans, the EU should do the same.

On the first day Brazil started to take pictures of americans at the airport the cops had to arest a pilot (American Airlines). He showed "the finger" when they took the picture.

  • pilotoAmericano.jpg
Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Dec 2009 /  #248
Poland needs the US against Russia and Germany,

They will help Poland like in 1945 or like they helping right now.

Poland doesn't need USA,

The Polish aid in Afghanistan is more beneficial to Poland (training) than US,

You go over there you obviously need some training, it would be beneficial to you and maybe you will develop some sense.

after all the Americans and the Brits do all the real fighting over there.

sure, real fighting as opposite to beneficial training - why don't you tell this to the families of killed Polish soldiers?
As Americans do the real fighting, Polish military presents in Afghanistan is even more surreal!
dwwd  1 | 13  
23 Dec 2009 /  #249
You go over there you obviously need some training, it would be beneficial to you and maybe you will develop some sense.

I did not post the line you quoted.

Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Dec 2009 /  #250
I did not post the line you quoted.

RonWest  3 | 120  
10 Jan 2010 /  #251
Oh, well - the Americans have sooooo many friends in EU that they can
afford to lose such an insignificant little ally as Poland. "Fair play" to them.

I hope this doesn't happen. US should lighten up Visa requirements. I thought Bush took care of this recently? Supposed to take affect next year. Anyone know about this?
scrappleton  - | 829  
10 Jan 2010 /  #252
I thought Bush took care of this recently?

Bush lifted it for the Czech Rep not Poland. As alluded to earlier by somebody, the Polish gov. may not want it lifted as it worries about losing young talent to the US.
RonWest  3 | 120  
10 Jan 2010 /  #253
Well, that is a legitimate concern but it still isn't fair to the people especially considering all of Poland's efforts to help the US in all our foreign adventures.
4 Apr 2011 /  #254
Hello to all, I'm a student from Poland and I'm looking for informations to my master thesis. If anyone knows of any meetings of polish ambassador with senators or congresman about including Poland to Visa Waiver Program or any other actions taken in this area I will be grateful
krakow73  1 | 6  
8 Jan 2012 /  #255
We have enough Poles in Chicago!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
8 Jan 2012 /  #256
If anyone knows of any meetings of polish ambassador with senators or congresman about including Poland to Visa Waiver Program or any other actions taken in this area I will be grateful

President Obama will open up the Visa Waiver Program to Poles but not until this summer. His timing is political as he will be appealing to the Polish-American voters to vote for him in November. No surprises here.
archiwum  12 | 122  
24 Jan 2012 /  #257

They were saying on the news that the president gave an executive order, giving the polish a 90-Day Visa Waiver.

I don't know if this is true though.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
24 Jan 2012 /  #258
don't know if this is true though.

stop trolling!

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