The Warsaw Uprising (Powstanie warszawskie) was, from the Polish perspective, one of the key events of WWII and one of the defining events of the modern Polish nation (wiki link below).*
This year's observance is being marred by an ugly dispute between veterans of the uprising and the military. The head of the military wants to distract attention away from the fallen and the survivors of the uprising and make the obswervance about his Smolensk torture porn fetish.
The veterans themselves have disinvited the military and now the military is calling them in to discuss/force/brutalize them into giving in.
Even M Kaczyńska is siding with the veterans against the head of the military and his bizarre death cult obsessions (or is it a distraction away form his own guilt?)
Mods: Do not move this to some other Sm----nsk thread, this is a separate topic that deserves its own thread. moving it to another thread would be a blatant act of disrespect against those who should be honored.
This year's observance is being marred by an ugly dispute between veterans of the uprising and the military. The head of the military wants to distract attention away from the fallen and the survivors of the uprising and make the obswervance about his Smolensk torture porn fetish.
The veterans themselves have disinvited the military and now the military is calling them in to discuss/force/brutalize them into giving in.
Even M Kaczyńska is siding with the veterans against the head of the military and his bizarre death cult obsessions (or is it a distraction away form his own guilt?)
Mods: Do not move this to some other Sm----nsk thread, this is a separate topic that deserves its own thread. moving it to another thread would be a blatant act of disrespect against those who should be honored.