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Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
19 Jul 2009 /  #121
WE get along alright. We don't fight each other in N. America. At least not for centuries.

You are kidding, aren't you....


This is a timeline of United States military operations. From 1776 to 2008, there have been hundreds of instances of the deployment of United States military forces abroad and domestically.

How "European" of you!

Do you really think you belong to a new race???
The US is a child of Europe, conquered by Europeans, build by Europeans, settled by Europeans! People of European stock made you, their colony, all big and mighty!

And in case you aren't an Asian or a descendant of formers slaves brought in to work on European plantages or a native YOU ARE AN EUROPEAN!

Do you have an idea how ridiculous you sound?
(If you are not a green martian that is....)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #122
They hate you and me... better to accept it I thing.

I think you are being paranoid.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #123
That would imply I'm afraid.. Trust me the last thing I am is afraid of a European. I just think the American citizen should comes to terms with this. Europe leads the world in antiamericanism. If you hate us we should hate you.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
19 Jul 2009 /  #124
Right now it's you who can't help spewing irrational hate....nobody else here does!
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #125

Nope, I'm American. I don't look or sound like a European. I don't identify with Europe at all. Bloodlines that's it.

Right now it's you who can't help spewing irrational hate

Warum night? You do it all the time. We are "stupid fat pigs". Your people even call us Nazis in your newspapers. Der Spiegel I think. Now that's irrational. I'm just being honest, man. Sorry, the more we as Americans realize the European backstabbng mindset the better.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #126
Do you really think you belong to a new race???

That's very interesting BB, because, if America closes borders and remains isolated for say, two hundred or more years, you will see us all looking more alike instead of the patchwork quilt thing with many shades of beige. We will have medium complexion, brown or green eyes with splashes of oceanic blue with some slanting due to the Asians. Our hair will be curly or wavy and very thick and our height will be around five nine or six foot, on average.

Scrappy, Asians might be so-so toward us but I wouldn't get too cozy with China.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #127
Warum night? Was that a famous night for killing? Warum nicht :)
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #128
but I wouldn't get too cozy with China

Why not.. they haven't been that aggressive historicially. That was the Japanese. Euros are a pain in the ass. I'm telling you. Do the British for example on here sound like our friends?? Honestly?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #129
Scrappy, why was Bush "an idiot"? What did he do that was so wrong? Why can't you see that many Europeans support Americans who want to get the truth out there?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #130
hee hee Do people on PF sound like friends in general? For the most part: no. Can nations really be "friends"? Lots of interesting thought here, Scrappleton. We should ponder...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #131
He doesn't seem to see the complications. For example, Bill Clinton was a big fan of Tony Blair (save for a skirmish or 2), and vice versa, but look at what Clinton did. He funded the IRA and armed them. Putin meets Bush and Obama and things are hunky dory but they both have competing interests which aggravate the other. Excessive simplification just doesn't cut the mustard, scrappy.
Gregrog  4 | 97  
19 Jul 2009 /  #132
The American will ultimately not kill itself

Do you know US Civil War? :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #133
Excessive simplification just doesn't cut the mustard, scrappy.

that's it. Things are much more complex then scrappy would like to admit.

I like scrappy though:)
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #134
Europeans support Americans who want to get the truth out there?

You're not owed anything from us.The truth about what? We helped you keep Europe together. Our military even today keeps it stable. We get no pay for this .. but you are demanding the "truth".

Scrappy, why was Bush "an idiot"?

Ermm, Iraq, current economy.. on and on. I thought you knew everything about the US. :-(

For the most part: no.

:-D .. See, at least you're objective about it. Just look at the American hate on here, that's all I ask.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #135
Yeah, Scrappy, there's all kinds of hate though. America is just one thing that's hated. Americans hate plenty of people too, domestic and abroad. There's a hater for everyone. There's enough people on the planet each of us gets his or her own personal hater, at least one! Maybe two or three if we're lucky. The Asians pretend to like everyone at least a little.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
19 Jul 2009 /  #136
We will have medium complexion, brown or green eyes with splashes of oceanic blue with some slanting due to the Asians. Our hair will be curly or wavy and very thick and our height will be around five nine or six foot, on average.

I rather think you will be small like chinos or mexicans, olive skinned with dark eyes...some will have also slanted eyes...

But you will end up that way if you DON'T close the borders more likely! :(

But Scrappleton hates me - I will now hate the US back forever!

Nope, I'm American. I don't look or sound like a European. I don't identify with Europe at all. Bloodlines that's it.

You're half Pole, aren't you?
You are soooooooooooooooo European! :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #137
I meant the truth about some of the activities of the shadow government in America. You did help us keep Europe together and I'm grateful for that.

I wanted your take on events. What was so wrong about Iraq? You now have a democratic regime there which has filled a power vacuum, is that so bad?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #138
I rather think you will be small like chinos or mexicans,

That would be true if there weren't so many tall people here. I am five foot six which is average and I still can't see over the people in front of me at rock concerts.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #139
Do you know US Civil War? :)

Yes sir, I do. I believe it concluded in the 1860's.. The Balkan genocide was about 10 years ago though. Here again.. we have Europeans "the exalted beings, masters of the universe" killing each other over pretty much nothing.

Things are much more complex then scrappy would like to admit.

Well, enlighten me European. I haven't oversimplified too much. Europe is more trouble than it's worth for us. Just like Israel. Screw it. You know you hate our guts. You say it all the time. I would sever ties with you if I could and deal exclusively with the Asians / N. S. Americans.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
19 Jul 2009 /  #140
That would be true if there weren't so many tall people here.

Well...the majority of the immigrants are quite smaller.
You are probably of european stock (*gasp*) and as Whites we are as average taller than the millions of new immigrants from Asia or Latin America!
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #141
You are probably of european stock (*gasp*)

So's my doberman pinscher.. doesn't mean he wouldn't take a bite of your ass.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #142
as Whites we are as average taller than the millions of new immigrants from Asia or Latin America!

People get taller on average the longer their family stays in America. Each generation gets taller so my prediction is, unless some unforeseen drastic situation happens, Americans on average, will be a race of taller than average people, even if not genetically predisposed.

Scrappy, lighten up some! Just because you had a bad experience with some Europeans on a trip doesn't mean BB is the same ones you had a bad experience with so why take it out on him?
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #143
You did help us keep Europe together and I'm grateful for that.

You're grateful, huh? Why don't you pay us for it then. You know , money. It wasn't free we as tax payers had to pay for it, it allowed you to conduct business and make money. So cough it up.

But Scrappleton hates me

yeah I pretty much do..I get into Europeans faces when the come to the States. It's funny to see the look in their arrogant eyes. The words "fat and stupid" don't come to their lips. : D

I meant the truth about some of the activities of the shadow government in America.

You want this .. you demand that.. the hell with that.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #144
You're grateful, huh? Why don't you pay us for it then. You know , money. It wasn't free we as tax payers had to pay for it, it allowed you to conduct business and make money. So cough it up.

Oh I am sure it's much more complicated than that, Scrappy and interconnected and all that. We probably don't wish to know every detail, either. It probably involves loans.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
19 Jul 2009 /  #145
So's my doberman pinscher.. doesn't mean he wouldn't take a bite of your ass.

But they are the best, aren't they!

Okay, okay...*takes helmet*

People get taller on average the longer their family stays in America. Each generation gets taller so my prediction is, unless some unforeseen drastic situation happens, Americans on average, will be a race of taller than average people, even if not genetically predisposed.

Well...it won't be only Americans who would get taller but for better nourishment since childhood most people will grow taller as their livingstandards rise.

Not to mention Europe who have some of the tallest people between them already.

But I watched another dokumentation recently which showed that people stopped getting taller already....so it's not a kind of endless development.
There is a natural limit within our genetics!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #146
Well, enlighten me European. I haven't oversimplified too much. Europe is more trouble than it's worth for us. Just like Israel. Screw it. You know you hate our guts. You say it all the time. I would sever ties with you if I could and deal exclusively with the Asians / N. S. Americans.

I am not going to enlighten you because you can do that yourself. I am not really sure what the problem is but all you say: Europe is not worth the trouble. Yet, the foreign politics of the US has stationed your basis around the world (per your claim) and now Europe has to go down on its knees and be thankful for that.

The truth is that the US, nor anybody else does anything for free, so shut it already and go to read some books. Why should I make it easy for you to understand if you don't have the capacity anyways. Sheesh.............I have better things to do then talking to the wall.

SO WHAT ABOUT THE IMF AND THE WORLD BANK POLITICS. Please comment on that. Or do you have to look it up first?

I am done here.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Jul 2009 /  #147
Look at their history.

LOL, you are funny!

Firstly, there will be no war between Germany and anyone else, you show your complete ignorance and how uninformed you are about the EU.

Secondly, Most Brits just see Americans as having funny accents (well the ones I saw taking pics of the Cathedral yesterday had), we certainly don't hate, in fact you are a great source of entertainment with your dress sense and accents :)

As for making German pay you back, do you know how many Germans died of starvation after WWII? From what I know you did feck all for the Germans, it was the Brits that got the car plants operating, not the yanks!
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #148
now Europe has to go down on its knees and be thankful for that.

Don't want you on your knees.. you could pay for it though. Cheapos you are that won't happen.

Why should I make it easy for you to understand if you don't have the capacity anyways.

typical ass hole European thing to say. Translation: I don't really have a rebuttal and can't elaborate on anything so here's a cutesy little comment for you, Yankee. LOL, classic.

I am not going to enlighten you because you can do that yourself.

Well, you called me out as oversimplfying the whole thing. Thought you could help me out.

I am done here.

I would imagine you are. Thanks for the bluster.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #149
you could pay for it though.

I will pay you if you stop avoiding commenting on IMF and the World Bank politics;))))))) or you going to run in circles again and keep avoiding the answer.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #150
Scrappy, since 1913 America has been at the behest of the Fed. They orchestrated the Wall Street Crash and brought about chaos. Please answer aphrodisiac on the IMF and the World Bank. What they are doing is shameful.

America knows very well that profits are made from war. Tell me, what was the rationale for Vietnam? Was it a run out for troops, anti-communism, what? You want your money back? Go and run to Raytheon, Lockheed Martin or the other 5 arms firms that sit on the ATC.

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