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Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa.

scrappleton  - | 829  
14 Jul 2009 /  #61
The British were active in the slave trade according to Obama's trip to Ghana

Yes I know that PP. I was throwing that out there as a rhetorical. :-D
But, yes of course, you're technically right.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
14 Jul 2009 /  #62
Comparing the way that USA was built to the creation and struggle for survival
of Israel is not very sensible here. Two completely different cases.

There are some similarities between the beginning of the US and Israel in the sense that people came to our countries from other places. The US and Israel were both inhabited by others who were living there before we came (in Israel, it's Arabs, in America, it's Native Americans). The Europeans (who eventually became Americans or the descendants of) removed Native Americans while the Israelis removed troublesome Arabs. Both countries have their origins in inviting people from all over the world to live on land that others lived on, fighting with them and removing them. The same sort of thing happened to Native American tribes that happened to Palestinians. The native Americans were warlike and troublesome, wanted their land and the whiteman to leave it so they started trouble and were removed, put on reservations and relocated to other parts of the country. Same with the Palestinians.
scrappleton  - | 829  
14 Jul 2009 /  #63
America is a country of illegal stealing and murdering immigrants, who illegaly stole
the land and slaughtered the natives.

Yeah so is: Austrailia, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Honduras, Guatemala, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, South Africa, Israel.. and a slew of others.

Doesn't make it right but you can at least condemn everybody. Do you know if you're a descendant of the same people who lived in Poland 10,000 years ago? My guess is there's a few "murderering immigrants" in your family tree as well. .. London was founded by the Romans, right? Well, wtf, better give it back to Italy. :-S
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
14 Jul 2009 /  #64
New World history is ugly because it's based on people coming from overseas and pillaging. That's just a hideous fact.
14 Jul 2009 /  #65
I mean for people who constantly refer to us as (...)
apparently want nothing more than to just pay us a visit?

You see IF I wanted to visit USA, I would get a visa without any problem.
I simply refuse, to even apply for a visa as a sign of solidarity with my
fellow compatriots who are refused visas because on their nationality.


I never said that and never will. Unlike US government I do not make
sweeping generalisations about people based on their nationality.



brutal, muderous, racist and imperialistic buffoons

That's just your history and politics. I don't blame ordinary American
people for it. Far from that.

We don't have jobs right now, we cannot take in any more immigrants, guess workers, etc.

Who wants your jobs? Poles? Not very likely. Maybe 6-8 years ago, but not now.
As I said, I've never been to USA but one day I might come and help your troubled
economy a little bit: spend some money shopping, go see a baseball game, go on
a tour around US in a 1950 Chevrolet (always wanted to do that). However, I won't
do that as long as there is this humiliating visa acquiring procedure through which I
would have to go through only because I'm a Pole.

sorry if you hate us for it, my quess is that you'll hate us anyway.

Your guess is very wrong. I don't hate US, I just don't like to see my people
being discriminated by your country, that's all.

You may ask what has the US done for Poland? How about bankrupt
the Soviets in the 80's by an arms race the US taxpayer had to pay for? You didn't like the
Wall, you didn't like communism.. well.. it's gone. Soley because of us? No, but we sure as
hell nailed a few nails into the coffin.

You sure did. Where did I deny this?

Doesn't make it right but you can at least condemn everybody.

Again - I'm not condemning anyone. The main point I was making was...

So it takes a lot of nerve for the descendants of thieves
and murderers (...) to call anyone coming to USA "illegal".

...you must agree that is fecking cheeky after stealing the land and murdering
its rightful owners to tell any people coming to USA that it's "illegal" :)

Your slavic relations the Czechs do not have the same visa restrictions imposed on them right now.

That's one of the other things I was talking about. If Czechs are welcome and
we're not then why don't the Czechs help you in Iraq and Afghanistan and why
don't the Czechs play the role of the American "Trojan Donkey" in EU?
PKNYC  - | 4  
14 Jul 2009 /  #66
New World history is ugly because it's based on people coming from overseas and pillaging. That's just a hideous fact.

true... but this can be said for old world history as well.
14 Jul 2009 /  #67
The Europeans (...) removed Native Americans while the Israelis
removed troublesome Arabs.

Palestinian Arabs were given a country consisting of 75% of the Palestine lands
under British mandate (it was called Transjordan and now Jordan) and also were
offered a big part of the remaining 25%. Were Native Americans offered the same
or even a similar deal?

One might find some similarities or far analogies, but they are very distant and imprecise.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
14 Jul 2009 /  #68
Torq, the Native Americans ended up with very little compared to everyone else. Life for Native Americans has been worse than for the Palestinians.
scrappleton  - | 829  
14 Jul 2009 /  #69
Your guess is very wrong. I don't hate US

Your rants above don't seem to support that. Anti-americanism is rampant in Europe, probably the highest in the world. Ironic given that modern Europe would not exist without the US. I don't really care but don't be surprised if you are treated in kind if you come here.

I might come and help your troubled
economy a little bit:

It has a broken leg not an amputated one. Believe what you want though. A decent consumpution tax will pay the Chinese off in about 5 years or so. We go through ups and downs. When the recovery comes there will more money and jobs. It's not a society for pu.ssies.

If Czechs are welcome and
we're not then why don't the Czechs help you in Iraq and Afghanistan and why
don't the Czechs play the role of the American "Trojan Donkey" in EU?

Trojan Donkey? Most Americans could give two turds for the EU. It's a socialist quagmire. You don't like American products - don't buy them, fairly easy. Czechs sent trainers or something to that effect. 500 troops maybe. I think they're a nation of 12 million or so? You sent 2500 and promptly left usin Iraq as did the British when it no longer became politically feasible for you to stay. You're a member of NATO, welcome to the club. A LOT of us did not want to f.cuk around in Serbia. A LOT of us didn't want our faces shot off in Normandy but there you go. Please spare us the whiny bu.llshit. If you're an ally you stay the course. Maybe it wasn't the best of missions but more troops mean more eyes to keep each other out of danger. Perhaps if Russia decides to march on you we'll send 2500 "observers" and office people, drink a few beers. Lazy European will criticize us anyway and they hardly care if we're in trouble. So be it.
14 Jul 2009 /  #70
promptly left us in Iraq

Promptly? Five years is almost as long as the duration of WW2.

when it no longer became politically feasible for you to stay.

When was it feasible for Poland to stay in Iraq???

Perhaps if Russia decides to march on you we'll send 2500 "observers" and office people, drink a few beers.

You probably won't do even that. You betrayed us and sold us to Soviets
after the WW2, why shouldn't you do it again?

I don't believe for a single moment that US would react in any way if we were
invaded by Russia (well, maybe you would send an angry diplomatic note, but
I doubt even that).

It's not a society for pu.ssies.

Please spare us the whiny bu.llshit.

don't be surprised if you are treated in kind if you come here

Easy boy. Don't get all excited. *rolls eyes*
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2009 /  #71
It's because much of Europe (and America actually) can see the geopolitical strategies at work. Our governments lied to us and killed Saddam for what? He was a great servant for so many years and outlived his usefulness?

Anyway, Poland helped out in Iraq and Afghanistan so why no back scratching? Why have other Baltic states been given waivers?
scrappleton  - | 829  
14 Jul 2009 /  #72
You betrayed us and sold us to Soviets
after the WW2,

This one says it all and there's no need to continue if you're this mind numbingly stupid. Bratwurst , Nathan and the rest of the gang are right about you people. Tell me , did we make you march on the Czechs when other Soviet sattelites refused? I believe your beloved Hungary refused. What a beacon of light you are. You took Russia's fu.cking hand and skipped through the rose bushes.

Thank God I don't live in Europe. I hope Berlin has fun pumping billions into your economy. Doing for you what you apparently cannot do for yourselves. Quite a theme with Poland - Not being able to take care of yourselves.
14 Jul 2009 /  #73
did we make you march on the Czechs

You didn't do anything to prevent the Soviet occupation of your ally, but make no
mistake - I don't blame you for that. You betrayed us for your particular interests
and that's understandable, no problem - just don't give me all this "great, noble,
democracy promoting America" bullsh*it - that's all I ask.

I believe your beloved Hungary refused.

You are wrong AGAIN. The 8th Hungarian Motorized Riflemen division took
part in the intervention in Czechoslovakia as a part of Soviet Army Group


Thank God I don't live in Europe.

We finally agree on something.

I hope Berlin has fun pumping billions into your economy.
Doing for you what you apparently cannot do for yourselves.

It's not Berlin alone, but also Rome, Paris and London as they contribute the
most to EU common budget. However those billions that you're talking about
are no more than 1.4% of our GDP and we could easily do without them.

It's funny how aggressively Americans react to a couple of words of truth about
their country. Hilarious :)

mind numbingly stupid

Well, I guess I'm just another stupid, anti-semitic, xenophobic, Pollack.
Go on - make another Polish joke about me - have fun!

scrappleton  - | 829  
14 Jul 2009 /  #74
I don't blame you for that

Wow, that's mighty white of you. Lol, Jesus this guy. How magnaninous. Are you letting me of the hook?? You are a fu.cking pal! 10 million Poles live here.. Were they deserted too? Should we apologize to them too?

just don't give me all this "great, noble,
democracy promoting America" bullsh*it -

When did I?? Still the Nazis weren't really ever our problem - Still we intervened.. And still we deserted you? Aww.. we are such the evil ba.stards. Actions speak louder than words. You wonder why you're treated this way. You're a smart boy, you'll figure it out (eventually).

I hope they never lift the restrictions. Poles are arrogant clowns half the time anyway. Unfriendly t.wats. Your women look great . until they turn 30. Then it's grandma moses. LOL. You and Grzeg have fun in the hills , dude. You deserve each other.
14 Jul 2009 /  #75
10 million Poles live here.. Were they deserted too?

Polish Americans? They did a lot to build US and paid a high price of blood
fighting in the ranks of US army in virtually every war Americans fought.
They are Americans like yourself. Why should you desert your own citizens?

When did I?

Here, for example:

No matter how much aid and free Harvard scholarships we give away
no matter how many dictators we vanquish by the blood of our young men
blah blah blah yada yada yada

Too bad you didn't "vanquish" Stalin when he decided to occupy half of Europe.
Well, I guess he wasn't a bloody dictator enough for you to come and vanquish
him lol

I hope they never lift the restrictions. Poles are arrogant clowns half the time anyway. Unfriendly t.wats.

The sentence above says a lot more about YOU, Scrappleton, than it does about Poles.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
14 Jul 2009 /  #76
I hope they never lift the restrictions. Poles are arrogant clowns half the time anyway.

In reality Poles aren't any better or worse than other Europeans but they got to put up with more prejudice and they react to it. Everybody would be a bit happier if the restrictions were lifted and there were waivers. The effects would be beneficial.
scrappleton  - | 829  
14 Jul 2009 /  #77
Too bad you didn't "vanquish" Stalin when he decided to occupy half of Europe

Really was it half of Europe?? No, just the clowns who couldn't stand up to him. Had Uncle Joe came over here we'd all be dead because we would have never submitted to that midget. We got the Russian eventually.. Let's face it he was your problem. God Forbid Torq, you solve your own problems without us or the British.. or the rest of W. Europe to help you. God Forbid, you take care of yourselves. Perhaps that above says more about the Poles, eh? Or is that just yadda , yadda blah blah. Who are you going to vanquish next Slovakia? You already vanquished the Czechs, right?

God, you got your arrogant ass beat down today by a stupid American. Ohh.. The humiliation..
14 Jul 2009 /  #78
Really was it half of Europe?? No, just the clowns who couldn't stand up to him.

Another sentence that allows PF posters to see you for who you really are.

Had Uncle Joe came over here we'd all be dead because we would have never submitted to that midget.

If we had had the power and resources of America we would have fuckin wiped
the floor with Stalin. However it takes a man to do it, not a puss.y and you
were too much of a pussi.es to deal with Stalin then, and you paid the price
for it later in Vietnam where the Vietnamese peasants with Soviet aid wiped
the floor with you.

We got the Russian eventually.

No, you didn't. Your great president Obama was there licking
the Russian ass just recently.

God, you got your arrogant ass beat down today by a stupid American.

I don't recall such an event.

Who are you going to vanquish next Slovakia? You already vanquished the Czechs, right?

I think I will vanquish myself from this thread as it is beginning to bore me.

Or is that just yadda , yadda blah blah.

scrappleton  - | 829  
14 Jul 2009 /  #79

.. at least that wasn't at our own home. Like your constant defeats have been. At least we can defend our own nest. Ask the British that.

No, you didn't. Your great president Obama was there licking
the Russian ass just recently.

Well superpowers tend to work with one another, Torq. You'll never know, will you? Maybe Merkel will let you walk one of Putin's mutts. You can smell each other's asses too. We're less than 240 years old and the lone superpower. You've never been anything like us.

If we had the power and resources of America we would fuckin wipe the floor
with Stalin.

Rumor has it you had 40 division at the time of Moltov-Ribbentrop. You scarcely made a dent and scurried like mice. Had to fight in Italy to get any decent win. Stalin's boys fought on horseback and shared rifles a lot of the time.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2009 /  #80
As long as there is gratitude for US intervention in WWII, then that helps. OK, America meddled in the Balkans (Britain more) but they helped to stave off and eradicate Nazism. Now we have supranationalism, a phenomenon that many are doing their utmost to advance. The EU has spread its wings far and wide. In today's connected world, I'm really surprised that the visa requirement hasn't been waivered. Still, it shows the importance of abiding by the rules and playing the game.
grethomory  1 | 155  
16 Jul 2009 /  #81
Here's something for you that may help...

Nice article.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
19 Jul 2009 /  #82
Rumor has it you had 40 division at the time of Moltov-Ribbentrop.

Don;t you believe it for a moment Soviets at the time had a great weapons and lots of it!!!

Really was it half of Europe??

What are u about are u sane ?

You and shitbird seems to be cut out from the same cloth, over-sensitive about any remarks that criticize something about USA.
You seem to loose your sanity and intelligence and start rumbling and ranting about opponent country and people making generalizations you wouldn't stand for a second if directed against your country , do you hate Poland?

Point is that USA as a country is disliked because its foreign policy is directed only for benefit of USA and its ruling class, and being world first power is doing as it pleases.

There nothing wrong with it but at the same time European country's are being sucked to participate mostly in costs and explanation is > we are doing it also for you - people are fed up with that ********.

As for the subject of this thread.
Visas for Poles are a political decision and as such must have a political reason and I don't buy for a split of second that behind that policy stands any practical reasons.

Thats OK !
To be loyal and good ally of USA is simply not good business.
So yes Poles are being discriminate against but that is the right of every government to make such decisions.
Its a right of USA government to discriminate Poles.

But treatment of the Polish girl is absolutely out of order !
You should be ashamed by the barbaric action of your federal government and condemned it !
You scrappeltonseem to be brainwashedand unable to comprehend scale of unfairnessand injusticeswhich is being committed also in your name ,,,,
If you agree......
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #83
To be loyal and good ally of USA is simply not good business.

You left us in Iraq, fool. How loyal is that? You don't want to be an ally - don't be. We don't care. We'll go it alone from here on out. The European dragged us into two stupid world wars.. you think that was good business? Try paying for that.. Lend Lease, Marshall Plan.. try paying for the cold war we had with the Russians. Which Poland did not help out in at all. IF not for the US you would still be communist. Maybe that would be for the best.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
19 Jul 2009 /  #84
Its pathetic, we shouldn't be there in the first place, wasting monies and soldiers life's for what?
Cold war and all that - you were playing the game of world domination, with or without Poland you would be have been doing the same.

See what I meant ?
You actually believe that all that were courtesy of the USA charity - silly man:)

Anyway its all beside the point.
USA ruling class choose to discriminate Poles because they can - fine with me!
Just don't you come here crying like a babe because somebody said something you don't like...
I see you agree with outrageous treatment of the Polish girl and also you don't contest that Poles are discriminated against in the visa program by USA government.

I call that progress in your biased attitude,:)
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #85
I see you agree with outrageous treatment of the Polish girl and also you don't contest that Poles are discriminated against in the visa program by USA government.

I have a Polish roots nobody has discriminated against me. My grandma was from Lodz and she did alright. You are so sensitive. The world is mean. Man up! You marched on the Czechs in 68'. How about we analyze that for a few. HYPOCRITE!

How come the Czechs don't have these visa restrictions? Answer me that. You are simply stupid Ironside that's all. No one is doing anything to you. This has been explained to you umpteen times by Krysia, Sledz... You're just too stupid to comprehend it.

Again, you don't want to be an ally of the States.. DONT DO IT. WHO GIVES A FLYING F.UCK?? You will criticize us whatever we do.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #86
SCRAPpy is just looking to lock horns. He is inventing things in order to do so. Although he may not see it, his attitude is typical of the American governmental attitude of, 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours'. The Poles are tired of being cheated, just like the Georgians were about a year ago.

Just look at the treatment of French products when France wasn't complicit. French fries renamed to freedom fries and French wine poured out in restaurants, down the drains.

The Taliban got it too. Just listen to Carl Schwarz, he'll make it clear. Like Scott Ritter, he is a Republican whose loyalty has been put to the sword.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
19 Jul 2009 /  #87
I have a Polish roots nobody has discriminated against me. My grandma was from Lodz and she did alright. You are so sensitive. The world is mean. Man up! You marched on the Czechs in 68'. How about we analyze that for a few. HYPOCRITE!

You are an American and don't call me stupid with your statement :) above it look ridiculous !

How come the Czechs don't have these visa restrictions? Answer me that. You are simply stupid Ironside that's all. No one is doing anything to you. This has been explained to you umpteen times by Krysia, Sledz... You're just too stupid to comprehend it.

You should address your question to the State Department not me....
And your explanation with all due respect is only wishful thinking .... how many British, Irish or others overstayed they visas ?
How many illegals immigrants from Latin America is currently in your country 7millions? 11?
How many would given a chance emigrate from Poland 1million ? 2? lets say 3 ...... you having Polish roots should prefer your own.....
Is that the greatest threat to USA immigration policy ?
Anyway I don't care one way or the other but don't you dare to tell me that USA is doing something for free.....or because is good.

Again, you don't want to be an ally of the States.. DONT DO IT. WHO GIVES A FLYING F.UCK?? You will criticize us whatever we do.

Are you retarded scrappy ?
I'm criticising USA government - are you USA government ? - or you blind and loyal to the last drop of blood?
Your government in the N trial punished such blind obedience .....
Anyway I'm not ruler of Poland and I can do nothing about policy of my country.
I'm only expressing my outrage at the manner the girl was mistreated by USA government ..its a shame
scrappleton  - | 829  
19 Jul 2009 /  #88
You are an American

Yes.. Thank God in Heaven. All us stupid bastards who've managed to create one of the most successful societies ever, not even 250 years old. We know why you hate us.. you'd hate us if there were no visa restrictions, it wouldn't matter.

There would be no modern Poland without the US, no EU.. nothing. European would have killed each other a long time ago. You think about that.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2009 /  #89
Only because tyrants were allowed to rise to power, scrappy. You know I appreciate US intervention in both WWI and WWII but you can't blame Europe for the actions of those 2 men (Stalin and Hitler).

You have your NWO now, so what's the problem?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2009 /  #90
the immigration policies regulate the "gate keeping" mechanism in every country. There is nothing new about that and I am not sure why some people in here think that it is a discrimination.

Every country has the right to do that.

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