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Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa.

scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #91
but you can't blame Europe for the actions of those 2 men (Stalin and Hitler).

The hell I can't.. they are products of the European mindset which is inferior to the American. The American will ultimately not kill itself -- the European will. A cathedral of stupidity.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #93
Man up! Say what you have to say! America hasn't produced Stalin's, Hitlers, Ceasucus, Francos, Thatchers, Bonapartes, Robespierres.. on and on.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #94
What is the European mindset? I couldn't even attempt to define such a thing. It's absolutely absurd to even suggest it. Help me out, scrappy, I'm not a visionary like you :)

Americans don't understand suicide, there are none in America? Oh, you are talking about killing others? Sorry! Oh, ok, why does America have MANY more serial killers than Russia? Russia has had 10 main ones. America, 116. Russia is about twice the size of the US.

You were saying something about cathedral of stupidity?

How much does the brainwashing process cost?

George W Bush was certainly bad enough and I know you are an Obama fan. That man, and his father, have been responsible for MANY MANY deaths. Thatcher, how many? It was John Major that was in power around Desert Storm time.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #95
Russia has had 10 main ones

Yeah, that they've reported to you. America has 3x the Russian pop. as well. So there might be a few more killers, right

C'mon, sonny do try and keep up here.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #96
America hasn't produced Stalin's, Hitlers, Ceasucus, Francos, Thatchers, Bonapartes, Robespierres.. on and on.

it does not make it perfect at all. I think there are good things about Europe and the US and they might not overlap at all.

You cannot just speak in general, since eg. US is better for new ideas/advancement while Europe is more conservative when it comes to that. Europe is more socialist then the US. US does not stay away from war conflicts, but participates in them with the propaganda machine manipulating their citizens that they are doing the right thing. US is a war monger.

Europe has had ethnic conflicts for a long time, US deals with ethnic conflict by implementing racism within their own country and outside of it, provided they have some interest in it. There is no better propaganda machine then the one in the US;)

Those are just a few things I wanted to mention.
There future division of power is shifting and China comes to mind, but I guess the Yanks are already there, aren't they, claiming that Chinese government is abusing human rights towards its citizens, while doing and building business with China.

I am looking forward to you comment. Just make it to the point:)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #97
Eh, no. America has just over two times the population of Russia, get your facts straight.

Let's look at those figures again, 116 and 10. Aha, so Wikipedia is biased in its reporting now, is it?

"The American will not kill itself". PF members, guess who said that? Sending them to war is not indirectly killing them? Maybe you wanna ask this guy,

news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8157795.stm, US captive of the Taliban. Listen to what he says.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #98
There future division of power is shifting and China comes to mind, but I guess the Yanks are already there, aren't they, claiming that Chinese government is abusing human rights towards its citizens, while doing and building business with China.
I am looking forward to you comment. Just make it to the point:)

This has nothing to do with the point I made.. nothing whatsoever. So thanks for the ramblings. Chinese are another nation that kills it's own people.. like the Europeans. My point is the US does not produce dictators like Europe does. It doesn't prey on itself. Yes there's racism but no holocaust, mass executions etc. The US would never carry out a Katyn, etc. Bush was an idiot but he was not a dictator. He didn't limit the press etc.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #99
Bush didn't limit the press because they didn't reveal the true story to the public. He knew that! He wanted to be a dictator but the US Constitution wouldn't allow this.

Native Americans mean anything to you, scrappy?

Katyń was ordered by one man, scrappy. So stop speaking about Europeans. Besides, Russia and Georgia are parts of Asia too (link to Stalin). Georgia is even further east than Turkey which is considered Asian by many.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #100
So stop speaking about Europeans.

Awwwww.. c'mon man, it's a forum after all. You spit your bs all day on here.

Bush didn't limit the press because they didn't reveal the true story to the public.

LOL.. here we go again with this sh/t. 911 was an inside job they just paid off about 13000 people. The moon landing was faked too. blahbitty blahhh. You are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Katyń was ordered by one man, scrappy.

and carried out by one man?

Native Americans mean anything to you, scrappy?

the ones murdered by the European? Ever heard of King Phillips War fat boy. Besides Hitler and Stalin were last century. Indian murder was the 1800s.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #101
I was making the point that Stalin wasn't classically European. 9/11 was a crime of omission. Does Brightest Corporation mean anything to you?

No, carried out by many UNDER DIRECT ORDERS. Try to understand the idea of duress.

Americans kill civilians and allied troops, do you deny that?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #102
This has nothing to do with the point I made.. nothing whatsoever.

maybe you have a problem with connecting the dots. I was not rumbling. I am having my coffee and reading your posts. You dragged me into this discussion since you are obviously craving some confrontation, instead of exchange of ideas and different opinions. I can spare some time, but I will not put my effort in trying to convince somebody who cannot see how his own country is as aggressive as Europe.

Chinese are another nation that kills it's own people.. like the Europeans.

They do, but US is not an angel either, they they just don't kill their own people (yet). What about the crime rates in the US? For such a great and peaceful country you sure have some major problems with that.

My point is the US does not produce dictators like Europe does.

not yet. You are all about invading other countries, either with the army (in the name of democracy, which makes me laugh every time I hear it), to economic invasion (IMF, WOrld Banks and other organizations just to name a few).

It doesn't prey on itself.

no, it does not, but it prey on others. See above.

Yes there's racism but no holocaust, mass executions etc.

yes, there were no mass executions in Vietnam. I must have been imagining it.

The US would never carry out a Katyn, etc.

US killed almost all the Native people my dear. Or did you erase that from you mind and I cannot see how this is relevant to out discussion. Russians killed Poles in Katyn and those were two different nationalities. Europe is not ONE country, although I am suspecting that you are going in that direction with your thinking.

Bush was an idiot but he was not a dictator.

Some might have a different opinion.

He didn't limit the press etc.

I am sure he did, as any other politician would in the US. DO you know anything about the mass media at all? I f you are interested I will give you heads up:)
19 Jul 2009 /  #103
Native Americans mean anything to you, scrappy?

the ones murdered by the European?


Those murderers and rapists weren't called European Cavalry but US Cavalry :)
That's terrible what they did to those innocent women and children.

Americans kill civilians and allied troops

Of course they did.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #104
What about the crime rates in the US?

What about them? It's typically black on black. Look at the murder rate in Africa. Why don't you try connecting the dots. You are the professed Dr. of American studies over here.

I didn't drag your tired ass into anything.. you started popping off on your own. As I said AGAIN...The US does not typically prey on it's own people the European does. This is an inferior mindset. To actually kill your own populace. They've done it before and will again.. and the "STUPID" US wil have to pull them apart and separate them like the children they are.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #105
And blacks aren't Americans? It's becoming more and more Black Vs Hispanic.

When was the last war in Europe, scrappy? How do Swedes kill one another? What does Italy have to do with Norway in terms of infighting?

You are a narrow-minded hick who doesn't see the diversity of Europe.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #106
and the "STUPID" US wil have to pull them apart and separate them like the children they are.

now you are being stupid and patronizing. The last time US pulled Europe apart they also made a bunch of money.

It's typically black on black.

Only black on black?

Look at the murder rate in Africa.

first of, Africa has nothing to do with that and if you are trying to suggest that black people are more aggressive or violent on average, then you know little about Africa.

You are the professed Dr. of American studies over here.

I have never said that, but thank you:)

.The US does not typically prey on it's own people the European does.

right now or in the past because you lost me here.

This is an inferior mindset.

Inferior to whom.

To actually kill your own populace.

I think I commented on that already and I am not sure what you are referring to.
you are talking about the past and there is no way that you know that it will happen again. What are you? A fortune teller?

and the "STUPID" US wil have to pull them apart and separate them like the children they are.

US does not do it for free. Dig deeper.
Have you been to Europe Scrappy?
Back on topic.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #107
Black Vs Hispanic.

Those get lumped together into one catagory : colored
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #108
The last time I checked, white was a colour too ;) They are 2 distinct groups, PP.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #109
We call them "colored" because they aren't as pale as "whites". People of color are hispanics, blacks and asians.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #110
there is no way that you know that it will happen again. What are you? A fortune teller?

LOL.. If the US leaves you to your own devices you will murder each other again. You always do it. 500 million fools cramped in that little continent can't help it. It's hilarious actually. The EU will fail because France and Germany will get tired of paying the lionshare of it and that will probably tip off another war.

black people are more aggressive or violent on average,

Sure limey, I'm way off base here what with modern genocide still going on within the continent in the 21st century. Surely they're just misunderstood or better yet the Yankee CIA is behind it.

The last time US pulled Europe apart they also made a bunch of money.

Who's fault would that be? Thanks for the markets.

Inferior to whom.

the United States of America. Inferior.. substandard. etc. You don't like it doesn't mean it's not true. You can bring up things from the 1800's all you want.

US does not do it for free.

not for long. nice that you admit it though.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #111
There should be balance in mutual international relations. If USA demands
visas from Polish citizens, we should also introduce visa system for Americans.

it does not work that way Torq and you know that. Poland is not a partner with the US. Lets face the truth here. I don't understand why some people are so delusional about Poland's position in the world.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
19 Jul 2009 /  #112
Don't forget that it was the Europeans who made it possible for you today to p*iss on them.

Without the Europeans there would be no Scrappleton living there....

The US now has Canada in the north and Mexico in the South as lonely neighbours...after lots of war and bloodshed and some genocide thrown inbetween.

Quite comfy, isn't it! (I really can't see them threatening the US somehow somewhere)

You really shouldn't compare the US with Europe or forget your roots Scrappleton!

You ask for Europeans to be fair to the US - how can we if you yourself give a sh*it....
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #113
Have you been to Europe Scrappy?

Yes: A.) Overrated B.) Expensive C.) Rude people. D.) 5 star hotel there is like one of our 3 stars. You even have to share the toilet. What a joke. You can have it.

How many illegals immigrants from Latin America is currently in your country 7millions? 11?

They are illegals, moron. Like you actually typed.. Sheesh. The get deported out all the time.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #114
The EU will fail because France and Germany will get tired of paying the lionshare of it and that will probably tip off another war.

I wouldn't be so quick to say that, Scrappy. Chances are after thirty or so years of EU Europe will be more developed in areas that haven't seen much development in the past.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683  
19 Jul 2009 /  #115
Yeah...and then those will hopefully pay their share!

(...and help Germany out)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #116
PP, maybe we should call them 'the others' like in Lost ;)
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #117
You ask for Europeans to be fair to the US

I could care less what you think.. you're going to bi.tch and hate anyway. Until you need us again.

The US now has Canada in the north and Mexico in the South as lonely neighbours...after lots of war and bloodshed and some genocide thrown inbetween.
Quite comfy, isn't it! (I really can't see them threatening the US somehow somewhere)

Lonely for who. The European? LOL. Why Canada / Mexico threaten us. WE get along alright. We don't fight each other in N. America. At least not for centuries. That's the European's game. Destroy each other.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Jul 2009 /  #118
Scrappy, you are being unfair. Most of Europe's been stable for a while. I doubt they will be fighting each other any time soon. What they want most of all is peace and prosperity and we Americans should want that for America too, around the world :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #119
LOL.. If the US leaves you to your own devices you will murder each other again. You always do it. 500 million fools cramped in that little continent can't help it. It's hilarious actually. The EU will fail because France and Germany will get tired of paying the lionshare of it and that will probably tip off another war.

you sure connect the dots in a wrong way, however I enjoy you deep analysis of Europe.

Sure limey

I am not a limey. You probably have some British roots, being an American and all that.

The EU will fail because France and Germany will get tired of paying the lionshare of it and that will probably tip off another war.

so I ma guessing you will not be coming to save the Europe again? Bless.

Surely they're just misunderstood or better yet the Yankee CIA is behind it.

I have never said that but if you say so, that must be true:)

Who's fault would that be?

nobody's fault.

Thanks for the markets.

you are welcome, although it must have come at the price. What is it now? You have no problems on your own that you suddenly worry about Europe?

You don't like it doesn't mean it's not true.

I never said I did, didn't I? Please, stop putting words in m mouth.

You can bring up things from the 1800's all you want.

I did and you did bring things up from 60 years ago, so what is your point. US is still invading and using other countries as we speak. What are you going to say about IMF and the World Bank my dear scrappy. What are you going to say about sterilization of poor and coloured women in the 60s and 70s? I would like your opinion on that.

not for long. nice that you admit it though.

it is not about admitting or not. US made tons of money on WW1 and WW2, I am sure you know that.

Yes: A.) Overrated B.) Expensive C.) Rude people. D.) 5 star hotel there is like one of our 3 stars. You even have to share the toilet. What a joke. You can have it.

that is ALL you can say? Your obsession with toilets probably stopped you from sightseeing. Oh, well.
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #120
I doubt they will be fighting each other any time soon.

Look at their history, PP. Germany will get tired of doing everything and demand payment. It won't happen and there will be war. Simple. Hopefully, we'll stay out of it. We should just deal with the Asians anyway. They like us better. I'll take a Lexus over a BMW anyday. Hey, the European hates us. Go over there and see if you don't believe me. I'm just reporting what I know. They hate you and me... better to accept it I thing. Also, I would make Germany pay us back for all we did for them after WWII since they show us so much hate.

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