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Opole townsfolk outraged by mayor's destruction of their song festival

Atch  22 | 4299  
26 May 2017 /  #91
Does FT advocate healthy conservative family values, belief in God

It's not the role of a good newspaper to be an arbiter of morality but to report facts as factually as possible with minimal bias without seeking to influence its readers. The FT is considered to be one of the most reputable publications in that respect.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
26 May 2017 /  #92
The FT is considered to be one of the most reputable publications in that respect.

your FT is repeating lies after Gazeta Wyborcza about the whole Opole festival thing
Atch  22 | 4299  
26 May 2017 /  #93
It's not my FT, I don't 'take' the FT to use a lovely piece of vintage English. I'm merely making a point to Polly. However now that you've raised the issue Gumi, could you name any British newspaper which you would consider to be reputable and which Polish one would you nominate?
26 May 2017 /  #94
It's not the role of a good newspaper to be an arbiter of morality but to report facts as factually as possible with minimal bias without seeking to influence its readers

Yes, but one can no more expect Polly to know that than one can expect TVPiS to organise the Opole Festival of Song in a politically neutral way.
jon357  72 | 23361  
26 May 2017 /  #95
The FT is considered to be one of the most reputable publications in that respect.

This is true.

Gazeta Wyborcza

Also highly respected. PiS fans naturally hate it.

TVPiS to organise the Opole Festival of Song in a politically neutral way.

They have no concept of doing something in a politically neutral or even dignified way.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
26 May 2017 /  #96
However now that you've raised the issue Gumi, could you name any British newspaper which you would consider to be reputable and which Polish one would you nominate?

I don't know British newspapers that well - I just merely stated FT repeats Wyborcza lies in its article - as for the press I respect the most in Poland it would be the Do Rzeczy weekly - but I very seldom buy any newspapers - I live in a zadupie leśne - and I seldom go to towns - I read mostly internet news even though the main portals like wp.pl, onet.pl and interia.pl are biased and often manipulative
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
26 May 2017 /  #97
At the same time when
Opole townsfolk is outraged by mayor's destruction of their song festival

I shall say I am outraged by the government decision of setting the TV licence fee for 2018 on the same level as before!

This has been a major fraud against the faithful public who were naive enough to believe in what PiS said on the TV licence before.

They said on numerous occasions the TV licence would go down to 10 or 12 ZL per month as soon as they introduce new rules obliging everyone who has a TV set to pay the TV licence.

A great number of people in Poland have not been doing it so far, so those who were paying, paid the licence fee for them.

Now the new rules have been adopted by the government, but the licence fee has remained the same at 22,70 ZL per month

Down with PiS ! We no longer believe in anything they say!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #98
city fathers

Also, more importantly (to many), it was the City of Opole that always footed the bill for the event. That included paying the performers, set designers, orchestral accompaniment, technical staff as well as the TVP crew for their filming and transmission services....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #99
Kayah's friend

Kayah peformed at a carol concert for SB snitch Komorowski (code-named Litwin) who also opposed dismantling the Soviet-style military-intelligence unit WSI. But Kayah turned down similar invite the following year from Duda who was never a paid informer for the Soviet-installed PRL regime. That tells us that Kayah is either plain stupid or consciously hobnobs with secet-police snitches.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
26 May 2017 /  #100
Also, more importantly (to many), it was the City of Opole that always footed the bill for the event

Rafał Ziemkiewicz claims the opposite Polonius, that it was TVP who footed the bill and the festival run on deficit as well covered by TVP
gumishu  15 | 6227  
26 May 2017 /  #101
They said on numerous occasions the TV licence would go down to 10 or 12 ZL per month as soon as they introduce new rules obliging everyone who has a TV set to pay the TV licence.

the new rules haven't been implemented yet as far as I know and I'm not sure they will be implemented for 2018
I guess you have no choice now but to vote for PO, Nowoczesna or PSL Ziemuś - are you going to feel ok with that choice? should I remind you how many broken promises PO made?
gumishu  15 | 6227  
26 May 2017 /  #102
" Kayah, one of the country's most popular singers, had been barred from appearing at the National Festival of Polish Song in Opole next month because she ...."

that's a lie (actually multiple lies in one sentence) as far as I know - she performed on the public TV about two weeks before the whole affair happened and also numerous times before during PiS reign -
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
26 May 2017 /  #103
Ziemuś - are you going to feel ok with that choice? should I remind you how many broken promises PO made?

But that's no excuse, Gumisiuś. It is precisly what PiS was voted for by the electorate - for eliminating the practice of making false promises to the electorate just as this mischievous PO had done before!
gumishu  15 | 6227  
26 May 2017 /  #104
first of all I didn't vote for PiS because they promised to lower the TV 'abonament' - I don't even recall them making such a promise - secondly they have or are working on delivering on their main promises
jon357  72 | 23361  
26 May 2017 /  #105
That included paying the performers, set designers, orchestral accompaniment, technical staff as well as the TVP crew for their filming and transmission services..

Meaning that the line-up the Mayor's decision. If TVPiS attempt to politicise it (they really can't help themselves sometimes) and this causes yet another PiS scandal, then the Mayor is entitled (andindeed obliged) to respond decently and apolitically.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #106
claims the opposite

I was being ironic. PiSlamic claimed that, contrary to general kowledge, the City of Opole organised the festival, not TVP. As usual he has lived up to his LL title.
26 May 2017 /  #107
Kayah turned down similar invite the following year from Duda who was never a paid informer for the Soviet-installed PRL regime.

The IPN hasn't told us anything about that cat Duda being a paid informer, but we know he is a criminal anyway: he refused to carry out a direct instruction of the constitutional court and he defrauded the Polish taxpayer by claiming flights to his weekend job as travel for his job as an MP. Did TVPiS give as little time to covering those crimes as they will be giving to cover this year's Opole music festival?\

PiSlamic claimed that, contrary to general kowledge, the City of Opole organised the festival, not TVP.

Would 'Polish' Polly like to quote me saying that? Or is he just behaving like the 'journalists' on Radio Maybach yet again?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #108
Mayor's decision

I see you are too dense to perceive the irony of that statemrent. It was meant to parody that kind of nonsense PiSlamic churns out: For instance, "It was the City of Opole that created the programme of htre Song Festrival according ot their own taste and preference, invited the performers the City Father liked, designed the sets and always footed the bill for the event. That included paying the performers, set designers, orchestral accompaniment, technical staff as well as the TVP crew for their filming and transmission services. TVP had nothing else to do with it." In actuality, allowign a numbskill like Wiśniewski to create the festival programme would have spelt immediate disaster.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #109

Interestingly, your guru (although not all that brainy) is a bit brighter than you are because he immediately caught the drift. He realised he had gone out on a limb by claiming the festival was organised exclusively by the City of Opole. Unable to find a convincing explanaiton for his latest bout with foot-in-mouth disease, he suddenlyl fell silent.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #110
quote me saying that

It was meant to illustrate "the kind of nonsense" one can expect from a certain PF poster who claims Poland is not a Catholic country because a majority do not attend mass every single Sunday. Nevertheless , general opinion is that Poland is indeed a Catholic country. Therefore the tirade baotu the Opole festival merely attempted to re-create the general ambience and timbre of his obsessive claims and his propensity to indulge his numerous pet phobias. To the amusement and/or disgust of fellow-posters.
26 May 2017 /  #111
allowign a numbskill like Wiśniewski to create the festival programme would have spelt immediate disaster.

Really? How many festivals has he organised which have seen most of the performers withdraw from? Is it more or fewer than TVPiS have?

Unable to find a convincing explanaiton for his latest bout with foot-in-mouth disease, he suddenlyl fell silent.

Are you having trouble reading, 'Polish' Polly? In my post above I ask you to quote me saying "the City of Opole organised the festival, not TVP". You have not done that. Instead you are just repeating your pointless lies again, I wonder when you'll start telling us about the Mayor of Opole's plans to forcibly microchip babies.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #112
City of Opole organised the festival, not TVP

Well, if you agree that it is TVP that organises the festival, not the City of Opole, then why is the City of Opole butting in and interfering. First Mayor Wiśniewksi delayed signing the contarct. He hummed, hawed, balked and rather than signing the expected four-year contract grudgingly signed it for only one year. Then he balked at the inclusion of Poland's Cabaret King Jan Pietrzak. And finally he unilaterally broke the contract. Whether he was following direct orders from Schetyna to sabotage the city's hallmark event as a way of taking yet another swipe at the democratically elected government or did it on his own was not immeidately clear. (Probably he is too small a fry for that.) The showbiz community have shot themselves in the foot, because a performer has to perform to earn his/her keep and remain in the public limelight. The widely respected TV discussion host Jan Pośpieszalski, a former rock-n-roller, has expressed surprise that the usually independent showbiz circles allowed themselves to be used by the PO establishment ot their own deriment.
26 May 2017 /  #113
if you agree that it is TVP that organises the festivsal, not the City of Opole

It has always been organised as a result of the two parties working together. But the PiSlamic State doesn't really do 'working together' does it.

why is the City of Opole butting in and interfering.

The city got involved because they didn't want the festival which they own the rights to to become a festival of Kitsch. If First Secretary Kaczynski wants a Festival of PiSlamic State Music, he can have it in Torun, not turn the Opole festival into that.

And finally he unilaterally broke the contract.

Really, 'Polish', at least make an effort to tell the truth. TVPiS broke the contract by being unable to provide the promised artists. Then the city terminated the already broken contract.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
26 May 2017 /  #114
TVPiS broke the contract by being unable to provide the promised artists.

Opole Mayor has not say in who is going to play during the festival, he never had

secondly it's not the city of Opole who is the owner of the brand Krajowy Festiwal Piosenki w Opolu as far as I know but TVP - there are already lawsuits filed against Kayah and the city of Opole by TVP
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #115
unable to provide the promised artists

No, Rodowicz, for whom this was to be her anniversary gala, cleared up any misunderstadning and said so on TV for all Poland to see. It was after that announbcement that all those she invited would perform that Wiśniewski unilaterally broke the contract. Let's not distort the chronology of events, although we all know your ilk prefer fake news and slanted narratives to the facts.
jon357  72 | 23361  
26 May 2017 /  #116
The city got involved because they didn't want the festival which they own the rights to to become a festival of Kitsch. If First Secretary Kaczynski wants a Festival of PiSlamic State Music, he can have it in Torun.

This is key to all of it, and of course yes, PiS attempted to politicise it, ending in the usual disaster.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #117
city got involved

And Wiśniewski will certainly get voted out of office for the damage he has dne to the city's prestige and revenues. And don't say it was Kurski's fault becuase they don't vote for Kurski in Opole, oly for local authorities. The town council will probably be dominated by decent PiS councillors.

The event has been transferred to Kielce where there is also a nice amphitheatre plus plenty of hotel and catering facilities for visitors.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
26 May 2017 /  #118
PiS attempted to politicise it, ending in the usual disaster.

One of the things that gets me is the utter lack of personal dignity of PiS officials, they can NEVER admit when they're wrong or accept simple responsibility, it's all about blaming others for ever and ever and ever.... Pathetic they are....
Ironside  50 | 12916  
26 May 2017 /  #119
hat should be "non-state controlled news"

According to non -state controlled news, here what they say - Many known artist are fighing PiS. They don;t care about democratic election. They care about one thing only - money.

They want a system without competition, in which they're in a privileged position getting generous grants from a state.


printed in Poland, New York, New Jersey,Pennsylvania,Connecticut,Massachusetts,
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 May 2017 /  #120
it's all about blaming other

That's what PO is all about, blaming PiS for everything that is wrong. Even for what is right except they put a negative spin on it to make it sound wrong. For better or worse, at least PiS have got a programme and are doing something to implement it. The PO's sole programme is nitpicking and PiS-bashing.

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