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"Newsweek" inspiring assassination of Kaczyński?

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
18 Jun 2017 /  #1
The ABW have taken an itnerest in social-emdia posters calling for the assassination of PiS boss Kaczyński. They were inspired by "Newsweek" which described the layout of PiS' Nowogrodzka HQ: when Kaczyński arrives, how many security guards and staff are present, where the monitoring cameras are located and what obstacles to expect when trying to get to Kaczyński's office. It is understandable thazt Lis is still reeling from the loss of his TVP hate show which was replaced by Jan Pośpieszalski's decent and objective pubili-affairs show "Warto rozmawiać". But providing such undisguised inspiration for some crazed fanatic just waiting to make headlines?!

The PO already have the first poltical murder since PRL on their conscience -- a PO fanatic who shot a staff member of PiS' Łódź office a few years ago. Number 2 was Jolanta Brzeska whose charred remains were found in a suburban Warsaw forest. She was an activist supproting Warsaw tenants evicted by the City Hall reprivatisation mafia. Apparently Lis is shooting for the No. 3 spot!

18 Jun 2017 /  #2
The ABW have taken an itnerest in social-emdia posters calling for the assassination of PiS boss Kaczyński.

Yes, because assassination plots are usually planned on Facebook, aren't they.

It is understandable thazt Lis is still reeling from the loss of his TVP hate show which was replaced by Jan Pośpieszalski's decent and objective pubili-affairs show "Warto rozmawiać".

No matter how many times you make that claim, it will still be exactly as true as your hilarious claims about the Polish police having invisible attack dogs. Poles know that TVP is just TVPiS and that its news output is as truthful as the rubbish it broadcast during the commie era. Such a pity that the First Secretary of the Party doesn't have any need for the talents of a man who made a career out of repeating the commies' lies in Western media.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
18 Jun 2017 /  #3
assassination plots

Most likely it would not be a formal plot but the hate industry activating some fanatical sicko. That's what happened in Łódź when a PO supporters shot dead a PiS staffer.

Pray tell us whether you support Newsweek's detailed instructions for potential assassins. Was it a wise move? What if Gazeta Polska had done the same re Tusk's movment's and building plan?

We all know PiSlamci would love to provide a few hypothetical scenarios of the assassination and luxuriate imagining the pain and suffering his bugbear might endure. Except he's afraid the ABW would take an interest in him and raid his 27 m² Jana Pawła "residence".
18 Jun 2017 /  #4
Of course people are interested in what happens on Nowogrodzka, this is the first time that the Polish state has been run from there (obviously with puppets in the parliament and the residences of the supposed leaders of Poland).

Except he's afraid the ABW would take an interest in him

It's not me who so fears what law enforcement might turn up in his past that he takes great care not to have his background checked, is it 'Polish' Po.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
18 Jun 2017 /  #5
people are interested in what happens on Nowogrodzka

Those who are interested in what happens on Nowogrodzka just watch the "Ucho prezesa" series and they know.

Marsupial  - | 871  
18 Jun 2017 /  #6
I hope it doesnt happen as the Productivity in Poland will go down when the date is declared a public celebration holiday.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
18 Jun 2017 /  #7
background checked

All correpsondents in Poland had their background checked and there was no way they cold prevent it. No-one asked for their consent, they just did it. It's probably still on file somewhere. Check with IPN if you want to access it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
18 Jun 2017 /  #8
assassination plot

Already in early December 2015 KOD had posted a death threat against Kaczyński and that caused a major rumpus in the Sejm. Thr words "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" were posted on KOD's Facebook page. The incident was reported to the police and prosecutor. The threat was deleted after 9 minutes but managed to achieve 13 likes in that time. So far the only fatality in PO's decade-old hate campaign against PiS occurred several years ago when a PO supporter shot a PiS staff worker dead in Łódź.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
18 Jun 2017 /  #9
you support Newsweek's detailed instructions for potential assassins

As usual you went off on a tangent, so let me repeat very slowly and clearly and, if need be, repeat it even more slowly and clearly: Do you support Newsweek's detailed instructions for potential assassins? Would your answer be the same if it pertained to TusK or his puppeteer Soros??
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Jun 2017 /  #10
Poles know that TVP is just TVPiS and that its news output is as truthful as the rubbish it broadcast during the commie era.

TVPOO 2 years ago and yes, Poles new it was fake news.

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