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Observance of Warsaw Uprising

mafketis  38 | 11278  
19 Jul 2016 /  #1
The Warsaw Uprising (Powstanie warszawskie) was, from the Polish perspective, one of the key events of WWII and one of the defining events of the modern Polish nation (wiki link below).*

This year's observance is being marred by an ugly dispute between veterans of the uprising and the military. The head of the military wants to distract attention away from the fallen and the survivors of the uprising and make the obswervance about his Smolensk torture porn fetish.

The veterans themselves have disinvited the military and now the military is calling them in to discuss/force/brutalize them into giving in.

Even M Kaczyńska is siding with the veterans against the head of the military and his bizarre death cult obsessions (or is it a distraction away form his own guilt?)


Mods: Do not move this to some other Sm----nsk thread, this is a separate topic that deserves its own thread. moving it to another thread would be a blatant act of disrespect against those who should be honored.
jon357  72 | 23670  
19 Jul 2016 /  #2
This year's observance is being marred by an ugly dispute between veterans of the uprising and the military

It absolutely mirrors the PiS fiasco in Poznań. And once again, it's absolutely disrespectful to the people the event is commemorating.

Macierewicz is one of the most bizarre politicians to hold currently elected office in Europe and puts JK's judgement in appointing him Defence Minister very much into question.. At least there's no nuclear button to have his finger on.

Even M Kaczyńska is siding with the veterans against the head of the military and his bizarre death cult obsessions

She at least is self-aware enough to realise that all this not only makes a distasteful joke of the regime but also deters voters.

Nevertheless, we will have another couple of years of them tryiny to turn every single public event in Poland, however unrelated, into a opportunity for him to push his Apel Smolenski.
smurf  38 | 1940  
19 Jul 2016 /  #3
The head of the military wants to distract attention away from the fallen and the survivors of the uprising and make the obswervance about his Smolensk torture porn fetish.

That's really terrible.
Horribly disrespectful to the people who died trying to free Warsaw.

The veterans themselves have disinvited the military

Good on them, hope they stick to their guns. Macierewicz is a buffoon of the highest order.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
19 Jul 2016 /  #4
This year's observance is being marred by an ugly dispute between veterans of the uprising and the military.

That is a bald faced lie by your favored progressive paper. That made up the story, made up that lie. They'll keep on it for weeks on end just to provide fools like you with have plenty of fuel for their irrational hate. As they say haters gonna hate - you are pathetic, sad people.

his Smolensk torture porn fetish.

Look who is talking about respect? You disrespected all those people who died in that crash. You are a vile and disrespectful person and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Macierewicz is a buffoon of the highest order.

He is not, you should have take good look at yourself if you are looking for a buffoon.
jon357  72 | 23670  
19 Jul 2016 /  #5
That is a bald faced lie by your favored progressive paper

And every other paper and the Veterans' Association itself...,
Ironside  51 | 13113  
19 Jul 2016 /  #6
No, it was said by someone who is on board of the Veteran Association but is not a veteran himself and do not repentant a point of view of that organization. If you were a member of Society of Engineers and would have signed some petition stating that you are a member of that organization, it doesn't mean that your speak for this organization nor that they support the same cause you do.
jon357  72 | 23670  
19 Jul 2016 /  #7
Backtracking again, I-S?

someone who is on board of the Veteran Association

Are you calling him a liar?

would have signed some petition stating that you are a member of that organization, it doesn't mean that your speak for this organization

A board member? Yes, very much so.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
19 Jul 2016 /  #8
Are you calling him a liar?

Sure I'm. Those veterans are in their late 80' or 90', they might not even been aware what that dude is about to do. Nor what is it all about. I know he is not a veteran himself so should keep his gob tight shut.

A board member? Yes, very much so.

Not necessarily and you know it.

Backtracking again,

No, exposing manipulators and liars.
jon357  72 | 23670  
19 Jul 2016 /  #9
Sure I'm. Those veterans are in their late 80' or 90', they might not even been aware what that dude is about to do

That's pretty well the crappest excuse yet here. BTW I know one of those guys, also on the same committee very well indeed. He's over 90, still works, and has a sharper mind than most people half his age.

Not necessarily and you know it.

Actually yes. He spoke as a board member of the Veterans' Associationas is his right and privilege.

Just admit it, Macierewicz dropped yet another bollock.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Jul 2016 /  #10
Macierewicz has been a good defence minister, despite all the nonsense that he's going to start war with Russia and so on. But this thing is totally unnecessary.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
21 Jul 2016 /  #11
You disrespected all those people who died in that crash. You are a vile and disrespectful person and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Plus he should be banned on the PF for at least a week for using such a disrespectful term. Quelle honte, mafketis!
OP mafketis  38 | 11278  
21 Jul 2016 /  #12
Plus he should be banned on the PF for using such a disrespectful term for at least a week.

Well aren't you the little kapuś?

And to make things very clear. I have no respect whatsoever for Macierewicz. He's dangerously unhinged and I'm thoroughly tired of his deathgasm fixation (yeah.... I went there). The more he rants about a crime the more I think he himself has something to hide.

And yeah, I'm sorry the plan crashed but ....

There was no excuse for allowing the heads of the armed services on the same plane. None. Anyone who allowed or encouraged that was/is dangerously incompetent. That's the real scandal. That and the fact that LK was playing the Katyn memorial for cheap - wanting to fly in and fly out ASAP rather than say go by train or fly into a safer airport and be driven there. No it was all about wanting to one up trump and he didn't care who he endangered to do that and he and the country paid a high price for his hubris and blatant disregard for the security of the country.

I'm done holding my tongue if AM wants dredge up the past let's dredge it up - but it doesn't make anyone in the presidential palace look good.

Go run to your handler now to report me!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
21 Jul 2016 /  #13
Wow! You are a little burak, mafketis. Rather than call me 'kapuś', please apologize for using the term 'Smolensk torture porn fetish' in relation to the 96 victims of the Smoleńsk crash, will you?
OP mafketis  38 | 11278  
21 Jul 2016 /  #14
apologize for using the term 'Smolensk torture porn fetish' in relation to the 96 victims of the Smoleńsk crash, will you?

No. The term was used in relation to Macierewicz's sick and perverted obsession and not the victims themselves. If you can't read well enough to understand that then that is not my problem.
jon357  72 | 23670  
21 Jul 2016 /  #15
Macierewicz's sick and perverted obsession

It's not unreasonable. Basically he's pushing some sort of cult of national martyrdom and very consciously turning an accident into part of that.
spiritus  69 | 643  
25 Mar 2017 /  #16

Warsaw-2017. Observing "Godzina "W"

My elderly mother is extremely sentimental when it comes to Polish history and I have been thinking that she might really love being in Warsaw on the 1st August to witness the traffic stand still, the sirens go off, flares lit and see people show their respect to the fallen from the Uprising.

One of the places that I see do this quite often in Warsaw appears to be next to the Palace of Culture and I was wondering if anyone can confirm this and also whether the Polonia Palace would therefore be a good base for us.
Warszawiak88  - | 2  
5 Aug 2017 /  #17

Warsaw is a dynamic city thanks to rich history

When you visit Poland, Warsaw is a must (obviously:-)
Try comming in summer, during Warsaw Uprising Anniversary. The weather is great and you feel the special atmosphere.
There's a lot of videos on you tube about it - like this one.


If you get bored, move to 2:20 and check out the song. Touching stuff...

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