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Opole townsfolk outraged by mayor's destruction of their song festival

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2017 /  #1
Opole residents interivewed on Wednwedasy expressed outrage and disgust at Mayor Wiśniewski's destruction of the Opole Song Festival. Their city's best-known claim to fame was dashed when he decided to unilaterally break the contract. Not only did he destroy a half-century-long tradition of which Opolians were proud and looked forward to each year but also deprived the city of the revenues the festival always provided, Resuarateurs, taxi drivers, shopkeepers and hotel operators are all quite turned off by the stupidity of the mayor who is now quite unlikely to get re-elected. Culture Minister Piotr Gliński said the total oppositon have opened yet another war front of their reckless adventurism, politicising the song festival was neither Platerformerish nor PiS, only Polish.
Kuzyn  - | 22  
24 May 2017 /  #2
Stop this propaganda please xD
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 May 2017 /  #3
Mayor Wiśniewski's destruction of the Opole Song Festival

Typical PiS behavior. It's always somebody else's fault and never theirs, emotional two-year-olds forever.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
25 May 2017 /  #4
Oh really? If you're so well informed share with us a common folk.

I don't really know what had happned there but if a mayor in qestion belongs to PO or some such it is almost certian that he done it, out of spite. That how the ball is played. You seemingly are out the loop again, taking sides again. I suppect you have all your info about politicks in Poland from somone you trust but who is politically biased
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 May 2017 /  #5
I don't really know what had happned

Artists rebelled against a TVP blacklist imposed by PiS and started withdrawing en masse, and the mayor noted that the TVP could not actually fulfill its end of the contract and proposed that the city take over the organization of the festival.

Really, if you kept up with the new non-state controlled news, you'd know that.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
25 May 2017 /  #6
the new non-state controlled news,

There are non state controlled news all right. What are the new - non-state controlled news?

Artists rebelled against a TVP blacklist imposed by PiS and started withdrawing en masse

From what I heard majority of those who rebelled wasn't even invited in the first place.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 May 2017 /  #7
What are the new - non-state controlled news?

Sloppy editing on my part, a thousand pardons. That should be "non-state controlled news"

From what I heard

There were probably a few "Me too!"s in there, but the big names had been invited.
jon357  72 | 22979  
25 May 2017 /  #8
This is already being discussed in another thread. The one about Poland's political scene.

Mischievous, and a typically offensive title by Po,

Needs merging.
25 May 2017 /  #9
Opole residents interivewed on Wednwedasy

Notice how we are not given any link to check those claims. How surprising it would be to see these stories were reported by Radio Maybach or TVPiS or some other 'source' which is nothing more than a loyal mouthpiece of the Party and First Secretary Kaczynski.

Their city's best-known claim to fame was dashed when he decided to unilaterally break the contract.

Given the flat out lie in this sentence, it's probably true to assume the first sentence was untrue too. The mayor terminated the agreement after TVPiS broken the agreement by being unable to provide the agreed line-up.

Resuarateurs, taxi drivers, shopkeepers and hotel operators are all quite turned off by the stupidity of the mayor who is now quite unlikely to get re-elected.

The mayor won more than 67% of the vote at the last election and has won widespread support by standing up the the PiSlamic State. Businesspeople in the town are smart enough to know that TVN would just love to take over the festival (and would do a much better job of running it, as the staff at that firm get their jobs based on ability and not on personal loyalty to First Secretary of the Party Kaczynski). However, Po bringing up elections leads us on to an important point: PIS got pised on at the last election by PO in Opole. 32% of the residents of the city voted PO and 22.7% PIS. It's unlikely that that went unnoticed by the PiSlamic State and now they are trying to take their revenge on the city. Isn't it lucky we still (for now) have free media in Poland and that another TV station is happy to undo the damage done by First Secretary of the Party Kaczynski?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #10
somebody else's fault

Who broke the contract?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #11
In the Nazi-Soviet narration of late 1939, it was Poland that started WW2 by provoking the Third Reich with: Gliwicew, beatings of Volksdeutsche, refusal to allow an extraterritorial motorway and rail-line across the Polish corridor and probabyl a few more. Similarly in this case, former PO councillor WIśniewski used the protest of a few pro-PO showbiz types as a convenient pretext to jump into the fray.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #12
The mayor won more than 67% of the vote

And that is the last time. The townsfolk are up in arms that their mayor has destroyed a 54-year-old tradition that really put the city on the map. No TVN or other ersatz can re-create the magic and overall ambience of the Opole Song Festival under TVP aegis. And voters will remember who not to vote for in the next council election.
25 May 2017 /  #13
Who broke the contract?

TVPiS agreed to provide a list of artists. TVPiS made it impossible for them to provide those artists. TVPiS broke the contact so the mayor terminated it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #14
another TV station is happy

Many a town is bidding to become an alternative Polish Song Festival venue. There's been talk of Kielce and Kazimierz but others are waiting in the wings.

That is understandable considering the presige and revenues the festival provides, all destroyed by that pitiful excuse for a mayor, PO-brown-nosing, ego-tripping Wiśniewski. But our "beloved" (?!) PiSlamic is alfready ready to canonise him (ROFL)!
25 May 2017 /  #15
all destroyed by that pitiful excuse for a mayor,

From what I have read, it wasn't quite like that, and as usual no link was provided by you so that others could read the whole story. Here are a couple of links:-



Apologies, I read the Financial Times link, but after posting it, it now says subscription necessary to read it.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 May 2017 /  #16
Who broke the contract?

Kurski and his PRL style blacklist of unapproved artists!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #17
it wasn't quite like that

Indeed it wasn't. Rodowicz decided to throw in the towel following a massive attack on her by soem of showbiz's toxic oppositon types for saying the problems had been cleared up and all her invited performers would perform. But that would have deprived the PiS-bashers of yet another opportunity to stage a rumpus so they started leaning on Rodowicz who already was not in the best of form. Her mother had just died and she was going through a divorce, so the added stress and pressure were more than she could take. So yes, utlimately she withdrew but it's best to know all the circumstances surrounding her deicsion. The things PiSlamic and his cohorts prefer to sweep under the carpet.

TVPiS broke the contact so the mayor terminated it

A carbon-copy of Hitler's accusation that Poland started WW2. BTW have you already initiated canonisation proceedings for Wiśniewski or are you still waiting for lower-case to second the motion? ROFL!
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 May 2017 /  #18
Rodowicz decided to throw in the towel following a massive attack on her

Are those her words? I don't remember her to ever be one to mince words, I would expect it to be easy to find a quote....
25 May 2017 /  #19
Many a town is bidding to become an alternative Polish Song Festival venue. There's been talk of Kielce and Kazimierz

There may be talk but only among those too stupid to realise that the right to the Krajowy Festiwal Piosenki Polskiej are owned by the city of Opole. So all TVPiS can put on will be the 1st festival of the songs of the PiSlamic State. The 54th Festival of Polish song will be held in Opole and either televised by TVN or TVP.

it wasn't quite like that, and as usual no link was provided by you so that others could read the whole story.

He didn't provide a link for the simple reason that he doesn't want people to be able to read the whole story. Unfortunately for him, while the audience of Radio Maybach and TVPiS unquestioningly believe what those mouthpieces of the PiSlamic State say, here at PF we know better to believe even a single word of what PF's mouthpiece of the PiSlamic State says.
25 May 2017 /  #20
Rodowicz decided to throw in the towel

As I understand it the problem initially had been that singer Kayah had been blacklisted from the event, and that other artists then followed suit.

Why don't you provide a link to the things you are saying because otherwise they are meaningless?

it's best to know all the circumstances surrounding her deicsion.

Well yes it would be, so please provide a link otherwise all we have is just your word for it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #21
Are those her words?

I don't think she knows the towel idiom. I hope you do! Anyway, Kayah leant on Rodowicz to withdraw from the festival and threatened her she'd be all washed up (in Polish: spalona) in Polish showbiz if she refused. In effect, she was being told her long career would be a shambles unless she did what the PiS-bashers of show biz wanted. And remember all this beign heaped upon a 70-year-old who had just lost her mother and was going through a divorce. Who has friends like Kayah needs no enemies!
25 May 2017 /  #22
Kayah leant on Rodowicz to withdraw from the festival and threatened her

Please provide a source for this, is it too much to ask?
It's a pity my Financial Times link can't be read, because that gave quite a different story as to the sequence of events..........
25 May 2017 /  #23
As I understand it the problem initially had been that singer Kayah had been blacklisted from the event, and that other artists then followed suit.

And Dr Misio were also blacklisted due to one of their songs being "untransmittable" because of the music videos of one of their songs (that video was of course not going to be played).

Please provide a source for this, is it too much to ask?

He won't, because he can't, because that didn't happen. Even Radio Maybach wouldn't be stupid enough to run that story, they'd be opening themselves up to being sued for libel.
Atch  21 | 4149  
25 May 2017 /  #24
In effect, she was being told her long career would be a shambles

Pure nonsense. An established performer with her long history will always have followers and fans. She doesn't need publicity from TV stations or anybody to keep her career going. On her own fan page the lady herself states that she withdrew as a result of the political scandal surrounding the event and family reasons.
jon357  72 | 22979  
25 May 2017 /  #25

Polish showbiz

She's so established (and has doubtless banked a fortune over the decades) that she isn't susceptible to any sort of influence. She is someone very capable of making up her own mind.
25 May 2017 /  #26
Pure nonsense.

Just yet another lie, and one so pathetic that not even Radio Maybach would tell it!

She is someone very capable of making up her own mind.

Yes, but you can see how an ardent supporter of the PiSlamic State would have trouble with the idea that women even have minds, let alone that women can make up their own minds!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
25 May 2017 /  #27
I read the Financial Times link, but after posting it, it now says subscription necessary to read it

Do you subscribe to the FT, Chemikiem? The other PF member of whom I know that does too is Johnny Reb. Surprisingly enough, the two of you may have a lot in common, so to speak ...

[Rodowicz] has doubtless banked a fortune over the decades

She did, but she spends a horrible lot and once admitted in an interview she had only a few pennies left.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #28
Financial Times

The FT is part of the liberal/leftstream media clique to which also belong GW, TVN, NYT, FAZ, CNN and a few others. They can always be counted on to regurgitate the "toxic oppostion" line and never give the opposing side equal time or space.

If I can re-find the source I will post it. It whizzed past me and I don't recall which website it was on.
25 May 2017 /  #29
The FT is part of the liberal/leftstream media clique

Hahahaha! That's the most amusing thing I've read on PF this year! That well known bastion of Marxism the Financial Times! You're really on a roll today Po. First you claim that the Mayor of Opole broke the contract when in reality it was TVPiS who broke it. Then you tell us that a mayor who one more than two thirds of the vote is unlikely to be re-elected. Then you claim the festival the rights to which are owned by the city of Opole will be put on in another city. Next you slander a well respected singer. And now you're claiming that the FT is left-wing! Are you practising for a position writing for Pravda?
jon357  72 | 22979  
25 May 2017 /  #30
She did, but she spends a horrible lot and once admitted in an interview she had only a few pennies left.

Good for her! A great singer, popular entertainer. She's always come across as one of the good guys. I think she does quite a bit for charity?

The FT is part of the liberal/leftstream media

That comment is so inane that mere words barely exist with which to express its stupidity and inaccuracy.

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